SME's and Entrepreneurship (B-KUL-HMA66A)

6 ECTSEnglish39 Second term
Molly Vincent (coordinator) |  Molly Vincent
OC Business Administration FEB Campus Brussel

This course evaluates the following learning outcomes:

The student

1.2 (SIE) reflects critically about the internal context of the organization and how management can influence this internal context to improve the functioning of the organization.

2.3 (SIE) has a wellfounded opinion about current societal problems with repect to firm strategy, management and entrepreneurship based on scientific knowledge.

4.3 (SIE) critically reflects about how societal and organizational trends impact corporate strategy, management and entrepeneurship and takes into account (the consequences of) involved stakeholders.

7.5 has a critical attitude and is able to put himself and his environment into question.

10.2. (SIE) reflects critically about the way in which important evolutions and innovations within SME management and entrepreneurship cen be translated into organizational policy, taking into account the idiosyncracies of the specific firm context. 

The course ‘SMEs & Entrepreneurship’ can be situated at the intersection of entrepreneurship, strategy and innovation, while focusing on the specific context of SMEs, startups and family businesses. We critically reflect on the main characteristics and challenges of these firms and their main actors. Starting from academic research and insights from practice we investigate how the uniqueness and strengths of these firms can be united through strategic collaboration in order to support their survival and continue their legacy.

General courses such as ‘Management’, ‘Strategic Management’ and ‘Entrepreneurship & Business Planning’.

This course is identical to the following courses:
HMH12F : KMO's en ondernemerschap


6 ects. SME's and Entrepreneurship (B-KUL-HMA66a)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture39 Second term
OC Business Administration FEB Campus Brussel

The following main subjects will be discussed:

- Definition, economic importance and characteristics of startups, SMEs and family businesses

- Challenges, survivability and success of startups, SMEs and family businesses

- Definition, economic importance and characteristics of external corporate venturing

- Strategic collaboration between SMEs/family businesses and startups

Presentations, research papers and international studies published on Toledo.


The course is taught in English based on international course material.

Case-based lecture - Group assignment - Paper - Presentation

Interactive lectures where insights from research and practice on entrepreneurship, SMEs and family business will be discussed, in combination with a selected field project performed in group.


Evaluation: SME's and Entrepreneurship (B-KUL-H75067)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Paper/Project, Presentation
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : None

Evaluation characteristics

The course will be evaluated based on a group assignment and a written exam. For the group assignment, the students are expected to prepare and perform a field project, write a report and prepare a presentation. In addition, the professor will assess insight and the ability to apply the learning content by means of a written closed book exam.

Determination final result

The group assignment will be graded on 10 marks out of 20. The written exam will be graded on 10 marks out of 20.

Second exam opportunity

Students who failed this course will have to retake the written exam and/or write an individual assignment, as described below.

Students who passed the written exam do not have to retake the written exam. The grade obtained for the written exam at the first exam opportunity will therefore be transferred to the second exam opportunity.

Students who failed the group assignment, cannot retake this assignment but are required to complete an individual, written assignment.

Students who have passed the group assignment cannot retake that component. For them, the assignment results already obtained at the first exam opportunity will be transferred to the second exam opportunity.

The assignment will be graded on 10 marks out of 20. The written exam will be graded on 10 marks out of 20.