Change Management and Leadership (B-KUL-HMG05A)

3 ECTSEnglish24 Second term
Caers Ralf |  Kanwal Hira (substitute)
OC Master of Management Engineering FEB Campus Brussel

  • Identifies the strategic characteristics as well as the organisational and sectorial characteristics that influence the value-creating effect of HRM with a view to developing an internally consistent HRM system, embedded in a company’s strategic framework.
  • Develops an HRM policy as part of an (international) company’s strategic framework.

No previous knowledge is required, although a basic understanding of management theories is an asset.


3 ects. Change Management and Leadership (B-KUL-HME43a)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture24 Second term
Caers Ralf |  Kanwal Hira (substitute)
OC Master in de bedrijfskunde en Master of International Business FEB Campus Brussel

The content of the course contains:

  • Understanding recent trends in personnel management
  • Performing job interviews, mid year reviews, evaluation & dismissal interviews
  • Managing conflicts
  • Motivating employees
  • Leading employees
  • Rewarding employees
  • Change and the individual: models of individual change
  • Change and the organization: models of organisational change
  • Key roles in organizational change
  • Preparing for resistance to change
  • Building change readiness at the individual and at the organizational level
  • Tools for Facilitating change

Caers R. 2021. HRM Basics. 3e edition. Intersentia. ISBN 9781839701269

All classes are in English, as is the handbook.


Evaluation: Change Management and Leadership (B-KUL-H75774)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Multiple choice
Learning material : None

Evaluation caracteristics

The exam consists of 20 multiple choice questions, each time 4 options and only one correct answer.


Determination final result

To calculate the final score, increased caesura is applied. Total score = 10 + ((10/(20-12))*(Number of correct answers-12))




The features of the evaluation and determination of grades are identical to those of the first examination opportunity, as described in the tab 'Explanation'.