Modern Banking and Financial Technology (B-KUL-HMA68A)

This course evaluates the following learning outcomes:
The student
1.2 (ISF) formulates scientifically based solutions for specific financial issues related to the management of financial institutions
1.4 (ISF) understands the theory and concepts underlying the banking system and its relationship with financial markets
2.1 (ISF) analyses strategic problems relevant to the financial sector based on an integrated vision. This implies that both the internal functioning of the financial institutions (eg impact of risk management on banking strategy) as well as the institutional context (eg regulation) are taken into account, as well as their importance for other stakeholders (government, customers,…)
2.3 (ISF) formulates a scientifically based advise on strategic changes in financial institutions taking into account the international dimension of the financial sector.
3.1 (ISF) assesses the evolution of different banking models and activities and has the capacity to deal with the main financial instruments and services provided by banks.
4.3 (ISF) critically reflects about the major regulatory challenges in the banking system and the impact on banks business models
10.1 (ISF) Keeps his/her knowledge about the financial sector up to date, based on both developments in the sector and scientific publications
10.3 (ISF) has the capacity to handle the new technologies currently reshaping the banking sector.
10.4 (ISF) reflects about the validity and relevance of mainstream frameworks in finance, as well as their assumptions and the applied analytical methods. Confronts these frameworks with scientific evidence and evolutions and events within the financial industry.
Previous knowledge
If you want to follow this course, it is advisable to have completed the following courses first:
- Financial Markets and Institutions
- Corporate Finance.
Is included in these courses of study
- Master of Business Administration (Brussels) (Track International and Sustainable Finance) 60 ects.
- Courses for Exchange Students Faculty of Economics and Business (Brussels)
- Master of Management Engineering (Brussels) 120 ects.
6 ects. Modern Banking and Financial Technology (B-KUL-HMA68a)

The course will include such topics as:
- The role of banks in the economy and in the financial system in particular
- Regulatory and policy aspects of the banking sector
- Products and services offered by banks
- Market mechanisms at play in the banking system
- Analysis of bank performances
- Comparison of different banking ecosystems (including Europe, US, Japan, etc.)
- Risk management in banking (including risk measurements, market risks, financial engineering, systemic risk)
- New technologies and opportunities for banking (including artificial intelligence, cryptocurrencies, big data, etc.)
Additional and/or less topics may be discussed in class dependent on the time available and recent developments.
Evaluation: Modern Banking and Financial Technology (B-KUL-H75069)
The evaluation may include class participation, a final written or oral exam as well as a group-project resulting in a class presentation. The exact evaluation details will be provided at the start of the course and on Toledo.
Second exam opportunity
The features of the evaluation and determination of grades are identical to those of the first examination opportunity, as described above.