Corporate Finance (B) (B-KUL-HSA23A)

2.a Understands basic theories, basic terms, and basic concepts of each management domain, in particular with respect to the financial, operational, commercial and organisational activities, and can apply them when solving business problems.
2.a.6 Students are able to describe and apply the main financial concepts and theories within corporate finance
2.c Understands and substantiates the critical importance of each management domain for a successful organisation and the coherence with other management domains.
2.c.1 Students are able to position the role of the financial manager and the goals of corporate finance within a broader corporate perspective
2.i Masters the basic concepts and the overall functioning of banking, the stock market and the insurance business as well as the characteristics and functioning of the most important financial products and financial markets.
2.i.2 Students are able to determine the financial value of the main financial instruments used in corporate finance i.e. stocks and bonds
2.j Using the principles of time value of money, interprets information from financial reporting and news coverage, and uses all this as input in financial issues.
2.j.2 Students are able to apply the principles of time value of money to several valuation exercises
2.k Makes a reasoned assessment of the impact of uncertainty on the financial decisions of individuals and organisations.
2.k.1 Students are able to financing and investment decisions with a risk-return framework
8.a Identifies (business) economic challenges with practical relevance and relates them to insights developed in the field.
8.a.1 Students are able to analyse investment and financing decisions using science-based theoretical frameworks
8.g Shows interest in current affairs and broadens his background knowledge.
8.g.3 Students are able to critically reflect on the financial news and are able to assess the implications of the financial news on corporate finance decision
12.d Integrates sustainability values in the analysis of topical (business) economic problems and proposes solutions that take into account these values.
12.d.1 Students are able to critically reflect on the sustainability of financial decisions
Previous knowledge
There is no specific pre-knowledge required for this course
Identical courses
This course is identical to the following courses:
Y00341 : Ondernemingsfinanciering (S)
HBH62E : Ondernemingsfinanciering
HBA18C : Corporate Finance
HTH88A : Ondernemingsfinanciering (BL)
HSH94A : Ondernemingsfinanciering (S)
Y00926 : Ondernemingsfinanciering
Is included in these courses of study
- Bridging Programme: Master of Business Administration (Brussels) 60 ects.
- Preparatory Programme: Master of Business Administration (Programme for students started before 2023-2024) (Brussels) 90 ects.
- Courses for Exchange Students Faculty of Economics and Business (Brussels)
- Preparatory Programme: Master of Business Administration (Programme for students started in 2023-2024 or later) (Brussels) 75 ects.
- Preparatory Programme: Master of Business Administration (Programme for students started in 2023-2024 or later) (Antwerp) 75 ects.
6 ects. Corporate Finance (B) (B-KUL-HSA23a)
Value and value-creation
- introduction
- valuing bonds
- valuing stocks
- evaluation of investment projects
Risk and capital budgeting
- introduction risk and return
- portfolio theory and asset pricing models
- risk and the cost of capital
Selected corporate finance topics
This table of contents is indicative: changes can be made in view of topical events in corporate finance and time constraints. Also depending on timing, one or more business-oriented guest lectures can be organised.
Course material
Recommended study material:
Principles of Corporate Finance, custom edition based on 13th edition - compiled by Decan, H., D'Espallier, B. and Praet, A.
Publisher: McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 9781307561722
Evaluation: Corporate Finance (B) (B-KUL-H75361)
The exam consist of theoretical questions and exercises. Questions on subjects treated by invited guest lectures/business seminars (if any) are possible. Part of the exam can be in the form of multiple choice questions (a correction for guessing will be applied for multiple choice questions – details will be discussed during the lectures).
Information about retaking exams
The features of the evaluation and determination of grades are identical to those of the first examination opportunity.