Spanish 3 (B-KUL-HBA67A)

The following learning outcomes are tested:
A. Concrete learning outcomes :
(8.g) Shows interest in current affairs and broadens his background knowledge.
(10) Is able to clearly communicate and report in the language of instruction. Is able to use in a business context at least two other languages orally and in writing and masters all techniques and skills for efficient and effective business communication.
(10.b) As far as the foreign languages are concerned, knows the general vocabulary, specific (business) economic vocabulary and grammar and uses all this accurately in written and oral communication.
(11.f) During a discussion or conversation, explains and defends a view on (business) economic problems.
B. Learning outcomes per assignment
1. Students can use vocabulary from the economic texts covered in class in specific gap-filling exercises, exercises on synonyms and antonyms and in translations and conversations.
2. Students can formulate a written answer to global questions about the contents of these texts.
3. Students can distinguish and report on the gist and logical connections of economic texts, which not have been dealt with in class, independently but with the help of dictionaries.
4. Students can link the contents of these texts to relevant social, historical, political and geographical matters of the Spanish-speaking countries.
5. Students can conduct a business correspondence via e-mail using the accompanying typical phrases
6. Students can hold a business conversation during visits to Spanish-speaking companies and report orally and in writing on them.
Previous knowledge
The admission criteria for the programme can be found in the programme catalogue.
If you want to follow this course, it is advisable to have completed the following courses first:
Spanish I
Spanish II
Identical courses
This course is identical to the following courses:
HBH68A : Spaans 3 (No longer offered this academic year)
HLH93A : Spaans 3 (No longer offered this academic year)
HBH83E : Spaans 3
Is included in these courses of study
3 ects. Spanish 3 (B-KUL-HBA67a)

Grammar revision. Business Spanish. Important Spanish-speaking areas (geographically, culturally, economically). Basic facts on negotiating in Spain and Latin America
Course material
Cuaderno 2, Werkgroep Spaans, Mechelen: Plantyn, 2012 (handboek, verplicht)
Spaanse Grammatica. Een overzicht, SNAUWAERT Erwin, Leuven: Alta, 2016 (handboek, aanbevolen)
Hacer negocios en español. Versión BBA, SNAUWAERT, E.; VANOVERBERGHE, F., KU Leuven, 2022 (syllabus, verplicht, verkrijgbaar via Ekonomika)
Language of instruction: more information
Format: more information
The classes suppose a constant interaction between lecturer and students. The lecturer provides the necessary grammar and vocabulary and the students put it into practice by means of exercises and conversations.
Evaluation: Spanish 3 (B-KUL-H71664)
Written exam (10 marks, 2 hours)
The written part consists of grammar exercises (10 verbs in different tenses, frases hipotéticas and other problems),10 to 20 questions on vocabulary (synonyms, antonyms, explain in Spanish …) about the aspects covered in class and of 10 sentences which are to be translated. They are based on the grammatical topics which are revised and mainly focus on vocabulary from texts and exercises from the Cuaderno 2 (unidades 21-24) and the syllabus 'Hacer negocios en español'. Then students answer a question about texts presented in class and about one new text. Finally there is a question about intercultural communication with Spain and/or Latin America.
Continuous evaluation
1) Paper + Ppt. (2 marks)
Short report (one A4-page) + Ppt. on a a Spanish-speaking area (a Spanish city or a Latin American country; see course book (Hacer negocios) for basic information + Toledo for practical instructions and arrangements. The teacher corrects a first version (deadline on Toledo). On the oral exam (cfr. infra), students present the corrected file (which contains both the first and the corrected version).
2) Oral exam (8 marks)
-In the oral exam students read a paragraph aloud from a text covered in class and translate it into English.
-Then they present a text about a socioeconomic topic. This text is 1 A4-size page from a newspaper or magazine of the current academic year. They can express the gist of the text in a personal way and answer general questions about the topic. They look up relevant vocabulary but do not have to present it in the exam. To assess this question the lecturer focuses on language use, knowledge of the contents and the presentation of the text itself.Students can choose the newspaper and/or magazine. To help students with the research and to guarantee the quality of the articles, we recommend quality newspapers such as El País, El Mundo...
-Finally, students present the Spanish-speaking area (a Spanish city/Latin American country) of their paper (cfr. supra Paper + Powerpoint) or answers some questions about (the topics treated in) his/her paper.
Information about retaking exams
Second exam opportunity: same as in the first assessment for the written exam. There is no second exam opportunity for the continuous evaluation.