European Institutions, Decison-making and Lobbying in the EU (B-KUL-HMI19A)

The student knows
- The composition, responsibilities and working procedurs of the main institutions of the European union:
- European Commission
- The Council of the European Union
- European Council
- European Parliament
- Committee of the Regions and Economic and Social Committee
- The decision making procedures
- Ordinary and special legislative procedure
- Implementing acts
- Delegated acts
- The purpose and methods of lobbying
- The way in which lobby groups can influence EU decision making
The European institutions have their written and unwritten working methods. This course aims to analyze the internal working methods of the various institutions.
Previous knowledge
Is included in these courses of study
- Master handelsingenieur (Leuven) 120 ects.
- Master handelsingenieur (Leuven) (Minor: European affairs management) 120 ects.
- Master of Business Engineering (Leuven) (Minor: European Affairs Management) 120 ects.
- Master of Business Administration (Brussels) 60 ects.
- Courses for Exchange Students Faculty of Economics and Business (Brussels)
- Master of European Studies: Transnational and Global Perspectives (Programme for students started before 2024-2025) (Leuven) (European Governance) 60 ects.
- Master of European Studies: Transnational and Global Perspectives (Programme for students started before 2024-2025) (Leuven) (European and Global Economy) 60 ects.
- Master of European Studies: Transnational and Global Perspectives (Programme for students started in 2024-2025) (Leuven) (Module 2: European Policies and Governance) 60 ects.
6 ects. European Institutions, Decision-making and Lobbying in the EU (B-KUL-HMI19a)
Working methods of the European Commission, the Council and European Council and the European Parliament.
Theories on lobbying and interest represenation
Application to recent EU legislative procedures
Depending upon the availability, the course will include guest lectures and/or visits to the EU institutions. Attendance is compulsory.
Course material
Material for this course will be make available on Toledo.
Language of instruction: more information
Internationalisation of the programme and/or opening the course to incoming exchange students.
Format: more information
Depending on the number of students who participate in the course and the opportunities offered by the EU institutions, the course can include guest lectures and/or visits to the European Institutions in Brussels.
Evaluation: European Institutions, Decison-making and Lobbying in the EU (B-KUL-H74258)
The exam is a closed book exam. The exam has 2 open questions.
Additional information will be made available on Toledo.
Information about retaking exams
same as first session