Instrumental Analytical Chemistry (B-KUL-G0G65A)

This course aims to provide insight in the operational principles of a selection of instrumental analytical techniques (with emphasis on inorganic analysis). In addition, the role of analytical chemistry as a tool for diagnostic applications is considered (using practical examples). The students will also become familiar with the interpretation of spectral information acquired with the different analytical techniques.
Previous knowledge
The course assumes basic knowledge of general chemistry at bachelor level, and specific knowledge of analytical chemistry at bachelor level.
Is included in these courses of study
6 ects. Instrumental Analytical Chemistry (B-KUL-G0G65a)
The following topics are considered:
1. Introductory components;
- Electronic components and circuits
- Operational amplifier circuits
- Signal and noise
- ‘Figures of Merit’
2. Importance of representative chemical sampling
- Sampling and sample preparation
- Chemicals and recipients
- Storage and handling
- Sources of error / good laboratory practices
3. Optical spectroscopic techniques;
- Introduction (electromagnetic radiation, atomic spectra, …)
- Instrumental aspects (components of optical instruments, …)
- Atom absorption spectroscopy
- Atom fluorescence spectroscopy
- Atom emission spectroscopy
- Applications
4. Mass spectrometric techniques;
- Introduction (relative sensitivity, interferences, isotopes, …)
- Instrumental aspects (ion sources, mass-analysers, detection systems, …)
- Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS)
- Glow Discharge mass spectrometry (GDMS)
- Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS)
- Applications
5. X-ray fluorescence analysis;
- Introduction (X-rays, attenuation, reflection, scattering, …)
- Instrumental aspects (multilayers, detectors, …)
- Conventional X-ray fluorescence
- Applications
6. Thermal analysis methods
- Instrumentation (DSC, DTA, TG)
- Applications of thermal analysis
Course material
Study material - background recommend literature
Principles of Instrumental Analysis, 5th Edition (or recent edition)
D.A.Skoog, F.J.Holler, T.A.Nieman
ISBN 0-030002078-6 (Hardcover Edition), Harcourt Brace, 1988
Analytical Atomic Spectrometry,
ISBN 3-527-30146-1, Wiley, 2002
Language of instruction: more information
The course is presented in dutch
The course information is in English.
Format: more information
The course is presented ex cathedra. interaction is stimulated. As part of the course, a clean room visit is organized. To the extend possible, also some analytical techniques are experimentally demonstrated.
Evaluation: Instrumental Analytical Chemistry (B-KUL-G2G65a)
The exam consist of a selection of open questions and a selection is discussed during an oral exam with written preparation.
The following aspects can be considered during the exam:
1) Scientific discussion on the theoretical concepts behind the analytical techniques, including the operation of the individual instrumental components.
2) Interpretation of spectral data in quantitative and qualitative manner.
3) Interpretation of scientific literature related to relevant analytical applications.