Master of Chemistry (Leuven) (120 ECTS) Master of Science
Students with a degree obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community
On the basis of the following degrees, or similar degrees, obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community:
- Bachelor in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen (Leuven)
- Bachelor in de biochemie en de biotechnologie (Leuven) (Minor chemie)
- Bachelor in de chemie (Kortrijk, Leuven)
Additional Information:
Direct access is only valid for 'Bachelor in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen (Katalytische Technologie, Levensmiddelentechnologie)' when taking predefined courses as optional courses in the Master of Biophysics, Biochemistry and Biotechnology.
After admission procedure
On the basis of the following degrees, or similar degrees, obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community:
- Master in de industriële wetenschappen: chemie (Gent, Leuven, Sint-Katelijne-Waver)
- Master in de industriële wetenschappen: chemie (Diepenbeek)
After a bridging programme
after a bridging programme: Master in de chemie (Leuven) (60 stp)
Bachelor in de chemie (professioneel gericht), optie chemie
After an abridged programme
On the basis of the following degrees, or similar degrees, obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community:
- After successfully completing the abridged programme: Bachelor in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen (
Leuven, 60 sp. )
, the following degrees are accepted:
- Bachelor in de biologie (Kortrijk, Leuven)
- Bachelor in de biomedische wetenschappen (Kortrijk, Leuven)
- Bachelor in de biowetenschappen (Geel)
- Bachelor in de farmaceutische wetenschappen (Leuven)
- Bachelor in de fysica (Leuven) (Minor bio-chemische wetenschappen)
- Bachelor in de geneeskunde (Kortrijk, Leuven)
- Bachelor in de geografie (Leuven)
- Bachelor in de geologie (Leuven)
- Bachelor in de geowetenschappen (Leuven)
- Bachelor in de industriële wetenschappen (Gent, Leuven, Sint-Katelijne-Waver) (Afstudeerrichting chemie, Kernprogramma chemie + Optie chemie)
- Bachelor in de industriële wetenschappen (Diepenbeek) (Afstudeerrichting chemie)
- Bachelor in de ingenieurswetenschappen (Leuven)
- Bachelor in de ingenieurswetenschappen: architectuur (Leuven)
- Bachelor in de lichamelijke opvoeding en de bewegingswetenschappen (Leuven)
- Bachelor in de revalidatiewetenschappen en de kinesitherapie (Brugge, Leuven)
- Bachelor in de wiskunde (Leuven) (Minor fysica en sterrenkunde)
After an abridged programme in chemistry
- Bachelor in de industriële wetenschappen
- Bachelor in de chemie (professioneel gericht)
Students with a degree not obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community
Students who did not obtain their previous degree(s) at an institution of the Flemish Community should submit an application via the Admissions Office:
You can find a list of core documents, which should be submitted with every application, here:
Diploma requirements
Bachelor of ChemistryBachelor of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Minor Subject Chemistry
Language requirements
All applicants must prove their proficiency in English. The accepted English proficiency tests are:- TOEFL iBT: minimum overall score of 94, with minimum subscores of 19 for Reading, 18 for Listening, 19 for Speaking and 21 for Writing
- IELTS Academic test: minimum overall score of 7.0, with minimum subscores of 6.5 for Reading, 6.0 for Listening, 6.0 for Speaking and 6.0 for Writing
- Advanced or Proficiency Cambridge Certificates: minimum score of 185, with at least 176 for reading and 169 for listening, speaking and writing.
The following applicants are exempted from submitting an English proficiency certificate:
- Applicants who have obtained a previous university degree taught in English in Australia, English-speaking Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. Their entire programme should have been completed in English.
- Applicants who have obtained a Belgian diploma.
Absolutely no other diplomas will be accepted as evidence even if the applicant has followed an exclusively English-taught programme.
Additional requirements
· An English version (or translation) of the course description for the courses that you deem most relevant as a preparation for the master. For each relevant course, you should provide a brief description of the course objectives, the main topics treated, the workload per course unit and the course materials used. If your university provides these descriptions online or via a syllabus, you can copy-paste these descriptions.· If the description of the grading system of your home university is not included in the PDF scan of your transcripts of academic records, please provide the grading table, or a document explaining the grading system of your home university.
The following applicants are exempted from submitting the course and grading descriptions:
· Applicants from universities that have an exchange agreement with the Faculty of Science of KU Leuven.
· Applicants who have obtained a degree from a university listed in the global top 200 in the most recent edition of THE or QS World University Rankings.
Additional information
The Admissions Board evaluates all applications and has the final say on the admissibility of the student, taking into account the relevant information.
Students with a degree obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community
On the basis of the following degrees, or similar degrees, obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community:
- Bachelor in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen (Leuven)
- Bachelor in de biochemie en de biotechnologie (Leuven) (Minor chemie)
- Bachelor in de chemie (Kortrijk, Leuven)
Additional Information:
Direct access is only valid for 'Bachelor in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen (Katalytische Technologie, Levensmiddelentechnologie)' when taking predefined courses as optional courses in the Master of Biophysics, Biochemistry and Biotechnology.
After admission procedure
On the basis of the following degrees, or similar degrees, obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community:
- Master in de industriële wetenschappen: chemie (Gent, Leuven, Sint-Katelijne-Waver)
- Master in de industriële wetenschappen: chemie (Diepenbeek)
After a bridging programme
after a bridging programme: Master in de chemie (Leuven) (60 stp)
Bachelor in de chemie (professioneel gericht), optie chemie
After an abridged programme
On the basis of the following degrees, or similar degrees, obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community:
- After successfully completing the abridged programme: Bachelor in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen (
Leuven, 60 sp. )
, the following degrees are accepted:
- Bachelor in de biologie (Kortrijk, Leuven)
- Bachelor in de biomedische wetenschappen (Kortrijk, Leuven)
- Bachelor in de biowetenschappen (Geel)
- Bachelor in de farmaceutische wetenschappen (Leuven)
- Bachelor in de fysica (Leuven) (Minor bio-chemische wetenschappen)
- Bachelor in de geneeskunde (Kortrijk, Leuven)
- Bachelor in de geografie (Leuven)
- Bachelor in de geologie (Leuven)
- Bachelor in de geowetenschappen (Leuven)
- Bachelor in de industriële wetenschappen (Gent, Leuven, Sint-Katelijne-Waver) (Afstudeerrichting chemie)
- Bachelor in de industriële wetenschappen (Diepenbeek) (Afstudeerrichting chemie)
- Bachelor in de ingenieurswetenschappen (Leuven)
- Bachelor in de ingenieurswetenschappen: architectuur (Leuven)
- Bachelor in de lichamelijke opvoeding en de bewegingswetenschappen (Leuven)
- Bachelor in de revalidatiewetenschappen en de kinesitherapie (Brugge, Leuven)
- Bachelor in de wiskunde (Leuven) (Minor fysica en sterrenkunde)
After an abridged programme in chemistry
- Bachelor in de industriële wetenschappen
- Bachelor in de chemie (professioneel gericht)
Students with a degree not obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community
Students who did not obtain their previous degree(s) at an institution of the Flemish Community should submit an application via the Admissions Office:
You can find a list of core documents, which should be submitted with every application, here:
Diploma requirements
Bachelor of ChemistryBachelor of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Minor Subject Chemistry
Language requirements
All applicants must prove their proficiency in English. The accepted English proficiency tests are:- TOEFL iBT: minimum overall score of 94, with minimum subscores of 19 for Reading, 18 for Listening, 19 for Speaking and 21 for Writing
- IELTS Academic test: minimum overall score of 7.0, with minimum subscores of 6.5 for Reading, 6.0 for Listening, 6.0 for Speaking and 6.0 for Writing
- Advanced or Proficiency Cambridge Certificates: minimum score of 185, with at least 176 for reading and 169 for listening, speaking and writing.
The following applicants are exempted from submitting an English proficiency certificate:
- Applicants who have obtained a previous university degree taught in English in Australia, English-speaking Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. Their entire programme should have been completed in English.
- Applicants who have obtained a Belgian diploma.
Absolutely no other diplomas will be accepted as evidence even if the applicant has followed an exclusively English-taught programme.
Additional requirements
· An English version (or translation) of the course description for the courses that you deem most relevant as a preparation for the master. For each relevant course, you should provide a brief description of the course objectives, the main topics treated, the workload per course unit and the course materials used. If your university provides these descriptions online or via a syllabus, you can copy-paste these descriptions.· If the description of the grading system of your home university is not included in the PDF scan of your transcripts of academic records, please provide the grading table, or a document explaining the grading system of your home university.
The following applicants are exempted from submitting the course and grading descriptions:
· Applicants from universities that have an exchange agreement with the Faculty of Science of KU Leuven.
· Applicants who have obtained a degree from a university listed in the global top 200 in the most recent edition of THE or QS World University Rankings.
Additional information
The Admissions Board evaluates all applications and has the final say on the admissibility of the student, taking into account the relevant information.
Truncus Communis
Truncus Communis: Compulsory Courses
All courses are compulsory.
6 ECTS Polymer Sciences: from Synthesis to Polymer Material G0G96A staff staff
- A.Ianiro (coordinator)
- B.Goderis
- G.Koeckelberghs
- N.
- A.Ianiro (substitute)
Polymer Sciences: Physical Chemistry of Polymers (3 ECTS) G0T88a staff- N.
- A.Ianiro (substitute)
- N.
- A.Ianiro (substitute)
Polymer Sciences: from Synthesis to Polymer Material (3 ECTS) G0G96a staff 6 ECTS Industrial Chemistry G0G90A staff staff
Industrial Chemistry: Lectures (5 ECTS) G0G90a staff staff
Industrial Chemistry: Company Visit (1 ECTS) G0G91a staff staff
6 ECTS Final Exam G0R97A staff staff
- W.De Borggraeve (coordinator)
- S.De Feyter
- W.Dehaen
- J.Harvey
- M.Smet
- T.Vogt
Final Exam (6 ECTS) G0R97a staff
Truncus Communis: Choice
The student chooses one course from the list below.
6 ECTS Advanced Organic Chemistry G0G92A staff staff
Advanced Organic Chemistry (5 ECTS) G0G92a staff staff
Advanced Organic Chemistry: Exercises (1 ECTS) G0G93a staff staff
6 ECTS Advanced Inorganic Chemistry G0G94A staff staff
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry (6 ECTS) G0G94a staff staff
External Industry Internship
This course is compulsory.
30 ECTS External (Industry) Internship G0R96A staff- T.Verbiest (coordinator)
- T.Verbiest (coordinator)
External (Industry) Internship (30 ECTS) G0R96a staff- K.Clays
- S.De Gendt
- A.Delabie
- D.Escudero Masa
- B.Goderis
- G.Koeckelberghs
- J.Loreau
- M.Smet
- E.Van der Eycken
- T.Verbiest
- T.Vogt
- N.
- F.De Azambuja (substitute)
- A.Ianiro (substitute)
The student chooses 36 credits out of the remaining Truncus Communis course, track courses and suggested elective courses. At least 18 credits are selected in agreement with the promoter of the Master's Thesis. Other courses of any master programme at KU Leuven can also be chosen but should be approved by the programme director.
Track Courses
Students choose at least 24 credits from one of the track course clusters below. 6 credits thereof may be filled in by the truncus communis course not chosen above.
Theoretical and Structural Chemistry
6 ECTS Biomolecular Modelling G0G79A staff staff
Biomolecular Modelling (4.4 ECTS) G0G79a staff staff
Biomolecular Modelling: Practical Course (1.6 ECTS) G0G80a staff staff
3 ECTS Density Functional Theory G0J64D staff- N.
- N.
Density Functional Theory (3 ECTS) G0J64a staff- N.
- N.
6 ECTS Nanostructured Bio-Macromolecules H06D3A staff- H.Mizuno (coordinator)
- S.Neves Rocha
- H.Mizuno (coordinator)
- S.Neves Rocha
Nanostructured Bio-Macromolecules: Lecture (4.5 ECTS) H06D3a staff Nanostructured Bio-Macromolecules: Exercises and Presentation (1.5 ECTS) H06D4a staff 3 ECTS Advanced Analytical Techniques G0J66A staff- N.
- N.
Advanced Analytical Techniques (3 ECTS) G0J66a staff- N.
- N.
6 ECTS Advanced Soft and Biomatter Physics G0S92A staff staff
- C.Bartic (coordinator)
- M.Lettinga
- C.Maes
Advanced Soft and Biomatter Physics (6 ECTS) G0S92a staff 6 ECTS Light and Matter G0D05A staff staff
- T.Verbiest (coordinator)
- D.Escudero Masa
- T.Verbiest
Light and Matter (6 ECTS) G0D05a staff 4 ECTS Chemometrics G00C5A staff- N.
- N.
Chemometrics (4 ECTS) G00C5a staff- N.
- N.
6 ECTS Instrumental Analytical Chemistry G0G65A staff- S.De Gendt (coordinator)
- F.De Smedt
- S.De Gendt (coordinator)
- F.De Smedt
Instrumental Analytical Chemistry (6 ECTS) G0G65a staff staff
6 ECTS Determination of Biomolecular Structures G0G83A staff staff
- S.Mohamed (coordinator)
- E.Lescrinier
- S.Mohamed
Determination of Biomolecular Structures, Part 1 (3 ECTS) G0G84a staff staff
Determination of Biomolecular Structures, Part 2 (3 ECTS) G0G85a staff staff
3 ECTS Quantum Chemistry G0G98A staff staff
Quantum Chemistry (3 ECTS) G0G98a staff staff
6 ECTS Chemistry and Characterisation of Surfaces and Thin Films G0H96A staff- S.De Gendt (coordinator)
- A.Delabie
- S.De Gendt (coordinator)
- A.Delabie
Chemistry and Characterisation of Surfaces and Thin Films (3 ECTS) G0H96a staff staff
Chemistry and Characterisation of Surfaces and Thin Films: Lecture, Part 2 (3 ECTS) G0H97a staff staff
6 ECTS Chemical Applications of Group Theory G0I17A staff staff
Chemical Applications of Group Theory (3 ECTS) G0I17a staff staff
Chemical Applications of Group Theory: Exercises (3 ECTS) G0I18a staff staff
6 ECTS Chemistry in Motion G0R98A staff Chemistry in Motion: Lectures (6 ECTS) G0R98a staff staff
6 ECTS Chemical Statistical Mechanics G0R99A staff staff
Chemical Statistical Mechanics: Exercises (2 ECTS) G0D00a staff staff
Chemical Statistical Mechanics: Lectures (4 ECTS) G0R99a staff staff
3 ECTS Atmospheric Chemistry G0D01A staff staff
Atmospheric Chemistry (3 ECTS) G0D01a staff staff
3 ECTS Advanced Computational Chemistry G0I23A staff staff
Advanced Computational Chemistry (3 ECTS) G0I23a staff staff
6 ECTS Physical Modelling of Complex Systems G0J08A staff staff
Physical Modelling of Complex Systems (6 ECTS) G0J08a staff staff
6 ECTS Chemistry at Nanometre Scale H06A6A staff staff
- S.De Feyter (coordinator)
- N.
- K.Mali (substitute)
Chemistry at Nanometre Scale: Lecture (4.8 ECTS) H06A6a staff staff
Chemistry at Nanometre Scale: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (1.2 ECTS) H06A7a staff staff
- S.De Feyter
- N.
- K.Mali (substitute)
3 ECTS Electronic Structure of Molecular Materials H06B8A staff staff
Electronic Structure of Molecular Materials (2 ECTS) H06B8a staff staff
Electronic Structure of Molecular Materials: Exercises and Labs (1 ECTS) H06B9a staff staff
6 ECTS Nanostructure Determination via Electromagnetic Radiation G0G99A staff staff
Nanostructure Determination via Electromagnetic Radiation (3 ECTS) G0G99a staff staff
Advanced Single Crystal Crystallography (2 ECTS) G0T89a staff staff
Visit of ESRF/ILL (1 ECTS) G0T90a staff
Sustainable Chemistry
Sustainable Chemistry: Compulsory
One of this two courses is compulsory for students who choose the track 'Sustainable Chemistry'.
3 ECTS Sustainable Chemistry I G0G66A staff staff
- M.Smet (coordinator)
- L.Vaccaro
- K.Van Aken
Sustainable Chemistry I (3 ECTS) G0G66a staff 3 ECTS Sustainable Chemistry II G0G66B staff staff
Sustainable Chemistry II: Lectures (3 ECTS) G0D02a staff staff
Sustainable Chemistry: Choice
Students chose the remaining 21 credits for the track sustainable chemistry from the elective course beneath, or the second course from the subgroup 'Sustainable Chemistry: Compulsory' or the second course from the subgroup 'Truncus Communis: Choice'.
6 ECTS Metals: Production and Recycling H02U3A staff staff
- B.Blanpain (coordinator)
- F.Verhaeghe
- N.
- A.Malfliet (substitute)
Metals: Production and Recycling: Lecture (4 ECTS) H02U3a staff staff
- B.Blanpain
- F.Verhaeghe
- N.
- A.Malfliet (substitute)
Metals: Production and Recycling: Exercises (2 ECTS) H02U4a staff staff
- B.Blanpain
- F.Verhaeghe
- N.
- A.Malfliet (substitute)
6 ECTS Instrumental Analytical Chemistry G0G65A staff- S.De Gendt (coordinator)
- F.De Smedt
- S.De Gendt (coordinator)
- F.De Smedt
Instrumental Analytical Chemistry (6 ECTS) G0G65a staff staff
6 ECTS Biomolecular Modelling G0G79A staff staff
Biomolecular Modelling (4.4 ECTS) G0G79a staff staff
Biomolecular Modelling: Practical Course (1.6 ECTS) G0G80a staff staff
6 ECTS Synthetic Strategies G0I01A staff Synthetic Strategies (6 ECTS) G0I01a staff 6 ECTS Advanced NMR Spectroscopy G0I19A staff staff
- W.De Borggraeve (coordinator)
- T.Vogt
- N.
- G.Steurs (substitute)
Advanced NMR Spectroscopy (4 ECTS) G0I19a staff Advanced NMR Spectroscopy: Exercises (2 ECTS) G0I20a staff- N.
- G.Steurs (substitute)
- N.
- G.Steurs (substitute)
6 ECTS Synthesis of Macromolecular Structures G0H99B staff staff
- M.Smet (coordinator)
- G.Koeckelberghs
- M.Smet
Synthesis of Macromolecular Structures (6 ECTS) G0H99a staff 6 ECTS Bioinorganic Chemistry G0Y55A staff staff
- T.Vogt (coordinator)
- N.
- F.De Azambuja (substitute)
Bioinorganic Chemistry: Lectures (4.5 ECTS) G0Y55a staff staff
- T.Vogt
- N.
- F.De Azambuja (substitute)
Bioinorganic Chemistry: Assignment (1.5 ECTS) G0Y91a staff staff
- T.Vogt
- N.
- F.De Azambuja (substitute)
6 ECTS Organometallic Chemistry G0S43B staff staff
Organometallic Chemistry: Lectures (6 ECTS) G0S43a staff staff
6 ECTS Chemical Metallurgy G0D04A staff staff
Chemical Metallurgy: Lectures (6 ECTS) G0D04a staff staff
6 ECTS Physical Methods in Inorganic Chemistry G0D29A staff staff
- T.Vogt (coordinator)
- K.Binnemans
- T.Vogt
Physical Methods in Inorganic Chemistry: Lectures (6 ECTS) G0D29a staff staff
3 ECTS Process Safety in the Life Science Industry H0P20A staff staff
- K.Bernaerts (coordinator)
- G.Boogaerts
- N.
Process Safety in the Life Science Industry: Lecture (2 ECTS) H0P20a staff staff
Process Safety in the Life Science Industry: Seminars (1 ECTS) H0P57a staff staff
6 ECTS Electrochemical Methods of Inorganic Chemistry G0J65A staff staff
Part 1: Fundamental Principles of Electrochemistry (3 ECTS) G0U01a staff staff
Part 2: Electrochemical Applications (3 ECTS) G0U02a staff staff
3 ECTS Advanced Analytical Techniques G0J66A staff- N.
- N.
Advanced Analytical Techniques (3 ECTS) G0J66a staff- N.
- N.
3 ECTS Science and Sustainability: a Socio-Ecological Approach – Theory G0R94A staff staff
- G.Ceulemans (coordinator)
- K.Biedenkopf
- G.Ceulemans
- M.Craps
- N.Severijns
Science and Sustainability: a Socio-Ecological Approach – Concepts (2 ECTS) G0R88a staff Science and Sustainability: a Socio-Ecological Approach – Assignment (1 ECTS) G0R89a staff 4 ECTS Chemometrics G00C5A staff- N.
- N.
Chemometrics (4 ECTS) G00C5a staff- N.
- N.
6 ECTS Chemistry at Nanometre Scale H06A6A staff staff
- S.De Feyter (coordinator)
- N.
- K.Mali (substitute)
Chemistry at Nanometre Scale: Lecture (4.8 ECTS) H06A6a staff staff
Chemistry at Nanometre Scale: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (1.2 ECTS) H06A7a staff staff
- S.De Feyter
- N.
- K.Mali (substitute)
6 ECTS Nuclear and Radiochemistry G0H93A staff staff
Nuclear and Radiochemistry, Part 1 (3 ECTS) G0H94a staff staff
Nuclear and Radiochemistry, Part 2 (3 ECTS) G0H95a staff staff
3 ECTS Complex Inorganic and Hybrid Materials G0D30A staff- S.Van Cleuvenbergen (coordinator)
- D.Escudero Masa
- N.
- S.Van Cleuvenbergen (substitute)
- E.Debroye (substitute)
- S.Van Cleuvenbergen (coordinator)
- D.Escudero Masa
- N.
- S.Van Cleuvenbergen (substitute)
- E.Debroye (substitute)
Complex Inorganic and Hybrid Materials: Lectures (3 ECTS) G0D30a staff staff
- D.Escudero Masa
- N.
- S.Van Cleuvenbergen (substitute)
- E.Debroye (substitute)
3 ECTS Drug Discovery: From Target To Design K09M8A staff staff
Drug Discovery Today (1 ECTS) K09M8a staff staff
Software Tools (1 ECTS) K09M9a staff staff
Drug Discovery Case Study (1 ECTS) K09N0a staff staff
4 ECTS Science and Sustainability: a Socio-Ecological approach - Project Work G0R92A staff staff
- G.Ceulemans (coordinator)
- K.Biedenkopf
- G.Ceulemans
- M.Craps
- N.Severijns
- M.Smet
- N.
Science and Sustainability: a Socio-Ecological Approach – Workplan (1 ECTS) G0R92a staff Science and Sustainability: a Socio-Ecological Approach – Project (3 ECTS) G0R90a staff 3 ECTS Emerging Synthetic Methodologies G0D03A staff staff
- W.Dehaen (coordinator)
- W.De Borggraeve
- W.Dehaen
- E.Van der Eycken
- N.
- F.De Azambuja (substitute)
Emerging Synthetic Methodologies: Seminar (3 ECTS) G0D03a staff staff
- W.De Borggraeve
- W.Dehaen
- E.Van der Eycken
- N.
- F.De Azambuja (substitute)
Nanostructured Materials
6 ECTS Physical Chemistry and Properties of Polymers G0I22A staff Physical Chemistry and Properties of Polymers (6 ECTS) G0I22a staff 3 ECTS Optical Properties of Solids H0G02A staff staff
Optical Properties of Solids (3 ECTS) H0G02a staff staff
6 ECTS Advanced Fluorescence and Fluorescence Microscopy. From Single Molecules to Biological Systems G0G59A staff staff
- J.Hofkens (coordinator)
- M.Roeffaers
- N.
- E.Debroye (substitute)
Advanced Fluorescence and Fluorescence Microscopy. From Single Molecules to Biological Systems (4.4 ECTS) G0G59a staff staff
- J.Hofkens
- M.Roeffaers
- N.
- E.Debroye (substitute)
Advanced Fluorescence and Fluorescence Microscopy. From Single Molecules to Biological Systems: Practical Course (1.6 ECTS) G0G60a staff staff
- J.Hofkens
- M.Roeffaers
- N.
- E.Debroye (substitute)
6 ECTS Instrumental Analytical Chemistry G0G65A staff- S.De Gendt (coordinator)
- F.De Smedt
- S.De Gendt (coordinator)
- F.De Smedt
Instrumental Analytical Chemistry (6 ECTS) G0G65a staff staff
3 ECTS Quantum Chemistry G0G98A staff staff
Quantum Chemistry (3 ECTS) G0G98a staff staff
6 ECTS Chemistry and Characterisation of Surfaces and Thin Films G0H96A staff- S.De Gendt (coordinator)
- A.Delabie
- S.De Gendt (coordinator)
- A.Delabie
Chemistry and Characterisation of Surfaces and Thin Films (3 ECTS) G0H96a staff staff
Chemistry and Characterisation of Surfaces and Thin Films: Lecture, Part 2 (3 ECTS) G0H97a staff staff
3 ECTS Molecular Photonics G9X25A staff staff
Photonics (3 ECTS) G0I15a staff staff
6 ECTS Synthesis of Macromolecular Structures G0H99B staff staff
- M.Smet (coordinator)
- G.Koeckelberghs
- M.Smet
Synthesis of Macromolecular Structures (6 ECTS) G0H99a staff 6 ECTS Chemistry in Motion G0R98A staff Chemistry in Motion: Lectures (6 ECTS) G0R98a staff staff
6 ECTS Chemical Statistical Mechanics G0R99A staff staff
Chemical Statistical Mechanics: Exercises (2 ECTS) G0D00a staff staff
Chemical Statistical Mechanics: Lectures (4 ECTS) G0R99a staff staff
6 ECTS Light and Matter G0D05A staff staff
- T.Verbiest (coordinator)
- D.Escudero Masa
- T.Verbiest
Light and Matter (6 ECTS) G0D05a staff 6 ECTS Nanostructured Bio-Macromolecules H06D3A staff- H.Mizuno (coordinator)
- S.Neves Rocha
- H.Mizuno (coordinator)
- S.Neves Rocha
Nanostructured Bio-Macromolecules: Lecture (4.5 ECTS) H06D3a staff Nanostructured Bio-Macromolecules: Exercises and Presentation (1.5 ECTS) H06D4a staff 6 ECTS Electrochemical Methods of Inorganic Chemistry G0J65A staff staff
Part 1: Fundamental Principles of Electrochemistry (3 ECTS) G0U01a staff staff
Part 2: Electrochemical Applications (3 ECTS) G0U02a staff staff
3 ECTS Advanced Analytical Techniques G0J66A staff- N.
- N.
Advanced Analytical Techniques (3 ECTS) G0J66a staff- N.
- N.
6 ECTS Advanced Soft and Biomatter Physics G0S92A staff staff
- C.Bartic (coordinator)
- M.Lettinga
- C.Maes
Advanced Soft and Biomatter Physics (6 ECTS) G0S92a staff 6 ECTS Chemistry at Nanometre Scale H06A6A staff staff
- S.De Feyter (coordinator)
- N.
- K.Mali (substitute)
Chemistry at Nanometre Scale: Lecture (4.8 ECTS) H06A6a staff staff
Chemistry at Nanometre Scale: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (1.2 ECTS) H06A7a staff staff
- S.De Feyter
- N.
- K.Mali (substitute)
3 ECTS Electronic Structure of Molecular Materials H06B8A staff staff
Electronic Structure of Molecular Materials (2 ECTS) H06B8a staff staff
Electronic Structure of Molecular Materials: Exercises and Labs (1 ECTS) H06B9a staff staff
3 ECTS Scanning Probe Microscopy H06E8A staff- N.
- J.Van de Vondel (substitute)
- N.
- J.Van de Vondel (substitute)
Scanning Probe Microscopy (2 ECTS) H06E8a staff- N.
- J.Van de Vondel (substitute)
- N.
- J.Van de Vondel (substitute)
Scanning Probe Microscopy: Exercises and Labs (1 ECTS) H06E9a staff- N.
- J.Van de Vondel (substitute)
- N.
- J.Van de Vondel (substitute)
3 ECTS Complex Inorganic and Hybrid Materials G0D30A staff- S.Van Cleuvenbergen (coordinator)
- D.Escudero Masa
- N.
- S.Van Cleuvenbergen (substitute)
- E.Debroye (substitute)
- S.Van Cleuvenbergen (coordinator)
- D.Escudero Masa
- N.
- S.Van Cleuvenbergen (substitute)
- E.Debroye (substitute)
Complex Inorganic and Hybrid Materials: Lectures (3 ECTS) G0D30a staff staff
- D.Escudero Masa
- N.
- S.Van Cleuvenbergen (substitute)
- E.Debroye (substitute)
6 ECTS Physical Modelling of Complex Systems G0J08A staff staff
Physical Modelling of Complex Systems (6 ECTS) G0J08a staff staff
6 ECTS Nanostructure Determination via Electromagnetic Radiation G0G99A staff staff
Nanostructure Determination via Electromagnetic Radiation (3 ECTS) G0G99a staff staff
Advanced Single Crystal Crystallography (2 ECTS) G0T89a staff staff
Visit of ESRF/ILL (1 ECTS) G0T90a staff
Suggested Elective Courses
Science, Education and Society
6 ECTS Science Communication and Outreach G0R44A staff staff
Science Communication and Outreach (6 ECTS) G0R44a staff staff
3 ECTS Wetenschappen voor een inclusieve samenleving G00A3A staff staff
- P.Muchez (coordinator)
- G.Ceulemans
- P.Muchez
- N.
Wetenschappen voor een inclusieve samenleving (3 ECTS) G00A3a staff staff
Interdisciplinary Elective Courses
4 ECTS Intellectual Property Management G0B01A staff staff
Intellectual Property Management (4 ECTS) G0B01a staff staff
6 ECTS Biomolecular Interactions G0G77A staff staff
- H.Mizuno (coordinator)
- S.Mohamed
- W.Van den Ende
- N.
Biomolecular Interactions: Lectures 1 (3 ECTS) G0G77a staff Biomolecular Interactions: Assignment 1 (1 ECTS) G0G78a staff Biomolecular Interactions: Lectures 2 (1 ECTS) G0W76a staff staff
Biomolecular Interactions: Assignment 2 (1 ECTS) G0W77a staff- H.Mizuno
- N.
- H.Mizuno
- N.
If the student complies with the conditions set by the KICK Academy, courses taken from this subgroup lead to the KICK Certificate of Entrepreneurship. Details on the courses and on the certificate can be found here:
Students can valorise participation to a project of AFC or AFD or a Summer School for 3 credits in the programme. They have to ask the permission of the programme director. The ISP-approver can add these courses to the ISP.
Master's Thesis
30 ECTS Master's Thesis G0L52B staff- T.Jagau (coordinator)
- N.
- T.Jagau (coordinator)
- N.
Master's Thesis (30 ECTS) G0L52a staff- N.
- N.