Advanced Nanodevices (B-KUL-H06A1B)
This course presents an advanced package of information on trending new nanoelectronics inspired components in the broadest sense. The course aims to create a thorough understanding of he operational characteristics of nanoelectronic devices including charge based devices (e.g. single electron, quantum based) and non-charged based devices (e.g. photonics, spintronics, MEMS and bioMEMS). The course starts from the fundamental physical principles from quantum mechanics, statistical physics, electro- and thermodynamics. The theoretical analysis is illustrated with recent advances in nanoelectronic components and circuits.
Previous knowledge
Necessary basis for this course is offered in the introductory courses H06E2A Quantum physics; H06F2A Semiconductor physics; H06F0A Semiconductor devices. Required basic knowledge
- Quantum Physics
- Semiconductor Physics
- Semiconductor Devices.
- Electronic transport in solids and nanostructures
Identical courses
This course is identical to the following courses:
H05L4B : Geavanceerde nano-elektronica componenten
Is included in these courses of study
4.8 ects. Advanced Nano-Electronic Components: Lecture (B-KUL-H06A1a)
Part 1 : Charge based devices
1.1 Quantum confined nano systems
1.2 Tunneling transport & devices
1.3 Topological Insulators & Weyl semi-metals
1.4 Spin wave computing & skyrmions
Part 2 : Non-charge based devices
2.1 Spintronics
2.2 Photonics : active devices
2.3 Photonics : passive devices
2.4 Bio MEMS/NEMS devices
Course material
All slides are available on Toledo.
1.2 ects. Advanced Nano-Electronic Components: Exercises (B-KUL-H06A2a)
The exercise sessions aim to reach the following objectives:
1. Learning to read and understand recent journal papers related to the course material via discussions in small groups.
2. Presenting the acquired understanding via presenations to colleague students.
3. Teamwork
The exercises are part of the evaluation.
Course material
All slides are available on Toledo.