P&O Nanoscience, Nanotechnology and Nanoengineering (B-KUL-H0P61A)

After a successful completion of this course:
- In this practical course, the student has acquired the attitude and practical knowhow of how to operate efficiently and constructively within a genuine research and/or development team dealing with nanoscience, nanotechnology and nanoengineering. This should stimulate her/him to take initiative and develop important skills, such as a problem solving and appreciation for collaboration.
- When design seminars are involved it is the main aim to gain insight in the complete cycle from conceptual design trough implementation to testing and feedback to improved design, in the specific case of micro/nano based components or systems. As time is limited, each case has already several parts completed, and the students have to address the missing items, while at the same time gaining insight in the overall cycle.
- The student can compile a brief relevant overview of the literature pertinent to the research or development started.
- The student has mastered to handle a, for him/her new, state-of-the art experimental instrument, analytic research tool or design tool, and can clearly formulate the underlying principles.
- In developing research or design activities, he/she has apprehended how to stay focused on the target (essence) and develop structure in research and design approach. The acquired hands-on experience prepares him/her for performing independent work for the master thesis in the second year.
- The student has learned to compose a scientifically and technically sound and concisely written, yet complete, report on the work performed and progress made.
- The student can orally present the significance, results, and conclusions of the work performed in a concise and clear way.
Previous knowledge
- Necessary basis to disciplines as offered in the introductory courses H06E2A “Quantum physics”; H01M3A “Elektronische basisschakelingen”; H06F2A “Semiconductor physics”; H06F0A “Semiconductor devices”; H06F6A “Structure synthesis and cellular function of macromolecules”; H0601A “Atoomtheorie, chemische periodiciteit en chemische binding”.
- Students are already familiar with the basic aspects of nanoscience and technology. They have previous experience with measurements using standard experimental instruments, and are able to apply statistical methods, computer programming and numerical analysis. They have already some previous knowledge of data reporting and presentations.
Order of Enrolment
Mixed prerequisite:
You may only take this course if you comply with the prerequisites. Prerequisites can be strict or flexible, or can imply simultaneity. A degree level can be also be a prerequisite.
STRICT: You may only take this course if you have passed or applied tolerance for the courses for which this condition is set.
FLEXIBLE: You may only take this course if you have previously taken the courses for which this condition is set.
SIMULTANEOUS: You may only take this course if you also take the courses for which this condition is set (or have taken them previously).
DEGREE: You may only take this course if you have obtained this degree level.
The codes of the course units mentioned above correspond to the following course descriptions:
H06G4A : Materials Physics and Technology for Nanoelectronics
H05K6A : Materiaalfysica en technologie voor nano-elektronica
H06D3A : Nanostructured Bio-Macromolecules
H05L2A : Nanogestructureerde bio-macromoleculen
H06A6A : Chemistry at Nanometre Scale
H05K8A : Chemie op nanometerschaal
H06G0A : Technology of Integrated Systems
H05L0A : Technologie van geïntegreerde systemen
Identical courses
This course is identical to the following courses:
H0P62A : Projectwerk nanowetenschappen, nanotechnologie en nanoengineering
Is included in these courses of study
6 ects. P&O Nanoscience, Nanotechnology and Nanoengineering (B-KUL-H0P61a)
The main focus of the P&O can be either related to a research topic or to a practical design related to nanotechnology.
Students working on a research related P&O will be received by a research group participating in nanoscience research, and be given an open but limited and preferably interdisciplinary research project that can be carried out in the available time. They will work in groups of two or three per project. They will be introduced to the topic and available research tools. Attention will also be devoted to the screening of data bases and/or literature. Sample preparations, measurements and/or calculations will be planned and executed. The results will be acquired and analysed, and each project should be concluded with a written report and short oral presentation.
For the P&O topics that are more closely related to a practical design, the students are given a choice of a number of design/realization/test tasks in the broad field of advanced micro and nanosystems. The aim is to gain insight in several key parts of a complete cycle from conceptual design trough implementation to testing and feedback to improved design. The topics cover micro-nanosystems, photovoltaic systems, MEMS/NEMS devices, magnetic devices, CNT based devices, and so on. The students work in small teams as this ensures that everyone can contribute and learn as much as possible. Each team of students has a dedicated supervisor.
In contrast to a traditional exercise, some of the topics don't have an a-priori known answer nor a necessarily known- path to the answer. There is therefore a real 'research' aspect to the topics. Experimental design and conducting experiments is an aspect of most design projects. This can concern macroscopic breadboarding or the use of existing laboratory setups.
Course material
An overview will be provided on how the project work should be conceived, including on the modalities in carrying it out.
At the beginning of the project work, the students will receive, or being steered to trace, pertinent introductory material for studying by the project instructor.
Format: more information
The task includes:
Actively working in the laboratory or in a development/design environment within the spirit of a research/development/design team, and this for a minimum amount of time, as required.
Writing a report.
Give a presentation in front of an audience on the work done and results achieved, followed by answering questions.
Evaluation: P&O Nanoscience, Nanotechnology and Nanoengineering (B-KUL-H2P61a)
The project work will be evaluated by a panel composed of the daily project work supervisors (assessors) headed by the course coordinators.
The evaluation criteria entail:
- Written report of the project work done (structure, clarity, scientific/technical benefit, synthesis, language, critical sense)
- The work expended on the project (initiative, interaction, team working, skills and insight acquired, effective work done)
- Brief oral presentation and questioning in front of the panel and colleague course students (structure, timing, getting-to-the-point, style)
Information about retaking exams
The second chance for taking exam drops if the student has failed to perform sufficiently in the laboratory during the semester or did not contribute sufficiently to the design task.