Project Management (B-KUL-HME07A)

3 ECTSEnglish20 First termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Teirlinck Peter (coordinator) |  Teirlinck Peter |  Vromans Bram (substitute)
OC Master in de bedrijfskunde en Master of International Business FEB Campus Brussel

  • Analyses the environment in which a business is operating at the micro (e.g. human capital, value creation), meso (e.g. competitive position in a sector, supply chain) and macro (e.g. demographics, sociology, technology, ecology, politics) level.
  • Critically analyses how the implementation of a particular company strategy impacts the different management areas, and adjusts course based on this analysis.
  • Analyses and critically reflects about the internal environment of an organisation, to identify strengths and weaknesses that will guide the (international) marketing strategy.
  • Determines the net present value of a simple investment project based on a cash flow analysis and business’ capital cost.
  • Values an international business project using a discounted cash flow approach and a real option analysis.
  • Independently or in team, efficiently carries out a clearly defined assignment.
  • Uses management skills and entrepreneurship in a business context.

This is an integrative course, it is advisable to have completed all first semester courses.

This course is identical to the following courses:
HMB13A : Projectmanagement (MIBEB) (No longer offered this academic year)
HBA23C : Project Management


3 ects. Project Management (B-KUL-HME07b)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture20 First term
Teirlinck Peter |  Vromans Bram (substitute)
OC Master in de bedrijfskunde en Master of International Business FEB Campus Brussel

Project management is essential in efficiently and successfully implementing major changes within organizations. By means of project management theory, practical examples and exercises, you will develop the necessary skills and knowledge to become a project team member/manager.

The topics addressed in this course will deal with:

  • Introduction to project management
  • The organizational context: strategy, structure and culture
  • Project selection and portfolio management
  • Leadership and the project management
  • Project team building: conflict and negotiation
  • Scope management
  • Cost management: estimation and budgeting
  • Risk management
  • Time management: networks, duration estimation, critical path and critical chain
  • Agile project management
  • Resource management
  • Project evaluation and control
  • Project closure


The recommended course notes, papers and slides are in English.

Group assignment

The classes introduce theoretical concepts and analytical tools. Individual and group exercises will take place during class.


Evaluation: Project Management (B-KUL-H71622)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Paper/Project
Type of questions : Multiple choice, Open questions
Learning material : Course material, Calculator

Evaluation caracteristics

The evaluation consists of partial evaluations:

First part (40% of the final grade): Permanent evaluation based on obligatory group work.

Second part (60% of the final grade): Written exam open and multiple-choice questions during regular the examination period.

Determination final result

The grades are determined by the lecturer, in line with the examination regulations and as communicated via Toledo.

The result is calculated and communicated as a whole number on a scale of 20.

The final grade is a weighted score and consists of 40% permanent evaluation and 60% evaluation during the examination period.
If the student does not participate in one of the partial evaluations, the final grade of the course will be NA (not attended) for the whole course.

For multiple-choice questions, a correction for incorrect answers is applied. Details will be explained during lectures and on Toledo.


The evaluation methods during the second exam opportunities are identical. Group case will then be changed by an individual case.