International Study Visit: Toulouse (B-KUL-HME42A)

3 ECTSEnglishSecond termCannot be taken as part of an examination contractCannot be taken as part of a credit contract
Steegmans Dorien (coordinator) |  N. |  Steegmans Dorien (cooperator)
Extern Université Toulouse Capitole
OC Master in de bedrijfskunde en Master of International Business FEB Campus Brussel

Analyses the environment in which a business is operating at the micro (e.g. human capital, value creation), meso (e.g. competitive position in a sector, supply chain) and macro (e.g. demographics, sociology, technology, ecology, politics) level.

Performs a critical analysis of the strategic opportunities and challenges facing businesses using scientific studies, case studies and (international) company visits.

Explains patterns and consequences of international trade by relying on standard and new trade models.

Analyses the causes and effects of international movements of goods, services, capital and labor.

Analyses the welfare effects for consumers, businesses, workers and governments of policy instruments that regulate trade or factor movements.

Can engage in debates on protectionism and on the liberalization of trade or factor movements, and understands the role of interest groups in these debates.

Understands and applies economic analysis to ongoing debates and current global challenges regarding international trade and factor movements.

Communicates orally and in writing in a way that is correct on the level of grammar and vocabulary; uses a style that is common in a (business) economics context.

Communicates with various stakeholders (international, intercultural) in an effective and persuasive fashion, both in speech and in writing.

Independently or in team, efficiently carries out a clearly defined assignment.

Uses management skills and entrepreneurship in a business context.

Discusses discipline-transcending business problems as part of an (international) team.

Shows social responsibility by following news developments and by critically reflecting on social issues.

Performs an analysis of the most important policy instruments a government has as its disposal to realize its economic efficiency and redistribution objectives, as well as of the government’s own choices.

Behaves in a respectful fashion and pays attention to diversity.

Has insight into the main management and reporting instruments in the area of corporate social responsibility, and applies these to concrete industry examples.

Identifies the economic, social and environmental aspects of concrete business cases, recognises their importance to a sustainable society, and critically weighs the different aspects against each other as part of corporate social responsibility.

Shows interest in current affairs and broadens his background knowledge.

Investigates, taking into account social and ethical aspects, what having a job in a specific profession, sector or industrial branch implies.

Reflects on the necessary actions to complete the personal career development plan.


The admission criteria for the programme can be found in the programme catalogue.

If you want to follow this course, it is advisable to have following prior competences: Preparatory Programme MIB, voorbereidingsprogramma MiM or equivalent.

This course is identical to the following courses:
HME22A : Study Visit: Brussels and the European Union


3 ects. International Study Visit: Toulouse (B-KUL-HME42a)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Field tripSecond term
N. |  Steegmans Dorien (cooperator)
OC Master in de bedrijfskunde en Master of International Business FEB Campus Brussel

1. Concept

This course consists of a one-week stay at the Toulouse School of Management. During this stay, students attend several classes - both theoretical and practical - dealing with international strategy, management and innovation. Next to the colleges, students visit several companies and organisations. Attendance during classes and company visits is compulsory. Social and cultural activities are included in the programme.

The study visit to Toulouse is open for the following groups of students: Master of International Business, master in het management and FEB Erasmus students(*). The study visit is compulsory for students in the double degree programme with the Toulouse School of Management. 

(*) Only Erasmus students with a full academic year at KU Leuven can join. Furthermore, they need to be either master-level students or 4th-year bachelor students.

 2. Selection procedure

 The number of students that can opt for the International Study Visit: Toulouse is limited to 30 due to practical reasons. There is a minimum of 12 students. If the minimum is not reached, the study visit can be cancelled.

Each student has to hand in a motivation letter (max. 1 page). Attention should be paid to personal motives to study at Toulouse School of Management as well as to arguments why the International Study Visit: Toulouse is an attractive option. If necessary, students will be selected based on the quality of their motivation letter.

Additional practical guidelines will be announced at the start of the academic year. If you wish to include this course in your individual study programme, please take into account that there will be an extra study cost (see Toledo). The procedure and deadline for paying this cost will be announced at the start of the academic year. In case of failure to pay before the deadline, article 21 of the education and exam regulation is applicable.


3. Including course in your individual programme

You select the study visit in your ISP, possibly only temporarily based on whether or not you are selected for the study visit. If you are not selected you have to select another elective.

4. Practical Information

Period: One week in March/April (see Toledo)


Course materials consist of slides, articles and additional documents that are provided during the activities of the study visit.

This course is completely in English.

This course consists of a combination of classes at the Toulouse School of Management and visits to companies in and around Toulouse. During the colleges interactive teaching formats will be used (discussions, group interactions etc.).


Evaluation: International Study Visit: Toulouse (B-KUL-H75360)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Presentation, Participation during contact hours
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material

The evaluation consists of a group assignment and a presentation during the stay in Toulouse. The students present their group project in front of a jury. 


The features of the evaluation and determination of grades are equal to those of the first examination opportunity.