Bachelor of Business Administration (Brussels) (180 ECTS) Bachelor of Science
Students with a degree obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community
For admission to this programme, the general admission requirements for a bachelor programme apply:
1° a Flemish degree of secondary education; awarded in the school year 2024-2025 or earlier;
1°/1 a Flemish degree of secondary education, educational qualification level 4, awarded as of the school year 2024-2025;
2° a Flemish degree of short-course higher education;
3° a Flemish degree of higher education for social advancement, with the exception of the certificate of pedagogic aptitude (Getuigschrift Pedagogische Bekwaamheid), or
4° a degree or certificate, awarded in the context of the Flemish HBO (hoger beroepsonderwijs)
4°/1 a Flemish bachelor's or master's degree
Students with a degree not obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community
Students who did not obtain their previous degree(s) at an institution of the Flemish Community should submit an application via the Admissions Office:
You can find a list of core documents, which should be submitted with every application, here:
Diploma requirements
A. Applicants who obtained a secondary education degree or university degree awarded by a recognized educational institution from a country that is part of the European Economic Area or Switzerland can be admitted provided they can be admitted in that country to a programme that is equivalent to the Bachelor of Business Administration and provided they meet the English language proficiency requirements (see below).B. Applicants who obtained a secondary education degree or university degree awarded by a recognized educational institution from a country that is not part of the European Economic Area or Switzerland can be admitted on the condition that this qualification grants access to a Bachelor's programme in the country where it has been awarded, comparable to a Flemish Bachelor's degree, and on the condition that the degree or certificate in question is authenticated. In addition, candidates are required to submit a proof of proficiency in mathematics (SAT/ACT/OMPT-A/AP Calculus AB, see below). All applicants also need to meet the English language proficiency requirements (see below).
C. Applicants who have obtained a European Baccalaureate diploma, an International Baccalaureate diploma or an official French Baccalaureate diploma acknowledged by AEFE can be admitted provided they meet the English language proficiency requirements (see below).
D. Applicants who have been awarded the General Certificate of Education (GCE) can be eligible for admission if they can prove to have passed at least three A-Level subjects. Of these A-Level subjects, Mathematics is compulsory, while Economics, Accounting and Finance or Business Studies are recommended. Minimum grade for all three A-levels is 'B'. Applicants with a grade 'C' can still be considered eligible after a favourable decision taken by the Admissions Committee of the faculty on the basis of an evaluation of the entire application file and previous education qualifications of the applicant. If the GCE A-Level certificates have been obtained in a country that is not part of the European Economic Area or Switzerland, candidates are required to submit an additional proof of proficiency in mathematics (SAT/ACT/OMPT-A/AP Calculus AB, see below). All applicants also need to meet the English language proficiency requirements (see below).
E. Applicants who have been awarded an American secondary education degree obtained outside the USA but accredited by specific accreditation bodies can be admitted provided they submit a proof of proficiency in mathematics (SAT/ACT/OMPT-A/AP Calculus AB, see below).
Language requirements
All applicants must prove their English language proficiency by means of an IELTS Academic or TOEFL test. The minimum score for IELTS is 6.5 (with a minimum sub-score of 6.0 for each of the four skills - Listening, Writing, Speaking and Reading). The minimum score for TOEFL internet based test is 90 (with a minimum sub-score of 20 for each of the four skills - Listening, Writing, Speaking and Reading). Candidates who obtained the CPE Certificate or the CAE Certificate meet the minimum requirement of the English language proficiency as well.An exemption from the proof of English proficiency by means of the above mentioned tests is only possible in one of the following cases:
- Applicants who hold a secondary education degree or a higher education degree obtained in Australia, English-speaking Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, United Kingdom or the USA: the degree and transcripts suffice, provided they can prove that the entire study was completed in English.
- Applicants holding an International Baccalaureate diploma can be exempted from submitting an English proficiency test if at least half of their courses are taught in the English language.
- Applicants holding a European Baccalaureate diploma can be exempted from submitting an English proficiency test if at least 16 course hours per week were taught in the English language (Physical Education not included).
- Applicants holding an American secondary education degree obtained outside the USA but accredited by specific accreditation bodies.
Additional requirements
In order to be successful in this programme, a sound basis in mathematics is needed. Please check here for more information on the prerequisite knowledge for Mathematics.Applicants who obtained a degree or certificate awarded by a recognized educational institution from a country that is not part of the European Economic Area or Switzerland must submit an additional proof of their proficiency in mathematics. The accepted tests are:
- SAT (general test): minimum score of 640 on the mathematics section;
- ACT: minimum score of 27 on the mathematics section;
- AP Calculus AB test with a minimum score of 4;
- SOWISO OMPT-A with a minimum score of 75%
Note that meeting the benchmark for these tests is not an immediate guarantee for admission. Your application file, including your previous education qualifications, will be evaluated as a whole.
Additionally, all applicants are required to take the free online mathematics test developed by the faculty and upload a copy of their test results in their application file.
Additional information
All applications are evaluated by both the KU Leuven Admissions Office and the programme directors. Admission is ultimately at the discretion of the faculty. Please note that evaluation of applications is based on complete files only and that the criteria published are basic (eligibility) criteria only.
Keep in mind that the evaluation process can only start after the applicant has submitted all necessary test results (language and/or mathematics proficiency, if applicable). Test results must be submitted by the application deadline at the latest.
Students with a degree obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community
For admission to this programme, the general admission requirements for a bachelor programme apply:
1° a Flemish degree of secondary education; awarded in the school year 2024-2025 or earlier;
1°/1 a Flemish degree of secondary education, educational qualification level 4, awarded as of the school year 2024-2025;
2° a Flemish degree of short-course higher education;
3° a Flemish degree of higher education for social advancement, with the exception of the certificate of pedagogic aptitude (Getuigschrift Pedagogische Bekwaamheid), or
4° a degree or certificate, awarded in the context of the Flemish HBO (hoger beroepsonderwijs)
4°/1 a Flemish bachelor's or master's degree
Students with a degree not obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community
Students who did not obtain their previous degree(s) at an institution of the Flemish Community should submit an application via the Admissions Office:
You can find a list of core documents, which should be submitted with every application, here:
Diploma requirements
A. Applicants who obtained a secondary education degree or university degree awarded by a recognized educational institution from a country that is part of the European Union can be admitted provided they can be admitted in that country to a programme that is equivalent to the Bachelor of Business Administration and provided they meet the English language proficiency requirements (see below).B. Applicants who obtained a secondary education degree or university degree awarded by a recognized educational institution from a country that is not part of the European Union can be admitted on the condition that this qualification grants access to a Bachelor's programme in the country where it has been awarded, comparable to a Flemish Bachelor's degree, and on the condition that the degree or certificate in question is authenticated. In addition, candidates are required to submit a proof of proficiency in mathematics (SAT/ACT/OMPT-A/AP Calculus AB, see below). All applicants also need to meet the English language proficiency requirements (see below).
C. Applicants who have obtained a European Baccalaureate diploma, an International Baccalaureate diploma or an official French Baccalaureate diploma acknowledged by AEFE can be admitted provided they meet the English language proficiency requirements (see below).
D. Applicants who have been awarded the General Certificate of Education (GCE) can be eligible for admission if they can prove to have passed at least three A-Level subjects. Of these A-Level subjects, at least one has to be relevant (ex. mathematics or business studies). If the GCE A-Level certificates have been obtained in a country that is not part of the European Union, candidates are required to submit an additional proof of proficiency in mathematics (SAT/ACT/OMPT-A/AP Calculus AB, see below). All applicants also need to meet the English language proficiency requirements (see below).
E. Applicants who have been awarded an American secondary education degree obtained outside the USA but accredited by specific accreditation bodies can be admitted provided they submit a proof of proficiency in mathematics (SAT/ACT/OMPT-A/AP Calculus AB, see below).
Language requirements
All applicants must prove their English language proficiency by means of an IELTS Academic or TOEFL test. The minimum score for IELTS is 6.5 (with a minimum sub-score of 6.0 for each of the four skills - Listening, Writing, Speaking and Reading). The minimum score for TOEFL internet based test is 90 (with a minimum sub-score of 20 for each of the four skills - Listening, Writing, Speaking and Reading). Candidates who obtained the CPE Certificate or the CAE Certificate meet the minimum requirement of the English language proficiency as well.An exemption from the proof of English proficiency by means of the above mentioned tests is only possible in one of the following cases:
- Applicants who hold a secondary education degree or a higher education degree obtained in Australia, English-speaking Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, United Kingdom or the USA: the degree and transcripts suffice, provided they can prove that the entire study was completed in English.
- Applicants holding an International Baccalaureate diploma can be exempted from submitting an English proficiency test if at least half of their courses are taught in the English language.
- Applicants holding a European Baccalaureate diploma can be exempted from submitting an English proficiency test if at least 16 course hours per week were taught in the English language (Physical Education not included).
- Applicants holding an American secondary education degree obtained outside the USA but accredited by specific accreditation bodies.
Additional requirements
In order to be successful in this programme, a sound basis in mathematics is needed. Please check here for more information on the prerequisite knowledge for Mathematics.Applicants who obtained a degree or certificate awarded by a recognized educational institution from a country that is not part of the European Economic Area or Switzerland must submit an additional proof of their proficiency in mathematics. The accepted tests are:
- SAT (general test): minimum score of 640 on the mathematics section;
- ACT: minimum score of 27 on the mathematics section;
- AP Calculus AB test with a minimum score of 4;
- SOWISO OMPT-A with a minimum score of 75%
Note that meeting the benchmark for these tests is not an immediate guarantee for admission. Your application file, including your previous education qualifications, will be evaluated as a whole.
Additionally, all applicants are required to take the free online mathematics test developed by the faculty and upload a copy of their test results in their application file.
Additional information
All applications are evaluated by both the KU Leuven Admissions Office and the programme directors. Admission is ultimately at the discretion of the faculty. Please note that evaluation of applications is based on complete files only and that the criteria published are basic (eligibility) criteria only.
Keep in mind that the evaluation process can only start after the applicant has submitted all necessary test results (language and/or mathematics proficiency, if applicable).
Additional guidance is available for certain courses: extra contact hours for Mathematics and/or Statistics, guidance by a professor and/or study counsellor, trial exams, ...
Students with an individualised study route follow the road map for composing their ISP. In step 3, they take into account the designated order in which the course units are included throughout the bachelor's programme (continuity schedule) and the guidelines for students who have to retake course units in the case of programme changes (transitional provisions).-
Students are required to take all of the courses mentioned below.
Certain courses can be followed by a language immersion track.
Attention:- Management Project 2 can only be taken by students who have reached the first milestone.
- Language Choice 1 will no longer be offered as from 2024-2025 onwards. Only students who need to retake the first or take/retake the second language course (not English), take up the language course they need under the "Languages and Management" module. Students who still need to take the third language course, take it up under "Languages". Students who have not yet started in the first compulsory language, immediately take up the new course 'Data and Programming Skills'. Students who no longer want to remain in the compulsory first language choice need to contact the study career consultants.
3 ECTS Mathematics for Business A HBA41C staff- A.Maes (coordinator)
- E.Boeckx (cooperator)
- L.Egholm (cooperator)
- J.Ramos González (cooperator)
- B.Vancraeynest (cooperator)
- A.Maes (coordinator)
- E.Boeckx (cooperator)
- L.Egholm (cooperator)
- J.Ramos González (cooperator)
- B.Vancraeynest (cooperator)
Mathematics for Business A (3 ECTS) HBA41c staff- A.Maes
- E.Boeckx (cooperator)
- L.Egholm (cooperator)
- J.Ramos González (cooperator)
- B.Vancraeynest (cooperator)
- A.Maes
- E.Boeckx (cooperator)
- L.Egholm (cooperator)
- J.Ramos González (cooperator)
- B.Vancraeynest (cooperator)
3 ECTS English 1 HBA16A staff- M.Hulselmans (coordinator)
- J.Roelans
- N.Goossens (cooperator)
- S.Hendrickx (cooperator)
- E.Pierseaux (cooperator)
- M.Hulselmans (coordinator)
- J.Roelans
- N.Goossens (cooperator)
- S.Hendrickx (cooperator)
- E.Pierseaux (cooperator)
English 1 (3 ECTS) HBA16a staff staff
- M.Hulselmans
- J.Roelans
- N.Goossens (cooperator)
- S.Hendrickx (cooperator)
- E.Pierseaux (cooperator)
6 ECTS Financial Institutions and Markets HBA02C staff staff
- A.Praet (coordinator)
- P.Paepen
- A.Praet
- W.Creemers (cooperator)
- D.van Hemert (cooperator)
Financial Institutions and Markets (6 ECTS) HBA02c staff staff
- P.Paepen
- A.Praet
- W.Creemers (cooperator)
- D.van Hemert (cooperator)
6 ECTS Management HBA03C staff- A.Van Rossem (coordinator)
- F.Wijen
- A.Van Rossem (coordinator)
- F.Wijen
Management (6 ECTS) HBA03c staff staff
3 ECTS Research Methods 1 HBA05C staff- K.Goeman (coordinator)
- K.Goeman (coordinator)
Research Methods 1 (3 ECTS) HBA05c staff staff
3 ECTS Financial Accounting A HBA39C staff staff
- S.Vergauwe (coordinator)
- H.De Groote
- V.Ghijselinck
- S.Vergauwe
Financial Accounting A (3 ECTS) HBA39c staff 6 ECTS Microeconomics for Business HBA07H staff staff
- N.Rogge (coordinator)
- R.Berlinschi
- A.De Ridder
- N.Rogge
Microeconomics for Business (6 ECTS) HBA07h staff 3 ECTS Philosophy HBA52A staff staff
- I.Verhoeven (coordinator)
- M.Corner
- I.Verhoeven
Philosophy (3 ECTS) HBA52a staff staff
3 ECTS Mathematics for Business B HBA42C staff- A.Maes (coordinator)
- E.Boeckx (cooperator)
- L.Egholm (cooperator)
- J.Ramos González (cooperator)
- B.Vancraeynest (cooperator)
- A.Maes (coordinator)
- E.Boeckx (cooperator)
- L.Egholm (cooperator)
- J.Ramos González (cooperator)
- B.Vancraeynest (cooperator)
Mathematics for Business B (3 ECTS) HBA42c staff- A.Maes
- E.Boeckx (cooperator)
- L.Egholm (cooperator)
- J.Ramos González (cooperator)
- B.Vancraeynest (cooperator)
- A.Maes
- E.Boeckx (cooperator)
- L.Egholm (cooperator)
- J.Ramos González (cooperator)
- B.Vancraeynest (cooperator)
3 ECTS English 2 HBA54C staff staff
- M.Hulselmans (coordinator)
- J.Roelans
- S.Hendrickx (cooperator)
- E.Pierseaux (cooperator)
English 2 (3 ECTS) HBa54c staff staff
- M.Hulselmans
- J.Roelans
- S.Hendrickx (cooperator)
- E.Pierseaux (cooperator)
6 ECTS Introduction to Law HBA08C staff- B.Keirsbilck
- L.Drechsler (substitute)
- B.Keirsbilck
- L.Drechsler (substitute)
Introduction to Law (6 ECTS) HBA08c staff- B.Keirsbilck
- L.Drechsler (substitute)
- B.Keirsbilck
- L.Drechsler (substitute)
3 ECTS Financial Accounting B HBA40C staff staff
- S.Vergauwe (coordinator)
- H.De Groote
- A.Dongo
- V.Ghijselinck
Financial Accounting B (3 ECTS) HBA40c staff 6 ECTS Psychology HBA08H staff- F.Germeys (coordinator)
- F.Germeys (coordinator)
Psychology (6 ECTS) HBA08h staff staff
6 ECTS Descriptive Statistics and Probability for Business HBA09H staff- G.Dierckx (coordinator)
- N.
- J.Hendrickx (substitute)
- E.Boeckx (cooperator)
- L.Egholm (cooperator)
- J.Ramos González (cooperator)
- G.Dierckx (coordinator)
- N.
- J.Hendrickx (substitute)
- E.Boeckx (cooperator)
- L.Egholm (cooperator)
- J.Ramos González (cooperator)
Descriptive Statistics and Probability for Business (6 ECTS) HBA09h staff- G.Dierckx
- N.
- J.Hendrickx (substitute)
- E.Boeckx (cooperator)
- L.Egholm (cooperator)
- J.Ramos González (cooperator)
- G.Dierckx
- N.
- J.Hendrickx (substitute)
- E.Boeckx (cooperator)
- L.Egholm (cooperator)
- J.Ramos González (cooperator)
3 ECTS Statistics for Business 2 HBA69A staff staff
- S.Van Gulck (coordinator)
- W.Goemans
- S.Van Gulck
- L.Egholm (cooperator)
Statistics for Business 2 (3 ECTS) HBA69a staff staff
- W.Goemans
- S.Van Gulck
- L.Egholm (cooperator)
6 ECTS Personnel and Organization HBA11C staff Personnel and Organization (6 ECTS) HBA11c staff 6 ECTS Marketing HBA12C staff- I.Roozen (coordinator)
- A.Fairchild (substitute)
- I.Roozen (coordinator)
- A.Fairchild (substitute)
Marketing (6 ECTS) HBA12c staff- I.Roozen
- A.Fairchild (substitute)
- I.Roozen
- A.Fairchild (substitute)
3 ECTS Research Methods 2 HBA14C staff- P.Teirlinck (coordinator)
- A.Fairchild (substitute)
- P.Teirlinck (coordinator)
- A.Fairchild (substitute)
Research Methods 2 (3 ECTS) HBA14c staff- P.Teirlinck
- A.Fairchild (substitute)
- P.Teirlinck
- A.Fairchild (substitute)
3 ECTS Operational Management HBA19C staff staff
- H.Vermuyten (coordinator)
- L.De Boeck
- H.Vermuyten (substitute)
Operational Management (3 ECTS) HBA19c staff- L.De Boeck
- H.Vermuyten (substitute)
- L.De Boeck
- H.Vermuyten (substitute)
6 ECTS Financial Statement Analysis HBA10H staff- A.Liss (coordinator)
- A.Liss (coordinator)
Financial Statement Analysis (3 ECTS) HBA10h staff staff
Advanced Accounting and Valuation Topics (3 ECTS) HBA10b staff staff
3 ECTS Economic Sociology HBA15A staff- S.Adriaenssens (coordinator)
- T.Soare (substitute)
- S.Adriaenssens (coordinator)
- T.Soare (substitute)
Economic Sociology (3 ECTS) HBA15a staff- S.Adriaenssens
- T.Soare (substitute)
- S.Adriaenssens
- T.Soare (substitute)
3 ECTS Strategic Management HBA10C staff- A.Van Rossem (coordinator)
- A.Van Rossem (coordinator)
Strategic Management (3 ECTS) HBA10c staff staff
6 ECTS Macro-economics and Economic Policy HBA16C staff- T.Verbeke (coordinator)
- T.Verbeke (coordinator)
Macro-economics and Economic Policy (6 ECTS) HBA16c staff staff
3 ECTS Introduction to Methods in Operational Research HBA15C staff Introduction to Methods in Operational Research (3 ECTS) HBA15c staff- N.
- D.De Bock (substitute)
- N.
- D.De Bock (substitute)
6 ECTS Data and Programming Skills HBA12H staff- T.Verbeke (coordinator)
- T.Verbeke (coordinator)
Data and Programming Skills (6 ECTS) HBA12h staff staff
6 ECTS Management Project 2 HBA11H staff Management Project 2 (6 ECTS) HBA11h staff staff
3 ECTS Entrepreneurship and Business Planning HBA20C staff- G.Van Den Eede (coordinator)
- G.Van Den Eede (coordinator)
Entrepreneurship and Business Planning (3 ECTS) HBA20c staff staff
3 ECTS International Business HBA01H staff- A.Sels (coordinator)
- A.Sels (coordinator)
International Business (3 ECTS) HBA01h staff staff
3 ECTS European Institutions HBA02H staff- A.Pauwels (coordinator)
- A.Pauwels (coordinator)
European Institutions (3 ECTS) HBA02h staff staff
6 ECTS Corporate Finance HBA18C staff- A.Praet (coordinator)
- D.van Hemert (cooperator)
- A.Praet (coordinator)
- D.van Hemert (cooperator)
Corporate Finance (6 ECTS) HBA18c staff- A.Praet
- D.van Hemert (cooperator)
- A.Praet
- D.van Hemert (cooperator)
3 ECTS International Economics HBA83B staff- K.De Bruyne (coordinator)
- F.Saerens (cooperator)
- K.De Bruyne (coordinator)
- F.Saerens (cooperator)
International Economics (3 ECTS) HBA83b staff- K.De Bruyne
- F.Saerens (cooperator)
- K.De Bruyne
- F.Saerens (cooperator)
3 ECTS Management Accounting HBA17C staff- A.Hoppe (coordinator)
- A.Hoppe (coordinator)
Management Accounting (3 ECTS) HBA17c staff staff
3 ECTS Principles of Taxation HBA21C staff- F.Debelva (coordinator)
- F.Debelva (coordinator)
Principles of Taxation (3 ECTS) HBA21c staff staff
6 ECTS ICT Management HBA22C staff staff
- E.Serral Asensio (coordinator)
- N.
- A.Güngör (substitute)
ICT Management (6 ECTS) HBA22c staff staff
- E.Serral Asensio
- N.
- A.Güngör (substitute)
3 ECTS Economics and Ethics HBA28C staff- F.Depoortere (coordinator)
- F.Depoortere (coordinator)
Economics and Ethics (3 ECTS) HBA28c staff staff
6 ECTS Research Methods 3 HBA27C staff- M.Meulders (coordinator)
- M.Meulders (coordinator)
Statistical Modelling (4 ECTS) HBA27c staff staff
Quantitative Research Project (2 ECTS) HBA86b staff staff
Please select the language that you would like to follow.
The 3 credits Short Mobility Economics and Business course, which is followed in the form of a summer school, can replace the following courses:- - German 3, Spanish 3, French 3: the attended summer school programme is taught in the language that the student wishes to replace or is a language course that has B2 as the learning outcome (according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
- - Dutch 3: the attended summer school programme is taught in the language that the student wishes to replace or is a language course that has A2 as the learning outcome (according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
- - French advanced 3, Dutch advanced 3: the attended summer school programme is taught in the language that the student wishes to replace or is a language course that has C1 as the learning outcome (according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
Language choice: French
- - French 3.: No prior knowledge is required. Students who have obtained a Flemish secondary school diploma are excluded from this course. Students with a secondary school diploma other than a Flemish one but who have an intermediate level of French are not allowed to follow this course either.
- - French 3 (advanced): Prior knowledge is required. Only students who are independent users of French may register for this course.
3 ECTS French 3 HBA34C staff- M.Baetens (coordinator)
- H.Cornelus (cooperator)
- M.Baetens (coordinator)
- H.Cornelus (cooperator)
French 3 (3 ECTS) HBA34c staff- M.Baetens
- H.Cornelus (cooperator)
- M.Baetens
- H.Cornelus (cooperator)
3 ECTS French 3 (advanced) HBA35C staff- J.Hengels (coordinator)
- J.Hengels (coordinator)
French 3 (advanced) (3 ECTS) HBA35c staff staff
Language choice: German
Language choice: Dutch
Dutch 3: No prior knowledge is required. Students who have obtained a Flemish secondary school diploma are excluded from this course. Students with a secondary school diploma other than a Flemish one but who have an intermediate level of Dutch are not allowed to follow this course either.
3 ECTS Dutch 3 HBA13A staff- I.Verhoeven (coordinator)
- I.Verhoeven (coordinator)
Dutch 3 (3 ECTS) HBA13a staff staff
3 ECTS Dutch 3 (advanced) HBA47C staff- I.Verhoeven (coordinator)
- I.Verhoeven (coordinator)
Dutch 3 (advanced) (3 ECTS) HBA47c staff staff
Language choice: Spanish
3 ECTS Spanish 3 HBA67A staff staff
- F.Vanoverberghe (coordinator)
- E.Snauwaert
- F.Vanoverberghe (substitute)
Spanish 3 (3 ECTS) HBA67a staff- E.Snauwaert
- F.Vanoverberghe (substitute)
- E.Snauwaert
- F.Vanoverberghe (substitute)
Language choice: Short Mobility Economics and Business
Students who want to include a summer school and/or an internship project in their programme select one of the following courses as appropriate with a maximum of one course per group and a maximum of 9 credits in the bachelor programme.
- A summer school: ‘Short Mobility Economics and Business (bachelor)’ (D0S32A)(D0E54A)
Note: These elective courses can only be included in the ISP after prior approval. The application procedure can be consulted in the course description.3 ECTS Short Mobility Economics and Business (Bachelor) D0E54A staff staff
- N.
- V.Geers (cooperator)
- S.Steijleman (cooperator)
Short Mobility Economics and Business (Bachelor) (3 ECTS) D0E54a staff staff
- N.
- V.Geers (cooperator)
- S.Steijleman (cooperator)
6 ECTS Short Mobility Economics and Business (Bachelor) D0S32A staff staff
- N.
- V.Geers (cooperator)
- S.Steijleman (cooperator)
Short Mobility Economics and Business (Bachelor) (6 ECTS) D0S32a staff staff
- N.
- V.Geers (cooperator)
- S.Steijleman (cooperator)
Transition Measures
The courses below can only be taken by students who need to retake one of these courses.
3 ECTS Corporate Law and Accounting HBA08A staff- A.Liss (coordinator)
- A.Liss (coordinator)
Corporate Law and Accounting (3 ECTS) HBA08a staff staff
6 ECTS Management Project 1 HBA04C staff- P.Vanmol (coordinator)
- A.De Moor
- I.Verhoeven
- N.
- P.Vanmol (substitute)
- E.Boerboom (cooperator)
- J.Colebunders (cooperator)
- K.Van Winkel (cooperator)
- E.van Stee (cooperator)
- P.Vanmol (coordinator)
- A.De Moor
- I.Verhoeven
- N.
- P.Vanmol (substitute)
- E.Boerboom (cooperator)
- J.Colebunders (cooperator)
- K.Van Winkel (cooperator)
- E.van Stee (cooperator)
Management Project 1 (6 ECTS) HBA04c staff- A.De Moor
- I.Verhoeven
- N.
- P.Vanmol (substitute)
- E.Boerboom (cooperator)
- J.Colebunders (cooperator)
- K.Van Winkel (cooperator)
- E.van Stee (cooperator)
- A.De Moor
- I.Verhoeven
- N.
- P.Vanmol (substitute)
- E.Boerboom (cooperator)
- J.Colebunders (cooperator)
- K.Van Winkel (cooperator)
- E.van Stee (cooperator)
3 ECTS Financial Statement Analysis HBA09C staff- A.Liss (coordinator)
- A.Liss (coordinator)
Financial Statement Analysis (3 ECTS) HBA09c staff staff
3 ECTS Managerial Economics A HBA43C staff staff
- N.Rogge (coordinator)
- R.Berlinschi
- A.De Ridder
- N.Rogge
Managerial Economics A (3 ECTS) HBA43c staff 3 ECTS Managerial Economics B HBA44C staff staff
- N.Rogge (coordinator)
- R.Berlinschi
- A.De Ridder
- N.Rogge
Managerial Economics B (3 ECTS) HBA44c staff 3 ECTS Psychology HBA59A staff- F.Germeys (coordinator)
- F.Germeys (coordinator)
Psychology (3 ECTS) HBA59a staff staff
3 ECTS Statistics for Business 1 HBA68A staff- G.Dierckx (coordinator)
- N.
- J.Hendrickx (substitute)
- E.Boeckx (cooperator)
- L.Egholm (cooperator)
- J.Ramos González (cooperator)
- G.Dierckx (coordinator)
- N.
- J.Hendrickx (substitute)
- E.Boeckx (cooperator)
- L.Egholm (cooperator)
- J.Ramos González (cooperator)
Statistics for Business 1 (3 ECTS) HBA68a staff- G.Dierckx
- N.
- J.Hendrickx (substitute)
- E.Boeckx (cooperator)
- L.Egholm (cooperator)
- J.Ramos González (cooperator)
- G.Dierckx
- N.
- J.Hendrickx (substitute)
- E.Boeckx (cooperator)
- L.Egholm (cooperator)
- J.Ramos González (cooperator)
Bachelor's Thesis
The Bachelor's Thesis (i.e. Business Project and Career Development) can only be registered for if the students graduate. Both courses should be taken up at the same time. Only English, Economics and Ethics or courses from the elective tracks Language choice 1, Languages and Management and European Studies can be postponed with a maximum of 6 credits.
6 ECTS Business Project HBA36C staff- K.Pattyn (coordinator)
- N.
- K.Pattyn (coordinator)
- N.
Business Project (6 ECTS) HBA36c staff- K.Pattyn
- N.
- K.Pattyn
- N.
3 ECTS Career Development HBA37C staff staff
- D.Arijs (coordinator)
- C.Claeys
- M.Hulselmans
- A.Van Nuffel
- K.Van Winkel (cooperator)
Career Development (3 ECTS) HBA37c staff staff
- D.Arijs
- C.Claeys
- M.Hulselmans
- A.Van Nuffel
- K.Van Winkel (cooperator)
Elective Modules
Students choose one elective module and take up 15 credits from the same module.
Elective Module: Languages and Management
Students select one language of choice (9 credits) and choose 6 credits from the Management courses.
Language choice
Please select the language that you would like to follow.
The 3 credits Short Mobility Economics and Business course, which is followed in the form of a summer school, can replace the following courses:- German 3, Spanish 3, French 3: the attended summer school programme is taught in the language that the student wishes to replace or is a language course that has B2 as the learning outcome (according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
- Dutch 3: the attended summer school programme is taught in the language that the student wishes to replace or is a language course that has A2 as the learning outcome (according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
- French advanced 3, Dutch advanced 3: the attended summer school programme is taught in the language that the student wishes to replace or is a language course that has C1 as the learning outcome (according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
The 6 credits Short Mobility Economics and Business course, which is followed in the form of a summer school, can replace the following courses:- German 2 and German 3, Spanish 2 and Spanish 3, French 2 and French 3: the attended summer school programme is taught in the language that the student wishes to replace or is a language course that has B2 as the learning outcome (according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
- French advanced 2 and French advanced 3: the attended summer school programme is taught in the language that the student wishes to replace or is a language course that has C1 as the learning outcome (according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
Language choice: French
Please select successively:
- French 1, French 2 and French 3.
No prior knowledge is required. Students who have obtained a Flemish secondary school diploma are excluded from this course. Students with a secondary school diploma other than a Flemish one but who have an intermediate level of French are not allowed to follow this course either.
- French 1 (advanced), French 2 (advanced) and French 3 (advanced).
Prior knowledge is required. Only students who are independent users of French may register for this course.3 ECTS French 1 HBA30C staff staff
- L.Loonbeek (coordinator)
- H.Cornelus (cooperator)
- J.Hengels (cooperator)
French 1 (3 ECTS) HBH30c staff staff
- L.Loonbeek
- H.Cornelus (cooperator)
- J.Hengels (cooperator)
3 ECTS French 1 (advanced) HBA31C staff- J.Hengels (coordinator)
- J.Hengels (coordinator)
French 1 (advanced) (3 ECTS) HBA31c staff staff
3 ECTS French 2 HBA32C staff staff
- M.Baetens (coordinator)
- H.Cornelus (cooperator)
- J.Hengels (cooperator)
French 2 (3 ECTS) HBA32c staff staff
- M.Baetens
- H.Cornelus (cooperator)
- J.Hengels (cooperator)
3 ECTS French 2 (advanced) HBA33C staff- J.Hengels (coordinator)
- H.Cornelus (cooperator)
- J.Hengels (coordinator)
- H.Cornelus (cooperator)
French 2 (advanced) (3 ECTS) HBA33c staff- J.Hengels
- H.Cornelus (cooperator)
- J.Hengels
- H.Cornelus (cooperator)
3 ECTS French 3 HBA34C staff- M.Baetens (coordinator)
- H.Cornelus (cooperator)
- M.Baetens (coordinator)
- H.Cornelus (cooperator)
French 3 (3 ECTS) HBA34c staff- M.Baetens
- H.Cornelus (cooperator)
- M.Baetens
- H.Cornelus (cooperator)
3 ECTS French 3 (advanced) HBA35C staff- J.Hengels (coordinator)
- J.Hengels (coordinator)
French 3 (advanced) (3 ECTS) HBA35c staff staff
Language choice: German
Please select successively German 1, German 2 and German 3.
3 ECTS German 1 HBA31A staff- J.Roelans (coordinator)
- J.Roelans (coordinator)
German 1 (3 ECTS) HBA31a staff staff
3 ECTS German 2 HBA32A staff- J.Roelans (coordinator)
- J.Roelans (coordinator)
German 2 (3 ECTS) HBA32a staff staff
3 ECTS German 3 HBA33A staff- J.Roelans (coordinator)
- J.Roelans (coordinator)
German 3 (3 ECTS) HBA33a staff staff
Language choice: Dutch
Please select successively:
- Dutch 1, Dutch 2 and Dutch 3.
No prior knowledge is required. Students who have obtained a Flemish secondary school diploma are excluded from this course. Students with a secondary school diploma other than a Flemish one but who have an intermediate level of Dutch are not allowed to follow this course either.
- Dutch 1 (advanced), Dutch 2 (advanced) and Dutch 3 (advanced).
Prior knowledge is required. Only students who have obtained level B1 (according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) may register for this course.3 ECTS Dutch 1 HBA11A staff- M.Hulselmans (coordinator)
- M.Hulselmans (coordinator)
Dutch 1 (3 ECTS) HBA11a staff staff
3 ECTS Dutch 1 (advanced) HBA45C staff- I.Verhoeven (coordinator)
- I.Verhoeven (coordinator)
Dutch 1 (advanced) (3 ECTS) HBA45c staff staff
3 ECTS Dutch 2 HBA12A staff- I.Verhoeven (coordinator)
- I.Verhoeven (coordinator)
Dutch 2 (3 ECTS) HBA12a staff staff
3 ECTS Dutch 2 (advanced) HBA46C staff- I.Verhoeven (coordinator)
- I.Verhoeven (coordinator)
Dutch 2 (advanced) (3 ECTS) HBA46c staff staff
3 ECTS Dutch 3 HBA13A staff- I.Verhoeven (coordinator)
- I.Verhoeven (coordinator)
Dutch 3 (3 ECTS) HBA13a staff staff
3 ECTS Dutch 3 (advanced) HBA47C staff- I.Verhoeven (coordinator)
- I.Verhoeven (coordinator)
Dutch 3 (advanced) (3 ECTS) HBA47c staff staff
Language choice: Spanish
Please select successively Spanish 1, Spanish 2 and Spanish 3.
3 ECTS Spanish 1 HBA65A staff staff
- F.Vanoverberghe (coordinator)
- E.Snauwaert
- F.Vanoverberghe (substitute)
Spanish 1 (3 ECTS) HBA65a staff- E.Snauwaert
- F.Vanoverberghe (substitute)
- E.Snauwaert
- F.Vanoverberghe (substitute)
3 ECTS Spanish 2 HBA66A staff staff
- F.Vanoverberghe (coordinator)
- E.Snauwaert
- F.Vanoverberghe (substitute)
Spanish 2 (3 ECTS) HBA66a staff- E.Snauwaert
- F.Vanoverberghe (substitute)
- E.Snauwaert
- F.Vanoverberghe (substitute)
3 ECTS Spanish 3 HBA67A staff staff
- F.Vanoverberghe (coordinator)
- E.Snauwaert
- F.Vanoverberghe (substitute)
Spanish 3 (3 ECTS) HBA67a staff- E.Snauwaert
- F.Vanoverberghe (substitute)
- E.Snauwaert
- F.Vanoverberghe (substitute)
Language choice: Short Mobility Economics and Business
Students who want to include a summer school and/or an internship project in their programme select one of the following courses as appropriate with a maximum of one course per group and a maximum of 9 credits in the bachelor programme.
- - A summer school: ‘Short Mobility Economics and Business (bachelor)’ (D0S32A)(D0E54A)
Note: These elective courses can only be included in the ISP after prior approval. The application procedure can be consulted in the course description.
3 ECTS Short Mobility Economics and Business (Bachelor) D0E54A staff staff
- N.
- V.Geers (cooperator)
- S.Steijleman (cooperator)
Short Mobility Economics and Business (Bachelor) (3 ECTS) D0E54a staff staff
- N.
- V.Geers (cooperator)
- S.Steijleman (cooperator)
6 ECTS Short Mobility Economics and Business (Bachelor) D0S32A staff staff
- N.
- V.Geers (cooperator)
- S.Steijleman (cooperator)
Short Mobility Economics and Business (Bachelor) (6 ECTS) D0S32a staff staff
- N.
- V.Geers (cooperator)
- S.Steijleman (cooperator)
Students choose 6 credits. They can choose out of the list below, or can choose 3 ECTS courses (in English) offered in a bachelor's programme at KU Leuven Campus Brussels. Please always carefully check the prior knowledge required in the ECTS file.
The number of participants for the course 'Business Plan' and 'Service Learning and Social Entrepreneurship' is limited. Due to this limited number a selection is organized at the start of the first semester. Once the selection is done, Student Administration will adapt your individual study programme. You can find more information in the ECTS-sheet.
The 3 credits Short Mobility Economics and Business course, which is followed in the form of a summer school, can replace the following courses:
Project Management (HBA23C) or Management Game (HBA38C): the content of the summer school (taught in Dutch, English, German, Spanish or French) attended is complementary to the Business Administration programme.
The 6 credits Short Mobility Economics and Business course, which is followed in the form of a summer school, can replace two of the following courses:
Project Management (HBA23C) or Business Plan (HBA13H) or Management Game (HBA38C): the content of the summer school (taught in Dutch, English, German, Spanish or French) attended is complementary to the Business Administration programme.3 ECTS Project Management HBA23C staff- P.Teirlinck (coordinator)
- B.Vromans (substitute)
- P.Teirlinck (coordinator)
- B.Vromans (substitute)
Project Management (3 ECTS) HBA23c staff- P.Teirlinck
- B.Vromans (substitute)
- P.Teirlinck
- B.Vromans (substitute)
3 ECTS Management Game HBA38C staff staff
- A.Van Nuffel (coordinator)
- H.De Groote
- A.Van Nuffel
Management Game (3 ECTS) HBA38c staff 6 ECTS Business Plan HBA13H staff- I.Claes (coordinator)
- I.Claes (coordinator)
Business Plan (6 ECTS) HBA13h staff staff
6 ECTS Service Learning and Social Entrepreneurship HBA14H staff- I.Molderez (coordinator)
- I.Molderez (coordinator)
Service Learning and Social Entrepreneurship (6 ECTS) HBA14h staff staff
Elective: Short Mobility Economics and Business and Internship Project
Students who want to include a summer school and/or an internship project in their programme select one or more of the following courses as appropriate with a maximum of one course per group and a maximum of 9 credits in the bachelor programme.
- - A summer school: ‘Short Mobility Economics and Business (bachelor)’ (D0S32A) (D0E54A)
- - An internship: Internship project (D0E59A), Internship project (D0E60A)
Note: These elective courses can only be included in the ISP after prior approval. The application procedure can be consulted in the course description.
3 ECTS Internship Project (bachelor) D0E59A staff- N.
- S.Hoofdt (cooperator)
- N.
- S.Hoofdt (cooperator)
Internship Project (bachelor) (3 ECTS) D0E59a staff- N.
- S.Hoofdt (cooperator)
- N.
- S.Hoofdt (cooperator)
3 ECTS Short Mobility Economics and Business (Bachelor) D0E54A staff staff
- N.
- V.Geers (cooperator)
- S.Steijleman (cooperator)
Short Mobility Economics and Business (Bachelor) (3 ECTS) D0E54a staff staff
- N.
- V.Geers (cooperator)
- S.Steijleman (cooperator)
3 ECTS Internship Project (bachelor) D0E60A staff- N.
- S.Hoofdt (cooperator)
- N.
- S.Hoofdt (cooperator)
Internship Project (bachelor) (3 ECTS) D0E60a staff- N.
- S.Hoofdt (cooperator)
- N.
- S.Hoofdt (cooperator)
6 ECTS Short Mobility Economics and Business (Bachelor) D0S32A staff staff
- N.
- V.Geers (cooperator)
- S.Steijleman (cooperator)
Short Mobility Economics and Business (Bachelor) (6 ECTS) D0S32a staff staff
- N.
- V.Geers (cooperator)
- S.Steijleman (cooperator)
Elective Module: European Studies
Students are required to take all of the courses mentioned below.
The 3 credits Short Mobility Economics and Business course (which is followed in the form of a summer school) or the 3 credits Internship Project, can replace the following course ‘Economics of Monetary Integration’: the content of the summer school/Internship Project (taught in Dutch, English, German, Spanish or French) attended is complementary to the European Studies Elective Module.
The content of the summer school is complementary to the European studies Elective Module. The Internship Project is either with an organization, body or institution whose primary activities are related to the EU or involves work with a direct link to the EU or its policies.
The 6 credits Short Mobility Economics and Business course, which is followed in the form of a summer school, can replace the following courses:’The Origins and Development of European Integration’ or ‘Economics of the Single Market’: the content of the summer school (taught in Dutch, English, German, Spanish or French) attended is complementary to the European Studies Elective Module.
6 ECTS The Origins and Development of European Integration HBA48C staff- Y.Segers (coordinator)
- Y.Segers (coordinator)
The Origins and Development of European Integration (6 ECTS) HBA48c staff staff
3 ECTS Economics of Monetary Integration HBA50C staff- M.Maes (coordinator)
- M.Maes (coordinator)
Economics of Monetary Integration (3 ECTS) HBA50c staff staff
6 ECTS Economics of the Single Market HBA49C staff- E.Poelmans (coordinator)
- E.Poelmans (coordinator)
Econonomics of the Single Market (6 ECTS) HBA49c staff staff
Elective: Short Mobility Economics and Business and Internship Project
Students who want to include a summer school or internship in their programme select one or more of the following courses as appropriate with a maximum of 9 credits in the bachelor programme.
- - A summer school: ‘Short Mobility Economics and Business (bachelor)’ (D0S32A) (D0E54A)
- - An internship: Internship Project (D0E59A), Internship Project (D0E60A)
Note: These elective courses can only be included in the ISP after prior approval. The application procedure can be consulted in the course description.
3 ECTS Short Mobility Economics and Business (Bachelor) D0E54A staff staff
- N.
- V.Geers (cooperator)
- S.Steijleman (cooperator)
Short Mobility Economics and Business (Bachelor) (3 ECTS) D0E54a staff staff
- N.
- V.Geers (cooperator)
- S.Steijleman (cooperator)
6 ECTS Short Mobility Economics and Business (Bachelor) D0S32A staff staff
- N.
- V.Geers (cooperator)
- S.Steijleman (cooperator)
Short Mobility Economics and Business (Bachelor) (6 ECTS) D0S32a staff staff
- N.
- V.Geers (cooperator)
- S.Steijleman (cooperator)
3 ECTS Internship Project (bachelor) D0E59A staff- N.
- S.Hoofdt (cooperator)
- N.
- S.Hoofdt (cooperator)
Internship Project (bachelor) (3 ECTS) D0E59a staff- N.
- S.Hoofdt (cooperator)
- N.
- S.Hoofdt (cooperator)
3 ECTS Internship Project (bachelor) D0E60A staff- N.
- S.Hoofdt (cooperator)
- N.
- S.Hoofdt (cooperator)
Internship Project (bachelor) (3 ECTS) D0E60a staff- N.
- S.Hoofdt (cooperator)
- N.
- S.Hoofdt (cooperator)
Option: Language immersion track French: Université Saint-Louis
Students can follow the 'Marketing'(HBA12C) and 'Personnel and Organization'(HBA11C) courses at an institution where English is not a language of instruction. To that end, KU Leuven Brussels Campus collaborates with Université Saint-Louis, which is at walking distance. Students can only choose the courses at Université Saint-Louis provided they have obtained at least 48 credits from the bachelor.
Please note that classes at Université Saint-Louis start one week earlier.
For further information, contact the Student Administration Department via FEBadvisor, preferably before 9 september.
Students are required to take all of the courses mentioned below.6 ECTS Marketing (USL) HBH86E staff Marketing (USL) (5 ECTS) HBH86e staff- N.
- N.
Marketing 2 (1 ECTS) HBH86a staff- N.
- T.Verbeke (substitute)
- N.
- T.Verbeke (substitute)
6 ECTS Management humain (USL) HBH85E staff Management humain (USL) (5 ECTS) HBH85e staff- N.
- N.
Management humain 2 (1 ECTS) HBH85a staff- N.
- T.Verbeke (substitute)
- N.
- T.Verbeke (substitute)