Wavelets with Applications in Signal and Image Processing (B-KUL-H03F7A)

6 ECTSEnglish32 First termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
POC Wiskundige ingenieurstechnieken

The student understands the terminology of the literature on wavelets. He/she understands the key concepts of wavelet theory and their applications in signal and image processing.

The student knows how to design wavelets with specified desired properties.

The student can explain the relationship between the theoretical properties of wavelets and the impact of these properties on the results of a specific application. 

The student can utilize wavelets in an application and  can describe and analyze his implementation.

The student can comprehend recent scientific articles on the topic of wavelets or applications of wavelets. He can describe and comment on such papers in his own words and form an opinion based on scientific arguments.

The student is familiar with elementary linear algebra operations, such as matrix operations and the eigenvalue decomposition.

The student is familiar with the basic principles of Fourier transforms and can reason about the representation of a function in the time domain and the frequency domain.

Knowledge of elementary system theory, such as impulse responses and linear time invariant filters, is certainly helpful but it is not required.


3 ects. Wavelets with Applications in Signal and Image Processing: Lecture (B-KUL-H03F7a)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture20 First term
POC Wiskundige ingenieurstechnieken

  • 6 lectures are used to introduce the theory of wavelets. The focus of these lectures lies on the insights and the how-and-why of wavelets. This complements the course notes, which contain a more complete and in-depth treatment of wavelets, but with the same overall structure as the lectures.
  • The concepts are rehearsed using exercises in 5 practical sessions. Each session concentrates on one particular aspect of the theory and usage of wavelets.
  • The students make a project, alone or in pairs, in which wavelets are being used to solve a practical problem in image or signal processing (such as compression, fingerprinting, ...)

Lecture Notes, example material, Toledo

1 ects. Wavelets with Applications in Signal and Image Processing: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (B-KUL-H03F8a)

1 ECTSEnglishFormat: Practical12 First term
POC Wiskundige ingenieurstechnieken

  • 6 lectures are used to introduce the theory of wavelets. The focus of these lectures lies on the insights and the how-and-why of wavelets. This complements the course notes, which contain a more complete and in-depth treatment of wavelets, but with the same overall structure as the lectures.
  • The concepts are rehearsed using exercises in 5 practical sessions. Each session concentrates on one particular aspect of the theory and usage of wavelets.
  • The students make a project, alone or in pairs, in which wavelets are being used to solve a practical problem in image or signal processing (such as compression, fingerprinting, ...)

2 ects. Wavelets with Applications in Signal and Image Processing: Project (B-KUL-H06P7a)

2 ECTSEnglishFormat: AssignmentFirst term
POC Wiskundige ingenieurstechnieken

  • 6 lectures are used to introduce the theory of wavelets. The focus of these lectures lies on the insights and the how-and-why of wavelets. This complements the course notes, which contain a more complete and in-depth treatment of wavelets, but with the same overall structure as the lectures.
  • The concepts are rehearsed using exercises in 5 practical sessions. Each session concentrates on one particular aspect of the theory and usage of wavelets.
  • The students make a project, alone or in pairs, in which wavelets are being used to solve a practical problem in image or signal processing (such as compression, fingerprinting, ...)


Evaluation: Wavelets with Applications in Signal and Image Processing (B-KUL-H23F7a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral
Type of questions : Open questions

Prior to the exam, the student reads two papers that have appeared in scientific literature and that are related to wavelets or the use of wavelets in applications. The exam consists of an oral discussion of these papers with the examinator. A suggested list of suitable papers is provided. The student can also propose a different paper in his or her area of interest which is not in this list, or in the list of previous years. In this case, the student should seek explicit approval of the paper from the examinator for use in the exam.

The grades for the course are based on the exam and on the project assignment.