Courses for Exchange Students Faculty of Economics and Business (Brussels)
Students with a degree obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community
You can't register for this programme, it doesn't lead to a degree or certificate.
Students with a degree not obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community
You can't register for this programme, it doesn't lead to a degree or certificate.
Students with a degree obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community
You can't register for this programme, it doesn't lead to a degree or certificate.
Students with a degree not obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community
You can't register for this programme, it doesn't lead to a degree or certificate.
Exchange students from partner institutions best select the appropriate campus based on the degree programme they follow at the home university. When in doubt, contact your coordinator at home. Students can follow a maximum of 6 credits at a different campus of their main campus enrollment.
Make sure you meet the general prerequisites, plus any additional requirements listed in the course description. Master/Graduate courses in which a major is mentioned as a requirement, the recommendation is that one should have taken several courses in that field.
Proficiency in English is required for all courses. Be aware that your level of English must be advanced (level B2 for bachelor courses and C1 for master courses). You must be able to understand, speak, read and write both general and academic English fluently.
Bachelor students with a minimum of 120 credits obtained can register for some master courses on condition they meet the course prerequisites. For bachelor students with a minimum of 180 credits obtained all the master courses available for exchange students will be open for selection if they meet the course prerequisites.
Students with a good command of Dutch can also choose any Dutch-taught FEB course.
The following courses are available for exchange students at the Brussels campus of the faculty of Economics and Business. Maximum two courses and only after approval of the FEB exchange coordinator can be followed from the faculty of Arts: Course offer faculty of Arts Campus Brussels
This course list is subject to changes without prior notice.
Please make sure you select the correct campus and check in which semester the course is taught:
First term = Autumn
Second term = Spring
Both terms = course is taught during both semesters, so can only be selected by students who stay for a whole academic year-
Bachelor and Bridging Courses
The courses with extension (B) are courses from the bridging programme.
Bachelor students with a minimum of 120 credits obtained can register for some master courses on condition they meet the course prerequisites. For bachelor students with a minimum of 180 credits obtained all the master courses available for exchange students will be open for selection if they meet the course prerequisites.
The course Strategic Management (HBA10C) cannot be combined with the course Strategy and Entrepreneurship (HSA13A).
The course Economics of the Single Market (HBA49C) cannot be combined with the course Recent Advances in European Business (HME23A).
The course Macro- and International Economics (HSA08A) cannot be combined with the course Macro-economics and Economic Policy (HBA16C).3 ECTS Behaviour, Society and Economy (B) HSA12A staff staff
- S.Adriaenssens (coordinator)
- Y.Segers
- A.Van den Broeck
Behaviour, Society and Economy (B) (3 ECTS) HSA12a staff 6 ECTS Business Information Systems HBN63B staff staff
- S.Poelmans (coordinator)
- E.Serral Asensio
- T.Haegemans (substitute)
Business Information Systems (6 ECTS) HBN62b staff staff
- S.Poelmans
- E.Serral Asensio
- T.Haegemans (substitute)
6 ECTS Corporate Finance HBA18C staff- A.Praet (coordinator)
- D.van Hemert (cooperator)
- A.Praet (coordinator)
- D.van Hemert (cooperator)
Corporate Finance (6 ECTS) HBA18c staff- A.Praet
- D.van Hemert (cooperator)
- A.Praet
- D.van Hemert (cooperator)
3 ECTS Dutch 1 HBA11A staff- M.Hulselmans (coordinator)
- M.Hulselmans (coordinator)
Dutch 1 (3 ECTS) HBA11a staff staff
3 ECTS Dutch 1 (advanced) HBA45C staff- I.Verhoeven (coordinator)
- I.Verhoeven (coordinator)
Dutch 1 (advanced) (3 ECTS) HBA45c staff staff
3 ECTS Dutch 3 HBA13A staff- I.Verhoeven (coordinator)
- I.Verhoeven (coordinator)
Dutch 3 (3 ECTS) HBA13a staff staff
3 ECTS Dutch 3 (advanced) HBA47C staff- I.Verhoeven (coordinator)
- I.Verhoeven (coordinator)
Dutch 3 (advanced) (3 ECTS) HBA47c staff staff
3 ECTS Econometrics HBE15E staff staff
- J.Hendrickx (coordinator)
- N.
- J.Hendrickx (substitute)
Econometrics (3 ECTS) HBE15e staff- N.
- J.Hendrickx (substitute)
- N.
- J.Hendrickx (substitute)
3 ECTS Economics of Monetary Integration HBA50C staff- M.Maes (coordinator)
- M.Maes (coordinator)
Economics of Monetary Integration (3 ECTS) HBA50c staff staff
6 ECTS Energy System Analysis HBM21C staff- D.De Keukeleere (coordinator)
- D.De Keukeleere (coordinator)
Energy System Analysis (6 ECTS) HBM21c staff staff
3 ECTS Entrepreneurship and Business Planning HBA20C staff- G.Van Den Eede (coordinator)
- G.Van Den Eede (coordinator)
Entrepreneurship and Business Planning (3 ECTS) HBA20c staff staff
3 ECTS Environmental Economics (MPM) HBM20C staff- S.Rousseau (coordinator)
- C.Mañó-Cabello (substitute)
- S.Rousseau (coordinator)
- C.Mañó-Cabello (substitute)
Environmental Economics (MPM) (3 ECTS) HBM20c staff- S.Rousseau
- C.Mañó-Cabello (substitute)
- S.Rousseau
- C.Mañó-Cabello (substitute)
3 ECTS European Institutions HBA02H staff- A.Pauwels (coordinator)
- A.Pauwels (coordinator)
European Institutions (3 ECTS) HBA02h staff staff
3 ECTS Financial Accounting A HBA39C staff staff
- S.Vergauwe (coordinator)
- H.De Groote
- V.Ghijselinck
- S.Vergauwe
Financial Accounting A (3 ECTS) HBA39c staff 6 ECTS Financial Institutions and Markets HBA02C staff staff
- A.Praet (coordinator)
- P.Paepen
- A.Praet
- W.Creemers (cooperator)
- D.van Hemert (cooperator)
Financial Institutions and Markets (6 ECTS) HBA02c staff staff
- P.Paepen
- A.Praet
- W.Creemers (cooperator)
- D.van Hemert (cooperator)
6 ECTS Financial Statement Analysis HBA10H staff- A.Liss (coordinator)
- A.Liss (coordinator)
Financial Statement Analysis (3 ECTS) HBA10h staff staff
Advanced Accounting and Valuation Topics (3 ECTS) HBA10b staff staff
3 ECTS French 1 HBA30C staff staff
- L.Loonbeek (coordinator)
- H.Cornelus (cooperator)
- J.Hengels (cooperator)
French 1 (3 ECTS) HBH30c staff staff
- L.Loonbeek
- H.Cornelus (cooperator)
- J.Hengels (cooperator)
3 ECTS French 1 (advanced) HBA31C staff- J.Hengels (coordinator)
- J.Hengels (coordinator)
French 1 (advanced) (3 ECTS) HBA31c staff staff
3 ECTS French 3 HBA34C staff- M.Baetens (coordinator)
- H.Cornelus (cooperator)
- M.Baetens (coordinator)
- H.Cornelus (cooperator)
French 3 (3 ECTS) HBA34c staff- M.Baetens
- H.Cornelus (cooperator)
- M.Baetens
- H.Cornelus (cooperator)
3 ECTS French 3 (advanced) HBA35C staff- J.Hengels (coordinator)
- J.Hengels (coordinator)
French 3 (advanced) (3 ECTS) HBA35c staff staff
3 ECTS German 1 HBA31A staff- J.Roelans (coordinator)
- J.Roelans (coordinator)
German 1 (3 ECTS) HBA31a staff staff
3 ECTS German 3 HBA33A staff- J.Roelans (coordinator)
- J.Roelans (coordinator)
German 3 (3 ECTS) HBA33a staff staff
6 ECTS Internal and External Financial Reporting (B) HSA14A staff staff
- V.Ghijselinck (coordinator)
- A.Dongo
- V.Ghijselinck
Internal and External Financial Reporting (B) (6 ECTS) HSA14a staff staff
3 ECTS International Business HBA01H staff- A.Sels (coordinator)
- A.Sels (coordinator)
International Business (3 ECTS) HBA01h staff staff
5 ECTS Macroeconomics HBE05E staff- M.Maes (coordinator)
- M.Maes (coordinator)
Macroeconomics (5 ECTS) HBE05e staff staff
6 ECTS Management HBA03C staff- A.Van Rossem (coordinator)
- F.Wijen
- A.Van Rossem (coordinator)
- F.Wijen
Management (6 ECTS) HBA03c staff staff
6 ECTS Marketing HBA12C staff- I.Roozen (coordinator)
- A.Fairchild (substitute)
- I.Roozen (coordinator)
- A.Fairchild (substitute)
Marketing (6 ECTS) HBA12c staff- I.Roozen
- A.Fairchild (substitute)
- I.Roozen
- A.Fairchild (substitute)
3 ECTS Mathematics for Business A HBA41C staff- A.Maes (coordinator)
- E.Boeckx (cooperator)
- L.Egholm (cooperator)
- J.Ramos González (cooperator)
- B.Vancraeynest (cooperator)
- A.Maes (coordinator)
- E.Boeckx (cooperator)
- L.Egholm (cooperator)
- J.Ramos González (cooperator)
- B.Vancraeynest (cooperator)
Mathematics for Business A (3 ECTS) HBA41c staff- A.Maes
- E.Boeckx (cooperator)
- L.Egholm (cooperator)
- J.Ramos González (cooperator)
- B.Vancraeynest (cooperator)
- A.Maes
- E.Boeckx (cooperator)
- L.Egholm (cooperator)
- J.Ramos González (cooperator)
- B.Vancraeynest (cooperator)
3 ECTS Microeconomics (B) HSA20A staff- S.Vanormelingen (coordinator)
- S.Vanormelingen (coordinator)
Microeconomics (B) (3 ECTS) HSA20a staff staff
6 ECTS Microeconomics for Business HBA07H staff staff
- N.Rogge (coordinator)
- R.Berlinschi
- A.De Ridder
- N.Rogge
Microeconomics for Business (6 ECTS) HBA07h staff 3 ECTS Operational Management HBA19C staff staff
- H.Vermuyten (coordinator)
- L.De Boeck
- H.Vermuyten (substitute)
Operational Management (3 ECTS) HBA19c staff- L.De Boeck
- H.Vermuyten (substitute)
- L.De Boeck
- H.Vermuyten (substitute)
6 ECTS Personnel and Organization HBA11C staff Personnel and Organization (6 ECTS) HBA11c staff 3 ECTS Research Methods 1 HBA05C staff- K.Goeman (coordinator)
- K.Goeman (coordinator)
Research Methods 1 (3 ECTS) HBA05c staff staff
3 ECTS Research Methods 2 HBA14C staff- P.Teirlinck (coordinator)
- A.Fairchild (substitute)
- P.Teirlinck (coordinator)
- A.Fairchild (substitute)
Research Methods 2 (3 ECTS) HBA14c staff- P.Teirlinck
- A.Fairchild (substitute)
- P.Teirlinck
- A.Fairchild (substitute)
3 ECTS Spanish 1 HBA65A staff staff
- F.Vanoverberghe (coordinator)
- E.Snauwaert
- F.Vanoverberghe (substitute)
Spanish 1 (3 ECTS) HBA65a staff- E.Snauwaert
- F.Vanoverberghe (substitute)
- E.Snauwaert
- F.Vanoverberghe (substitute)
3 ECTS Spanish 3 HBA67A staff staff
- F.Vanoverberghe (coordinator)
- E.Snauwaert
- F.Vanoverberghe (substitute)
Spanish 3 (3 ECTS) HBA67a staff- E.Snauwaert
- F.Vanoverberghe (substitute)
- E.Snauwaert
- F.Vanoverberghe (substitute)
6 ECTS Statistics for Business (B) HSA10A staff Statistics for Business (B) (6 ECTS) HSA10a staff 3 ECTS Statistics for Business 2 HBA69A staff staff
- S.Van Gulck (coordinator)
- W.Goemans
- S.Van Gulck
- L.Egholm (cooperator)
Statistics for Business 2 (3 ECTS) HBA69a staff staff
- W.Goemans
- S.Van Gulck
- L.Egholm (cooperator)
3 ECTS Strategy and Entrepreneurship (B) HSA13A staff- V.Molly (coordinator)
- V.Molly (coordinator)
Strategy and Entrepreneurship (B) (3 ECTS) HSA13a staff staff
6 ECTS Corporate Finance (B) HSA23A staff- B.D'Espallier (coordinator)
- B.D'Espallier (coordinator)
Corporate Finance (B) (6 ECTS) HSA23a staff staff
3 ECTS Dutch 2 HBA12A staff- I.Verhoeven (coordinator)
- I.Verhoeven (coordinator)
Dutch 2 (3 ECTS) HBA12a staff staff
3 ECTS Dutch 2 (advanced) HBA46C staff- I.Verhoeven (coordinator)
- I.Verhoeven (coordinator)
Dutch 2 (advanced) (3 ECTS) HBA46c staff staff
3 ECTS Economic Sociology HBA15A staff- S.Adriaenssens (coordinator)
- T.Soare (substitute)
- S.Adriaenssens (coordinator)
- T.Soare (substitute)
Economic Sociology (3 ECTS) HBA15a staff- S.Adriaenssens
- T.Soare (substitute)
- S.Adriaenssens
- T.Soare (substitute)
3 ECTS Economics and Ethics HBA28C staff- F.Depoortere (coordinator)
- F.Depoortere (coordinator)
Economics and Ethics (3 ECTS) HBA28c staff staff
6 ECTS Economics of the Single Market HBA49C staff- E.Poelmans (coordinator)
- E.Poelmans (coordinator)
Econonomics of the Single Market (6 ECTS) HBA49c staff staff
6 ECTS Engineering Risk Management HBM25C staff- G.Reniers (coordinator)
- G.Reniers (coordinator)
Engineering Risk Management (6 ECTS) HBM25c staff staff
3 ECTS Financial Accounting B HBA40C staff staff
- S.Vergauwe (coordinator)
- H.De Groote
- A.Dongo
- V.Ghijselinck
Financial Accounting B (3 ECTS) HBA40c staff 3 ECTS French 2 HBA32C staff staff
- M.Baetens (coordinator)
- H.Cornelus (cooperator)
- J.Hengels (cooperator)
French 2 (3 ECTS) HBA32c staff staff
- M.Baetens
- H.Cornelus (cooperator)
- J.Hengels (cooperator)
3 ECTS French 2 (advanced) HBA33C staff- J.Hengels (coordinator)
- H.Cornelus (cooperator)
- J.Hengels (coordinator)
- H.Cornelus (cooperator)
French 2 (advanced) (3 ECTS) HBA33c staff- J.Hengels
- H.Cornelus (cooperator)
- J.Hengels
- H.Cornelus (cooperator)
3 ECTS German 2 HBA32A staff- J.Roelans (coordinator)
- J.Roelans (coordinator)
German 2 (3 ECTS) HBA32a staff staff
6 ECTS ICT Management HBA22C staff staff
- E.Serral Asensio (coordinator)
- N.
- A.Güngör (substitute)
ICT Management (6 ECTS) HBA22c staff staff
- E.Serral Asensio
- N.
- A.Güngör (substitute)
3 ECTS International Economics HBA83B staff- K.De Bruyne (coordinator)
- F.Saerens (cooperator)
- K.De Bruyne (coordinator)
- F.Saerens (cooperator)
International Economics (3 ECTS) HBA83b staff- K.De Bruyne
- F.Saerens (cooperator)
- K.De Bruyne
- F.Saerens (cooperator)
6 ECTS Introduction to Law HBA08C staff- B.Keirsbilck
- L.Drechsler (substitute)
- B.Keirsbilck
- L.Drechsler (substitute)
Introduction to Law (6 ECTS) HBA08c staff- B.Keirsbilck
- L.Drechsler (substitute)
- B.Keirsbilck
- L.Drechsler (substitute)
3 ECTS Introduction to Methods in Operational Research HBA15C staff Introduction to Methods in Operational Research (3 ECTS) HBA15c staff- N.
- D.De Bock (substitute)
- N.
- D.De Bock (substitute)
6 ECTS Macro- and International Economics (B) HSA08A staff staff
- D.Verhaest (coordinator)
- E.Poelmans
- D.Verhaest
Macro- and International Economics (B) (6 ECTS) HSA08a staff staff
6 ECTS Macro-economics and Economic Policy HBA16C staff- T.Verbeke (coordinator)
- T.Verbeke (coordinator)
Macro-economics and Economic Policy (6 ECTS) HBA16c staff staff
3 ECTS Mathematics for Business B HBA42C staff- A.Maes (coordinator)
- E.Boeckx (cooperator)
- L.Egholm (cooperator)
- J.Ramos González (cooperator)
- B.Vancraeynest (cooperator)
- A.Maes (coordinator)
- E.Boeckx (cooperator)
- L.Egholm (cooperator)
- J.Ramos González (cooperator)
- B.Vancraeynest (cooperator)
Mathematics for Business B (3 ECTS) HBA42c staff- A.Maes
- E.Boeckx (cooperator)
- L.Egholm (cooperator)
- J.Ramos González (cooperator)
- B.Vancraeynest (cooperator)
- A.Maes
- E.Boeckx (cooperator)
- L.Egholm (cooperator)
- J.Ramos González (cooperator)
- B.Vancraeynest (cooperator)
3 ECTS Management Accounting HBA17C staff- A.Hoppe (coordinator)
- A.Hoppe (coordinator)
Management Accounting (3 ECTS) HBA17c staff staff
3 ECTS Philosophy HBA52A staff staff
- I.Verhoeven (coordinator)
- M.Corner
- I.Verhoeven
Philosophy (3 ECTS) HBA52a staff staff
3 ECTS Principles of Taxation HBA21C staff- F.Debelva (coordinator)
- F.Debelva (coordinator)
Principles of Taxation (3 ECTS) HBA21c staff staff
3 ECTS Project Management HBA23C staff- P.Teirlinck (coordinator)
- B.Vromans (substitute)
- P.Teirlinck (coordinator)
- B.Vromans (substitute)
Project Management (3 ECTS) HBA23c staff- P.Teirlinck
- B.Vromans (substitute)
- P.Teirlinck
- B.Vromans (substitute)
6 ECTS Psychology HBA08H staff- F.Germeys (coordinator)
- F.Germeys (coordinator)
Psychology (6 ECTS) HBA08h staff staff
6 ECTS Research Methods (B) HSA11A staff- G.Dierckx (coordinator)
- P.Teirlinck
- G.Dierckx (coordinator)
- P.Teirlinck
Qualitative Research Methods (2 ECTS) HSA11b staff staff
Quantitative Research Methods (4 ECTS) HSA16c staff staff
3 ECTS Spanish 2 HBA66A staff staff
- F.Vanoverberghe (coordinator)
- E.Snauwaert
- F.Vanoverberghe (substitute)
Spanish 2 (3 ECTS) HBA66a staff- E.Snauwaert
- F.Vanoverberghe (substitute)
- E.Snauwaert
- F.Vanoverberghe (substitute)
3 ECTS Statistics for Business 1 HBA68A staff- G.Dierckx (coordinator)
- N.
- J.Hendrickx (substitute)
- E.Boeckx (cooperator)
- L.Egholm (cooperator)
- J.Ramos González (cooperator)
- G.Dierckx (coordinator)
- N.
- J.Hendrickx (substitute)
- E.Boeckx (cooperator)
- L.Egholm (cooperator)
- J.Ramos González (cooperator)
Statistics for Business 1 (3 ECTS) HBA68a staff- G.Dierckx
- N.
- J.Hendrickx (substitute)
- E.Boeckx (cooperator)
- L.Egholm (cooperator)
- J.Ramos González (cooperator)
- G.Dierckx
- N.
- J.Hendrickx (substitute)
- E.Boeckx (cooperator)
- L.Egholm (cooperator)
- J.Ramos González (cooperator)
3 ECTS Strategic Management HBA10C staff- A.Van Rossem (coordinator)
- A.Van Rossem (coordinator)
Strategic Management (3 ECTS) HBA10c staff staff
6 ECTS The Origins and Development of European Integration HBA48C staff- Y.Segers (coordinator)
- Y.Segers (coordinator)
The Origins and Development of European Integration (6 ECTS) HBA48c staff staff
6 ECTS Business Plan HBA13H staff- I.Claes (coordinator)
- I.Claes (coordinator)
Business Plan (6 ECTS) HBA13h staff staff
3 ECTS Management Game HBA38C staff staff
- A.Van Nuffel (coordinator)
- H.De Groote
- A.Van Nuffel
Management Game (3 ECTS) HBA38c staff 6 ECTS Management Project 2 HBA13C staff- D.De Vos (coordinator)
- I.Claes
- H.De Groote
- V.Ghijselinck
- K.Pattyn
- A.Reheul
- A.Van Nuffel
- N.
- A.Costers (substitute)
- D.Bulckmans (substitute)
- D.De Vos (coordinator)
- I.Claes
- H.De Groote
- V.Ghijselinck
- K.Pattyn
- A.Reheul
- A.Van Nuffel
- N.
- A.Costers (substitute)
- D.Bulckmans (substitute)
Assessment Project (4 ECTS) HBA13d staff staff
- I.Claes
- K.Pattyn
- A.Reheul
- A.Van Nuffel
- A.Costers (substitute)
Business Game (2 ECTS) HBA13e staff staff
- H.De Groote
- V.Ghijselinck
- A.Van Nuffel
- N.
- D.Bulckmans (substitute)
6 ECTS Research Methods 3 HBA27C staff- M.Meulders (coordinator)
- M.Meulders (coordinator)
Statistical Modelling (4 ECTS) HBA27c staff staff
Quantitative Research Project (2 ECTS) HBA86b staff staff
6 ECTS Sustainable Management (MPM) HBM28C staff- I.Molderez (coordinator)
- I.Molderez (coordinator)
Sustainable Management (MPM) (6 ECTS) HBM28c staff staff
Master Courses, also open for bachelor students with min 120 credits
Bachelor students with a minimum of 120 credits obtained can register for some master courses on condition they meet the course prerequisites.
The course Managerial Accounting: an Multinational Perspective (HME38A) and Managerial Accounting (HMB41A) cannot be combined with the course Management Control and Cost Management (HMH05F).
The course International Finance (HMI25A) cannot be combined with the course International Corporate Finance (HME40A).6 ECTS Applications of Statistics HMI31A staff- M.Vandebroek (coordinator)
- M.Vandebroek (coordinator)
Applications of Statistics (6 ECTS) HMI31a staff staff
6 ECTS Asset Pricing and Investment Management HMI21A staff- T.Vadasz (coordinator)
- T.Vadasz (coordinator)
Asset Pricing and Investment Management (6 ECTS) HMI21c staff staff
6 ECTS Consumer Psychology HMH52F staff- B.Bas (coordinator)
- B.Bas (coordinator)
Consumer Psychology (6 ECTS) HMH52f staff staff
6 ECTS Data Management and Business Intelligence HMH25F staff- S.Poelmans (coordinator)
- Y.Wautelet
- S.Poelmans (coordinator)
- Y.Wautelet
Data Management (3 ECTS) HMH25f staff staff
Business Intelligence (3 ECTS) HMH25g staff staff
6 ECTS Data Science for Finance HMA99A staff Data Science for Finance (6 ECTS) HMA99a staff- N.
- T.Roukny (substitute)
- N.
- T.Roukny (substitute)
6 ECTS Designing Motivational Work HMH43F staff- A.Van den Broeck (coordinator)
- A.Van den Broeck (coordinator)
Designing Motivational Work (6 ECTS) HMH43f staff staff
9 ECTS Economic Principles for Business HMG13A staff staff
- S.De Jaeger (coordinator)
- N.
- J.Lambrecht (substitute)
Micro-economics (6 ECTS) HMG13a staff staff
Macro-economics (3 ECTS) HMG13b staff- N.
- J.Lambrecht (substitute)
- N.
- J.Lambrecht (substitute)
6 ECTS Economics of the Public Sector HMA75A staff staff
- M.Maes (coordinator)
- T.Van Puyenbroeck
- M.Maes (substitute)
Economics of the Public Sector (6 ECTS) HMA75a staff- T.Van Puyenbroeck
- M.Maes (substitute)
- T.Van Puyenbroeck
- M.Maes (substitute)
6 ECTS European Economic Law HMH66F staff staff
- B.Keirsbilck (coordinator)
- N.
- C.Koolen (substitute)
European Economic Law (6 ECTS) HMH66f staff staff
- B.Keirsbilck
- N.
- C.Koolen (substitute)
6 ECTS Financial Analysis and Valuation HMA89A staff staff
- W.Creemers (coordinator)
- N.
- W.Creemers (substitute)
Financial Analysis and Valuation (6 ECTS) HMA89a staff- N.
- W.Creemers (substitute)
- N.
- W.Creemers (substitute)
3 ECTS Fundamentals of Operations Research HMG06A staff- J.Belien (coordinator)
- J.Belien (coordinator)
Fundamentals of Operations Research (3 ECTS) HMG06a staff staff
6 ECTS ICT Strategy and Architecture HMH47A staff- E.Serral Asensio (coordinator)
- E.Serral Asensio (coordinator)
ICT Strategy and Architecture (6 ECTS) HMH47a staff staff
6 ECTS Innovation Management HMI12A staff- S.Kelchtermans (coordinator)
- S.Kelchtermans (coordinator)
Innovation Management (6 ECTS) HMI12a staff staff
6 ECTS Interdisciplinary Assessment Project HMI28A staff- K.Pattyn (coordinator)
- N.
- K.Pattyn (coordinator)
- N.
Interdisciplinary Assessment Project (6 ECTS) HMI28a staff- K.Pattyn
- N.
- K.Pattyn
- N.
6 ECTS International and European Relations HMH30F staff- A.Pauwels (coordinator)
- A.Pauwels (coordinator)
International and European Relations (6 ECTS) HMH30f staff staff
3 ECTS International Auditing Standards (A) HMH77F staff- D.Wuyts (coordinator)
- D.Wuyts (coordinator)
International Auditing Standards (A) (3 ECTS) HMH77f staff staff
6 ECTS International Business Strategy (MBA) HMH38F staff- A.Sels (coordinator)
- A.Sels (coordinator)
International Business Strategy (MBA) (6 ECTS) HMH38f staff staff
6 ECTS International Macroeconomics and Monetary Policy HMA91A staff- C.Moons (coordinator)
- C.Moons (coordinator)
International Macroeconomics and Monetary Policy (6 ECTS) HMA91a staff staff
6 ECTS Leadership and Decision Making HMA83A staff staff
- L.Brebels (coordinator)
- N.Bastardoz
- L.Brebels
Leadership and Decision Making (6 ECTS) HMA83a staff staff
6 ECTS Location Theory and EU Regional Policy HMH32F staff- K.De Bruyne (coordinator)
- K.De Bruyne (coordinator)
Location Theory and EU Regional Policy (6 ECTS) HMH32f staff staff
6 ECTS Marketing in a Network Economy HMH46F staff- E.Knuyt (coordinator)
- E.Knuyt (coordinator)
Marketing in a Network Economy (6 ECTS) HMH46f staff staff
6 ECTS Mental and Digital Well-Being HMA93A staff- E.Baillien (coordinator)
- E.Baillien (coordinator)
Mental and Digital Well-Being (6 ECTS) HMA93a staff staff
6 ECTS Money, Banking and Finance HMG02A staff- T.Vadasz (coordinator)
- T.Vadasz (coordinator)
Money, Banking and Finance (6 ECTS) HMG02a staff staff
6 ECTS Organisational Development and Leadership HMA70A staff Organisational Development and Leadership (6 ECTS) HMA70a staff- N.
- S.Grieten (substitute)
- N.
- S.Grieten (substitute)
6 ECTS Policy Evaluation HMA74A staff- N.Deschacht (coordinator)
- N.Deschacht (coordinator)
Policy Evaluation (6 ECTS) HMA74a staff staff
6 ECTS Seminar on European Business HMH37F staff- A.Van Mourik (coordinator)
- A.Van Mourik (coordinator)
Seminar on European Business (6 ECTS) HMH37f staff staff
6 ECTS Strategic Brand Management HMH45F staff- Y.Van Vaerenbergh (coordinator)
- Y.Van Vaerenbergh (coordinator)
Strategic Brand Management (6 ECTS) HMH45f staff staff
6 ECTS Strategic Innovation Management HMA65A staff- P.Teirlinck (coordinator)
- P.Teirlinck (coordinator)
Strategic Innovation Management (6 ECTS) HMA65a staff staff
6 ECTS Supply Chain and Operations Management HMH64F staff- J.De Kimpe (coordinator)
- J.De Kimpe (coordinator)
Supply Chain and Operations Management (6 ECTS) HMH64f staff staff
6 ECTS Sustainability Reporting and Corporate Governance HMA96A staff- I.Simac (coordinator)
- M.Bellefroid (substitute)
- I.Simac (coordinator)
- M.Bellefroid (substitute)
Sustainability Reporting and Corporate Governance (6 ECTS) HMA96a staff- I.Simac
- M.Bellefroid (substitute)
- I.Simac
- M.Bellefroid (substitute)
6 ECTS Sustainable Development HMA78A staff staff
- N.Rogge (coordinator)
- S.De Jaeger
- N.Rogge
Sustainable Development (6 ECTS) HMA78a staff staff
6 ECTS Sustainable Finance HMA69A staff- B.D'Espallier (coordinator)
- B.D'Espallier (coordinator)
Sustainable Finance (6 ECTS) HMA69a staff staff
6 ECTS Sustainable Management HMA77A staff- S.Rousseau (coordinator)
- S.Rousseau (coordinator)
Sustainable Management (6 ECTS) HMA77a staff staff
6 ECTS Systems Development and -Economics HMH79A staff- Y.Wautelet (coordinator)
- Y.Wautelet (coordinator)
Systems Development and -Economics (6 ECTS) HMH79a staff staff
6 ECTS Topics in Occupational Health HMM54A staff- A.Van den Broeck (coordinator)
- B.Reiss
- A.Van den Broeck
- I.Rymenans (cooperator)
- E.Van de Wiele (cooperator)
- L.Verhulst (cooperator)
- A.Vysniauskaite (cooperator)
- A.Van den Broeck (coordinator)
- B.Reiss
- A.Van den Broeck
- I.Rymenans (cooperator)
- E.Van de Wiele (cooperator)
- L.Verhulst (cooperator)
- A.Vysniauskaite (cooperator)
Topics in Occupational Health (6 ECTS) HMM54a staff- B.Reiss
- A.Van den Broeck
- I.Rymenans (cooperator)
- E.Van de Wiele (cooperator)
- L.Verhulst (cooperator)
- A.Vysniauskaite (cooperator)
- B.Reiss
- A.Van den Broeck
- I.Rymenans (cooperator)
- E.Van de Wiele (cooperator)
- L.Verhulst (cooperator)
- A.Vysniauskaite (cooperator)
6 ECTS Accounting and Control HMG04A staff- S.Vergauwe (coordinator)
- S.Vergauwe (coordinator)
Accounting and Control (6 ECTS) HMG04a staff staff
3 ECTS Advanced Engineering Risk Management HMM53A staff Advanced Engineering Risk Management (3 ECTS) HMM53a staff 3 ECTS Applications of Operations Research HMI32A staff- H.Yaman Paternotte (coordinator)
- H.Yaman Paternotte (coordinator)
Applications of Operations Research (3 ECTS) HMI32a staff staff
6 ECTS Business Process Management and Information Systems Design HMH28F staff staff
- Y.Wautelet (coordinator)
- S.Poelmans
- Y.Wautelet
Business Process Management and Integrated Software Systems (3 ECTS) HMH28f staff staff
Information Systems Development Case (3 ECTS) HMH28g staff staff
6 ECTS Digital Marketing HMH53F staff- A.Fairchild (coordinator)
- A.Fairchild (coordinator)
Digital Marketing (6 ECTS) HMH53f staff staff
6 ECTS Ethics, Responsibility, and Sustainability HMA64A staff- C.Serres (coordinator)
- C.Serres (coordinator)
Ethics, Responsibility, and Sustainability (6 ECTS) HMA64a staff staff
6 ECTS European Institutions, Decison-making and Lobbying in the EU HMI19A staff- T.Verbeke (coordinator)
- T.Verbeke (coordinator)
European Institutions, Decision-making and Lobbying in the EU (6 ECTS) HMI19a staff staff
6 ECTS Financial Products HMA98A staff staff
- W.Creemers (coordinator)
- N.
- W.Creemers (substitute)
Fixed Income (3 ECTS) HMA98a staff- N.
- W.Creemers (substitute)
- N.
- W.Creemers (substitute)
Derivatives (3 ECTS) HMA98b staff- N.
- W.Creemers (substitute)
- N.
- W.Creemers (substitute)
6 ECTS Fraud and Data Analytics HMA95A staff- S.Vanhaverbeke (coordinator)
- S.Vanhaverbeke (coordinator)
Fraud and Data Analytics (6 ECTS) HMA95a staff staff
6 ECTS ICT Governance and Operational Management HMH46A staff- I.Vanderfeesten (coordinator)
- I.Vanderfeesten (coordinator)
ICT Governance and Operational Management (6 ECTS) HMH46a staff staff
6 ECTS IFRS and Group Accounting (A) HZH19A staff- C.Rombaut (coordinator)
- C.Rombaut (coordinator)
IFRS and Group Accounting (A) (6 ECTS) HZH19a staff staff
6 ECTS Innovative Entrepreneurship HMA84A staff- S.Kelchtermans (coordinator)
- S.Kelchtermans (coordinator)
Innovative Entrepreneurship (6 ECTS) HMA84a staff staff
6 ECTS International Finance HMI25A staff- A.Scopelliti (coordinator)
- A.Scopelliti (coordinator)
International Finance (6 ECTS) HMI25a staff staff
6 ECTS International Trade and Politics HMA92A staff- E.Poelmans (coordinator)
- E.Poelmans (coordinator)
International Trade and Politics (6 ECTS) HMA92a staff staff
6 ECTS Modern Banking and Financial Technology HMA68A staff Modern Banking and Financial Technology (6 ECTS) HMA68a staff- N.
- T.Roukny (substitute)
- N.
- T.Roukny (substitute)
6 ECTS Multinational Corporate and Commercial Law HMH67F staff staff
- G.Hernández (coordinator)
- S.De Dier (substitute)
- E.Van den Haute (substitute)
Multinational Corporate and Commercial Law (6 ECTS) HMH67f staff staff
- G.Hernández
- S.De Dier (substitute)
- E.Van den Haute (substitute)
6 ECTS Operations and Supply Chain Management HMG07A staff staff
- J.Belien (coordinator)
- L.De Boeck
- H.Vermuyten (substitute)
Operations and Supply Chain Management (6 ECTS) HMG07a staff staff
- J.Belien
- L.De Boeck
- H.Vermuyten (substitute)
6 ECTS Policy, Economy, and Society HMA76A staff staff
- S.Adriaenssens (coordinator)
- S.Ghiotto (substitute)
- D.Verhaest
Policy, Economy, and Society (6 ECTS) HMA76a staff staff
- S.Adriaenssens
- S.Ghiotto (substitute)
- D.Verhaest
6 ECTS Predictive Business Analytics HMH65F staff- M.Meulders (coordinator)
- F.Van den Bossche
- M.Meulders (coordinator)
- F.Van den Bossche
Business Forecasting (3 ECTS) HMI09d staff staff
Data Mining (3 ECTS) HMH65h staff staff
6 ECTS Risk Management and Control HMA88A staff staff
- S.Khajehnejad (coordinator)
- L.Deprez
- S.Khajehnejad
Risk Management and Control (6 ECTS) HMA88a staff 6 ECTS Risk and Portfolio Management HMA97A staff- S.Duchateau (coordinator)
- S.Duchateau (coordinator)
Risk and Portfolio Management (6 ECTS) HMA97a staff staff
6 ECTS SME's and Entrepreneurship HMA66A staff- V.Molly (coordinator)
- V.Molly (coordinator)
SME's and Entrepreneurship (6 ECTS) HMA66a staff staff
6 ECTS Strategic Management Accounting HMH05F staff- A.Hoppe (coordinator)
- A.Hoppe (coordinator)
Strategic Management Accounting (6 ECTS) HMH05f staff staff
6 ECTS Sustainable Economics HMA79A staff staff
- J.Eyckmans (coordinator)
- G.Pepermans
- J.Eyckmans (substitute)
Sustainable Economics: Part I (3 ECTS) HMA79b staff staff
Sustainable Economics: Part II (3 ECTS) HMA79c staff- G.Pepermans
- J.Eyckmans (substitute)
- G.Pepermans
- J.Eyckmans (substitute)
6 ECTS Sustainable Management HMG09A staff- T.Stough (coordinator)
- T.Stough (coordinator)
Sustainable Management (6 ECTS) HMG09a staff staff
6 ECTS Sustainable Technologies HMA94A staff staff
- V.Cappuyns (coordinator)
- N.
- V.Cappuyns (substitute)
Sustainable Technologies (6 ECTS) HMA94a staff- N.
- V.Cappuyns (substitute)
- N.
- V.Cappuyns (substitute)
6 ECTS The Digital Transformation of Industry HMG08A staff staff
- Y.Wautelet (coordinator)
- N.Neysen
- Y.Wautelet
The Digital Transformation of Industry (6 ECTS) HMG08a staff staff
6 ECTS Topics in Fintech HMA01E staff- T.Vadasz (coordinator)
- T.Vadasz (coordinator)
Topics in Fintech (6 ECTS) HMA01e staff staff
Master Courses, also open for bachelor students with min 180 credits
Bachelor students with a minimum of 180 credits obtained can register for all the master courses available for exchanges students on condition they meet the course prerequisites.
The course International Corporate Finance (HME40A) cannot be combined with the course International Finance (HMI25A).
The course Managerial Accounting: a Multinational Perspective (HME38A) and Managerial Accounting (HMB41A) cannot be combined with the course Management Control and Cost Management (HMH05F).
The course Recent Advances in European Business (HME23A) cannot be combined with Economics of the Single Market (HBA49C).6 ECTS Advanced Financial Management HMB38A staff- K.De Beckker (coordinator)
- K.De Beckker (coordinator)
Advanced Financial Management (6 ECTS) HMB38a staff staff
6 ECTS Business Research Methods HVE09A staff staff
- P.Teirlinck (coordinator)
- N.Deschacht
- P.Teirlinck
Quantitative methods (3 ECTS) HVE10a staff staff
Qualitative methods (3 ECTS) HVE11a staff staff
6 ECTS International Business Strategy HME35A staff- A.Sels (coordinator)
- A.Sels (coordinator)
International Business Strategy (6 ECTS) HME35a staff staff
6 ECTS International Economics HME36A staff- R.Berlinschi (coordinator)
- R.Berlinschi (coordinator)
International Economics (6 ECTS) HME36a staff staff
3 ECTS Introduction to Financial Reporting HVE13A staff- T.Van Caneghem (coordinator)
- T.Van Caneghem (coordinator)
Introduction to Financial Reporting (3 ECTS) HVE13a staff staff
3 ECTS Introduction to Management HVE03A staff- A.Van Rossem (coordinator)
- A.Van Rossem (coordinator)
Introduction to Management (3 ECTS) HVE03a staff staff
3 ECTS Macro-Economics and Economic Policy HVE07A staff- D.Verhaest (coordinator)
- D.Verhaest (coordinator)
Macro-Economics and Economic Policy (3 ECTS) HVE07a staff staff
6 ECTS Managerial Accounting: a Multinational Perspective HME38A staff- A.Reheul (coordinator)
- A.Reheul (coordinator)
Managerial Accounting: a Multinational Perspective (6 ECTS) HME38a staff staff
3 ECTS Project Management HME07A staff- P.Teirlinck (coordinator)
- B.Vromans (substitute)
- P.Teirlinck (coordinator)
- B.Vromans (substitute)
Project Management (3 ECTS) HME07b staff- P.Teirlinck
- B.Vromans (substitute)
- P.Teirlinck
- B.Vromans (substitute)
6 ECTS Advanced Environmental Economics HMM48A staff staff
- S.Rousseau (coordinator)
- J.Eyckmans
- S.Rousseau
Advanced Environmental Economics (6 ECTS) HMM48a staff staff
3 ECTS Business Game HMB31A staff- D.Van Lindt (coordinator)
- D.Van Lindt (coordinator)
Business Game (3 ECTS) HMB31a staff staff
3 ECTS Change Management and Leadership HMG05A staff Change Management and Leadership (3 ECTS) HME43a staff 6 ECTS Contemporay History of International HRM HMA87A staff Contemporay History of International HRM (6 ECTS) HMA87a staff 3 ECTS Corporate Social Responsibility HME27E staff- S.Denis (coordinator)
- S.Denis (coordinator)
Corporate Social Responsibility (3 ECTS) HME27a staff staff
6 ECTS Interdisciplinary Lab: Strategy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship HMH16F staff- F.Wijen (coordinator)
- F.Wijen (coordinator)
Interdisciplinary Lab: Strategy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (6 ECTS) HMH16f staff staff
6 ECTS International Corporate Finance HME40A staff- K.De Beckker (coordinator)
- K.De Beckker (coordinator)
International Corporate Finance (6 ECTS) HME40a staff staff
6 ECTS International Strategic Marketing HME39A staff- A.Fairchild (coordinator)
- A.Fairchild (coordinator)
International Strategic Marketing (6 ECTS) HME39a staff staff
6 ECTS Leading Multinational Enterprises HME43A staff Change Management and Leadership (3 ECTS) HME43a staff International HRM (3 ECTS) HME43b staff 6 ECTS Managerial Accounting HMB41A staff- A.Reheul (coordinator)
- A.Reheul (coordinator)
Managerial Accounting (6 ECTS) HMB41a staff staff
6 ECTS Predictive Business Analytics HMH65F staff- M.Meulders (coordinator)
- F.Van den Bossche
- M.Meulders (coordinator)
- F.Van den Bossche
Business Forecasting (3 ECTS) HMI09d staff staff
Data Mining (3 ECTS) HMH65h staff staff
3 ECTS Recent Advances in European Business HME23A staff- E.Poelmans (coordinator)
- E.Poelmans (coordinator)
Recent Advances in European Business (3 ECTS) HME23a staff staff
Courses Faculty-wide
These courses can be followed by students from varying campuses who are on exchange at KU Leuven for one academic year. Bachelor students can register for these master courses on condition they obtained a minimum of 180 credits. Students can also follow a maximum of 6 credits at a different campus of their main campus enrollment.
The courses Study Visit: Brussels and the European Union (HME22A) and the International Study Visit: Toulouse (HME42A) are limited to 5 places each. Students will first need to propose the course via the Learning agreement. Afterwards they also need to apply for the study visit with a motivation letter. Further details like the price of the study visit are on the ECTS description.3 ECTS Study Visit: Brussels and the European Union HME22A staff- D.Van Lindt (coordinator)
- D.Van Lindt (coordinator)
Study Visit: Brussels and the European Union (3 ECTS) HME22a staff staff
3 ECTS International Study Visit: Toulouse HME42A staff staff
- D.Steegmans (coordinator)
- N.
- D.Steegmans (cooperator)
International Study Visit: Toulouse (3 ECTS) HME42a staff- N.
- D.Steegmans (cooperator)
- N.
- D.Steegmans (cooperator)