Business Game (B-KUL-HMB31A)

- Uses an analysis to develop a strategic plan to achieve a company’s policy objectives.
- Formulates suggestions to implement and monitor an organisation’s strategy, while
- Critically analyses how the implementation of a particular company strategy impacts the different management areas, and adjusts course based on this analysis.
- Designs a set of performance indicators based on a business’ strategy and mission that can be used to assess that strategy’s implementation.
- Analyses and critically reflects about the external environment of an organization, to identify opportunities and threats that will guide the (international) marketing strategy.
- Formulates a sustainable marketing strategy and objectives for an organisation, based on scientific knowledge of and insight in (international) marketing concepts and principles Develops a marketing strategy and marketing mix and prepare their implementation.
- Identifies the strategic characteristics as well as the organisational and sectorial characteristics that influence the value-creating effect of HRM with a view to developing an internally consistent HRM system, embedded in a company’s strategic framework.
- The student understands (the implications of) different product cost terms, such as product vs. period costs, direct vs. indirect costs, and fixed vs. variable costs.
- Assesses an (international) organisation’s financial situation and performance by using various financial analysis techniques, and formulates financial policy suggestions.
- Critically uses the instruments at the disposal of management to evaluate the financial performance of an (international) organisation (e.g. differences analysis, economic value added).
- Works out an implementation plan starting from an international marketing strategy
- Understands how cultural differences in consumer behavior can guide and improve (international) marketing management decisions.
- Understands how to evaluate the effectiveness of a marketing strategy (in an international context).
- Develops an HRM policy as part of an (international) company’s strategic framework.
- Identifies and quantifies the foreign exchange risk for the different aspects of business operations (import/export transactions, foreign loans and investment, ...) and proposes efficient solutions to manage these risks.
- Writes a scientifically sound document that discusses a research problem/question, the analysis and the research conclusions, as well as how the conclusions were reached.
- Communicates orally and in writing in a way that is correct on the level of grammar and vocabulary; uses a style that is common in a (business) economics context.
- Independently or in team, efficiently carries out a clearly defined assignment.
- Demonstrates creativity, takes initiative, assumes responsibility, and sets priorities when carrying out economic (business) assignments.
- Adjusts own approach based on critical self-reflection and feedback.
- Is familiar with relevant ICT applications and uses the knowledge and skills to solve (business) economic problems.
- Uses management skills and entrepreneurship in a business context.
- Discusses discipline-transcending business problems as part of an (international) team.
- Has insight into the connections between various disciplines to devise science-based, creative solutions.
- Performs effectively and efficiently in various roles in a multidisciplinary and/or international team, while demonstrating negotiation, leadership and conflict management skills among others.
- Critically reflects on his own behaviour and approach.
- Shows interest in current affairs and broadens his background knowledge.
- Reflects on the necessary actions to complete the personal career development plan.
Previous knowledge
The admission criteria for the programme can be found in the programme catalogue.
If you want to follow this course, it is advisable to have completed the following courses first: Principles of Managerial Economics, Introduction to Management, Principles of Marketing, Introduction to Financial Reporting, International Business & Strategy.
Basic skills to work in team. To be competent to develop a simulation model with a spreadsheet tool. With these tools different financial planning models and forecasting methods are implemented. A positive attitude and open mind to work in a multicultural and multidisciplinary team.
Identical courses
This course is identical to the following courses:
HMB03A : Business Game (No longer offered this academic year)
Is included in these courses of study
- Master of International Business (Brussels) (Track 1: International Business) 60 ects.
- Master of International Business: Double Degree Toulouse (outgoing) (Brussels et al) 113 ects.
- Master in de bedrijfskunde (Brussel) 60 ects.
- Educatieve master in de economie (Brussel) 90 ects.
- Courses for Exchange Students Faculty of Economics and Business (Brussels)
- Master of Management Engineering (Brussels) 120 ects.
3 ects. Business Game (B-KUL-HMB31a)

While playing the business game, the teams of 3 or 4 students will experience how management decisions have an impact on the different business results.
1. Objectives of the management game
2. Determine the business strategy
3. Progressive approach of the different management responsibilities: logistics management, marketing management, financial risk management
4. Financial planning and capital budgetting
5. Deal with resistance and conflicts
6. Economic value added calculation
7. Benchmarking
8. Final assessment
Course material
All information will be available on Toledo.
Format: more information
In this online course, the objectives of the game and the situation of the company are introduced by means of introduction sessions. The teams take decisions for the different periods. All communication between students and the instructor (decisions, results of decisions, feedback, new instructions,...) will happen via the e-learning platform. After each decision period will follow an online feedback session. The course will be accomplished with an evaluation session. Moreover, the students write a management survey in which they present their pursued policy and they analyse in depth a number of operational items of the game.
Evaluation: Business Game (B-KUL-H73464)
First exam opportunity:
Students who are not member of a management team at the latest four weeks after the start of the semester cannot follow the course (=NOT PARTICIPATED) .
Results of the business game (strategic performance, assignments) : 60%
Peer-to-peer evaluation: 20%
Report and presentation: 20%
Students who fail for the peer-to-peer evaluation obtain an alternative task (see Toledo).
Information about retaking exams
Second exam opportunity: Only for students who have participated in the business game during the academic year. These students obtain an alternative task (see Toledo).