Research Methods 3 (B-KUL-HBA27C)

6 ECTSEnglish52 Both terms
Meulders Michel (coordinator) |  Meulders Michel
OC Business Administration FEB Campus Brussel

5a. Uses static and dynamic models, graphically and algebraically, to analyse and solve (business) economic problems.

5.a.1 Is able to use SPSS for running multiple regression with specific attention for model assumptions. Is able to use adapted regression models for analysing time series data.


5b. Uses descriptive and inferential statistical methods and techniques to solve (business) economic problems.

5.b.1 Is able to evaluate the model assumptions of classical parametric tests and, if needed, is able to apply non-parametric tests using SPSS.


5c. Studies and interprets associations between variables using linear regression techniques.

5.c.1 Is able to interpret the results of a multiple regression analysis, or the results of an adapted analysis on time series data in a scientifically correct way.


6a. Clearly formulates the problem in dialogue with the supervisor(s) but with a sufficient degree of autonomy, defines the research thesis and derives research questions from it for a (business) economics problem with practical relevance.


6b. Based on the critical analysis of various quantitative and qualitative research methods, makes an informed choice about a relevant research method to solve a (business) economics problem relevant to practice.


6c. In line with the given practical relevance and the definition of the (business) economics problem, chooses and uses the appropriate techniques to acquire, analyse and interpret data.


6e. From qualitative and quantitative research findings, draws scientific conclusions that bear practical relevance.


7a. Applies a critical mind when collecting sources and data and assesses their scientific relevance.

7.a.1 Is able to distinguish between scientific (i.e. peer-reviewed) and gray-zone literature. Is able to evaluate the quality of available data (convenience sample, missing data, etc.).


7b. Refers in a correct and consistent manner to scientific sources.

7.b.1 Is able to use APA style for referring to sources in a paper and for making up the list of references.


7c. Critically analyses the contents of (scientific) sources.


7d. Critically assesses (scientific) information, data and structures, and processes all this in line with solving (business) economics problem with practical relevance.

7.d.1 Is able to account for relevant information in the economic literature when specifying regression models.


8c. Identifies the limitations of research and questions the research findings.

8.c.1 Is able to reflect in a critical way about model assumptions, data quality, and the theoretical consistency of the findings.


8d. Sets forth a logical and coherent argumentation to support choices made when solving a (business) economic problem with practical relevance.


8e. Ensures the relevance, precision and scientific character of his own work and takes into account possible feedback.


10a. Uses the language of instruction to communicate orally and in writing with an audience of specialists and non-specialists, and such in a way that is correct on the level of grammar and vocabulary; uses a style that is common in a (business) economics context.


10c. Critically examines scientifically substantiated texts of (business) economic nature and interprets and synthesises them.


11g. Is familiar with relevant ICT applications and uses the knowledge and skills to solve (business) economic problems.

11.g.1 Is able to use SPSS for statistical analysis.



If you want to follow this course, it is advisable to have completed the following courses first:

Mathematics for Business A (HBA41C)

Mathematics for Business B (HBA42C)

Statistics for Business 1 (HBA68A)

Statistics for Business  2 (HBA69A)

Research Methods 1 (HBA05C)

Research Methods 2 (HBA14C)

This course is identical to the following courses:
Y00945 : Onderzoeksmethoden 3
HBH76E : Onderzoeksmethoden 3


4 ects. Statistical Modelling (B-KUL-HBA27c)

4 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture39 First term
OC Business Administration FEB Campus Brussel

Hypothesis testing

  • Classical parametric tests in SPSS
  • Assumptions underlying classical parametric test
  • Non-parametric tests


Simple and multiple regression


  • Model specification (including transformations, qualitative explanatory variables, interaction effects, choice of explanatory variables)
  • Inference about parameters
  • Goodness of fit 
  • Underlying assumptions (special attention for outliers, multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity, autocorrelation)


Adapted dynamic models for time series data


The obligatory study material consists of slides that will be available on Toledo.

The following book is recommended course material:

Studenmund (2013). Using econometrics: A practical guide (6th. edition). Edinburgh: Pearson Education Limited.

The course uses a blended learning format including web lectures and practice sessions. The web lectures are used to introduce new concepts and techniques and to illustrate  these concepts and techniques by means of exercises and related problems. During the practice sessions students will able to ask questions about the course material and to make exercises under the supervision of the lecturer. Students are expected to watch weblectures and prepare exercises before each practice session. Students will also be invited to watch video tutorials about using the software SPSS and to participate in computer sessions to practice the software.

2 ects. Quantitative Research Project (B-KUL-HBA86b)

2 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture13 Second term
OC Business Administration FEB Campus Brussel

The contents of this course unit are closely connected to the contents of the course units “Research methods 2” and “Statistical modelling”. No new theoretical contents are provided. Where necessary partial aspects are reviewed and illustrated in view of students' questions.

Special attention is given to all the aspects of the project: formulation of the problem, literature review, sampling and/or collection of data, analysis and report.

The obligatory course material consists of slides on Toledo.

The following book is recommended course material:

Studenmund (2013). Using econometrics: A practical guide (6th. edition). Edinburgh: Pearson Education Limited.

Students work in teams on a given assignment (more details and practical arrangements will be available on Toledo), in which at least a multiple regression model is discussed. Step by step they work out the research project, taking care of all the aspects of the project: formulation of the problem, literature review, sampling and/or collection of data, analysis and reporting. At each step a correct scientific approach is essential. All the aspects involved in the project will first be explained and illustrated during the lectures in the beginning of the course. Afterwards students work on the paper and the teacher coaches them during individual feedback sessions.


Evaluation: Research Methods 3 (B-KUL-H73599)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Paper/Project
Type of questions : Multiple choice, Closed questions, Open questions
Learning material : List of formulas, Calculator

Evaluation characteristics

The OLA “statistical modelling” is evaluated with a written exam. The OLA “quantitative research project” is evaluated with an assignment that consists of writing a paper.

OLA Statistical Modelling:

Students will be evaluated during the exam period on the basis of a written exam. This exam can contain open, closed and multiple choice questions. A standard correction for random guessing will be applied to compute the score of multiple choice questions. A detailed explanation of the correction for guessing will be communicated on Toledo. The exam consists of a (sample of) the following types of questions: (1)  insight questions in which the theoretical comprehension of statistical technique is evaluated,  (2)  insight questions in which the student has to indicate  which (combination of) analysis technique(s) is suitable for solving a certain research problem and argue why this is the case, (3)  insight questions in which the student has to interpret analysis results from SPSS to answer a specific research question. Students may use a hand calculator and a list of formulas.

OLA Quantitative Research Project:

Students make a group assignment that consists of writing a scientific paper (maximum 10 pages not including supplements).  The paper assignment is made by a group of students. Submission deadlines and practical details will be communicated on Toledo.

The content of the paper is a small econometric study. Students choose a topic and formulate the problem/research question, carry out a short literature study, find or collect a relevant set of data and specify the model based on this data. Data-analysis should include at least one multiple linear regression analysis. In this, sufficient attention is given to the verification of the statistical assumptions and the forecasting power is assessed. For the statistical analysis, the software SPSS is used. The paper is a report, made in the approved manner. This means there is a clear structure, correct English and scientific language is used, supplements are used where necessary e.g. for technical software output, and references to sources are included in the correct way.

Determination final result

Both parts (Statistical modelling and Quantitative research project) are being evaluated separately.  The final grade on the course “Research methods 3” is based on the grades achieved on both parts.  Every part is graded on 20 points (rounded to two decimals) and a minimum grade of 8.00/20 on each part is required in order to pass.  If a grade of at least 8.00 is obtained for each part, then the final grade is obtained as a weighted average of both grades. The parts “Statistical modelling” and “Quantitative research project” count for 2/3 and 1/3 of the grade for the course “Research methods 3”, respectively.  If less than 8.00 is obtained for one of the parts, or for both parts, the final grade is the minimum grade of the two parts. 


This course unit allows partial mark transfers in case of partial pass mark:

  • HBA86b - Quantitative Research Project (during academic year)
  • HBA27c - Statistical Modelling (during academic year)

Students who did not pass for the course during the first exam opportunity need to retake the parts for which they obtained a grade of less than 10.00. The part for which the student obtained a grade of at least 10.00 shall not be taken again.

Important remark for the second exam opportunity: if you retake a particular part, it is the result of the retake that counts (e.g. you obtain 9.00 in the first examination opportunity for “Statistical modelling”, and you obtain a 7.00 for the same part in the second exam opportunity, your result will be 7.00 for that part). As such, the “best result” principle does not apply at the level of the parts “Statistical modelling” and “Quantitative research project”.

Regarding the retake of “quantitative research project”, the student must thoroughly review the paper submitted for the first exam opportunity. This should be done in group or individually (if only one student of a group needs to retake the paper). Submission deadlines and practical details will be communicated on Toledo.

Retaking the course Research Methods 3 in the next academic year means that all partial examinations must be resat. No component marks are transferred to the next academic year.