Managerial Accounting: a Multinational Perspective (B-KUL-HME38A)

- Formulates suggestions to implement and monitor an organisation’s strategy, while integrating various management areas in a harmonious fashion.
- Designs and adjusts effective organisational structures.
- Comments on the importance and limitations of financial reporting from the perspectives of different stakeholders.
- The student understands (the implications of) different product cost terms, such as product vs. period costs, direct vs. indirect costs, and fixed vs. variable costs.
- Collects, calculates and interprets relevant cost and revenue data, and formulates company policy recommendations based on this information (including production decisions, purchasing decisions, sales decisions, quality decisions, events management and performance measurement).
- Discusses how a management control system works based on frequently used terms in management control for an (internationally) oriented enterprise.
- Determines the net present value of a simple investment project based on a cash flow analysis and business’ capital cost.
- Critically uses the instruments at the disposal of management to evaluate the financial performance of an (international) organisation (e.g. differences analysis, economic value added).
- The student is able to assign costs using traditional and ABC cost allocation methods, and understands the strengths and weaknesses of these cost allocation methods
- Designs a management control system for an (international) organisation in accordance with its features and business context (strategy, environmental uncertainty, dimension, multinational corporations, cultural differences).
- Selects appropriate quantitative and qualitative methods and can apply these methods to real-life applications.
- Identifies the economic, social and environmental aspects of concrete business cases, recognises their importance to a sustainable society, and critically weighs the different aspects against each other as part of corporate social responsibility.
Previous knowledge
The admission criteria for the programme can be found in the programme catalogue. It is advisable to have completed the following course first: Introduction to financial reporting.
Identical courses
This course is identical to the following courses:
HMB41A : Managerial Accounting
Is included in these courses of study
- Master of International Business (Brussels) (Track 1: International Business) 60 ects.
- Master of International Business: Double Degree Toulouse (incoming) (Brussels et al) 120 ects.
- Courses for Exchange Students Faculty of Economics and Business (Brussels)
6 ects. Managerial Accounting: a Multinational Perspective (B-KUL-HME38a)

- Classification of costs
- Cost allocation
- Decision making: relevant costs and revenues
pricing decisions
investment appraisal
-Planning, control and performance measurement: types of control (personnel, action and outcome control)
responsibility accounting (budgeting process, performance indicators, rewarding,…)
(international) transfer pricing
non-financial performance measures and the Balanced Score Card (BSC)
- Cost management: activity based management
customer profitability analysis
life cycle costing, target costing, kaizen costing
cost of quality
Course material
The compulsory study material consists of the material provided on Toledo (slides, articles, exercises, cases), as well as the notes taken during the lectures.
There is no compulsory handbook! For students who wish additional background, the following optional handbook is suggested: Drury, C. (2018). Management and Cost Accounting. Cengage Learning (ISBN 9781473748873). This book can be consulted in the library or can be bought with Ekonomica Kursusdienst.
Language of instruction: more information
Format: more information
Blended learning - Flipped classroom
During the lessons the focus is on explaining (or summarizing) theory and on making exercises and cases. For certain topics a blended concept will be applied, implying that students study the theory on their own and that the lessons start with a short summary of this theory and mostly focus on applying the theory by means of exercises.
Evaluation: Managerial Accounting: a Multinational Perspective (B-KUL-H75090)
Evaluation characteristics
Student should be able to apply the various management accounting techniques correctly, interpret the outcomes and/or discuss the behavioral implications.
Information about retaking exams
Idem first exam opportunity