Management Game (B-KUL-HBA38C)

3 ECTSEnglish26 Both termsCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
OC Business Administration FEB Campus Brussel

In this course, the following key objectives are (partially or fully) realized:

The student
8.a    identifies (business) economic challenges with practical relevance and relates them to insights developed in the field.  
8.a.1.    Is able to relate theory to practice.
8.a.2.    The student knows the fundamental theories and movements in business economic thought and can implement these in a simulated business context.
8.a.3.    Can make a master budget based on a given initial situation and various given hypotheses. 
8.a.4.    Can formulate hypotheses in a simulated business context using given business economic and economic forecasts.
8.a.5.    Has insight into various aspects of managing a business and the internal relations.
11.a    independently or in team, efficiently carries out a clearly defined assignment.
11.a.1.    Contributes actively to a common result.
11.a.2.    Takes initiative and accepts responsibilities.
11.a.3.    Applies all principles of time-management.
11.a.4.    Can make a website in team.

During the business game students are expected to take a vision on the long-term and establish connections between various corporate decisions in a simulated business environment, taking the general economic context and business context into account. The students should also take into account targets that are expected to be realized during the game. In order to achieve these targets, they have to take decisions according to their business situation. For this, they should use their budgeting knowledge. The student must be able to link the various data and predefined assumptions to the financial statements of a company.

In 2024-2025, Handelswetenschappen students (Dutch programme) that want to take the course Management Game, need to have completed the course Management Project 2 firstIt is advisable to have completed the following courses first:

  • Financial Accounting
  • Financial Statement Analysis
  • Corporate Finance

This course is identical to the following courses:
HBH84E : Management Game (No longer offered this academic year)


3 ects. Management Game (B-KUL-HBA38c)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Practical26 Both terms
OC Business Administration FEB Campus Brussel


Based on case studies, students are prepared for the business game.



Students team up: about six students per company. While playing the game the student will experience how management decisions have an impact on business activities. Three or four teams compete against each other. Each team makes various decisions in the course of fictional financial years. During the game the students budget different components of the income statement. This business game makes student familiar with the manager's role: he is expected to hold meetings, conduct negotiations, plan and work in team, etc. Afterwards, the student is expected to present their pursued policy and some business economic aspects of the game written (website) and orally (by answering questions asked by the coach).

Available on the VLE (Toledo).


The elaboration of this part is done on the basis of cases.



  • In the first semester the ‘kick-off’ takes place.
  • At the start of the second semester the student receives the preparatory assignments for the business game. These assignments need to be handed in before the start of the business game.
  • During the business game the student leads the company for different fictional years. During these financial years the student will budget his revenue and different cost components.
  • The student develops in team their own website, which represents the policy of his company. A guest speaker informs useful aspects to implement in the website.
  • After the business game, the student answers questions, asked by the coach. These questions are based on the policy of the company and the created website.
  • The student fills out a peer- and self-evaluation.


Evaluation: Management Game (B-KUL-H74937)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Project/Product, Self assessment/Peer assessment, Participation during contact hours, Take-Home

Evaluation caracteristics

  • BUDGETING (1 of 3 CR)
    The student has to prepare the cases. The quality of preparation will be evaluated.
  • BUSINESS GAME (2 of 3 CR)
    Before the start of the business game the student hands in:
    • Organizational structure of the company
    • Mission statement of the company
    • LT objectives of the company
    • Budgeting assignment

During the business game:

  • Participation of the business game
  • Attending guest speaker
  • Developing website

After the business game:

  • Oral elucidation of the pursued policy of the company and the website (questions asked by the coach)
  • Peer- and selfevaluation

The documents needed and deadlines are available on the VLE.


Determination final result

The course shall be assessed in terms of a final mark out of twenty. The final mark is based on 60 marks (will afterwards be converted to 20) and is a weighted grade that is determined as followed:

  • The part ‘Budgeting’ is weighted for 20 marks (of the 60)
  • The part ‘Business game’ is weighted for 40 marks (of the 60)
    • Content
      • General policy: 20 of the 40 marks (group score)
      • Defence (oral elucidation): 15 of the 40 marks (individual score)
      • Website: 5 of the 40 marks (group score)
    • The weighted grade can be adjusted by the peer- and selfevaluation

Additional criteria to succeed:

  • If the student doesn’t participate one of the part evaluations, the student shall receive a ‘not participated’ for the whole course.
  • If the student didn’t participate the activities of the business game, the student shall receive a ‘not participated’ for the whole course. (The activities will be scheduled in the timetable of the student.)
  • If the student was absent during the oral elucidation the student shall receive a ‘not participated’ for the whole course.


Second exam opportunity

There is no second examination opportunity for this course.

No 2nd examination opportunity.