Corporate Social Responsibility (B-KUL-HME27E)

3 ECTSEnglish14 Second termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Denis Sabine (coordinator) |  Denis Sabine
OC Master in de bedrijfskunde en Master of International Business FEB Campus Brussel

  • Performs a critical analysis of the strategic opportunities and challenges facing businesses using scientific studies, case studies and (international) company visits.
  • Looks up, collects, assesses and processes information critically.
  • Independently or in team, efficiently carries out a clearly defined assignment.
  • Discusses discipline-transcending business problems as part of an (international) team.
  • Shows social responsibility by following news developments and by critically reflecting on social issues.
  • Behaves in a respectful fashion and pays attention to diversity.
  • Has insight into the main management and reporting instruments in the area of corporate social responsibility, and applies these to concrete industry examples.
  • Is aware of the complex mesh between the interests and perspectives of the internal and external stakeholders of a business, and the needed basic skills to take this dynamic into consideration as part of corporate social responsibility.
  • Identifies the economic, social and environmental aspects of concrete business cases, recognises their importance to a sustainable society, and critically weighs the different aspects against each other as part of corporate social responsibility.




3 ects. Corporate Social Responsibility (B-KUL-HME27a)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture14 Second term
OC Master in de bedrijfskunde en Master of International Business FEB Campus Brussel

General introduction: corporate responsibility and the sustainable development goals

Conceptual frameworks and theoretical evolution in CSR: from business only to Shared Value Creation

The dark side of (lack of CSR): the case of the extractive industry from a Global South perspective

Inspiring business initiatives for a sustainable (circular, sharing, sufficiency, …) economy

Sustainability reporting

CSR and product labeling

Involving multiple stakeholders in corporate sustainability

Collaboration between companies, government and civil society for sustainable development (simulation exercise)

Slides and academic journal articles on Toledo.

  • Bringing students in direct contact with concrete experiences of CSR
  • Stimulating critical reflection on business cases and practices from an integrated economic, ecological and social point of view
  • Introducing theories and conceptual frames of reference related to different aspects of CSR
  • Presenting tools and instruments for putting CSR in practice

The sessions are highly interactive: some sessions are generally dedicated more to explaining concepts and frameworks (lecturing), whereas others are mostly interactive (group discussion, voting, debate, questions and answers). There are guest lectures by practitioners with different backgrounds and experiences. 


Evaluation: Corporate Social Responsibility (B-KUL-H72855)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Presentation
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : None

The evaluation of the first exam consists of a written exam (15 points) and a group task* (5 points), which is a presentation about an actual challenge for corporate sustainability. Students that don't participate in the group task, can still render a written exam (with a maximum score of 15 points).

The evaluation method of the second exam opportunity is only a written exam.


*In exceptional circumstances the group task might be replaced by an individual task

The evaluation method of the second exam opportunity is exclusively a written exam.