International Auditing Standards (A) (B-KUL-HMH77F)

After completion of the course, students will be able to:
1.1 (ACC) analyses accounting-related operational problems and issues, with special attention to the business context.
1.7 (ACC) Demonstrates comprehension of the ISA standards and is able to reflect on them.
4.1 (ACC) keeps up with societal, international and organisational developments and formulates a well-motivated argument regarding the relevance of these developments in terms of the organisation's internal and external financial reporting.
4.2 (ACC) reflects critically upon the implementation of relevant societal, international and organisational developments in the organisation's internal and external financial reporting, taking into consideration regulation and the specific business context.
10.1 (ACC) keeps up with recent trends in accounting-related themes, considering practitioner-oriented, policy-oriented, legal and scientific data sources.
10.2 (ACC) integrates practitioner-oriented, policy-oriented, legal and scientific information on specific accounting-related themes and formulates a well-motivated argument regarding the relevance of a specific theme for the organisation.
Previous knowledge
Students should be able to understand the basic principles of auditing or study them simultaneously. To this end, the course ‘Externe Audit (HZH21A)’ is provided in the first semester of the master Handelswetenschappen as well.
Is included in these courses of study
- Master in de handelswetenschappen (dag + avond, programma voor studenten gestart vóór 2024-2025) (Brussel) (Specialisatie accountancy en audit (avond)) 60 ects.
- Courses for Exchange Students Faculty of Economics and Business (Brussels)
- Master in de handelswetenschappen (programma voor studenten gestart in 2024-2025 of later) (Brussel) (Specialisatie accountancy en audit (avond)) 60 ects.
3 ects. International Auditing Standards (A) (B-KUL-HMH77f)
The objective of this course is to gain a thorough understanding and knowledge of the International Standards on Auditing. After an introduction of the ISA framework, the following topics will be discussed:
- Quality control (ISQC 1, ISA 220);
- General principles and responsibilities (ISA 200, 210, 230, 260);
- Assessing the risk of fraud (ISA 240);
- Planning the audit and risk assessment (ISA 300, 315, 330);
- Risk response and audit procedures (ISA 500, 501, 505, 520, 530, 540, 560);
- Using the work of others and concluding the audit (ISA 610, 620, 570, 580);
- Reporting (ISA 700, 705, 706)
Course material
The material provided on Toledo (slides, articles, exercises) is the principal study material, as well as the notes taken during the lectures.
Format: more information
Blended learning
Combination of contact hours (lectures) and guided self-study.
Evaluation: International Auditing Standards (A) (B-KUL-H75916)
Features of the evaluation
Multiple-choice questions are graded using a correction for incorrect answers.
Determination of final grades
The result is calculated and expressed as an integer out of 20.
Information about retaking exams
Evaluation features identical to the first examination period