Chemistry at Nanometre Scale (B-KUL-H06A6A)

The student must be able
- to explain the concepts of nanochemistry by hard
- to compare the different approaches to make and analyse nanomaterials
- to use concepts of nanochemistry to address research questions
- to apply the concepts for the formation and characterization of new nanomaterials
- to analyse and understand concepts discussed in recent scientific literature
- to carry out basic experiments under guidance
- to link experiment with theory
Previous knowledge
Necessary basis to disciplines as offered in the introductory courses H06F6A Structure synthesis and cellular function of macromolecules; H09M2A Atomtheory, chemical periodicity and chemical bond. Basic knowledge of bio-organic chemistry, physical chemistry, and material science.
Order of Enrolment
This course unit is a prerequisite for taking the following course units:
H06N2A : Lectures on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
H06L6B : Project Work Nanoscience (No longer offered this academic year)
H0P61A : P&O Nanoscience, Nanotechnology and Nanoengineering
H0P62A : Projectwerk nanowetenschappen, nanotechnologie en nanoengineering
Identical courses
This course is identical to the following courses:
H05K8A : Chemie op nanometerschaal
Is included in these courses of study
- Master of Biophysics, Biochemistry and Biotechnology (Leuven) (Specialisation: Biochemistry and Biotechnology) 120 ects.
- Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling (Leuven et al) 120 ects.
- Master of Nanoscience, Nanotechnology and Nanoengineering (Leuven) 120 ects.
- Master of Materials Engineering (Leuven) 120 ects.
- Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Leuven et al) 120 ects.
- Master in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen: katalytische technologie (Leuven) (Major moleculaire technologie) 120 ects.
- Master of Chemistry (Leuven) 120 ects.
- Educatieve master in de wetenschappen en technologie (Leuven) 120 ects.
- Bachelor in de ingenieurswetenschappen (programma voor studenten gestart in 2024-2025 of later) (Leuven) (Keuzepakket G) 180 ects.
4.8 ects. Chemistry at Nanometre Scale: Lecture (B-KUL-H06A6a)
A. Introduction
Chapter 0: Introduction
Chapter 1: Nanosafety
B. Supramolecular Chemistry and Self-Assembly: from Covalent to Non-Covalent Chemistry
Chapter 2: Supramolecular Chemistry – Molecular Recognition
Chapter 3: Self-Assembly
Chapter 4: Self-Assembly in Water
Chapter 5: Self-Assembly: Stabilization
Chapter 6: Large Building Blocks
Chapter 7: Liquid Crystals
Chapter 8: Biomineralisation
Chapter 9: Nanomotors
C. Organisation of Matter on Surfaces at the Nanometer Scale
Chapter 10: Scanning Probe Microscopy
Chapter 11: Langmuir-Blodgett Films
Chapter 12: Layer-by-Layer Deposition
Chapter 13: Self-Assembled Monolayers
Chapter 14: Soft-Lithography
Chapter 15: Molecular Nanopatterns
Chapter 16: Block Copolymers
D. Chapter 17: Microporous and Mesoporous Materials
E. Nanoparticles (preparation / properties)
Chapter 18: Nanocrystals
Chapter 19: Nanotubes – Nanorods – Nanowires
F. 2D nanomaterials
Chapter 20: 2D Materials
Course material
Study cost: 1-10 euros (The information about the study costs as stated here gives an indication and only represents the costs for purchasing new materials. There might be some electronic or second-hand copies available as well. You can use LIMO to check whether the textbook is available in the library. Any potential printing costs and optional course material are not included in this price.)
Course material is available on Toledo.
There is also the option to order black-and-white copies.
Recommended reading (review papers) will be provided as pdf-files.
Part of the course material is based upon the books"Nanochemistry: A Chemical Approach to Nanomaterials" (ISBN 978-1-84755-895-4) and "Concepts of Nanochemistry" (ISBN 978-3-527-32626-6). This is recommended reading, but is not required.
Format: more information
content is mainly lectured ex cathedra
1.2 ects. Chemistry at Nanometre Scale: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (B-KUL-H06A7a)

Exercise sessions: to get familiar with the concepts of nanochemistry, and to apply them.
Lab sessions: to get hands-on experience with the synthesis and characterisation of nanomaterials
Tasks: related to the study/discussion of recent scientific literature on a Nanochemistry related subject dealing with your specific field of study
Course material
Instructions on exercise sessions, lab sessions, and tasks on Toledo.
Format: more information
Exercise sessions:
There are typically two exercise sessions
The exercise questions are typically exam questions from previous years.
The exercise sessions give the opportunity to the student to evaluate her or his depth of understanding
Timing of the exercise sessions is communicated during the semester
Lab session:
The lab session will be organized towards the end of the semester. The duration is between 2 and 3 hours.
Participation is mandatory.
5% of the marks of this course are based on the lab session.
The lab session is evaluated by handing in a set of answers on questions at the start and at the end of the lab session. Students are required to prepare. They receive the description of the lab exercises well in advance.
Literature study (2 parts) on scientific literature on a nanochemistry related subject dealing with the student’s specific field of study or interest.
Part 1: The student must select from the recent scientific literature (current academic year), a peer reviewed paper in a specific domain of interest, related to "nanochemistry". The student must summarize in English the important points of this paper, and express his or her specific interest in the selected paper. The student must discuss the potential 'nanotoxicity' issues, if relevant and list a number of (scientific) questions or statements related to the paper.
Part 2: The student evaluates the paper and report of a fellow student, and looks for links with her or his specific field of study or interest
15% of the marks of this course are based on the tasks
Timing is communicated at the start of the course. The deadlines for submission of the tasks are approximately 9 (part 1) and 13 weeks (part 2) after the start of the course.
Evaluation: Chemistry at Nanometre Scale (B-KUL-H26A6a)
The evaluation is based on an exam, and tasks and a lab session (participation obligatory) during the semester. If for reasons of force majeure, the on-campus laboratory session(s) cannot go ahead in their current form, compulsory attendance will be waived. The laboratory session(s) will be replaced by an additional task.
Task(s): 15%
Lab session: 5% (particiption in the lab session as scheduled is a requirement to take the exam, also for retaking the exam (except if your absence is legal))
Exam: 80%
The exam is an 'open book' exam.
Information about retaking exams
- There is no chance to (re)do the lab session or to (re)do the tasks in the same academic year. The marks obtained for the tasks and lab session are transferred (total 20%)