Dutch 3 (advanced) (B-KUL-HBA47C)

In this course, the following key objectives are (partially or fully) realized:
- Shows interest in current affairs and broadens his background knowledge.
- As far as foreign languages are concerned, knows the general vocabulary, specific (business) economic vocabulary and grammar and uses all this accurately in written and oral communication.
- Uses correct grammatical structures in exercises and translations (written and oral communication).
- Acquires frequent general and business economic vocabulary.
- Links the contents of articles, letters, conversations and TV programmes to relevant social, historic, political and geographical data of the countries concerned
- Summarizes a text (oral and written), explains it orally and answers questions about its contents and vocabulary.
- During a discussion or conversation, explains and defends a view on (business) economic problems.
The position of the course in the framework of the learning objectives of the programme can be found under the section “Objectives” of the “Bachelor of Business Administration (Brussels)”.
Previous knowledge
Students must have obtained level B1
Identical courses
This course is identical to the following courses:
HBA13A : Dutch 3
HBH98E : Nederlands voor gevorderden 3 (No longer offered this academic year)
Is included in these courses of study
3 ects. Dutch 3 (advanced) (B-KUL-HBA47c)
Advanced writing, listening, conversation and presentation exercises.
Evaluation: Dutch 3 (advanced) (B-KUL-H75121)
Only permanent evaluation and no exams. (Also no retake exam.)
Further information about the system(s) of permanent evaluation will be distributed in class and on Toledo.
Information about retaking exams
The features of the evaluation and determination of grades are identical to those of the first examination opportunity, as described in the tab 'Explanation'.