International Trade and Politics (B-KUL-HMA92A)

6 ECTSEnglish39 Second termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Poelmans Eline (coordinator) |  Poelmans Eline
OC Business Administration FEB Campus Brussel

This course evaluates the following learning outcomes:

The student

1.1 Analyses the international and European aspects of operational business-related problems and questions, taking into account the specific international and European business context and environment.

1.4 (EIB) reflects critically on the international and European political, economic and institutional context in which companies operate, on the impact this context has on the functioning of companies and how companies can anticipate on this.

2.1 (EIB) analyses the international and European dimensions of the economy and the strategic problems and questions this imposes on international firms.

2.3 (EIB) takes and defends on the basis of scientific knowledge and insight into the international and European dimension of economic life a well-founded position on current European and international political, social and economic problems.

2.4 Reflects critically on the international and European economic, political and institutional context of an international firm and on how business strategies can be adapted to that context in order to improve the functioning of the company.

4.1 (EIB) reflects critically on European and international economic, social and political problems and developments and the challenges they might pose for international business, trade flows and policy.

4.2 Describes and interprets trends in the international economy and politics and is able to develop a solid position on matters related to that, thereby taking into account the consequences for business, trade flows and policy.

7.5 is critical and not afraid to question himself/herself and his/her environment. 

10.1 (EIB) keeps up with new developments and trends in European and international politics, institutions, economy, trade and business.

11.1 is aware of the rapidly evolving knowledge society that he/she will enter and therefore understands the need for maintenance and improvement of acquired knowledge, skills and competences and acquisition of new knowledge, skills and competences. 

11.2 Is willing to improve his/her knowledge, skills and competences in order to shape his/her life professionally, personally, socially and civilly.

If you want to follow this course, it is advisable to have completed the following courses first: General knowledge of microeconomics and macro-and international economics:

In this respect, for the students that followed the bachelor in business administration at KU Leuven, campus Brussels, it is advisable to have completed  the previous courses beforehand:

- Managerial Economics A (B-KUL-HBA43C) and B (B-KUL-HBA44C)

- Macro-economics and Economic Policy (B-KUL-HBA16C)

- International Economics (B-KUL-HBA83B)


For the students that followed the bridging programme of the Master of Business Administration at KU Leuven, campus Brussels, it is advisable to have completed the previous courses beforehand:

- Microeconomics (B) (B-KUL-HSA20A)

- Macro- and International Economics (B) (B-KUL-HSA08A)

Students are also asked to follow up media coverage around new developments and trends in European and international politics, institutions, economy, trade and business.

This course is identical to the following courses:
HMH33F : De Europese unie en internationale handel


6 ects. International Trade and Politics (B-KUL-HMA92a)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture39 Second term
OC Business Administration FEB Campus Brussel

These contents are only an indication and are subject to changes.


Part I: Introduction and Institutions:

- An introduction to the World Economy and Five Centuries of Transport and Trade

- International Economic Institutions since World War II


Part II: International Trade Policy:

- The Theory of Qutoa’s, Tariffs and Subsidies

- Arguments in Favour of a Trade Policy

- International Trade and Labor and Environmental Standards


Part III: Regional Trade Agreements:

- Political models, International Trade agreements, .Regional Trade agreements

- Trade Agreements in North America

- Trade and Policy Reforms in Latin America

- Export-Oriented Growth in East Asia

- China and India in the World Economy

- The European Union


Part IV: Some changes in the geopolitical system (in international politics) since the fall of the Berlin Wall with an influence on trade:

- Changes will be announced on Toledo.

Compulsory Study material:

-        Slides and other documents on Toledo

-        Pre-recorded video’s on Toledo

-        Notes to be taken by the student during the lectures

-       It is possible I give extra articles, documentaries, etc.  to study. If so, I will clearly mention this on Toledo. 

-       Guest lectures if applicable


Recommended study material:

-        Gerber, J. International Economic: Global Edition, (eight edition) 2022. ISBN: 978-1292433998

Blended learning - Flipped classroom - Interactive lecture

Mostly lectures and interactive lectures. It is possible I also give a few pre-recorded video's for some sections. 

All study materials have to be studied for the exam (including the slides and personal notes, documentaries, articles, video's, guest lectures, etc.).

The articles, books, etc. used in class as well as the recommended and/or compulsory reading and guest lectures will be announced in class and on Toledo (see the slides).

The students are expected to critically analyse and follow up international trade relations and politics in the media.


Evaluation: International Trade and Politics (B-KUL-H75925)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Multiple choice, Open questions, Closed questions
Learning material : None

Evaluation characteristics

A written closed-book exam will be organized.

Multiple question types are possible (multiple choice questions, open questions, understanding questions, closed questions, etc…).

For the multiple choice questions correction for guessing is used (correct answer: + 1 / wrong answer: - 1/3th / no answer: 0)

All study material has to be studied for the exam (including the slides and personal notes, documentaries, articles, video's, guest lectures, etc.)

The articles, books, etc. used in class as well as the recommended and/or compulsory reading and guest lectures will be announced in class and on Toledo (see the slides).

More information with regard to the exam will be available on Toledo.


Determination final result

The grades are determined by the lecturer as communicated via Toledo and stated in the examination schedule. The result is calculated and communicated as a whole number on a scale of 20.

The features of the evaluation and determination of grades are identical to those of the first examination opportunity, as described in the tab 'Explanation'.