Topics in Occupational Health (B-KUL-HMM54A)

6 ECTSEnglish48 First termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Van den Broeck Anja (coordinator) |  Reiss Boris |  Van den Broeck Anja |  Rymenans Isha (cooperator) |  Van de Wiele Elke (cooperator) |  Verhulst Laure (cooperator) |  Vysniauskaite Ausrine (cooperator)  | LessMore
POC Milieu- en preventiemanagement FEB Campus Brussel

The graduate of the Master in Environment, Health and Safety Management

1. Is able to analyse issues concerning environment, well-being and sustainability from different scientific angles and is able to arrive at integrated policy solutions, together with specialists from other fields of knowledge.

1d The student is able to analyse issues about current topics relating to occupational health and well-being at work (e.g. in terms of working environment, employees, technology, sectors) from the viewpoint of the prevention adviser/ergonomist and to arrive at an integrated solution from different angles.

2. Is able to critically assess the impact of an environmental, well-being and sustainability policy and to evaluate it.

2g The student is able to carry out a cost-benefit analysis of interventions and policy that aim to solve challenges concerning current topics relating to occupational health and well-being at work (e.g. in terms of working environment, employees, technology, sectors).

5. Is able to reflect critically on and make use of sustainable alternatives as an innovative answer to social challenges.

5f The student is able to reflect critically on the sustainable character of innovative answers to current topics regarding occupational health and well-being at work.

The admission criteria for the programme can be found in the programme catalogue.


6 ects. Topics in Occupational Health (B-KUL-HMM54a)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture48 First term
Reiss Boris |  Van den Broeck Anja |  Rymenans Isha (cooperator) |  Van de Wiele Elke (cooperator) |  Verhulst Laure (cooperator) |  Vysniauskaite Ausrine (cooperator)  | LessMore
POC Milieu- en preventiemanagement FEB Campus Brussel

Four current (or here "new") themes will be elaborated:

1. New working environments (eg open offices)

2. New employees (eg older employees)

3. New technologies (eg measurement methods, protective equipment, tools, ...)

4. New sectors (eg RA and tools in healthcare sector)

Articles, information and presentations via Toledo

The topics will be organized during 12 weeks.

In each topic the following work forms can occur in different proportions:

- Theoretical introduction and background knowledge

- Expert guest lectures

- Status of scientific research

- Legislation, standards, guidelines

- practical applications through workshop, company visit, measurement methods, case


Evaluation: Topics in Occupational Health (B-KUL-H75289)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Participation during contact hours, Take-Home
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material

Evaluation characteristics

permanent evaluation with assignments per topic

The final result will be determined as the average score of the assignments and take home exam questions. 



The features of the evaluation and determination of grades are identical to those of the first examination opportunity, as described in the tab 'Explanation'.