Dutch 1 (B-KUL-HBA11A)

In Belgium the Flemish community (Dutch speaking!) is the larger one compared to the French speaking community. Furthermore, it has to be pointed out here that Dutch - it's in the name - is the Dutch people's language, i.e. the language of the inhabitants of the Netherlands. So by learning Dutch foreign candidate-economists not only acquire a tool for socializing and deepening their understanding of Flemish and Belgian culture but they also enhance their opportunities on the European job and business market considerably.
Dutch 1 provides the student with the necessary knowledge and language skills to take their first successful steps in a new language environment.
In this course, the following key objectives are (partially or fully) realized:
- As far as Dutch is concerned, knows the general vocabulary, specific (business) economic vocabulary and grammar and uses all this accurately in written and oral communication.
- Uses the correct grammatical structures in exercises and translations (written communication).
- acquires frequent general and business vocabulary.
The position of the course in the framework of the learning objectives of the programme can be found under the section “Objectives” of the “Bachelor of Business Administration (Brussels)”.
Previous knowledge
No prior knowledge is required for this course.
Identical courses
This course is identical to the following courses:
HBH96E : Nederlands voor gevorderden 1 (No longer offered this academic year)
HBA45C : Dutch 1 (advanced)
Is included in these courses of study
- Bachelor of Business Administration (Brussels) 180 ects.
- Bachelor of Business Administration: Double Degree Kedge (outgoing) (Brussels et al) 240 ects.
- Bachelor of Business Engineering (Brussels et al) 180 ects.
- Courses for Exchange Students Faculty of Economics and Business (Brussels)
- Bachelor of Business Administration: Double Degree Galway (outgoing) (Brussels et al) 240 ects.
3 ects. Dutch 1 (B-KUL-HBA11a)
Parts 1, 2 and 3 of Vanzelfsprekend (Textbook and Workbook).
Course material
- Vanzelfsprekend. Nederlands voor anderstaligen. Tekstboek Engels
Rita Devos, Han Fraeters, Peter Schoenaerts, Helga Van Loo, Acco, 2018
- Vanzelfsprekend. Nederlands voor anderstaligen. Werkboek Engels
Rita Devos, Han Fraeters, Peter Schoenaerts, Helga Van Loo, Acco, 2018
Language of instruction: more information
The medium of instruction is Dutch if possible and English if necessary.
Format: more information
Classes consist of interactive sessions and practice. New vocabulary and grammar items are taught in interactive sessions by means of short texts and dialogues.
Of course, we organise reading and (short) speaking exercises regularly. In this respect self-activation of students is of the utmost importance.
Evaluation: Dutch 1 (B-KUL-H70993)
Students can choose between two formats:
- Format 1: written exam (../20)
- Format 2: permanent evaluation (../12) and written exam (../8)
More information about the permanent evaluation format will be provided on Toledo at the start of the semester. If students choose Format 2, they must register via Tolinto (deadline will be provided in due time). No format changes can be made after the deadline.
More details will be provided on Toledo.
Information about retaking exams
If students need to resit the exam, the exam format is a written exam.