Mobile Networks (B-KUL-H0E89A)

6 ECTSEnglish56 Second term
POC Elektrotechniek

This course will give a complete overview of mobile and wireless communication networks. A cellular communication system is one of the most complex systems designed by engineers, combining the most advanced hardware, protocols, applications and business models in a world-wide network. In addition to the cellular 2G/3G/4G/5G networks, there are multiple important local wireless communication techniques to connect anything, anywhere, anytime. These techniques are for instance Wi-Fi, sensor networks, public safety networks or body area networks. The objective of this course is giving insight into all these systems, and focus on the most important challenges in terms of hardware, software, protocols or even business aspects. After completing this overview course, students will have insight into the telecom systems, standards, the business aspects, and research challenges.

After completion of this course:

- The student understands the fundamental principles and subsystems of a mobile and wireless communication system: the radio access network and the core network.

- The student has a solid knowledge of the wireless communication performance models and understands how fading, diversity and multiple antennas impact wireless capacity.

- The student knows the most important technologies for mobile communication and the building blocks of a wireless network, and can explain then properly. The pros and cons of each system are well understood, and the student can determine the best solution for a given application. The student knows the most important standards used in the field and can also evaluate new technologies using proper analytical models.

- The student understands the basic principles behind computer networking, and how they are instantiated in the Internet and the mobile core network. The student understands historical protocol stacks, as well as future networking trends.

- The student is able to understand research papers related to mobile and wireless communication, and evaluate them with respect to relevance, importance, correctness and implementation complexity. The student can find novel material if needed to support that evaluation.

- The student can understand the complexity in terms of hardware, algorithms or signal processing or software of a novel communication paradigm.

- The student has sufficient knowledge of the basic terminology to be able to follow a manual to configure a basestation for 2G or 4G cellular communication.

The course main objective is showing how important disciplines relevant for wireless and mobile communication can be combined in a complex and practical system. Background in these disciplines is useful (analysis of digital communication (H05A0A), signal processing (H05F1A)and building blocks (H09J4A), electromagnetic propagation (H05T0A)) but the course can be followed when not all these courses were taken.

This course unit is a prerequisite for taking the following course units:
H05T7A : 6G Communication Networks
H0E91A : P&D ICT Security and Networks


4.82 ects. Mobile Networks: Lecture (B-KUL-H0E89a)

4.82 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture36 Second term
POC Elektrotechniek

The course consists of 10 lectures that will be devoted to communication fundamentals, covering both fundamental aspects of communication networks and the layered protocol stack, as well as fundamental aspects of wireless communication:

Networking Fundamentals:

  • Basic principles and the protocol stack
  • Medium Access Control
  • Routing
  • QoS models and fairness
  • Resource allocation and advanced topics

Wireless Communication Fundamentals:

  • Wireless communication principles and history
  • Fading models
  • Capacity fundamentals
  • Performance analysis and diversity
  • Multiple antenna technologies: capacity and performance analysis

Then, about 8 lectures will discuss wireless communication technologies, such as 2G/3G/4G/5G as well as Wi-Fi. These will be discussed using the standard compliant terminology, focusing not only on theoretical insights but also practical and business implications. In addition, the course will spend sufficient time for discussing future trends, challenges and possible (r)evolutions in the wireless telecom industry.

Mobile Networks and Technologies:

  • IoT, Bluetooth and 6LoWPAN
  • 2G
  • 3G/4G
  • 5G
  • Wi-Fi
  • Visible Light Communication
  • Software Defined Networking and Network Function Virtualisation
  • Fiber Networks: From FTTH to core network

Study cost: 1-10 euros (The information about the study costs as stated here gives an indication and only represents the costs for purchasing new materials. There might be some electronic or second-hand copies available as well. You can use LIMO to check whether the textbook is available in the library. Any potential printing costs and optional course material are not included in this price.)

For the networking fundamentals, we will use the book “Communication Networks: A Concise Introduction by Jean Walrand and Shyam Parekh”

For the wireless fundamentals, we will use the book “Wireless Communications by A. Goldsmith”

For the mobile technologies, annotated slides will be distributed.

1.18 ects. Mobile Networks: Exercises (B-KUL-H0E90a)

1.18 ECTSEnglishFormat: Assignment20 Second term
POC Elektrotechniek

In the time allocated for exercise activities, there will be a mix of exercise sessions related to performance modeling, and computer sessions where students will work with relevant simulation tools or program their own IoT network.

Exercise sessions will be provided on Toledo.


Evaluation: Mobile Networks (B-KUL-H2E89a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material, Calculator, Reference work

The exam is oral with written preparation. 

If, for reasons of force majeure, the faculty decides that the preparation time for an oral exam must be limited to less than an hour, the preparation time will be reduced. The impact of this decision will be explained on Toledo.