Courses for Exchange Students Faculty of Engineering Science (Leuven)
Students with a degree obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community
You can't register for this programme, it doesn't lead to a degree or certificate.
Students with a degree not obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community
You can't register for this programme, it doesn't lead to a degree or certificate.
Students with a degree obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community
You can't register for this programme, it doesn't lead to a degree or certificate.
Students with a degree not obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community
You can't register for this programme, it doesn't lead to a degree or certificate.
Information for exchange students applying at the Faculty of Engineering Science
This course list contains all English-taught courses that are open to exchange students of the Faculty of Engineering Science.
Exchange students who can prove that they have sufficient knowledge of the Dutch language, can be allowed to take courses taught and examined in Dutch.
Although this list can still undergo changes before the start of the academic year, exchange applicants can use it as a guide for putting together an acceptable Learning Agreement (LA).
The Learning Agreement can still be changed upon arrival.
Students who want to do a thesis project, need to find a professor from our Faculty who accepts to be their supervisor before the application deadline. Please put the name of the supervisor in the LA next to the title of the thesis course.
For more information about the application procedure, please visit our faculty website.
We advise exchange students to take around 30 credits per semester.
To facilitate finding specific courses in a certain field of study, the courses are sorted by master's programme. However, exchange students are allowed to combine courses from different master's programmes.
Exchange students coming on exchange for one semester only, may not enrol in courses that are taught during the whole academic year.
Always check the prerequisites of a course (by clicking on the course name), to see whether you have enough previous knowledge to follow the course.
For further information (that cannot be found on the faculty website) or for mentioning problems/mistakes in the list, please contact the exchange coordinator of the Faculty of Engineering Science,
Mrs. Viktoriia Pukhyr-
Master of Engineering: Architectural Engineering
Design studios (architectuurontwerpen) can be combined as follows:
In the first semester, you can choose either one of the Studios 4A or one of the Studios 5. We advise against combining Studio 4A and Studio 5.
In the second semester, you can choose one of the Studios 4B, combined with the corresponding Studio 4C.
All the Design studios (architectuurontwerpen) can be completed in English, despite their name being in Dutch.
For all design studios (architectuurontwerpen), a proven architectural design experience at the home university of at least 49 credits is required.
In the design studios, being present during the first session (which may take place on the first day of the semester) is mandatory. Enrolling on a later date will not be allowed.
Attention: H03M1A ‘Vernieuwbouw’ is only taught in Dutch.3 ECTS Vernieuwbouw H03M1A staff staff
- S.Cools (coordinator)
- J.Ruland
- E.Verstrynge
Vernieuwbouw (3 ECTS) H03M1a staff 3 ECTS Finite Elements, Part 1: Frame Structures H9X20A staff staff
Finite Elements, Part 1: Lectures (2 ECTS) H04M1a staff staff
Finite Elements, Part 1: Exercises (1 ECTS) H04M2a staff staff
4 ECTS Built Heritage Conservation H03Z0A staff Built Heritage Conservation (4 ECTS) H03Z0a staff 3 ECTS Culture Philosophical Topics in Architecture and the City H03W8A staff- N.
- N.
Culture Philosophical Topics in Architecture and the City (3 ECTS) H03W8a staff- N.
- N.
3 ECTS Architectuurontwerp 5: bouwkundig detailleren H03W9A staff Architectuurontwerp 5: bouwkundig detailleren (3 ECTS) H03W9a staff 3 ECTS Architectuurontwerp 5: stedelijke buitenruimte H01Z9A staff staff
Architectuurontwerp 5: stedelijke buitenruimte (3 ECTS) H01Z9a staff staff
3 ECTS Design Theories and Methods H09N7A staff staff
Design Theories and Methods (3 ECTS) H09N7a staff staff
8 ECTS Architectuurontwerp 4A: complex programma nieuwbouw H03L5B staff staff
Architectuurontwerp 4A: complex programma nieuwbouw (8 ECTS) H03L5a staff staff
8 ECTS Architectuurontwerp 4A: stedelijk weefsel/stadsproject H03M4B staff- Y.Gerrits (coordinator)
- W.Verbakel
- Y.Gerrits (coordinator)
- W.Verbakel
Architectuurontwerp 4A: stedelijk weefsel/stadsproject (8 ECTS) H03M4a staff staff
8 ECTS Architectuurontwerp 4A: constructief/infrastructureel ontwerp H03N3B staff staff
Architectuurontwerp 4A: constructief/infrastructureel ontwerp (8 ECTS) H03N3a staff staff
6 ECTS Design Thinking and Making G0D19A staff staff
Design Thinking and Making: Lecture (4 ECTS) G0D19a staff staff
Design Thinking and Making: Practical Sessions (2 ECTS) G0D20a staff staff
3 ECTS Architectuurontwerp 5: interieur H03M3B staff- S.Flebus (coordinator)
- K.Vandenhende
- S.Flebus (coordinator)
- K.Vandenhende
Architectuurontwerp 5: interieur (3 ECTS) H03M3a staff 3 ECTS Architectuurontwerp 4C: complex programma vernieuwbouw: bouwtechnische aspecten H03L9A staff staff
- S.Cools (coordinator)
- G.Roels
- B.Verstraete
Architectuurontwerp 4C: complex programma vernieuwbouw: bouwtechnische aspecten (3 ECTS) H03L9a staff 3 ECTS Building Simulations, Part 1 H03T4A staff staff
Building Simulations, Part 1 (3 ECTS) H03T4a staff staff
3 ECTS Architectuurontwerp 4C: publieke infrastructuur: bouwtechnische aspecten H03V2A staff staff
Architectuurontwerp 4C: publieke infrastructuur: bouwtechnische aspecten (3 ECTS) H03V2a staff staff
3 ECTS Architectuurontwerp 4C: ontwerp en uitrusting: bouwtechnische aspecten H03L6A staff staff
- J.Ruland (coordinator)
- B.Oelbrandt
- J.Ruland
Architectuurontwerp 4C: ontwerp en uitrusting: bouwtechnische aspecten (3 ECTS) H03L6a staff staff
3 ECTS Shell and Spatial Structures H05L8A staff staff
Shell and Spatial Structures (3 ECTS) H05L8a staff staff
4 ECTS Architectuurontwerp 4B: complex programma vernieuwbouw H03L7B staff staff
- S.Cools (coordinator)
- G.Roels
- B.Verstraete
Architectuurontwerp 4B: complex programma vernieuwbouw (4 ECTS) H03L7a staff 4 ECTS Architectuurontwerp 4B: publieke infrastructuur H03M6B staff staff
Architectuurontwerp 4B: publieke infrastructuur (4 ECTS) H03M6a staff staff
4 ECTS Architectuurontwerp 4B: ontwerp en uitrusting H03V6B staff staff
- B.Oelbrandt (coordinator)
- J.Ruland
- D.Saelens
Architectuurontwerp 4B: ontwerp en uitrusting (4 ECTS) H03V6a staff 3 ECTS Inclusive Design H03U1A staff staff
Inclusive Design (3 ECTS) H03U1a staff staff
3 ECTS Digital Technology in Architecture H0H17A staff staff
Digital Technology in Architecture (3 ECTS) H0H17a staff staff
Master of Civil Engineering
H0N55A 'Rock Mechanics' may be freely followed by master's students. Bachelor's students who wish to enrol in this course, must obtain the professor's permission to do so, after having their background knowledge screened.
6 ECTS Soil Mechanics H01H5A staff staff
- S.François (coordinator)
- G.Anogiatis
- S.François
Soil Mechanics: Lectures (3.5 ECTS) H01H5a staff Soil Mechanics: Exercises (2.5 ECTS) H01H6a staff 6 ECTS Finite Elements H04M0B staff staff
- G.Lombaert (coordinator)
- S.François
- G.Lombaert
Finite Elements, Part 1: Lectures (2 ECTS) H04M1a staff staff
Finite Elements, Part 1: Exercises (1 ECTS) H04M2a staff staff
Finite Elements, Part 2: Lectures (2 ECTS) H04M3a staff staff
Finite Elements, Part 2: Exercises (1 ECTS) H04M4a staff staff
3 ECTS Renovation of Structures H05L7A staff staff
Renovation of Structures (3 ECTS) H05L7a staff staff
3 ECTS Urban Physics H00W3A staff staff
Urban Physics (3 ECTS) H00W3a staff staff
6 ECTS Building Acoustics H0P86A staff staff
Building Acoustics: Lectures (3.7 ECTS) H0P86a staff staff
Building Acoustics: Exercises (2.3 ECTS) H0P87a staff staff
6 ECTS Hydrodynamics H0P97A staff Hydrodynamics (6 ECTS) H0P97a staff 3 ECTS Structural Components: Steel, Part 2 H0P89A staff staff
Structural Components: Steel, Part 2: Lectures (2 ECTS) H0P89a staff staff
Structural Components: Steel, Part 2: Exercises (1 ECTS) H0N60a staff staff
3 ECTS Durability of Concrete Structures H0P90A staff staff
Durability of Concrete Structures: Lectures (2.5 ECTS) H0P90a staff staff
Durability of Concrete Structures: Assignment (0.5 ECTS) H0N61a staff staff
3 ECTS Nonlinear Structural Mechanics H0P92A staff- G.Degrande (coordinator)
- S.François
- G.Degrande (coordinator)
- S.François
Nonlinear Structural Mechanics (3 ECTS) H0P92a staff staff
6 ECTS Hydraulic Structures H0N37A staff staff
Hydraulic Structures: Lectures (3 ECTS) H0N37a staff staff
Hydraulic Structures: Seminars and Exercises (3 ECTS) H0N64a staff staff
4 ECTS Dredging Technology for Mechanical Engineers H0A13A staff staff
- G.Vanneste (coordinator)
- J.Fordeyn
- G.Vanneste
Dredging Technology (2.5 ECTS) H06P6a staff staff
Specific Aspects of Dredging Technology for Mechanical Engineers (1.5 ECTS) H0A13a staff staff
3 ECTS Dredging Technology for Civil Engineers H06P6B staff staff
- G.Vanneste (coordinator)
- J.Fordeyn
- G.Vanneste
Dredging Technology (2.5 ECTS) H06P6a staff staff
Specific Aspects of Dredging Technology for Civil Engineers (0.5 ECTS) H06P9a staff staff
4 ECTS Rock Mechanics H0N55A staff- N.
- A.Vervoort (substitute)
- N.
- A.Vervoort (substitute)
Rock Mechanics: Lectures (2 ECTS) H0N55a staff- N.
- A.Vervoort (substitute)
- N.
- A.Vervoort (substitute)
Rock Mechanics: Applications (2 ECTS) H0N56a staff- N.
- A.Vervoort (substitute)
- N.
- A.Vervoort (substitute)
3 ECTS Building Simulations, Part 1 H03T4A staff staff
Building Simulations, Part 1 (3 ECTS) H03T4a staff staff
4 ECTS Wave Propagation and Vibrations in the Built Environment H03T6A staff- G.Degrande (coordinator)
- G.Lombaert
- G.Degrande (coordinator)
- G.Lombaert
Wave Propagation and Vibrations in the Built Environment: Lectures (2.8 ECTS) H03T6a staff staff
Wave Propagation and Vibrations in the Built Environment: Exercises (1.2 ECTS) H03T7a staff staff
6 ECTS Dynamics of Structures H04M9A staff- G.Degrande (coordinator)
- G.Lombaert
- G.Degrande (coordinator)
- G.Lombaert
Dynamics of Structures: Lectures (4.5 ECTS) H04M9a staff staff
Dynamics of Structures: Exercises (1.5 ECTS) H04N1a staff staff
3 ECTS Shell and Spatial Structures H05L8A staff staff
Shell and Spatial Structures (3 ECTS) H05L8a staff staff
6 ECTS Foundation Engineering H0P79A staff staff
Foundation Engineering: Lectures (4 ECTS) H0P79a staff staff
Foundation Engineering: Exercises (2 ECTS) H0P80a staff staff
6 ECTS Infrastructure Engineering H0P88A staff staff
- J.Del Forno (coordinator)
- A.Beeldens
- J.Del Forno
- H.Mortier
Roads (2 ECTS) H0P88a staff staff
Bridges (2 ECTS) H0N58a staff staff
Tunnels (2 ECTS) H0N59a staff staff
6 ECTS Urban and River Hydrology and Hydraulics H0P98A staff staff
Urban and River Hydrology and Hydraulics: Lectures (3 ECTS) H0P98a staff staff
Urban and River Hydrology and Hydraulics: Exercises (3 ECTS) H0N62a staff staff
6 ECTS Sediment Mechanics & Morphodynamics H0P99A staff Sediment Mechanics (3 ECTS) H0P99a staff staff
Eco-Hydro-Geomorphodynamics (3 ECTS) H0N63a staff staff
3 ECTS Resource Efficiency and Life Cycle Assessment H0P81A staff staff
- O.Cizer (coordinator)
- K.Allacker
- D.Ramon (substitute)
- O.Cizer
Resource Efficiency and Life Cycle Assessment: Lectures (2.25 ECTS) H0P81a staff staff
- K.Allacker
- D.Ramon (substitute)
- O.Cizer
Resource Efficiency and Life Cycle Assessment: Exercises (0.75 ECTS) H0N57a staff staff
- K.Allacker
- D.Ramon (substitute)
- O.Cizer
3 ECTS Project and Site Management H0P82A staff staff
Project and Site Management: Lectures (2.8 ECTS) H0P82a staff staff
Project and Site Management: Excursion (0.2 ECTS) H0P83a staff staff
Master of Biomedical Engineering
6 ECTS Biomedical Measurements and Stimulation H03H7A staff Biomedical Measurements and Stimulation: Biosensors: Lecture (1.6 ECTS) H03H7a staff staff
Biomedical Measurements and Stimulation: BioMEMS: Lecture (1.6 ECTS) H0O48a staff staff
Biomedical Measurements and Stimulation: Biocircuits: Lecture (1.6 ECTS) H0O49a staff staff
Biomedical Measurements and Stimulation: Biosensors: Exercise and Laboratory Sessions (0.4 ECTS) H03H8a staff staff
Biomedical Measurements and Stimulation: BioMEMS: Exercise and Laboratory Sessions (0.4 ECTS) H0O50a staff staff
Biomedical Measurements and Stimulation: Biocircuits: Exercise and Laboratory Sessions (0.4 ECTS) H0O51a staff staff
6 ECTS Biomedical Data Processing H03I2A staff staff
- M.De Vos (coordinator)
- A.Bertrand
- M.De Vos
Biomedical Data Processing: Lecture (3 ECTS) H03I2a staff staff
Biomedical Data Processing: Exercises (3 ECTS) H03I3a staff staff
3 ECTS Biofluid Mechanics H03J2A staff- N.
- P.Verdonck (substitute)
- N.
- P.Verdonck (substitute)
Biofluid Mechanics (3 ECTS) H03J2a staff- N.
- P.Verdonck (substitute)
- N.
- P.Verdonck (substitute)
6 ECTS Selected Topics in Biomedical Signal Processing H06W1A staff staff
- A.Bertrand (coordinator)
- L.De Lathauwer
- M.De Vos
Selected Topics in Biomedical Signal Processing: Lectures (4.83 ECTS) H06W1a staff Selected Topics in Biomedical Signal Processing: Exercises (1.17 ECTS) H06W2a staff 6 ECTS Medical Image Analysis and Processing: Part II H06W8A staff staff
Medical Image Analysis and Processing: Part II (4.8 ECTS) H06W8a staff staff
Medical Image Analysis and Processing: Part II, Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (1.2 ECTS) H06W9a staff staff
6 ECTS Numerical Modelling in Biomedical Engineering H0N44A staff staff
- G.van Lenthe (coordinator)
- M.Baelmans
- W.Desmet
- L.Van Belle (substitute)
- N.Famaey
- J.Meyers
- G.van Lenthe
Finite Difference and Finite Volume Modelling: Lectures (1.72 ECTS) H04U4a staff staff
Finite Difference and Finite Volume Modelling: Seminars (0.78 ECTS) H04U5a staff staff
Finite Elements: Lectures (1.72 ECTS) H04U6a staff- W.Desmet
- L.Van Belle (substitute)
- W.Desmet
- L.Van Belle (substitute)
Finite Elements: Applications in Biomedical Engineering (1 ECTS) H0N44a staff staff
Seminars Multiphysics in Biomedical Engineering (0.78 ECTS) H0N45a staff staff
6 ECTS Artificial Organs and Tissue Engineering H0N50A staff staff
- H.Van Oosterwyck (coordinator)
- F.De Somer
- I.Papantoniou
- A.Ranga
- H.Van Oosterwyck
- N.
- B.Meyns (substitute)
Artificial Organs and Tissue Engineering: Lecture (5 ECTS) H0N50a staff staff
- F.De Somer
- I.Papantoniou
- A.Ranga
- H.Van Oosterwyck
- N.
- B.Meyns (substitute)
Artificial Organs and Tissue Engineering: Exercises (1 ECTS) H0N51a staff staff
- I.Papantoniou
- A.Ranga
- H.Van Oosterwyck
- N.
- B.Meyns (substitute)
3 ECTS Biomaterials H03U4A staff staff
Biomaterials: Lecture (3 ECTS) H03U4a staff staff
3 ECTS Host Response to Implanted Materials H0T59A staff staff
Host Response to Implanted Materials: Lectures (3 ECTS) H0T59a staff staff
6 ECTS Advanced Tissue Mechanics H0N47A staff staff
- G.van Lenthe (coordinator)
- N.Famaey
- G.van Lenthe
Advanced Tissue Mechanics (6 ECTS) H0N47a staff staff
3 ECTS Management and Policy Aspects of Technology in Healthcare H06R5A staff staff
Management and Policy Aspects of Technology in Healthcare (3 ECTS) H06R5a staff staff
3 ECTS Medical Information Systems H0O27A staff staff
- E.Bellon (coordinator)
- N.
- B.Van den Bosch (substitute)
- E.Bellon (substitute)
Medical Information Systems: Lecture (3 ECTS) H0O27a staff staff
- N.
- B.Van den Bosch (substitute)
- E.Bellon (substitute)
6 ECTS Medical Imaging and Analysis H03H5A staff staff
Medical Imaging and Analysis: Lecture (4.83 ECTS) H03H5a staff staff
Medical Imaging and Analysis: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (1.17 ECTS) H03H6a staff staff
3 ECTS Mechanobiology H03J3A staff staff
Mechanobiology: Lecture (2.46 ECTS) H03J3a staff staff
Mechanobiology: Exercises (0.54 ECTS) H03J4a staff staff
3 ECTS Bioengineering the Cellular Microenvironment H0A14A staff staff
Bioengineering the Cellular Microenvironment (3 ECTS) H0A14a staff staff
6 ECTS Medical Equipment H0N40A staff staff
- J.Vander Sloten (coordinator)
- D.Schreurs
- J.Vander Sloten
Electronic Medical Equipment: Lecture (2.4 ECTS) H0N40a staff staff
Mechanical Medical Equipment: Lecture (2.4 ECTS) H0N41a staff staff
Electronic Medical Equipment: Practical Sessions (0.6 ECTS) H0N42a staff staff
Mechanical Medical Equipment: Practical Sessions (0.6 ECTS) H0O56a staff staff
3 ECTS Orthopaedic Implants H0N48A staff staff
Orthopaedic Implants: Lectures (1.5 ECTS) H0N48a staff staff
Orthopaedic Implants: Assignments (1.5 ECTS) H0N49a staff staff
4 ECTS Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning H02C4A staff staff
Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning: Lecture (3 ECTS) H02C4a staff staff
Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning: Exercises (1 ECTS) H00G8a staff staff
4 ECTS Bio-informatics H02H6B staff staff
Bio-informatics (4 ECTS) H02H6a staff staff
4 ECTS Brain Computer Interfaces H08M0A staff staff
Brain Computer Interfaces: Lectures (3.5 ECTS) H08M0a staff staff
Brain Computer Interfaces: Exercises (0.5 ECTS) H08M1a staff staff
3 ECTS Regulatory Affairs and Quality Assurance H0N43A staff staff
- J.Vander Sloten (coordinator)
- C.Cooreman
- J.Vander Sloten
Regulatory Affairs and Quality Assurance (3 ECTS) H0N43a staff
Master of Chemical Engineering
6 ECTS Innovation Management and Strategy D0H36A staff staff
Innovation Management and Strategy (6 ECTS) D0H36a staff staff
6 ECTS Transport Phenomena: Chemical Engineering Applications H06T0A staff Transport Phenomena: Chemical Engineering Applications: Lecture (4.6 ECTS) H06T0a staff Transport Phenomena: Chemical Engineering Applications: Exercises and Lab Sessions (1.4 ECTS) H09D0a staff 6 ECTS Applied Physical Chemistry H06T1A staff staff
- S.Kuhn (coordinator)
- E.Koos
- S.Kuhn
- W.Thielemans
Applied Physical Chemistry : Lecture (4.8 ECTS) H06T1a staff Applied Physical Chemistry : Exercices and Laboratory Sessions (1.2 ECTS) H09D1a staff 6 ECTS Systems Analysis of Chemical Processes H06T4A staff- D.Bongartz (coordinator)
- D.Bongartz (coordinator)
Systems Analysis of Chemical Processes : Lecture (4 ECTS) H06T4a staff staff
Systems Analysis of Chemical Processes : Exercises and Lab Sessions (2 ECTS) H09D4a staff staff
3 ECTS Advanced Separation Processes H06T7A staff staff
Advanced Separation Processes : Lecture (2.4 ECTS) H06T7a staff staff
Advanced Separation Processes : Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.6 ECTS) H09D5a staff staff
4 ECTS Chemical Process Design H09D6A staff staff
Chemical Process Design (4 ECTS) H09D6a staff staff
3 ECTS Analytical Chemistry H09D7A staff staff
Analytical Chemistry : Lecture (2.4 ECTS) H09D7a staff staff
Analytical Chemistry : Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.6 ECTS) H09D8a staff staff
3 ECTS Management Challenges in the Chemical Industry H09D9A staff staff
- I.Smets (coordinator)
- R.Keldermans
- I.Smets
Management Challenges in the Chemical Industry (3 ECTS) H09D9a staff staff
3 ECTS Water Technology H09E0A staff staff
Water Technology (3 ECTS) H09E0a staff staff
3 ECTS Powder Technology H09E1A staff staff
Powder Technology (3 ECTS) H09E1a staff staff
3 ECTS Design and Analysis of Polymeric Systems H09E2A staff staff
Design and Analysis of Polymeric Systems (3 ECTS) H09E2a staff staff
3 ECTS Waste Water Treatment Technology H09E7A staff staff
- B.Van der Bruggen (coordinator)
- I.Smets
- B.Van der Bruggen
Waste Water Treatment Technology : Lecture (2.2 ECTS) H09E7a staff Waste Water Treatment Technology : Exercises and Excursions (0.8 ECTS) H09E8a staff 3 ECTS Bioconversion Technology H09F2A staff staff
Bioconversion Technology: Lecture (2.5 ECTS) H09F2a staff staff
Bioconversion Technology: Seminar (0.5 ECTS) H09F3a staff staff
3 ECTS Air Pollution and Control H09F4A staff- T.Van Gerven (coordinator)
- B.Van der Bruggen (substitute)
- T.Van Gerven (coordinator)
- B.Van der Bruggen (substitute)
Air Pollution and Control : Lecture (3 ECTS) H09F4a staff- T.Van Gerven
- B.Van der Bruggen (substitute)
- T.Van Gerven
- B.Van der Bruggen (substitute)
3 ECTS Applied Rheology H09F5B staff staff
Applied Rheology (3 ECTS) H09F6a staff staff
3 ECTS Process Simulation in the Chemical Industry H09E3A staff staff
- X.Yang (coordinator)
- D.Bongartz
- N.
- X.Yang (substitute)
Process Simulation in the Chemical Industry (3 ECTS) H09E3a staff staff
- D.Bongartz
- N.
- X.Yang (substitute)
3 ECTS Total Quality Management H00N6A staff staff
Total Quality Management (3 ECTS) H00N6a staff staff
3 ECTS Resource Recovery and Recycling H03C8A staff- T.Van Gerven
- B.Horemans (substitute)
- T.Van Gerven
- B.Horemans (substitute)
Resource Recovery and Recycling (3 ECTS) H03C8a staff- T.Van Gerven
- B.Horemans (substitute)
- T.Van Gerven
- B.Horemans (substitute)
6 ECTS Process Control in the Chemical Industry H06T2A staff- D.Bongartz (coordinator)
- D.Bongartz (coordinator)
Process Control in the Chemical Industry : Lecture (4.8 ECTS) H06T2a staff staff
Process Control in the Chemical Industry : Exercises and Lab Sessions (1.2 ECTS) H09D2a staff staff
6 ECTS Biochemical Process Engineering H06T3A staff staff
Biochemical Process Engineering (6 ECTS) H06T3a staff staff
6 ECTS Industrial Chemical Processes H06T5A staff- P.Van Puyvelde (coordinator)
- F.Vermeire
- P.Van Puyvelde (coordinator)
- F.Vermeire
Industrial Chemical Processes (6 ECTS) H06T5a staff 3 ECTS Hazardous Materials and Safety in the Process Industries H06T8A staff- K.Bernaerts (coordinator)
- G.Vercruysse
- K.Bernaerts (coordinator)
- G.Vercruysse
Hazardous Materials and Safety in the Process Industries (3 ECTS) H06T8a staff 3 ECTS Design and Analysis of Multiphase Reactors H06U0A staff staff
Design and Analysis of Multiphase Reactors (3 ECTS) H06U0a staff staff
3 ECTS Process Intensification in the Chemical Industry H09E5A staff- T.Van Gerven
- Y.Ouyang (substitute)
- T.Van Gerven
- Y.Ouyang (substitute)
Process Intensification in the Chemical Industry (3 ECTS) H09E5a staff- T.Van Gerven
- Y.Ouyang (substitute)
- T.Van Gerven
- Y.Ouyang (substitute)
3 ECTS Chemical Product Design H09F0A staff staff
Chemical Product Design (3 ECTS) H09F0a staff staff
3 ECTS Chemical Engineering for Human Health H0E95A staff Chemical Engineering for Human Health (3 ECTS) H0E95a staff
Master of Engineering: Computer Science
H0E98A Principles of Machine Learning cannot be combined with H02C1A Machine Learning and Inductive Inference. Only one of the two courses can be selected, depending on your background knowledge.
4 ECTS Machine Learning and Inductive Inference H02C1A staff staff
Machine Learning and Inductive Inference: Lecture (3 ECTS) H02C1a staff staff
Machine Learning and Inductive Inference: Exercises (1 ECTS) H00G6a staff staff
4 ECTS Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computing H02D1A staff staff
Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computing: Lecture (1.8 ECTS) H02D1a staff staff
Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computing: Exercises (0.6 ECTS) H00H1a staff staff
Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computing: Project (1.6 ECTS) H08M3a staff staff
4 ECTS Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence H02D2A staff staff
- L.De Raedt (coordinator)
- T.De Laet
- L.De Raedt
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Lecture (3 ECTS) H02D2a staff staff
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Exercises (0.5 ECTS) H00H2a staff staff
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Project (0.5 ECTS) H08M4a staff staff
5 ECTS Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence H02A0A staff staff
Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence: Lecture (3 ECTS) H02A0a staff staff
Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence: Exercises (1 ECTS) H02K1a staff staff
Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence: Project (1 ECTS) H0O43a staff staff
4 ECTS Natural Language Processing H02B1A staff staff
Natural Language Processing: Lecture (3.5 ECTS) H02B1a staff staff
Natural Language Processing: Exercises (0.5 ECTS) H00G0a staff staff
6 ECTS Wavelets with Applications in Signal and Image Processing H03F7A staff staff
Wavelets with Applications in Signal and Image Processing: Lecture (3 ECTS) H03F7a staff staff
Wavelets with Applications in Signal and Image Processing: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (1 ECTS) H03F8a staff staff
Wavelets with Applications in Signal and Image Processing: Project (2 ECTS) H06P7a staff staff
4 ECTS Parallel Computing H03F9A staff staff
- K.Meerbergen (coordinator)
- M.Diehl
- K.Meerbergen
Parallel Computing: Lecture (3 ECTS) H03F9a staff staff
Parallel Computing: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (1 ECTS) H03G0a staff staff
4 ECTS Development of Secure Software H04K5A staff staff
- F.Piessens (coordinator)
- L.Desmet
- F.Piessens
Development of Secure Software: Lecture (3 ECTS) H04K5a staff staff
Development of Secure Software: Laboratory Session (1 ECTS) H04K6a staff staff
4 ECTS Software for Embedded Systems H04L2A staff staff
Software for Embedded Systems: Lecture (2.7 ECTS) H04L2a staff staff
Software for Embedded Systems: Exercises (0.6 ECTS) H04L3a staff staff
Software for Embedded Systems: Laboratory Session (0.7 ECTS) H04L4a staff staff
3 ECTS Cryptography and Network Security H05E1A staff Cryptography and Network Security: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H05E1a staff Cryptography and Network Security: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.59 ECTS) H05E2a staff 6 ECTS Formal Systems and their Applications H04H8B staff staff
Formal Systems and their Applications: Lecture (5 ECTS) H04H8a staff staff
Formal Systems and their Applications: Laboratory Session (1 ECTS) H04H9a staff staff
5 ECTS Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence H02A0C staff staff
Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence: Lecture (3 ECTS) H02A0a staff staff
Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence: Exercises (1 ECTS) H02K1a staff staff
Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence: Project (1 ECTS) H0O44a staff staff
6 ECTS Design of Software Systems H0N00A staff staff
Design of Software Systems: Lecture (1.7 ECTS) H0N00a staff staff
Design of Software Systems: Exercises (0.3 ECTS) H0N01a staff staff
Design of Software Systems: Laboratory Session (4 ECTS) H0N02a staff staff
4 ECTS Declarative Languages H0N03A staff staff
Declarative Languages: Lecture (2 ECTS) H0N03a staff staff
Declarative Languages: Exercises (2 ECTS) H0N04a staff staff
6 ECTS Distributed Systems H0N08A staff- W.Joosen (coordinator)
- T.Van Cutsem
- W.Joosen (coordinator)
- T.Van Cutsem
Distributed Systems: Lecture (4 ECTS) H0N08a staff staff
Distributed Systems: Exercises (1 ECTS) H0N09a staff staff
Distributed Systems: Laboratory Session (1 ECTS) H0N10a staff staff
6 ECTS Comparative Programming Languages H0S01A staff staff
Comparative Programming Languages: Lecture (3.5 ECTS) H0S01a staff staff
Comparative Programming Languages: Exercises (1 ECTS) H0S02a staff staff
Comparative Programming Languages: Assignment (1.5 ECTS) H0S03a staff staff
6 ECTS Principles of Machine Learning H0E98A staff- J.Davis (coordinator)
- L.De Raedt
- J.Davis (coordinator)
- L.De Raedt
Principles of Machine Learning: Lecture (4 ECTS) H0E98a staff staff
Principles of Machine Learning: Exercises (2 ECTS) H0E99a staff staff
4 ECTS Declarative Problem Solving Paradigms in AI H02A3A staff staff
Declarative Problem Solving Paradigms in AI: Lecture (3 ECTS) H02A3a staff staff
Declarative Problem Solving Paradigms in AI: Exercises (1 ECTS) H02K4a staff staff
4 ECTS Knowledge Representation H02C3A staff staff
Knowledge Representation: Lecture (3.5 ECTS) H02C3a staff staff
Knowledge Representation: Exercises (0.5 ECTS) H00G7a staff staff
4 ECTS Data Mining H02C6A staff staff
Data Mining: Lecture (3.2 ECTS) H02C6a staff staff
Data Mining: Practical Sessions (0.8 ECTS) H00I0a staff staff
4 ECTS Robotics H02A4A staff staff
- H.Bruyninckx (coordinator)
- R.Detry
- N.
- E.Aertbeliën (substitute)
- W.Decré (substitute)
Robotics (4 ECTS) H02A4a staff staff
- H.Bruyninckx
- R.Detry
- N.
- E.Aertbeliën (substitute)
- W.Decré (substitute)
4 ECTS Computer Vision H02A5A staff- N.
- M.Proesmans (substitute)
- N.
- M.Proesmans (substitute)
Computer Vision: Lecture (1.5 ECTS) H02A5a staff- N.
- M.Proesmans (substitute)
- N.
- M.Proesmans (substitute)
Computer Vision: Project (2.5 ECTS) H02K5a staff- N.
- M.Proesmans (substitute)
- N.
- M.Proesmans (substitute)
4 ECTS Speech Recognition H02A6A staff staff
- H.Van hamme (coordinator)
- D.Van Compernolle
- H.Van hamme
Speech Recognition: Lecture (3 ECTS) H02A6a staff Speech Recognition: Exercises (1 ECTS) H02K6a staff staff
4 ECTS Security Governance and Operations H04G4A staff staff
CyberSecurity Management and Governance: Operations: Lecture (3 ECTS) H04G4a staff staff
Security Governance and Operations: Exercises (1 ECTS) H0O36a staff staff
5 ECTS Industrial Internet Infrastructure H04I0A staff staff
Industrial Internet Infrastructure: Lecture (4 ECTS) H04I0a staff staff
Industrial Internet Infrastructure: Exercises (1 ECTS) H04J1a staff staff
6 ECTS Information Retrieval and Search Engines H02C8B staff- Lhoneux
- M.Trusca (substitute)
- Lhoneux
- M.Trusca (substitute)
Information Retrieval and Search Engines: Lecture (3 ECTS) H02C8a staff- Lhoneux
- M.Trusca (substitute)
- Lhoneux
- M.Trusca (substitute)
Information Retrieval and Search Engines: Exercises (1 ECTS) H00G9a staff- Lhoneux
- M.Trusca (substitute)
- Lhoneux
- M.Trusca (substitute)
Information Retrieval and Search Engines: Project (2 ECTS) H08V2a staff staff
6 ECTS Image Analysis and Understanding H09J2A staff staff
- T.Tuytelaars (coordinator)
- N.
- M.Proesmans (substitute)
Image Analysis and Understanding: Exercises and Practicals (1.17 ECTS) H09I2a staff staff
- T.Tuytelaars
- N.
- M.Proesmans (substitute)
Image Analysis and Understanding: Lecture (4.83 ECTS) H09J2a staff staff
- T.Tuytelaars
- N.
- M.Proesmans (substitute)
6 ECTS Modelling of Complex Systems H0N05A staff staff
Modelling of Complex Systems (3.5 ECTS) H0N05a staff staff
Modelling of Complex Systems: Exercises (1.5 ECTS) H0N06a staff staff
Modelling of Complex Systems: Project (1 ECTS) H0N07a staff staff
5 ECTS Fundamentals for Computer Science H07Z7A staff staff
Fundamentals for Computer Science: Lecture (4 ECTS) H07Z7a staff staff
Fundamentals for Computer Science: Exercises (1 ECTS) H07Z8a staff staff
3 ECTS Machine Learning: Project H0T25A staff Machine Learning: Project (3 ECTS) H0T25a staff 4 ECTS Capita Selecta Computer Science: Distributed Systems H04G7A staff Capita Selecta Computer Science: Distributed Systems (4 ECTS) H04G7a staff 4 ECTS Capita Selecta Computer Science: Artificial Intelligence H05N0A staff Capita Selecta Computer Science: Artificial Intelligence (4 ECTS) H05N0a staff staff
6 ECTS Capita Selecta Computer Science: Secure Software H05M8B staff staff
- F.Piessens (coordinator)
- D.Devriese
- B.Jacobs
- F.Piessens
Capita Selecta Computer Science: Secure Software (6 ECTS) H05M8a staff
Master of Electrical Engineering
3 ECTS Power Electronics H04A2A staff staff
Power Electronics: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H04A2a staff staff
Power Electronics: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.59 ECTS) H04A3a staff staff
6 ECTS Biomedical Measurements and Stimulation H03H7A staff Biomedical Measurements and Stimulation: Biosensors: Lecture (1.6 ECTS) H03H7a staff staff
Biomedical Measurements and Stimulation: BioMEMS: Lecture (1.6 ECTS) H0O48a staff staff
Biomedical Measurements and Stimulation: Biocircuits: Lecture (1.6 ECTS) H0O49a staff staff
Biomedical Measurements and Stimulation: Biosensors: Exercise and Laboratory Sessions (0.4 ECTS) H03H8a staff staff
Biomedical Measurements and Stimulation: BioMEMS: Exercise and Laboratory Sessions (0.4 ECTS) H0O50a staff staff
Biomedical Measurements and Stimulation: Biocircuits: Exercise and Laboratory Sessions (0.4 ECTS) H0O51a staff staff
3 ECTS Computer-Aided IC Design H05D7A staff Computer-Aided IC Design: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H05D7a staff staff
Computer-Aided IC Design: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.59 ECTS) H05D8a staff 3 ECTS Cryptography and Network Security H05E1A staff Cryptography and Network Security: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H05E1a staff Cryptography and Network Security: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.59 ECTS) H05E2a staff 3 ECTS Electromagnetic Interference in Analogue and Digital Systems H05E9A staff staff
Electromagnetic Interference in Analogue and Digital Systems: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.59 ECTS) H05E0a staff staff
Electromagnetic Interference in Analogue and Digital Systems: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H05E9a staff staff
6 ECTS Digital Signal Processing for Communications and Information Systems H05F1A staff staff
- M.Moonen (coordinator)
- A.Bertrand
- M.Moonen
Digital Signal Processing for Communications and Information Systems: Lecture (4.83 ECTS) H05F1a staff staff
Digital Signal Processing for Communications and Information Systems: Exercises and practica (1.17 ECTS) H05F2a staff staff
3 ECTS Measurement Systems H05F7A staff staff
Measurement Systems: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H05F7a staff staff
Measurement Systems: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.59 ECTS) H05F8a staff staff
3 ECTS Compute Platforms for AI and Embedded Processing H05H2A staff staff
Compute Platforms for AI and Embedded Processing: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H05H2a staff staff
Compute Platforms for AI and Embedded Processing: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.59 ECTS) H05H3a staff staff
6 ECTS Analog and Mixed-Signal Electronics for Signal Processing H06A3A staff Analog and Mixed-Signal Electronics for Signal Processing: Lecture (4.83 ECTS) H06A3a staff staff
Analog and Mixed-Signal Electronics for Signal Processing: Exercises and Labs (1.17 ECTS) H06A4a staff 3 ECTS MEMS and Microsystems H06C9A staff staff
MEMS and Microsystems: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H06C9a staff staff
MEMS and Microsystems: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.59 ECTS) H06D0a staff staff
3 ECTS Semiconductor Physics H06F2A staff staff
Semiconductor Physics: Lecture (2.4 ECTS) H06F2a staff staff
Semiconductor Physics: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.6 ECTS) H06F3a staff staff
6 ECTS Materials Physics and Technology for Nanoelectronics H06G4A staff- C.Merckling (coordinator)
- F.Molina Lopez
- C.Merckling (coordinator)
- F.Molina Lopez
Materials Physics and Technology for Nanoelectronics: Lecture (4.8 ECTS) H06G4a staff Materials Physics and Technology for Nanoelectronics: Exercises and Labs (1.2 ECTS) H06G5a staff 3 ECTS Design of RF and mm-Wave Integrated Circuits H09I9A staff staff
Design of RF and mm-Wave Integrated Circuits: Lecture (2.42 ECTS) H09J0a staff staff
Design of RF and mm-Wave Integrated Circuits: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.58 ECTS) H09J1a staff staff
3 ECTS 6G Communication Networks H05T7A staff staff
6G Communication Networks: Lecture (2.4 ECTS) H05T7a staff staff
6G Communication Networks: Exercises (0.6 ECTS) H0O62a staff staff
3 ECTS Analysis of Digital Communication Systems H05A0A staff staff
Analysis of Digital Communication Systems: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H05A0a staff staff
Analysis of Digital Communication Systems: Exercises and Practical Training (0.59 ECTS) H05S1a staff staff
3 ECTS Building Blocks for Telecom Systems H09J4A staff staff
Building Blocks for Telecom Systems: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H09J4a staff staff
Building Blocks for Telecom Systems: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.59 ECTS) H09J5a staff staff
3 ECTS Telecommunications and Security Management H05S2A staff staff
- H.Sallouha (coordinator)
- N.
- D.Singelée (substitute)
Telecommunications and Security Management: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H05S2a staff staff
- H.Sallouha
- N.
- D.Singelée (substitute)
Telecommunications and Security Management: Exercises and Practical Training (0.59 ECTS) H05S3a staff staff
- H.Sallouha
- N.
- D.Singelée (substitute)
6 ECTS Audio and Speech Processing H09K5A staff staff
- H.Van hamme (coordinator)
- A.Bertrand
- M.Moonen
- H.Van hamme
Audio Processing: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H09K6a staff staff
Audio Processing: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.59 ECTS) H09K7a staff staff
Speech Processing: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H09K8a staff staff
Speech Processing: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.59 ECTS) H09K9a staff staff
3 ECTS Privacy Technologies H09L2A staff- N.
- D.Das (substitute)
- N.
- D.Das (substitute)
Privacy Technologies: Lectures (1.8 ECTS) H09L2a staff- N.
- D.Das (substitute)
- N.
- D.Das (substitute)
Privacy Technologies: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (1.2 ECTS) H09L3a staff- N.
- D.Das (substitute)
- N.
- D.Das (substitute)
3 ECTS e-Security H09L4A staff staff
e-Security: Lectures (2.41 ECTS) H09L4a staff staff
e-Security: Exercises and Lab Sessions (0.59 ECTS) H09L5a staff staff
4 ECTS System Identification and Modeling H03E1B staff System Identification and Modeling : Lecture (2 ECTS) H03E1a staff System Identification and Modeling : Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (1 ECTS) H03E2a staff System Identification and Modeling : Project (1 ECTS) H09N1a staff 3 ECTS Numerical Methods for Electrotechnical Applications H0E94A staff staff
Finite Elements for Electromagnetic Fields: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H04B7a staff staff
Finite Elements for Electromagnetic Fields: Exercises (0.59 ECTS) H04C0a staff staff
6 ECTS Design and Implementation of Analog Circuits H0E92A staff staff
Design and Implementation of Analog Circuits: Lectures (4.83 ECTS) H0E92a staff staff
Design and Implementation of Analog Circuits: Project Work (1.17 ECTS) H0E93a staff staff
4 ECTS Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning H02C4A staff staff
Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning: Lecture (3 ECTS) H02C4a staff staff
Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning: Exercises (1 ECTS) H00G8a staff staff
4 ECTS Bio-informatics H02H6B staff staff
Bio-informatics (4 ECTS) H02H6a staff staff
3 ECTS Materials in Electrical Engineering H04D6A staff staff
Materials in Electrical Engineering: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H04D6a staff staff
Materials in Electrical Engineering: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.59 ECTS) H04D7a staff staff
4 ECTS Advanced Methods in Cryptography H03G5A staff staff
- F.Vercauteren (coordinator)
- B.Preneel
- V.Rijmen
- F.Vercauteren
- N.
- C.Delpech de Saint Guilhem (substitute)
Advanced Methods in Cryptography: Lecture (2 ECTS) H03G5a staff staff
- B.Preneel
- V.Rijmen
- F.Vercauteren
- N.
- C.Delpech de Saint Guilhem (substitute)
Advanced Methods in Cryptography: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (2 ECTS) H03G6a staff- N.
- C.Delpech de Saint Guilhem (substitute)
- N.
- C.Delpech de Saint Guilhem (substitute)
6 ECTS Medical Imaging and Analysis H03H5A staff staff
Medical Imaging and Analysis: Lecture (4.83 ECTS) H03H5a staff staff
Medical Imaging and Analysis: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (1.17 ECTS) H03H6a staff staff
3 ECTS Computer Architectures H05D3A staff staff
Computer Architectures: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H05D3a staff staff
Computer Architectures: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.59 ECTS) H05D4a staff staff
6 ECTS Design of Analog and Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuits H05E3A staff staff
- F.Tavernier (coordinator)
- T.Piessens
- F.Tavernier
Design of Analog and Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuits: Lecture (4.83 ECTS) H05E3a staff Design of Analog and Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuits: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (1.17 ECTS) H05E4a staff 3 ECTS Stochastic Signal and System Analysis H05I7A staff staff
Stochastic Signal and System Analysis: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H05I7a staff staff
Stochastic Signal and System Analysis: Exercises (0.59 ECTS) H05I8a staff staff
3 ECTS Reliability and Yield for Micro- and Nanoelectronic Components H06E4A staff staff
Reliability and Yield for Micro- and Nanoelectronic Components: Lecture (2.4 ECTS) H06E4a staff staff
Reliability and Yield for Micro- and Nanoelectronic Components: Exercises and Labs (0.6 ECTS) H06E5a staff staff
3 ECTS Antennas for PCBs, Microelectronics and Nanotechnology H05K2A staff staff
Antennas for PCBs, Microelectronics and Nanotechnology: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H05K2a staff staff
Antennas for PCBs, Microelectronics and Nanotechnology: Exercises and Practical Training (0.59 ECTS) H05S9a staff staff
3 ECTS Electromagnetic Propagation H05T0A staff staff
Electromagnetic Propagation: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H05T0a staff staff
Electromagnetic Propagation: Exercises and Practical Training (0.59 ECTS) H05T1a staff staff
6 ECTS Image Analysis and Understanding H09J2A staff staff
- T.Tuytelaars (coordinator)
- N.
- M.Proesmans (substitute)
Image Analysis and Understanding: Exercises and Practicals (1.17 ECTS) H09I2a staff staff
- T.Tuytelaars
- N.
- M.Proesmans (substitute)
Image Analysis and Understanding: Lecture (4.83 ECTS) H09J2a staff staff
- T.Tuytelaars
- N.
- M.Proesmans (substitute)
3 ECTS Satellite Navigation and Communications H05T6A staff staff
- S.Pollin (coordinator)
- I.Fernandez-Hernandez
- S.Pollin
Satellite Navigation and Communications (3 ECTS) H05T6a staff 3 ECTS Software for Real-Time Control H09J9A staff staff
Software for Real-Time Control: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H09J9a staff staff
Software for Real-Time Control: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.59 ECTS) H09K0a staff staff
3 ECTS Design of Digital Integrated Circuits H09K1A staff staff
Design of Digital Integrated Circuits: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H09K1a staff staff
Design of Digital Integrated Circuits: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.59 ECTS) H09K2a staff staff
3 ECTS Advanced Topics on Analog and RF IC Design H09K3A staff staff
- F.Tavernier (coordinator)
- T.Piessens
- P.Reynaert
- F.Tavernier
Advanced Topics on Analog and RF IC Design: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H09K3a staff Advanced Topics on Analog and RF IC Design: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.59 ECTS) H09K4a staff 3 ECTS Technology for Microelectronics H05J1A staff staff
Technology for Microelectronics: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H05J1a staff staff
Technology for Microelectronics: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.59 ECTS) H05J2a staff staff
6 ECTS Mobile Networks H0E89A staff staff
Mobile Networks: Lecture (4.82 ECTS) H0E89a staff staff
Mobile Networks: Exercises (1.18 ECTS) H0E90a staff staff
3 ECTS Multimedia Technology and Coding H09P9A staff staff
Multimedia Technology and Coding: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H09P9a staff staff
Multimedia Technology and Coding: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.59 ECTS) H09Q0a staff staff
Master of Engineering: Energy
6 ECTS Innovation Management and Strategy D0H36A staff staff
Innovation Management and Strategy (6 ECTS) D0H36a staff staff
3 ECTS Power Systems H04A0A staff staff
Power Systems: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H04A0a staff staff
Power Systems: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.59 ECTS) H04A1a staff staff
3 ECTS Power Electronics H04A2A staff staff
Power Electronics: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H04A2a staff staff
Power Electronics: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.59 ECTS) H04A3a staff staff
3 ECTS Power System Calculations H04A9A staff staff
Power System Calculations: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H04A9a staff staff
Power System Calculations: Exercises and Practica (0.59 ECTS) H04B0a staff staff
6 ECTS Design and Management of Electric Power Systems H04C6A staff staff
- D.Van Hertem (coordinator)
- M.Berger
- D.Van Hertem
Design and Management of Electric Power Systems: Lecture (4.82 ECTS) H04C6a staff staff
Design and Management of Electric Power Systems: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (1.18 ECTS) H04C7a staff staff
3 ECTS Electromobility H04C8A staff staff
- J.Driesen (coordinator)
- K.De Gussemé
- J.Driesen
Electromobility: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H04C8a staff Electromobility: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.59 ECTS) H04C9a staff 6 ECTS Industrial Automation and Control H04D0A staff staff
Industrial Automation and Control: Lecture (4.82 ECTS) H04D0a staff staff
Industrial Automation and Control: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (1.18 ECTS) H04D1a staff staff
6 ECTS Aerodynamics H04O1A staff staff
- M.Baelmans (coordinator)
- W.Dekeyser
- J.Meyers
Aerodynamics: Lectures (0.9 ECTS) H04I7a staff staff
Aerodynamics: Exercises (0.1 ECTS) H04I8a staff staff
Aerodynamics: Lectures (4.5 ECTS) H04O1a staff staff
Aerodynamics: Exercises (0.5 ECTS) H04O2a staff staff
3 ECTS Numerical Techniques in Fluid Dynamics H04U8A staff staff
- J.Meyers (coordinator)
- M.Baelmans
- J.Meyers
Numerical Techniques in Fluid Dynamics: Theory Lecture (1.34 ECTS) H04U8a staff staff
Numerical Techniques in Fluid Dynamics: Project (1.66 ECTS) H04U9a staff staff
3 ECTS Turbulence H04Y7A staff staff
Turbulence: Theory Lecture (2.7 ECTS) H04Y7a staff staff
Turbulence: Practice (0.3 ECTS) H04Y8a staff staff
5 ECTS Aircraft Engines H04Z8A staff staff
Aircraft Engines: Lecture (4.19 ECTS) H04Z8a staff staff
Aircraft Engines: Laboratory Sessions (0.81 ECTS) H04Z9a staff staff
6 ECTS Mechanical Drive Systems H04S6A staff- D.Reynaerts (coordinator)
- M.Vetrano
- D.Reynaerts (coordinator)
- M.Vetrano
Pneumatic and Hydraulic Drive Systems: Exercises (0.27 ECTS) H04S0a staff staff
Combustion Engines: Lectures (3.3 ECTS) H04S7a staff staff
Combustion Engines: Exercises (0.7 ECTS) H04S8a staff staff
Pneumatic and Hydraulic Drive Systems: Lectures (1.73 ECTS) H04S9a staff staff
6 ECTS Numerical Methods in Energy Sciences H9X34A staff staff
- R.Vazquez Sabariego (coordinator)
- M.Baelmans
- J.Meyers
- R.Vazquez Sabariego
Finite Difference and Finite Volume Modelling: Seminars (0.78 ECTS) H04U5a staff staff
Finite Difference and Finite Volume Modelling: Lectures (1.72 ECTS) H04U4a staff staff
Finite Elements for Electromagnetic Fields: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H04B7a staff staff
Finite Elements for Electromagnetic Fields: Exercises (0.59 ECTS) H04C0a staff staff
Additions to CFD: Seminars (0.11 ECTS) H04B9a staff staff
Additions to CFD: Lecture (0.39 ECTS) H04B8a staff staff
4 ECTS Nuclear Energy: Basic Aspects H04B5B staff staff
Nuclear Energy: Basic Aspects (4 ECTS) H0T34a staff staff
3 ECTS Nuclear Energy: Deepening Insights H04B5C staff staff
Nuclear Energy: Deepening Insights (3 ECTS) H0H03a staff staff
3 ECTS Optimization Problems in Energy Systems H0P08A staff staff
Optimization Problems in Energy Systems: Lecture (2 ECTS) H0P08a staff staff
Optimization Problems in Energy Systems: Exercises (1 ECTS) H0P09a staff staff
6 ECTS ICT Service Management D0I69A staff staff
ICT Service Management (6 ECTS) D0I69a staff staff
6 ECTS Electrical Drives; Advanced Topics in Electrical Machines, including Implementation Aspects H04A4A staff- J.Driesen (coordinator)
- D.Van Hertem
- J.Driesen (coordinator)
- D.Van Hertem
Electrical Drives: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H04A5a staff staff
Electrical Drives; Advanced Topics in Electrical Machines, including Implementation Aspects: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H04A6a staff Electrical Drives: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.59 ECTS) H04A7a staff staff
ElectricalDrives; Advanced Topics in Electrical Machines, including Implementation Aspects: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.59 ECTS) H04A8a staff staff
3 ECTS Electromagnetic Processing of Materials H04B1A staff staff
Electromagnetic Processing of Materials: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H04B1a staff staff
Electromagnetic Processing of Materials: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.59 ECTS) H04B2a staff staff
3 ECTS Energy Markets and Regulation H04C2A staff- L.Meeus (coordinator)
- T.Van Craenenbroeck
- L.Meeus (coordinator)
- T.Van Craenenbroeck
Energy Markets and Regulation: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H04C2a staff Energy Markets and Regulation: Exercises (0.59 ECTS) H04C3a staff 3 ECTS Energy Economics H04C4A staff Energy Economics (3 ECTS) H04C4a staff 3 ECTS Measurement and Testing, including High Voltages H04D2A staff staff
- G.Deconinck (coordinator)
- T.De Rybel
- G.Deconinck
Measurement and Testing, including High Voltages: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H04D2a staff Measurement and Testing, including High Voltages: Exercises and Practica (0.59 ECTS) H04D3a staff 3 ECTS Light and Lighting Systems H04D4A staff staff
Light and Lighting Systems: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H04D4a staff staff
Light and Lighting Systems: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.59 ECTS) H04D5a staff staff
3 ECTS Materials in Electrical Engineering H04D6A staff staff
Materials in Electrical Engineering: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H04D6a staff staff
Materials in Electrical Engineering: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.59 ECTS) H04D7a staff staff
3 ECTS Turbomachinery, Part 2 H04Y6A staff staff
Turbomachinery, Part 2 (3 ECTS) H04Y6a staff staff
4 ECTS Introduction to Management and Strategy D0R78A staff staff
Introduction to Management (3 ECTS) D0R78a staff staff
Introduction to Strategy (1 ECTS) D0S83a staff staff
4 ECTS Energy Law H06R6A staff- N.
- S.Vanhove (substitute)
- N.
- S.Vanhove (substitute)
Energy Law (4 ECTS) H06R6a staff- N.
- S.Vanhove (substitute)
- N.
- S.Vanhove (substitute)
3 ECTS Electricity and Gas Markets H06P1A staff staff
Electricity and Gas Markets (3 ECTS) H06P1a staff staff
3 ECTS Integrated Project in Energy H09G3A staff staff
- G.Deconinck (coordinator)
- E.Delarue
- H.Kazmi
Integrated Project in Energy (3 ECTS) H09G3a staff 6 ECTS Renewable Energy H04C1B staff Renewable Energy (6 ECTS) H04C1a staff 3 ECTS Smart Distribution Systems H00P3A staff- G.Deconinck (coordinator)
- H.Kazmi
- G.Deconinck (coordinator)
- H.Kazmi
Smart Distribution Systems: Theory (2.41 ECTS) H00P3a staff staff
Smart Distribution Systems: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.59 ECTS) H00P4a staff staff
3 ECTS Flexible Electrical Power Systems H0T47A staff staff
- D.Van Hertem (coordinator)
- J.Beerten
- D.Van Hertem
Flexible Electrical Power Systems (3 ECTS) H0T47a staff
Master of Materials Engineering
3 ECTS Materials Selection H00C0A staff staff
Materials Selection: Lecture (2.4 ECTS) H00C0a staff staff
Materials Selection, Computer Class (0.6 ECTS) H00C1a staff staff
6 ECTS Advanced Metal Processing & Case Studies H00D3A staff- M.Bönisch (coordinator)
- H.Mohrbacher
- M.Bönisch (coordinator)
- H.Mohrbacher
Advanced Metal Processing & Case Studies (6 ECTS) H00D3a staff 6 ECTS Polymer Composites H00E4A staff staff
- D.Seveno (coordinator)
- N.
- M.Mehdikhani (substitute)
The Materials Science of Composites (2.4 ECTS) H00E5a staff staff
- D.Seveno
- N.
- M.Mehdikhani (substitute)
The Properties of Laminated Structures (2.4 ECTS) H00E6a staff staff
- D.Seveno
- N.
- M.Mehdikhani (substitute)
Polymer Composites: Exercises (1.2 ECTS) H0O63a staff staff
- D.Seveno
- N.
- M.Mehdikhani (substitute)
3 ECTS Computational Thermodynamics in Materials Design H02V3A staff staff
Computational Thermodynamics in Materials Design: Lecture (2.4 ECTS) H02V3a staff staff
Computational Thermodynamics in Materials Design: Exercises (0.6 ECTS) H02V4a staff staff
3 ECTS Design and Analysis of Experimentation H02V8A staff staff
Design and Analysis of Experimentation (3 ECTS) H02V8a staff staff
3 ECTS Materials Characterisation Techniques II H02W8A staff Materials Characterisation Techniques II: Lecture (2.57 ECTS) H02W8a staff Materials Characterisation Techniques: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.43 ECTS) H02W9a staff 3 ECTS Textile Preforms for Composites H02Y4A staff staff
Textile Preforms for Composites: Lecture (2.5 ECTS) H02Y4a staff staff
Textile preforms for composites: Exercises (0.5 ECTS) H02Y5a staff staff
6 ECTS Metals: Production and Recycling H02U3A staff staff
- B.Blanpain (coordinator)
- F.Verhaeghe
- N.
- A.Malfliet (substitute)
Metals: Production and Recycling: Lecture (4 ECTS) H02U3a staff staff
- B.Blanpain
- F.Verhaeghe
- N.
- A.Malfliet (substitute)
Metals: Production and Recycling: Exercises (2 ECTS) H02U4a staff staff
- B.Blanpain
- F.Verhaeghe
- N.
- A.Malfliet (substitute)
3 ECTS Semiconductor Physics H06F2A staff staff
Semiconductor Physics: Lecture (2.4 ECTS) H06F2a staff staff
Semiconductor Physics: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.6 ECTS) H06F3a staff staff
6 ECTS Materials Physics and Technology for Nanoelectronics H06G4A staff- C.Merckling (coordinator)
- F.Molina Lopez
- C.Merckling (coordinator)
- F.Molina Lopez
Materials Physics and Technology for Nanoelectronics: Lecture (4.8 ECTS) H06G4a staff Materials Physics and Technology for Nanoelectronics: Exercises and Labs (1.2 ECTS) H06G5a staff 3 ECTS Materials Modelling for Forming Process Simulations H00B4A staff staff
Materials Modelling for Forming Process Simulations: Lecture (2.6 ECTS) H00B4a staff staff
Materials Modelling for Forming Process Simulations: Exercises (0.4 ECTS) H00B5a staff staff
6 ECTS Transport Phenomena H00D0B staff staff
Transport Phenomena: Lecture (5.3 ECTS) H00D0a staff staff
Transport Phenomena: Exercises (0.7 ECTS) H00D7a staff staff
3 ECTS Physics and Mechanical Behaviour of Polymers H9X55A staff staff
Physics and Mechanical Behaviour of Polymers (3 ECTS) H00E3a staff staff
3 ECTS Biomaterials H03U4A staff staff
Biomaterials: Lecture (3 ECTS) H03U4a staff staff
3 ECTS Structures and Microstructures of Materials H08Z2A staff staff
Structures and Microstructures of Materials (3 ECTS) H08Z2a staff staff
3 ECTS Continuum Modelling of the Mechanical Response of Materials H08Z1B staff staff
- M.Seefeldt (coordinator)
- J.Everaerts
- M.Seefeldt
Continuum Modelling of the Mechanical Response of Materials (3 ECTS) H05Q7a staff 6 ECTS Metals: Shaping and Joining H0S55A staff staff
- K.Vanmeensel (coordinator)
- H.Mohrbacher
- K.Vanmeensel
- N.
Metals: Shaping and Joining (6 ECTS) H0S55a staff staff
3 ECTS Advanced Ceramic Materials H0S56A staff staff
Advanced Ceramic Materials (3 ECTS) H0S56a staff staff
3 ECTS Composites Manufacturing H0S57A staff staff
Composites Manufacturing (3 ECTS) H0S57a staff staff
3 ECTS Mechanics of Heterogeneous Materials H0S58A staff staff
Mechanics of Heterogeneous Materials (3 ECTS) H0S58a staff staff
3 ECTS Host Response to Implanted Materials H0T59A staff staff
Host Response to Implanted Materials: Lectures (3 ECTS) H0T59a staff staff
3 ECTS Adhesion Science and Engineering H0P65A staff staff
Adhesion Science and Engineering: Lecture (3 ECTS) H0P65a staff staff
3 ECTS Quality Control and Advanced Non-Destructive Testing H0S53B staff staff
- G.Kerckhofs (coordinator)
- K.Croes
- E.Verstrynge
- N.
- G.Kerckhofs (substitute)
Quality Control and Advanced Non-Destructive Testing: Lecture (3 ECTS) H0S53a staff staff
- K.Croes
- E.Verstrynge
- N.
- G.Kerckhofs (substitute)
6 ECTS Materials Characterisation Techniques I H01J4A staff staff
Materials Characterisation Techniques I: Chemical Analyses and Surface Analysis: Lecture (2.4 ECTS) H01J4a staff staff
Materials Charaterisation Techniques I: Chemical Analysis and Surface Analysis: Exercises (0.6 ECTS) H08J4a staff staff
Materials Characterization Techniques I: Microscopy and Diffraction: Lecture (2.4 ECTS) H09W7a staff staff
Materials Characterization Techniques I: Microscopy and Diffraction: Exercises (0.6 ECTS) H09W8a staff staff
3 ECTS Nanomaterials for Nano-electronics H02W7A staff staff
- F.Molina Lopez (coordinator)
- C.Merckling
- F.Molina Lopez
Nanomaterials for Nano-electronics (3 ECTS) H02W7a staff 6 ECTS Ceramics and Powder Metallurgy H00D5B staff staff
Ceramics and Powder Metallurgy: Lecture (5.4 ECTS) H00D5a staff staff
Ceramics and Powder Metallurgy: Exercises (0.6 ECTS) H00D6a staff staff
3 ECTS Sustainable Materials Management H00R6A staff- K.Van Acker (coordinator)
- K.Van Acker (coordinator)
Sustainable Materials Management - Exercises (0.6 ECTS) H00O7a staff staff
Sustainable Materials Management - Lectures (2.4 ECTS) H00R6a staff staff
3 ECTS Next Generation Biomaterials H00S5A staff Next Generation Biomaterials: Lectures (2.4 ECTS) H03U9a staff Next Generation Biomaterials: Laboratory Sessions (0.6 ECTS) H0T58a staff 6 ECTS Materials Modelling and Simulation Techniques H0S49A staff Materials Modelling and Simulation Techniques: Lecture (4.2 ECTS) H0S49a staff Materials Modelling and Simulation Techniques: Exercises (1.8 ECTS) H0S50a staff 6 ECTS Surface Science and Engineering H0S51A staff staff
- D.Seveno (coordinator)
- F.Molina Lopez
- D.Seveno
- D.Soccol
Surface Science and Engineering: Lecture (5 ECTS) H0S51a staff Surface Science and Engineering: Exercises (1 ECTS) H0S52a staff 3 ECTS Design and Applications of Polymers and Composites H0S59A staff staff
- Y.Swolfs (coordinator)
- F.Desplentere
- Y.Swolfs
Design and Applications of Polymers and Composites: Lecture (2.4 ECTS) H0S59a staff Design and Applications of Polymers and Composites: Case Studies (0.6 ECTS) H0S60a staff
Master of Mobility and Supply Chain Engineering
H0T95A Transport Models can only be taken together with H0A07A Traffic Engineering (unless there is proof of required previous knowledge acquired at home).
3 ECTS Freight Transport Management H05K3A staff staff
Freight Transport Management (3 ECTS) H05K3a staff staff
6 ECTS Intelligent Transportation Systems H00M8B staff staff
Intelligent Transportation Systems: Seminars (3 ECTS) H00M3a staff staff
Intelligent Transportation Systems: Lectures (3 ECTS) H00M8a staff staff
3 ECTS Transport Infrastructure Planning and Appraisal H0T92A staff staff
Transport Infrastructure Planning and Appraisal (3 ECTS) H0T92a staff staff
3 ECTS Public Transportation, Design and Management H0T93A staff staff
Public Transportation, Design and Management (3 ECTS) H0T93a staff staff
4 ECTS Transportation Systems Analysis H0A07A staff staff
Transportation Systems Analysis: Lectures (3 ECTS) H0A07a staff staff
Transportation Systems Analysis: Exercises (1 ECTS) H0A11a staff staff
3 ECTS Distribution Logistics H00N3A staff staff
Distribution Logistics (3 ECTS) H00N3a staff staff
3 ECTS Total Quality Management H00N6A staff staff
Total Quality Management (3 ECTS) H00N6a staff staff
3 ECTS Supply Chain Engineering H08J0A staff Supply Chain Engineering (3 ECTS) H08J0a staff 3 ECTS Traffic and Transport Safety H0T94A staff staff
Traffic and Transport Safety (3 ECTS) H0T94a staff staff
6 ECTS Transport Models H0T95A staff staff
- C.Tampère (coordinator)
- D.Borremans
- C.Tampère
- J.Verstraete (substitute)
Transport Models: Lectures (4.67 ECTS) H0T95a staff staff
- D.Borremans
- C.Tampère
- J.Verstraete (substitute)
Transport Models: Exercises (1.33 ECTS) H0T96a staff staff
Master of Mechanical Engineering
H04P5A 'Embedded Control Systems' is only possible after having taken H04X3A 'Control Theory' in semester 1.
3 ECTS Engineering Economy H00K1A staff Engineering Economy: Lecture (2.44 ECTS) H00K1a staff Engineering Economy: Workshops (0.56 ECTS) H03K2a staff 6 ECTS Aerodynamics H04O1A staff staff
- M.Baelmans (coordinator)
- W.Dekeyser
- J.Meyers
Aerodynamics: Lectures (0.9 ECTS) H04I7a staff staff
Aerodynamics: Exercises (0.1 ECTS) H04I8a staff staff
Aerodynamics: Lectures (4.5 ECTS) H04O1a staff staff
Aerodynamics: Exercises (0.5 ECTS) H04O2a staff staff
6 ECTS Advanced Model Based Control H04Q7A staff staff
Advanced Model Based Control: Theory Lecture (5.28 ECTS) H04Q7a staff staff
Advanced Model Based Control: Practice (0.72 ECTS) H04Q8a staff staff
3 ECTS Numerical Techniques in Fluid Dynamics H04U8A staff staff
- J.Meyers (coordinator)
- M.Baelmans
- J.Meyers
Numerical Techniques in Fluid Dynamics: Theory Lecture (1.34 ECTS) H04U8a staff staff
Numerical Techniques in Fluid Dynamics: Project (1.66 ECTS) H04U9a staff staff
6 ECTS Structural Dynamics, Analysis and Numerical Modelling H04X0A staff staff
Structural Dynamics, Analysis and Numerical Modelling: Theory Lecture (1.88 ECTS) H04X0a staff staff
Structural Dynamics, Analysis and Numerical Modelling: Workshop (4.12 ECTS) H04Y1a staff staff
5 ECTS Control Theory H04X3A staff staff
Control Theory: Lectures (3.5 ECTS) H04X3a staff staff
Control Theory: Exercises (1.5 ECTS) H04X4a staff staff
5 ECTS Spacecraft Technology and Space Environment H04X5A staff staff
Spacecraft Technology and Space Environment: Lecture (3.87 ECTS) H04X5a staff staff
Spacecraft Technology and Space Environment: Practicals (1.13 ECTS) H04X6a staff staff
3 ECTS Turbulence H04Y7A staff staff
Turbulence: Theory Lecture (2.7 ECTS) H04Y7a staff staff
Turbulence: Practice (0.3 ECTS) H04Y8a staff staff
5 ECTS Aircraft Engines H04Z8A staff staff
Aircraft Engines: Lecture (4.19 ECTS) H04Z8a staff staff
Aircraft Engines: Laboratory Sessions (0.81 ECTS) H04Z9a staff staff
5 ECTS Numerical Modelling in Mechanical Engineering H04U3A staff staff
- W.Desmet (coordinator)
- M.Baelmans
- W.Desmet
- L.Van Belle (substitute)
- J.Meyers
Finite Difference and Finite Volume Modelling: Lectures (1.72 ECTS) H04U4a staff staff
Finite Difference and Finite Volume Modelling: Seminars (0.78 ECTS) H04U5a staff staff
Finite Elements: Lectures (1.72 ECTS) H04U6a staff- W.Desmet
- L.Van Belle (substitute)
- W.Desmet
- L.Van Belle (substitute)
Finite Elements: Seminars (0.78 ECTS) H04U7a staff- W.Desmet
- L.Van Belle (substitute)
- W.Desmet
- L.Van Belle (substitute)
3 ECTS Advanced Techniques for Vibro-acoustic Measurement and Analysis H04Q4A staff- K.Gryllias (coordinator)
- H.Van Der Auweraer
- K.Gryllias (coordinator)
- H.Van Der Auweraer
Advanced Techniques for Vibro-acoustic Measurement and Analysis (3 ECTS) H04Q4a staff 6 ECTS Mechanical Drive Systems H04S6A staff- D.Reynaerts (coordinator)
- M.Vetrano
- D.Reynaerts (coordinator)
- M.Vetrano
Pneumatic and Hydraulic Drive Systems: Exercises (0.27 ECTS) H04S0a staff staff
Combustion Engines: Lectures (3.3 ECTS) H04S7a staff staff
Combustion Engines: Exercises (0.7 ECTS) H04S8a staff staff
Pneumatic and Hydraulic Drive Systems: Lectures (1.73 ECTS) H04S9a staff staff
5 ECTS Aerodynamics H04O1B staff- M.Baelmans (coordinator)
- W.Dekeyser
- M.Baelmans (coordinator)
- W.Dekeyser
Aerodynamics: Lectures (4.5 ECTS) H04O1a staff staff
Aerodynamics: Exercises (0.5 ECTS) H04O2a staff staff
6 ECTS Production Systems: Machine Tools, Flexible Computer Integrated Production H01Z4A staff staff
- D.Reynaerts (coordinator)
- B.Lauwers
- D.Reynaerts
Production Machines and Systems: Lecture (2.4 ECTS) H04W0a staff staff
Computer Integrated Production: Lecture (2.4 ECTS) H04W8a staff staff
Computer Integrated Production: Excercises (0.6 ECTS) H04W9a staff staff
Production Machines and Systems: Laboratory Sessions (0.6 ECTS) H04X1a staff staff
3 ECTS Deterministic Decision Models H04V5A staff staff
Deterministic Decision Models: Lecture (2.7 ECTS) H0E56a staff staff
Deterministic Decision Models: Exercises (0.3 ECTS) H0E57a staff staff
3 ECTS Introduction to Operational Management and Logistics H04V6A staff staff
Introduction to Operational Management and Logistics (3 ECTS) H04V6a staff staff
6 ECTS Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity H03Y1A staff staff
- D.Vandepitte (coordinator)
- G.Degrande
- D.Vandepitte
Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity: Lectures (4.2 ECTS) H03Y1a staff Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity: Exercises (1.4 ECTS) H03Y2a staff staff
Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity: PC sessions using Finite Element Software (0.4 ECTS) H03Y3a staff staff
6 ECTS Optimization of Mechatronic Systems H04U1C staff staff
- W.Decré (coordinator)
- P.Patrinos
- N.
- W.Decré (substitute)
Optimization: Lecture (4 ECTS) H03E3a staff staff
Optimization of Mechatronic Systems: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (2 ECTS) H04U1a staff- N.
- W.Decré (substitute)
- N.
- W.Decré (substitute)
6 ECTS Advanced Robot Control Systems H06U9B staff staff
- R.Detry (coordinator)
- A.Badri-Spröwitz
- H.Bruyninckx
- R.Detry
Advanced Robot Control Systems: Lecture (2 ECTS) H06U9a staff Advanced Robot Control Systems: Projectwork (4 ECTS) H06V0a staff staff
6 ECTS Automotive Structures and Vehicle Dynamics H0T54A staff Automotive Structures and Vehicle Dynamics: Lecture (4.5 ECTS) H0T54a staff Automotive Structures and Vehicle Dynamics: Exercises (1.5 ECTS) H0T55a staff 3 ECTS Two-Phase Flow: Theory and Applications H0A21A staff staff
Two-Phase Flow: Theory and Applications (3 ECTS) H0A21a staff staff
3 ECTS Advanced Subtractive Manufacturing H0E62A staff staff
Advanced Subtractive Manufacturing: Lectures (2.4 ECTS) H0E62a staff staff
Advanced Subtractive Manufacturing: Lab Sessions (0.6 ECTS) H0E63a staff staff
4 ECTS Dredging Technology for Mechanical Engineers H0A13A staff staff
- G.Vanneste (coordinator)
- J.Fordeyn
- G.Vanneste
Dredging Technology (2.5 ECTS) H06P6a staff staff
Specific Aspects of Dredging Technology for Mechanical Engineers (1.5 ECTS) H0A13a staff staff
3 ECTS Production Machines and Systems H04W0A staff staff
Production Machines and Systems: Lecture (2.4 ECTS) H04W0a staff staff
Production Machines and Systems: Laboratory Sessions (0.6 ECTS) H04X1a staff staff
7 ECTS Systems and Control Theory H04X3B staff staff
Control Theory: Lectures (3.5 ECTS) H04X3a staff staff
Control Theory: Exercises (1.5 ECTS) H04X4a staff staff
Systems Theory: Lectures (1.5 ECTS) H09W4a staff staff
Systems Theory: Exercises (0.5 ECTS) H09W5a staff staff
3 ECTS Advanced Measurement Techniques in Fluid Mechanics H0E66A staff staff
Advanced Measurement Techniques in Fluid Mechanics: Lectures (1.2 ECTS) H0E66a staff staff
Advanced Measurement Techniques in Fluid Mechanics: Lab Sessions (1.8 ECTS) H0E67a staff staff
4 ECTS Robotics H02A4A staff staff
- H.Bruyninckx (coordinator)
- R.Detry
- N.
- E.Aertbeliën (substitute)
- W.Decré (substitute)
Robotics (4 ECTS) H02A4a staff staff
- H.Bruyninckx
- R.Detry
- N.
- E.Aertbeliën (substitute)
- W.Decré (substitute)
3 ECTS Turbomachinery, Part 2 H04Y6A staff staff
Turbomachinery, Part 2 (3 ECTS) H04Y6a staff staff
3 ECTS Embedded Control Systems H04P5A staff- A.Badri-Spröwitz (coordinator)
- H.Bruyninckx
- A.Badri-Spröwitz (coordinator)
- H.Bruyninckx
Embedded Control Systems (1.6 ECTS) H04P5a staff Embedded Control Systems: Project Work (1.4 ECTS) H04P6a staff 5 ECTS Aircraft Performance and Stability H04W6A staff staff
- F.Naets (coordinator)
- F.Giulietti
- F.Naets
- S.Vanpaemel (substitute)
Aircraft Performance and Stability: Theory Lecture (4.43 ECTS) H04W6a staff staff
- F.Giulietti
- F.Naets
- S.Vanpaemel (substitute)
Aircraft Performance and Stability: Practice (0.57 ECTS) H04W7a staff staff
- F.Giulietti
- F.Naets
- S.Vanpaemel (substitute)
5 ECTS Sensors and Measurements Systems H04X7A staff staff
- M.Vetrano (coordinator)
- K.Gryllias
- J.Swevers
- M.Vetrano
Sensors and Measurements Systems: Lectures (3.81 ECTS) H04X7a staff staff
Sensors and Measurements Systems: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (1.19 ECTS) H04X8a staff staff
3 ECTS Reliability of Mechanical Systems H04Y2A staff- D.Moens (coordinator)
- D.Vandepitte
- D.Moens (coordinator)
- D.Vandepitte
Reliability of Mechanical Systems: Lecture (2.7 ECTS) H04Y2a staff staff
Reliability of Mechanical Systems: Seminars (0.3 ECTS) H04Y3a staff staff
3 ECTS Micro-electromechanical Systems H9X38A staff staff
- B.Gorissen (coordinator)
- M.De Volder
- B.Gorissen
Micro-electromechanical Systems: Theory Lecture (2.7 ECTS) H04T7a staff Micro-electromechanical Systems: Exercises (0.3 ECTS) H04T8a staff 3 ECTS Thermal Systems: Basic Aspects H9X52A staff staff
- L.Helsen (coordinator)
- B.Boesmans
- L.Helsen
Thermal Systems: Basic Aspects Lectures (2.4 ECTS) H0S10a staff staff
Thermal Systems: Basic Aspects: Exercise and Lab sessions (0.6 ECTS) H0S09a staff staff
3 ECTS Energy Challenges H9X53A staff staff
Energy Challenges: Lectures (3 ECTS) H05W7a staff staff
4 ECTS Safety Aspects of Industrial Installations H08P2A staff staff
- K.Bernaerts (coordinator)
- B.Brouwers
- F.Vanwynsberghe
- N.
Safety Aspects of Mechanical Installations: Lecture (1 ECTS) H08N7a staff staff
Safety Aspects of Mechanical Installations: Seminar (0.3 ECTS) H08N8a staff staff
Safety Aspects of Electrical Installations: Lecture (1 ECTS) H05O5a staff staff
Safety Aspects of Electrical Installations: Seminars (0.3 ECTS) H05O8a staff staff
Safety Aspects of Thermal Installations: Lecture (1.1 ECTS) H05O7a staff- N.
- N.
Safety Aspects of Thermal Installations: Seminars (0.3 ECTS) H05P1a staff- N.
- N.
6 ECTS Drive Systems H0T48A staff- J.Driesen (coordinator)
- D.Reynaerts
- J.Driesen (coordinator)
- D.Reynaerts
Electrical Drives: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H04A5a staff staff
Electrical Drives: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.59 ECTS) H04A7a staff staff
Mechatronic Drive Systems: Lectures (2.7 ECTS) H0T48a staff staff
Mechatronic Drive Systems: Exercises (0.3 ECTS) H0T49a staff staff
3 ECTS Virtual Product Development H0A15A staff- S.Castagne (coordinator)
- B.Vrancken
- S.Castagne (coordinator)
- B.Vrancken
Virtual Product Development: Lectures (2.4 ECTS) H0A15a staff staff
Virtual Product Development: Exercises (0.6 ECTS) H0A16a staff staff
3 ECTS Additive Manufacturing Processes - 3D Printing H0E64A staff staff
Additive Manufacturing Processes - 3D Printing: Lectures (2.7 ECTS) H0E64a staff staff
Additive Manufacturing Processes - 3D Printing: Lab Sessions (0.3 ECTS) H0E65a staff staff
6 ECTS Advanced Thermodynamics and Plasma Physics H04Q1B staff staff
- W.Dekeyser (coordinator)
- M.Baelmans
- W.Dekeyser (substitute)
- N.Horsten (substitute)
- S.Carli (substitute)
Advanced Thermodynamics and Plasma Physics (6 ECTS) H04Q1a staff staff
- M.Baelmans
- W.Dekeyser (substitute)
- N.Horsten (substitute)
- S.Carli (substitute)
Master of Mathematical Engineering
4 ECTS Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computing H02D1A staff staff
Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computing: Lecture (1.8 ECTS) H02D1a staff staff
Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computing: Exercises (0.6 ECTS) H00H1a staff staff
Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computing: Project (1.6 ECTS) H08M3a staff staff
6 ECTS Wavelets with Applications in Signal and Image Processing H03F7A staff staff
Wavelets with Applications in Signal and Image Processing: Lecture (3 ECTS) H03F7a staff staff
Wavelets with Applications in Signal and Image Processing: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (1 ECTS) H03F8a staff staff
Wavelets with Applications in Signal and Image Processing: Project (2 ECTS) H06P7a staff staff
4 ECTS Parallel Computing H03F9A staff staff
- K.Meerbergen (coordinator)
- M.Diehl
- K.Meerbergen
Parallel Computing: Lecture (3 ECTS) H03F9a staff staff
Parallel Computing: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (1 ECTS) H03G0a staff staff
6 ECTS Numerical Linear Algebra H03G1A staff- R.Vandebril (coordinator)
- K.Meerbergen
- M.Rinelli (substitute)
- R.Vandebril
- M.Rinelli (substitute)
- N.Vannieuwenhoven
- R.Vandebril (coordinator)
- K.Meerbergen
- M.Rinelli (substitute)
- R.Vandebril
- M.Rinelli (substitute)
- N.Vannieuwenhoven
Numerical Linear Algebra: Lecture (3 ECTS) H03G1a staff staff
- K.Meerbergen
- M.Rinelli (substitute)
- R.Vandebril
- M.Rinelli (substitute)
- N.Vannieuwenhoven
Numerical Linear Algebra: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (1 ECTS) H03G2a staff Numerical Linear Algebra: Project (2 ECTS) H09N2a staff 6 ECTS Biomedical Data Processing H03I2A staff staff
- M.De Vos (coordinator)
- A.Bertrand
- M.De Vos
Biomedical Data Processing: Lecture (3 ECTS) H03I2a staff staff
Biomedical Data Processing: Exercises (3 ECTS) H03I3a staff staff
3 ECTS Cryptography and Network Security H05E1A staff Cryptography and Network Security: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H05E1a staff Cryptography and Network Security: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.59 ECTS) H05E2a staff 3 ECTS Numerical Techniques in Fluid Dynamics H04U8A staff staff
- J.Meyers (coordinator)
- M.Baelmans
- J.Meyers
Numerical Techniques in Fluid Dynamics: Theory Lecture (1.34 ECTS) H04U8a staff staff
Numerical Techniques in Fluid Dynamics: Project (1.66 ECTS) H04U9a staff staff
6 ECTS Computational Methods for Astrophysical Applications G0B30A staff- R.Keppens (coordinator)
- J.Sundqvist
- R.Keppens (coordinator)
- J.Sundqvist
Computational Methods for Astrophysical Applications (4 ECTS) G0B30a staff staff
Computational Methods for Astrophysical Applications: Computerlab (2 ECTS) G0B31a staff staff
4 ECTS Data Mining and Neural Networks H03V7B staff staff
Data Mining and Neural Networks: Lectures, Part 1 (2.5 ECTS) H05R4a staff staff
Data Mining and Neural Networks: Lectures, Part 2 (0.6 ECTS) H05R5a staff staff
Data Mining and Neural Networks: Training Sessions, Part 1 (0.5 ECTS) H05R6a staff staff
Data Mining and Neural Networks: Training Sessions, Part 2 (0.4 ECTS) H05R7a staff staff
4 ECTS System Identification and Modeling H03E1B staff System Identification and Modeling : Lecture (2 ECTS) H03E1a staff System Identification and Modeling : Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (1 ECTS) H03E2a staff System Identification and Modeling : Project (1 ECTS) H09N1a staff 6 ECTS Numerical Simulation of Differential Equations H0M80A staff Numerical Simulation of Differential Equations: Lecture (4.5 ECTS) H0M80a staff staff
Numerical Simulation of Differential Equations: Exercise Sessions and Projects (1.5 ECTS) H0M81a staff staff
5 ECTS Scientific Software H0M86B staff- K.Meerbergen (coordinator)
- D.Nuyens
- K.Meerbergen (coordinator)
- D.Nuyens
Scientific Software: Lecture (3 ECTS) H0M86a staff staff
Scientific Software: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (2 ECTS) H0M87a staff staff
4 ECTS Model Predictive Control H0E76A staff staff
Model Predictive Control: Lecture (2 ECTS) H0E76a staff staff
Model Predictive Control: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (2 ECTS) H0E77a staff staff
4 ECTS Machine Learning and Inductive Inference H02C1A staff staff
Machine Learning and Inductive Inference: Lecture (3 ECTS) H02C1a staff staff
Machine Learning and Inductive Inference: Exercises (1 ECTS) H00G6a staff staff
4 ECTS Natural Language Processing H02B1A staff staff
Natural Language Processing: Lecture (3.5 ECTS) H02B1a staff staff
Natural Language Processing: Exercises (0.5 ECTS) H00G0a staff staff
6 ECTS Industrial Automation and Control H04D0A staff staff
Industrial Automation and Control: Lecture (4.82 ECTS) H04D0a staff staff
Industrial Automation and Control: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (1.18 ECTS) H04D1a staff staff
6 ECTS Optimization H03E3A staff staff
Optimization: Lecture (4 ECTS) H03E3a staff staff
Optimization: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (2 ECTS) H03E4a staff staff
3 ECTS Measurement Systems H05F7A staff staff
Measurement Systems: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H05F7a staff staff
Measurement Systems: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.59 ECTS) H05F8a staff staff
5 ECTS Numerical Modelling in Mechanical Engineering H04U3A staff staff
- W.Desmet (coordinator)
- M.Baelmans
- W.Desmet
- L.Van Belle (substitute)
- J.Meyers
Finite Difference and Finite Volume Modelling: Lectures (1.72 ECTS) H04U4a staff staff
Finite Difference and Finite Volume Modelling: Seminars (0.78 ECTS) H04U5a staff staff
Finite Elements: Lectures (1.72 ECTS) H04U6a staff- W.Desmet
- L.Van Belle (substitute)
- W.Desmet
- L.Van Belle (substitute)
Finite Elements: Seminars (0.78 ECTS) H04U7a staff- W.Desmet
- L.Van Belle (substitute)
- W.Desmet
- L.Van Belle (substitute)
3 ECTS Privacy Technologies H09L2A staff- N.
- D.Das (substitute)
- N.
- D.Das (substitute)
Privacy Technologies: Lectures (1.8 ECTS) H09L2a staff- N.
- D.Das (substitute)
- N.
- D.Das (substitute)
Privacy Technologies: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (1.2 ECTS) H09L3a staff- N.
- D.Das (substitute)
- N.
- D.Das (substitute)
3 ECTS e-Security H09L4A staff staff
e-Security: Lectures (2.41 ECTS) H09L4a staff staff
e-Security: Exercises and Lab Sessions (0.59 ECTS) H09L5a staff staff
4 ECTS Support Vector Machines: Methods and Applications H02D3A staff staff
Support Vector Machines: Methods and Applications: Lecture (3 ECTS) H02D3a staff staff
Support Vector Machines: Methods and Applications: Exercises (1 ECTS) H00H3a staff staff
4 ECTS Computer Vision H02A5A staff- N.
- M.Proesmans (substitute)
- N.
- M.Proesmans (substitute)
Computer Vision: Lecture (1.5 ECTS) H02A5a staff- N.
- M.Proesmans (substitute)
- N.
- M.Proesmans (substitute)
Computer Vision: Project (2.5 ECTS) H02K5a staff- N.
- M.Proesmans (substitute)
- N.
- M.Proesmans (substitute)
4 ECTS Bio-informatics H02H6B staff staff
Bio-informatics (4 ECTS) H02H6a staff staff
6 ECTS Nonlinear Systems H03D9A staff Nonlinear Systems: Lecture (3 ECTS) H03D9a staff Nonlinear Systems: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (1 ECTS) H03E0a staff Nonlinear Systems: Project (2 ECTS) H09N0a staff 6 ECTS Medical Imaging and Analysis H03H5A staff staff
Medical Imaging and Analysis: Lecture (4.83 ECTS) H03H5a staff staff
Medical Imaging and Analysis: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (1.17 ECTS) H03H6a staff staff
6 ECTS Waves and Instabilities G0B26A staff staff
Waves and Instabilities (5 ECTS) G0B26a staff staff
Waves and Instabilities: Exercises (1 ECTS) G0B27a staff staff
6 ECTS Image Analysis and Understanding H09J2A staff staff
- T.Tuytelaars (coordinator)
- N.
- M.Proesmans (substitute)
Image Analysis and Understanding: Exercises and Practicals (1.17 ECTS) H09I2a staff staff
- T.Tuytelaars
- N.
- M.Proesmans (substitute)
Image Analysis and Understanding: Lecture (4.83 ECTS) H09J2a staff staff
- T.Tuytelaars
- N.
- M.Proesmans (substitute)
6 ECTS Methods and Algorithms for Advanced Process Control H0M82A staff staff
Methods and Algorithms for Advanced Process Control: Lecture (3 ECTS) H0M82a staff staff
Methods and Algorithms for Advanced Process Control: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (1 ECTS) H0M83a staff staff
Methods and Algorithms for Advanced Process Control: Project (2 ECTS) H0M84a staff staff
3 ECTS Case Studies: Mathematical Engineering H0M85A staff staff
- K.Meerbergen (coordinator)
- B.De Moor
- K.Meerbergen
Case Studies: Mathematical Engineering (3 ECTS) H0M85a staff 3 ECTS Computer Algebra for Cryptography H0E74A staff staff
- F.Vercauteren (coordinator)
- W.Castryck
- I.Verbauwhede
- F.Vercauteren
Computer Algebra for Cryptography: Lecture (2 ECTS) H0E74a staff Computer Algebra for Cryptography: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (1 ECTS) H0E75a staff staff
4 ECTS Advanced Methods in Cryptography H03G5A staff staff
- F.Vercauteren (coordinator)
- B.Preneel
- V.Rijmen
- F.Vercauteren
- N.
- C.Delpech de Saint Guilhem (substitute)
Advanced Methods in Cryptography: Lecture (2 ECTS) H03G5a staff staff
- B.Preneel
- V.Rijmen
- F.Vercauteren
- N.
- C.Delpech de Saint Guilhem (substitute)
Advanced Methods in Cryptography: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (2 ECTS) H03G6a staff- N.
- C.Delpech de Saint Guilhem (substitute)
- N.
- C.Delpech de Saint Guilhem (substitute)
3 ECTS Software for Real-Time Control H09J9A staff staff
Software for Real-Time Control: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H09J9a staff staff
Software for Real-Time Control: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.59 ECTS) H09K0a staff staff
Master of Nanoscience, Nanotechnology and Nanoengineering
3 ECTS Atom Theory, Chemical Periodicity and Chemical Bond H09M2A staff staff
Atom Theory, Chemical Periodicity and Chemical Bond: Lecture (2.7 ECTS) H09M2a staff staff
Atom Theory, Chemical Periodicity and Chemical Bond: Exercises (0.3 ECTS) H09M3a staff staff
6 ECTS Advanced Nanodevices H06A1B staff Advanced Nano-Electronic Components: Lecture (4.8 ECTS) H06A1a staff Advanced Nano-Electronic Components: Exercises (1.2 ECTS) H06A2a staff 3 ECTS Optical Properties of Solids H0G02A staff staff
Optical Properties of Solids (3 ECTS) H0G02a staff staff
3 ECTS Electronic Transport in Solids and Nanostructures H0G03A staff staff
Electronic Transport in Solids and Nanostructures (3 ECTS) H0G03a staff staff
4 ECTS Philosophy of Technology W0EN7A staff staff
Philosophy of Technology (4 ECTS) W0EN7a staff staff
3 ECTS Materials Characterisation Techniques II H02W8A staff Materials Characterisation Techniques II: Lecture (2.57 ECTS) H02W8a staff Materials Characterisation Techniques: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.43 ECTS) H02W9a staff 3 ECTS Computer-Aided IC Design H05D7A staff Computer-Aided IC Design: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H05D7a staff staff
Computer-Aided IC Design: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.59 ECTS) H05D8a staff 3 ECTS Compute Platforms for AI and Embedded Processing H05H2A staff staff
Compute Platforms for AI and Embedded Processing: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H05H2a staff staff
Compute Platforms for AI and Embedded Processing: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.59 ECTS) H05H3a staff staff
6 ECTS Analog and Mixed-Signal Electronics for Signal Processing H06A3A staff Analog and Mixed-Signal Electronics for Signal Processing: Lecture (4.83 ECTS) H06A3a staff staff
Analog and Mixed-Signal Electronics for Signal Processing: Exercises and Labs (1.17 ECTS) H06A4a staff 3 ECTS Bioresponse Measurements and Process Control H06A5A staff Modelling of Biosystems: Lectures (3 ECTS) I0V02a staff 3 ECTS Computational Methods in Solid State Physics H06A8A staff staff
Computational Methods in Solid State Physics (2 ECTS) H06A8a staff staff
Computational Methods in Solid State Physics: Exercises and Labs (1 ECTS) H06A9a staff staff
3 ECTS MEMS and Microsystems H06C9A staff staff
MEMS and Microsystems: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H06C9a staff staff
MEMS and Microsystems: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.59 ECTS) H06D0a staff staff
6 ECTS Nanostructured Bio-Macromolecules H06D3A staff- H.Mizuno (coordinator)
- S.Neves Rocha
- H.Mizuno (coordinator)
- S.Neves Rocha
Nanostructured Bio-Macromolecules: Lecture (4.5 ECTS) H06D3a staff Nanostructured Bio-Macromolecules: Exercises and Presentation (1.5 ECTS) H06D4a staff 3 ECTS Photophysics and Photochemistry of Molecular Materials H06D5A staff staff
Photophysics and Photochemistry of Molecular Materials (2 ECTS) H06D5a staff staff
Photophysics and Photochemistry of Molecular Materials: Exercises (1 ECTS) H06D6a staff staff
3 ECTS Semiconductor Physics H06F2A staff staff
Semiconductor Physics: Lecture (2.4 ECTS) H06F2a staff staff
Semiconductor Physics: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.6 ECTS) H06F3a staff staff
3 ECTS Structure, Synthesis and Cellular Function of Macromolecules H06F6A staff staff
- P.Proost (coordinator)
- H.Steenackers
- L.Temmerman
- J.Vanden Broeck
Structure, Synthesis and Cellular Function of Macromolecules: Lecture (3 ECTS) H06F6a staff 6 ECTS Materials Physics and Technology for Nanoelectronics H06G4A staff- C.Merckling (coordinator)
- F.Molina Lopez
- C.Merckling (coordinator)
- F.Molina Lopez
Materials Physics and Technology for Nanoelectronics: Lecture (4.8 ECTS) H06G4a staff Materials Physics and Technology for Nanoelectronics: Exercises and Labs (1.2 ECTS) H06G5a staff 6 ECTS Physical Chemistry of Biological Systems G0G71A staff staff
Physical Chemistry of Biological Systems (6 ECTS) G0G71a staff staff
6 ECTS Biophysics of Membranes G0G86A staff staff
Biophysics of Membranes (4 ECTS) G0G86a staff staff
Biophysics of Membranes: Reading Assignments (2 ECTS) G0G87a staff staff
3 ECTS Molecular Photonics G9X25A staff staff
Photonics (3 ECTS) G0I15a staff staff
3 ECTS Physical Chemistry of Polymers G9X47A staff- N.
- A.Ianiro (substitute)
- N.
- A.Ianiro (substitute)
Polymer Sciences: Physical Chemistry of Polymers (3 ECTS) G0T88a staff- N.
- A.Ianiro (substitute)
- N.
- A.Ianiro (substitute)
3 ECTS Nanostructure Determination via Electromagnetic Radiation G0G99B staff staff
Nanostructure Determination via Electromagnetic Radiation (3 ECTS) G0G99a staff staff
3 ECTS Electrochemical Methods in Inorganic Chemistry G0J65B staff staff
Part 1: Fundamental Principles of Electrochemistry (3 ECTS) G0U01a staff staff
3 ECTS Electronic Components, Circuits and Sensors H08T5A staff staff
Electronic Components, Circuits and Sensors: Lecture (2.6 ECTS) H08T5a staff staff
Electronic Components, Circuits and Sensors: Exercises (0.4 ECTS) H08X3a staff staff
3 ECTS Structures and Microstructures of Materials H08Z2A staff staff
Structures and Microstructures of Materials (3 ECTS) H08Z2a staff staff
3 ECTS Design of RF and mm-Wave Integrated Circuits H09I9A staff staff
Design of RF and mm-Wave Integrated Circuits: Lecture (2.42 ECTS) H09J0a staff staff
Design of RF and mm-Wave Integrated Circuits: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.58 ECTS) H09J1a staff staff
3 ECTS Biofluidics I0P05C staff staff
Biofluidics: Theory (2 ECTS) I0D83a staff staff
Biofluidics: Exercises (1 ECTS) I0P06a staff staff
4 ECTS Semiconductor Devices H06F0B staff staff
- A.Verhulst (coordinator)
- P.Heremans
- A.Verhulst
Semiconductor Devices: Lecture (3 ECTS) H06F0a staff staff
Semiconductor Devices: Exercises (1 ECTS) H06F1a staff staff
3 ECTS Building Blocks for Telecom Systems H09J4A staff staff
Building Blocks for Telecom Systems: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H09J4a staff staff
Building Blocks for Telecom Systems: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.59 ECTS) H09J5a staff staff
3 ECTS Nanomaterials for Nano-electronics H02W7A staff staff
- F.Molina Lopez (coordinator)
- C.Merckling
- F.Molina Lopez
Nanomaterials for Nano-electronics (3 ECTS) H02W7a staff 3 ECTS Mechanobiology H03J3A staff staff
Mechanobiology: Lecture (2.46 ECTS) H03J3a staff staff
Mechanobiology: Exercises (0.54 ECTS) H03J4a staff staff
3 ECTS Computer Architectures H05D3A staff staff
Computer Architectures: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H05D3a staff staff
Computer Architectures: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.59 ECTS) H05D4a staff staff
6 ECTS Design of Analog and Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuits H05E3A staff staff
- F.Tavernier (coordinator)
- T.Piessens
- F.Tavernier
Design of Analog and Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuits: Lecture (4.83 ECTS) H05E3a staff Design of Analog and Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuits: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (1.17 ECTS) H05E4a staff 3 ECTS Electronic Structure of Molecular Materials H06B8A staff staff
Electronic Structure of Molecular Materials (2 ECTS) H06B8a staff staff
Electronic Structure of Molecular Materials: Exercises and Labs (1 ECTS) H06B9a staff staff
3 ECTS Electronic and Optoelectronic Devices H06D1A staff- P.Heremans (coordinator)
- N.
- P.Heremans (coordinator)
- N.
Electronic and Optoelectronic Devices: Lecture (2.4 ECTS) H06D1a staff staff
Electronic and Optoelectronic Devices: Exercises and Labs (0.6 ECTS) H06D2a staff staff
3 ECTS Physical Material Characterisation Techniques for Electronic Devices H06D9A staff- N.
- C.Fleischmann (substitute)
- N.
- C.Fleischmann (substitute)
Physical Materials Characterisation Techniques for Electronic Devices: Lecture (2.4 ECTS) H06D9a staff- N.
- C.Fleischmann (substitute)
- N.
- C.Fleischmann (substitute)
Physical Materials Characterisation Techniques for Electronic Devices: Exercises and Labs (0.6 ECTS) H06E0a staff- N.
- C.Fleischmann (substitute)
- N.
- C.Fleischmann (substitute)
3 ECTS Reliability and Yield for Micro- and Nanoelectronic Components H06E4A staff staff
Reliability and Yield for Micro- and Nanoelectronic Components: Lecture (2.4 ECTS) H06E4a staff staff
Reliability and Yield for Micro- and Nanoelectronic Components: Exercises and Labs (0.6 ECTS) H06E5a staff staff
3 ECTS Scanning Probe Microscopy H06E8A staff- N.
- J.Van de Vondel (substitute)
- N.
- J.Van de Vondel (substitute)
Scanning Probe Microscopy (2 ECTS) H06E8a staff- N.
- J.Van de Vondel (substitute)
- N.
- J.Van de Vondel (substitute)
Scanning Probe Microscopy: Exercises and Labs (1 ECTS) H06E9a staff- N.
- J.Van de Vondel (substitute)
- N.
- J.Van de Vondel (substitute)
3 ECTS Biosensors and Bioelectronics H06F4A staff staff
Biosensors and Bioelectronics: Exercises (1 ECTS) H06F5a staff staff
Biosensor Technology and Bio-electronics, Part I: Lectures (2 ECTS) I0P09a staff staff
6 ECTS Technology of Integrated Systems H06G0A staff- C.Van Hoof (coordinator)
- J.Van Houdt
- C.Van Hoof (coordinator)
- J.Van Houdt
Technology of Integrated Systems Advanced : Lectures (4.8 ECTS) H06G0a staff Technology of Integrated Systems Advanced : Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (1.2 ECTS) H06G1a staff 3 ECTS Nanobiology I0P50C staff staff
Nanobiology: Lectures (3 ECTS) I0P50a staff 3 ECTS Biomachines and Biomimetics I0O79B staff Biomachines and Biomimetics: Lectures (3 ECTS) I0O80a staff 3 ECTS Design of Digital Integrated Circuits H09K1A staff staff
Design of Digital Integrated Circuits: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H09K1a staff staff
Design of Digital Integrated Circuits: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.59 ECTS) H09K2a staff staff
3 ECTS Materials Characterisation Techniques I: Chemical Analyses and Surface Analysis H01J4B staff staff
Materials Characterisation Techniques I: Chemical Analyses and Surface Analysis: Lecture (2.4 ECTS) H01J4a staff staff
Materials Charaterisation Techniques I: Chemical Analysis and Surface Analysis: Exercises (0.6 ECTS) H08J4a staff staff
3 ECTS Materials Characterization Techniques I: Microscopy and Diffraction H01J4C staff staff
Materials Characterization Techniques I: Microscopy and Diffraction: Lecture (2.4 ECTS) H09W7a staff staff
Materials Characterization Techniques I: Microscopy and Diffraction: Exercises (0.6 ECTS) H09W8a staff staff
3 ECTS Micro- and Nanofluidics H06X4B staff- J.Lammertyn (coordinator)
- B.Nicolai
- J.Lammertyn (coordinator)
- B.Nicolai
Micro- and Nanofluidics: Theory (1 ECTS) H06X5a staff staff
Micro- and Nanofluidics: Devices (1 ECTS) H06X6a staff staff
Micro- and Nanofluidics: Laboratory Sessions (1 ECTS) H06X7a staff staff
3 ECTS Materials and Devices for Photovoltaic Applications H09Z5A staff staff
Materials and Devices for Photovoltaic Applications (3 ECTS) H09Z5a staff staff
5 ECTS Human System Physiology H03I4B staff- G.Bultynck (coordinator)
- R.Vennekens
- G.Bultynck (coordinator)
- R.Vennekens
Physiology of the Heart (0.15 ECTS) H00T8a staff staff
Human System Physiology (4.85 ECTS) H03I4a staff staff
6 ECTS P&O Nanoscience, Nanotechnology and Nanoengineering H0P61A staff staff
- C.Van Hoof (coordinator)
- X.Rottenberg
- C.Van Hoof
P&O Nanoscience, Nanotechnology and Nanoengineering (6 ECTS) H0P61a staff
Master of Cybersecurity
The course H0Q24A 'CyberSecurity Basics' can be followed only if the student is present in the course from the very first class.
3 ECTS Design of Digital Platforms H09J6B staff staff
- W.Dehaene (coordinator)
- N.
- J.Verplancke (substitute)
Design of Digital Platforms: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H05E7a staff staff
- W.Dehaene
- N.
- J.Verplancke (substitute)
Design of Digital Platforms: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (0.59 ECTS) H05E8a staff staff
- W.Dehaene
- N.
- J.Verplancke (substitute)
3 ECTS CyberSecurity Management and Governance: Risk and Business H0Q27A staff staff
- D.Singelée (coordinator)
- B.Preneel
- N.
- S.Petkova-Nikova (substitute)
- D.Singelée (substitute)
CyberSecurity Management and Governance: Risk and Business: Lecture (3 ECTS) H0Q27a staff staff
- B.Preneel
- N.
- S.Petkova-Nikova (substitute)
- D.Singelée (substitute)
4 ECTS Cryptographic Protocols H0Q28A staff- C.Delpech de Saint Guilhem (coordinator)
- N.
- D.Singelée (substitute)
- C.Delpech de Saint Guilhem (substitute)
- C.Delpech de Saint Guilhem (coordinator)
- N.
- D.Singelée (substitute)
- C.Delpech de Saint Guilhem (substitute)
Cryptographic Protocols: Lecture (4 ECTS) H0Q28a staff staff
- N.
- D.Singelée (substitute)
- C.Delpech de Saint Guilhem (substitute)
4 ECTS Security Through the Software Lifecycle H0Q31A staff staff
Security Through the Software Lifecycle: Lecture (4 ECTS) H0Q31a staff staff
3 ECTS Design Seminar for Digital Platforms H0Q34A staff staff
- W.Dehaene (coordinator)
- N.
- J.Verplancke (substitute)
Design of Digital Platforms: Design Seminar (3 ECTS) H09I1a staff staff
- W.Dehaene
- N.
- J.Verplancke (substitute)
3 ECTS CyberSecurity Basics H0Q24A staff staff
- M.Vanhoef (coordinator)
- B.Preneel
- M.Vanhoef
- I.Verbauwhede
- N.
- D.Das (substitute)
CyberSecurity Basics: Lecture (3 ECTS) H0Q24a staff staff
- B.Preneel
- M.Vanhoef
- I.Verbauwhede
- N.
- D.Das (substitute)
3 ECTS Hardware Security H0E85A staff- N.
- W.Gierlichs (substitute)
- N.
- W.Gierlichs (substitute)
Hardware Security: Lecture (2.41 ECTS) H0E85a staff- N.
- W.Gierlichs (substitute)
- N.
- W.Gierlichs (substitute)
Hardware Security: Exercises and Practica (0.59 ECTS) H0E86a staff- N.
- W.Gierlichs (substitute)
- N.
- W.Gierlichs (substitute)
3 ECTS Legal Aspects of Cyber Security H0Q25A staff staff
Legal Aspects of Cyber Security: Lecture (3 ECTS) H0Q25a staff staff
4 ECTS Security and Privacy in Contemporary Distributed Software Systems H0Q33A staff staff
- T.Van Cutsem (coordinator)
- W.Joosen
- T.Van Cutsem
Security and Privacy in Contemporary Distributed Software Systems: Lecture (4 ECTS) H0Q33a staff staff
4 ECTS Advanced Methods for Security and Privacy by Design H0Q32A staff staff
- W.Joosen (coordinator)
- D.Van Landuyt (substitute)
- L.Sion (substitute)
Advanced Methods for Security and Privacy by Design: Lecture (4 ECTS) H0Q32a staff staff
- W.Joosen
- D.Van Landuyt (substitute)
- L.Sion (substitute)
3 ECTS CyberSecurity Management and Governance: Operations H0O37A staff staff
CyberSecurity Management and Governance: Operations: Lecture (3 ECTS) H04G4a staff staff
4 ECTS Seminar in CyberSecurity H0Q23A staff staff
- D.Devriese (coordinator)
- N.
- S.Petkova-Nikova (substitute)
- W.Gierlichs (substitute)
Seminar in CyberSecurity: Lecture (4 ECTS) H0Q23a staff staff
- D.Devriese
- N.
- S.Petkova-Nikova (substitute)
- W.Gierlichs (substitute)
Master of Human Settlements - Master of Urbanism, Landscape and Planning
4 ECTS Theory and Practice of Urbanism since 1945 H02L4A staff staff
Theory and Practice of Urbanism since 1945: Lecture (3 ECTS) H02L4a staff staff
Theory and Practice of Urbanism since 1945: Seminar Discussions (1 ECTS) H02L5a staff staff
4 ECTS Project Development and Management H02O3A staff staff
Project Development and Management: Lecture (2 ECTS) H02O3a staff staff
Project Development and Management: Seminars (2 ECTS) H02O4a staff staff
4 ECTS Landscape Urbanism H03N1A staff staff
Landscape Urbanism: Lecture (3 ECTS) H03N1a staff staff
Landscape Urbanism: Case Presentation (1 ECTS) H03N2a staff staff
Courses with Limited Access
Exchange students may enrol in a maximum of 5 credits per semester from this list:
4 ECTS Economic and Sustainability Aspects of Architectural and Urban Design H02T7A staff staff
- K.Allacker (coordinator)
- N.
- D.Ramon (substitute)
Economic and Sustainability Aspects of Architectural and Urban Design (4 ECTS) H02T7a staff staff
- K.Allacker
- N.
- D.Ramon (substitute)
4 ECTS Modernity and Urbanity: Capita Selecta from Architectural Theory and Criticism. Critical Analysis of Texts and Projects H0P02A staff- L.Beeckmans (coordinator)
- H.Heynen
- L.Beeckmans (coordinator)
- H.Heynen
Past Positions, Contemporary Challenges: Lecture (3 ECTS) H0P01a staff staff
Critical Analysis of Texts and Projects: Seminars (1 ECTS) H0P02a staff staff
5 ECTS Human Settlements in Development H02P4B staff staff
Human Settlements in Development (5 ECTS) H02P4a staff staff
4 ECTS Urban Studies H02S1A staff- V.d'Auria (coordinator)
- V.d'Auria (coordinator)
Urban Studies: Lecture (2 ECTS) H02S1a staff staff
Urban Studies: Seminars: Research (1 ECTS) H02S2a staff staff
Urban Studies: Seminars: Students (1 ECTS) H02S3a staff staff
4 ECTS Institutional Aspects of Spatial Planning H0H44A staff- P.Van den Broeck (coordinator)
- P.Van den Broeck (coordinator)
Institutional Aspects of Spatial Planning: Lecture (2 ECTS) H0H44a staff staff
Institutional Aspects of Spatial Planning: Seminars (2 ECTS) H0H45a staff staff
4 ECTS Critical Review of Sustainable Development Policies and Planning H0H46A staff staff
Critical Review of Sustainable Development Policies and Planning: Lectures (2 ECTS) H0H46a staff staff
Critical Review of Sustainable Development Policies and Planning : Seminars (2 ECTS) H0H47a staff staff
5 ECTS Strategic Spatial Planning H02N1C staff staff
Strategic Spatial Planning: Lecture (4 ECTS) H0N29a staff staff
Strategic Spatial Planning: Practices (1 ECTS) H0N30a staff staff
Master of Safety Engineering
3 ECTS Fire Protection and Building Safety H9X43A staff staff
Fire Protection and Building Safety: Lecture (2.4 ECTS) H05O1a staff staff
Fire Protection and Building Safety: Seminar (0.6 ECTS) H05O2a staff staff
3 ECTS Introduction to Safety Engineering H08N0A staff staff
General Introduction to Safety Engineering: Lectures (2.4 ECTS) H08N1a staff staff
General Introduction to Safety Engineering: Seminar (0.6 ECTS) H08N2a staff staff
4 ECTS Safety Aspects of Industrial Installations H08P2A staff staff
- K.Bernaerts (coordinator)
- B.Brouwers
- F.Vanwynsberghe
- N.
Safety Aspects of Mechanical Installations: Lecture (1 ECTS) H08N7a staff staff
Safety Aspects of Mechanical Installations: Seminar (0.3 ECTS) H08N8a staff staff
Safety Aspects of Electrical Installations: Lecture (1 ECTS) H05O5a staff staff
Safety Aspects of Electrical Installations: Seminars (0.3 ECTS) H05O8a staff staff
Safety Aspects of Thermal Installations: Lecture (1.1 ECTS) H05O7a staff- N.
- N.
Safety Aspects of Thermal Installations: Seminars (0.3 ECTS) H05P1a staff- N.
- N.
Master of Artificial Intelligence
H0E98A Principles of Machine Learning cannot be combined with H02C1A Machine Learning and Inductive Inference. Only one of the two courses can be selected, depending on your background knowledge.
4 ECTS Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence H02B6A staff staff
Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence: Lecture (3.5 ECTS) H02B6a staff staff
Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence: Exercises (0.5 ECTS) H00I4a staff staff
4 ECTS Machine Learning and Inductive Inference H02C1A staff staff
Machine Learning and Inductive Inference: Lecture (3 ECTS) H02C1a staff staff
Machine Learning and Inductive Inference: Exercises (1 ECTS) H00G6a staff staff
4 ECTS Speech Science H02C9A staff staff
Speech Science: Lecture (3 ECTS) H02C9a staff staff
Speech Science: Exercises (1 ECTS) H00H0a staff staff
4 ECTS Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computing H02D1A staff staff
Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computing: Lecture (1.8 ECTS) H02D1a staff staff
Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computing: Exercises (0.6 ECTS) H00H1a staff staff
Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computing: Project (1.6 ECTS) H08M3a staff staff
4 ECTS Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence H02D2A staff staff
- L.De Raedt (coordinator)
- T.De Laet
- L.De Raedt
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Lecture (3 ECTS) H02D2a staff staff
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Exercises (0.5 ECTS) H00H2a staff staff
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Project (0.5 ECTS) H08M4a staff staff
4 ECTS Foundations of Formal Theories of Language H02D4A staff- N.
- N.
Foundations of Formal Theories of Language (4 ECTS) H02D4a staff- N.
- N.
5 ECTS Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence H02A0A staff staff
Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence: Lecture (3 ECTS) H02A0a staff staff
Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence: Exercises (1 ECTS) H02K1a staff staff
Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence: Project (1 ECTS) H0O43a staff staff
4 ECTS Natural Language Processing H02B1A staff staff
Natural Language Processing: Lecture (3.5 ECTS) H02B1a staff staff
Natural Language Processing: Exercises (0.5 ECTS) H00G0a staff staff
4 ECTS Cognitive Science H02B2A staff- W.Schaeken
- H.Stuyck (substitute)
- W.Schaeken
- H.Stuyck (substitute)
Cognitive Science: Lecture (3.5 ECTS) H02B2a staff- W.Schaeken
- H.Stuyck (substitute)
- W.Schaeken
- H.Stuyck (substitute)
Cognitive Science: Exercises (0.5 ECTS) H00G1a staff- W.Schaeken
- H.Stuyck (substitute)
- W.Schaeken
- H.Stuyck (substitute)
4 ECTS Neural Computing H02B3A staff staff
Neural Computing: Lecture (3.5 ECTS) H02B3a staff staff
Neural Computing: Laboratory Sessions (0.5 ECTS) H00G2a staff staff
4 ECTS Multi-Agent Systems H02H4A staff- N.
- N.
Multi-Agent Systems: Lecture (3 ECTS) H02H4a staff- N.
- N.
Multi-Agent Systems: Project (1 ECTS) H08M2a staff- N.
- N.
4 ECTS Cybernetics and its Applications in Physiology and Biological Sciences H02H5A staff staff
Cybernetics and its Applications in Physiology and Biological Sciences (4 ECTS) H02H5a staff staff
4 ECTS Introduction to Object Oriented Programming I0S75A staff staff
- V.van Noort (coordinator)
- G.Baele
- J.Demeulemeester
- V.van Noort
- N.
- P.Lutsik (substitute)
Introduction to Object Oriented Programming: Lectures (2 ECTS) I0S71a staff staff
Introduction to Object Oriented Programming: Exercises (1 ECTS) I0S72a staff staff
- G.Baele
- J.Demeulemeester
- V.van Noort
- N.
- P.Lutsik (substitute)
Introduction to Object Oriented Programming: Project (1 ECTS) I0S73a staff staff
- G.Baele
- J.Demeulemeester
- V.van Noort
- N.
- P.Lutsik (substitute)
4 ECTS Privacy and Big Data H00Y2A staff- N.
- R.Gálvez Vizcaíno (substitute)
- N.
- R.Gálvez Vizcaíno (substitute)
Privacy and Big Data: Lecture (3 ECTS) H00Y2a staff- N.
- R.Gálvez Vizcaíno (substitute)
- N.
- R.Gálvez Vizcaíno (substitute)
Privacy and Big Data: Practical Sessions (1 ECTS) H00Y3a staff- N.
- R.Gálvez Vizcaíno (substitute)
- N.
- R.Gálvez Vizcaíno (substitute)
4 ECTS Declarative Problem Solving Paradigms in AI H02A3A staff staff
Declarative Problem Solving Paradigms in AI: Lecture (3 ECTS) H02A3a staff staff
Declarative Problem Solving Paradigms in AI: Exercises (1 ECTS) H02K4a staff staff
4 ECTS Knowledge Representation H02C3A staff staff
Knowledge Representation: Lecture (3.5 ECTS) H02C3a staff staff
Knowledge Representation: Exercises (0.5 ECTS) H00G7a staff staff
4 ECTS Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning H02C4A staff staff
Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning: Lecture (3 ECTS) H02C4a staff staff
Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning: Exercises (1 ECTS) H00G8a staff staff
4 ECTS Biometrics System Concepts H02C7A staff staff
Biometrics System Concepts: Lecture (3.6 ECTS) H02C7a staff staff
Biometrics Systems Concepts: Exercises (0.4 ECTS) H00I1a staff staff
4 ECTS Support Vector Machines: Methods and Applications H02D3A staff staff
Support Vector Machines: Methods and Applications: Lecture (3 ECTS) H02D3a staff staff
Support Vector Machines: Methods and Applications: Exercises (1 ECTS) H00H3a staff staff
4 ECTS Philosophy of Mind and Artificial Intelligence H02D5A staff staff
Philosophy of Mind and Artificial Intelligence (4 ECTS) H02D5a staff staff
4 ECTS Robotics H02A4A staff staff
- H.Bruyninckx (coordinator)
- R.Detry
- N.
- E.Aertbeliën (substitute)
- W.Decré (substitute)
Robotics (4 ECTS) H02A4a staff staff
- H.Bruyninckx
- R.Detry
- N.
- E.Aertbeliën (substitute)
- W.Decré (substitute)
4 ECTS Computer Vision H02A5A staff- N.
- M.Proesmans (substitute)
- N.
- M.Proesmans (substitute)
Computer Vision: Lecture (1.5 ECTS) H02A5a staff- N.
- M.Proesmans (substitute)
- N.
- M.Proesmans (substitute)
Computer Vision: Project (2.5 ECTS) H02K5a staff- N.
- M.Proesmans (substitute)
- N.
- M.Proesmans (substitute)
4 ECTS Speech Recognition H02A6A staff staff
- H.Van hamme (coordinator)
- D.Van Compernolle
- H.Van hamme
Speech Recognition: Lecture (3 ECTS) H02A6a staff Speech Recognition: Exercises (1 ECTS) H02K6a staff staff
4 ECTS Bio-informatics H02H6B staff staff
Bio-informatics (4 ECTS) H02H6a staff staff
4 ECTS Brain Computer Interfaces H08M0A staff staff
Brain Computer Interfaces: Lectures (3.5 ECTS) H08M0a staff staff
Brain Computer Interfaces: Exercises (0.5 ECTS) H08M1a staff staff
4 ECTS Analysis of Large Scale Social Networks H0T26A staff staff
Analysis of Large Scale Social Networks: Lectures (2.5 ECTS) H0T26a staff staff
Analysis of Large Scale Social Networks: Exercises (1 ECTS) H0T27a staff staff
Analysis of Large Scale Social Networks: Project (0.5 ECTS) H0T28a staff staff
4 ECTS Language Engineering Applications H0T29A staff staff
- T.Van de Cruys (coordinator)
- H.Van hamme
- Lhoneux
- A.van Wieringen
- N.
- V.Vandeghinste (cooperator)
Language Engineering Applications: Lectures (4 ECTS) H0T29a staff staff
6 ECTS Big Data Analytics Programming H00Y4A staff staff
Big Data Analytics Programming: Lecture (2.5 ECTS) H00Y4a staff staff
Big Data Analytics: Exercises (0.5 ECTS) H00Y5a staff staff
Big Data Analytics: Assignments (3 ECTS) H00Y6a staff staff
Thesis Project
12 ECTS Erasmus Bachelor's Thesis Project H00R2A staff- I.Smets (coordinator)
- N.
- I.Smets (coordinator)
- N.
Erasmus Bachelor's Thesis Project (12 ECTS) H00R2a staff- N.
- N.
12 ECTS Erasmus Bachelor's Thesis Project H00R3A staff- I.Smets (coordinator)
- N.
- I.Smets (coordinator)
- N.
Erasmus Bachelor's Thesis Project (12 ECTS) H00R3a staff- N.
- N.
24 ECTS Erasmus Bachelor's Thesis Project H0O95A staff- I.Smets (coordinator)
- N.
- I.Smets (coordinator)
- N.
Erasmus Bachelor's Thesis Project (24 ECTS) H0O95a staff- N.
- N.
24 ECTS Erasmus Bachelor's Thesis Project H0O96A staff- I.Smets (coordinator)
- N.
- I.Smets (coordinator)
- N.
Erasmus Bachelor's Thesis Project (24 ECTS) H0O96a staff- N.
- N.
24 ECTS Erasmus Bachelor's Thesis Project H00R4A staff- I.Smets (coordinator)
- N.
- I.Smets (coordinator)
- N.
Erasmus Bachelor's Thesis Project (24 ECTS) H00R4a staff- N.
- N.
12 ECTS Erasmus Master's Thesis Project H00P6A staff- I.Smets (coordinator)
- N.
- I.Smets (coordinator)
- N.
Erasmus Master's Thesis Project (12 ECTS) H00P6a staff- N.
- N.
12 ECTS Erasmus Master's Thesis Project H00P7A staff- I.Smets (coordinator)
- N.
- I.Smets (coordinator)
- N.
Erasmus Master's Thesis Project (12 ECTS) H00P7a staff- N.
- N.
24 ECTS Erasmus Master's Thesis Project H0O91A staff- I.Smets (coordinator)
- N.
- I.Smets (coordinator)
- N.
Erasmus Master's Thesis Project (24 ECTS) H0O91a staff- N.
- N.
24 ECTS Erasmus Master's Thesis Project H0O92A staff- I.Smets (coordinator)
- N.
- I.Smets (coordinator)
- N.
Erasmus Master's Thesis Project (24 ECTS) H0O92a staff- N.
- N.
24 ECTS Erasmus Master's Thesis Project H00P5A staff- I.Smets (coordinator)
- N.
- I.Smets (coordinator)
- N.
Erasmus Master's Thesis Project (24 ECTS) H00P5a staff- N.
- N.
30 ECTS Erasmus Master's Thesis Project H0O93A staff- I.Smets (coordinator)
- N.
- I.Smets (coordinator)
- N.
Erasmus Master's Thesis Project (24 ECTS) H0O91a staff- N.
- N.
Integrated Erasmus Project Work (6 ECTS) H0O93a staff- N.
- N.
30 ECTS Erasmus Master's Thesis Project H0O94A staff- I.Smets (coordinator)
- N.
- I.Smets (coordinator)
- N.
Erasmus Master's Thesis Project (24 ECTS) H0O92a staff- N.
- N.
Integrated Erasmus Project Work (6 ECTS) H0O94a staff- N.
- N.
30 ECTS Erasmus Master's Thesis Project H00V2A staff- I.Smets (coordinator)
- N.
- I.Smets (coordinator)
- N.
Erasmus Master's Thesis Project (24 ECTS) H00P5a staff- N.
- N.
Integrated Erasmus Project Work (6 ECTS) H00V2a staff- N.
- N.
Language Courses
Students can follow these courses at ILT KU Leuven. Upon succesful completion, they can be validated for a maximum of 4 credits. The results will, however, not be listed in the TOR: instead, participants receive a language certificate after their exam.
Dutch as a Foreign Language (Erasmus students):
The following courses are, on the other hand, part of our faculty curriculum and will be included in the TOR at the end of the exchange:3 ECTS Engels in de bedrijfsomgeving H04B3A staff- A.Laffut
- A.De Geest (cooperator)
- A.Laffut
- A.De Geest (cooperator)
Engels in de bedrijfsomgeving (3 ECTS) H04B3a staff- A.Laffut
- A.De Geest (cooperator)
- A.Laffut
- A.De Geest (cooperator)
3 ECTS Frans in de bedrijfsomgeving H04B4A staff Frans in de bedrijfsomgeving (3 ECTS) H04B4a staff