Digital Marketing (B-KUL-HMH53F)

Upon completion of this course, the student is able to:
- Know and understand the key concepts and theories relevant to digital marketing management.
- Have up-to-date knowledge of digital marketing practice.
- Have the ability to work well in a multichannel and international setting where many differences across countries affect marketing decisions and strategies.
- Have the appreciation for his responsibilities to others and to society and be awake to the need for an ethical framework to make decisions.
- Have the technical and analytical skills to make sound marketing-related decisions.
- Understand the impact of technology and the Internet on contemporary marketing management. (specific topics on blockchain, internet of things, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, second screen, …)
- Understand the objectives and tool set of digital marketing and its role in Integrated Marketing Communication
- Understand and practice state-of-the-art principles of technology marketing
- Recommend a digital marketing strategy for an organisation.
- Be able to describe business needs and brief external specialized agencies
- Evaluate other business models to identify a competitive advantage.
Previous knowledge
If you want to follow this course, it is recommended to master the basics of marketing management.
Is included in these courses of study
- Master in de handelswetenschappen (dag + avond, programma voor studenten gestart vóór 2024-2025) (Brussel) 60 ects.
- Master in de handelswetenschappen (dag + avond, programma voor studenten gestart vóór 2024-2025) (Brussel) (Specialisatie strategisch marketing management) 60 ects.
- Master of Business Administration (Brussels) (Track Strategic Marketing Management) 60 ects.
- Courses for Exchange Students Faculty of Economics and Business (Brussels)
- Master of Management Engineering (Brussels) 120 ects.
- Master in de handelswetenschappen (programma voor studenten gestart in 2024-2025 of later) (Brussel) 60 ects.
6 ects. Digital Marketing (B-KUL-HMH53f)
Course will be structured around the lifecycle of the engagement with the customer and technological changes that enable the relationship.
Students will also be engaged with digital analytics instruction externally from the course.
- Introduction to Digital Marketing and its place in Customer focused Marketing
- Website planning & Creation (Manage the visibility, engage with visitors, Creating a blueprint, adding plugins)
- Search engine optimization (SEO) (Optimizing traffic on- & off page)
- PPC Advertising, Remarketing & Retargeting (Understanding Adwords and its algorithm, Lead Generation & Conversion)
- Digital Marketing Analytics (Performance Evaluation, Cookie tracking, Bounce rate analysis, link tagging, monitoring tools)
- E-Commerce Marketing (e-Commerce marketing strategy)
- Social Media Marketing (Facebook marketing, LinkedIn Marketing, Twitter Marketing, Video Marketing)
- Email Marketing (how it works, good practices)
- Ad-Sense & Blogging (what is it and how to get approved by Google)
- Mobile Web Marketing
- Content Marketing
- Lead Generation for business (how it works and preparing a strategy)
- Artificial Intelligence and Digital Marketing
- Augmented Reality and Digital Marketing
- Blockchain and Digital Marketing
- Internet of things and Digital Marketing
- Supporting new business models using Digital Marketing
Course material
Presentations of the sessions (to be disclosed 1 week before session)
Links to video-courses
List of supporting reference books (to be disclosed at the beginning of the academic semester)
Language of instruction: more information
English is the common communication language in business and more specifically digital marketing; students will have the opportunity not only have enough readings but will also be guided in writing reports, request for proposals, statements of work and doing presentations in English.
Format: more information
Practical sessions: in which the basics of digital marketing analytics will be practiced.
Theory lectures: in which the state of the art of digital marketing will discussed, both on the basis of academic sources and other materials.
Evaluation: Digital Marketing (B-KUL-H75050)
Evaluation characteristics
Clarity of explication & representation
Ability to apply and to execute
Ability to explain
Correctness’ & Completeness of briefings and papers
Determination final result
The grades are determined by the lecturer as communicated via Toledo and stated in the examination schedule. The result is calculated and communicated as a whole number on a scale of 20.
There are three parts to the evaluation:
- The first part is the external certification activity that takes place online with an external party.
- The second part is the group activity.
- The third part is the written examination.
The evaluation exists of three parts: (1) certificates to be obtained via an online course, (2) a group assignment, and (3) a final written exam. Parts 2 and 3 are both mandatory components of the final grade.
Part 1: Each student is required to obtain certificates from an online course (more information will be provided during the first lecture and via Toledo).
Part 2: For the mandatory group assignment, students will run a well-structured digital marketing campaign (including set-up, monitoring, analysis and reporting). Peer evaluation will also be an assessment activity.
Part 3: The mandatory exam is closed book and will exist of open questions about the course material.
The grades are distributed in the following percentages:
- External certification activity: 15%
- Personal Contribution in the group 10%
- Group deliverable: 35%
- Examination : 40%
Information about retaking exams
The features of the evaluation and determination of grades are identical to those of the first examination opportunity, as described above. However, if a student did not participate in group work during the term, that element cannot be done in EP3 and would be graded as a zero. If the student participated in group work and it needs to be redone (not passing), then rework of mandatory group work will be asked with oral defense {vs. a video presentation}.