Accounting and Control (B-KUL-HMG04A)

6 ECTSEnglish42 Second termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
OC Master of Management Engineering FEB Campus Brussel

The student:

- understands the different parts of financial statements and their mutual relations and differences;

- correctly processes basic company transactions in financial statements;

- assesses the financial performance of an organisation based on the critical use of several techniques of financial analysis, and produces recommendations to adjust the financial policy;

- applies different costing techniques;

- applies management accounting techniques as a tool to facilitate decisions (e.g. about pricing, product mix, ...);

- understands the conventional control mechanisms in companies, aimed at aligning the interests of organizational members with the strategy of the organization;

- understands the relation between management control and subsequent human behavior.


The admission criteria for the programme can be found in the programme catalogue. No prior knowledge is required for this course.


6 ects. Accounting and Control (B-KUL-HMG04a)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture42 Second term
OC Master of Management Engineering FEB Campus Brussel

Financial accounting

  • The conceptual framework of accounting
  • Analysis of items reported in published financial statements
  • Reporting the transactions of a business in the financial statements
  • Financial statement analysis: liquidity + cash flow analysis, solvency, profitability

Cost/Management accounting

  • Classification of costs
  • Decision-making: relevant cost analysis, make or buy decisions, …
  • costing methods

Management control

  • Control and behavioral consequences
  • The budgeting process and variance analysis


Materials provided on Toledo + Harvard Case studies (to be purchased)

The course is taught in English due to the international student audience

Blended learning - Case-based lecture - Group assignment


Evaluation: Accounting and Control (B-KUL-H75773)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Practical exam, Paper/Project
Type of questions : Open questions, Closed questions
Learning material : Calculator

Evaluation characteristics

The written, closed book exam aims at testing the topics discussed in the lessons. 

The project is a group assignment and tests the topics discussed in the lessons.

The individual written task is a closed book test to evaluate students’ progress.

Determination final result

Individual task: 10%

Project group: 30%

Final exam: 60%

100% written closed book exam