The main objective of this course is to provide students with general basic knowledge about different aspects, problems and applications of nuclear chemistry and radiochemistry.
Aim 1: The students can explain and apply the principles of radioactive decay, including the kinetics of radioactive decay; they can use the chart of nuclides to deduct the radioactive decay and properties of radionuclides.
Aim 2: The students can explain the different types of ionising radiation, the corresponding measurement and detection methods, and the application of ionising radiation in industry, medical sector and analysis techniques including their boundary conditions; they can estimate the effects of ionising radiation on humans and matter, and explain the related principles of radiation protection.
Aim 3: The students can explain the working principle and function of particle accelerators; they understand the principles of nuclear reactions and their application for the production of energy and radionuclides.
Aim 4: The students can explain the nuclear fuel cycle in all its aspects, have knowledge of the different types of nuclear reactors and their working principle, and can take a position in the debate on nuclear energy and disposal of nuclear waste.
Aim 5: The students understand the origin of chemical elements; they can explain the existence of radionuclides in nature and can relate this to radioactive decay and the application of age determination using radiochemical clocks.
Previous knowledge
Students are familiar with the contents of basic courses chemistry and physics.
Identical courses
This course is identical to the following courses:
G0H93B : Nuclear and Radiochemistry
Is included in these courses of study
3 ects. Nuclear and Radiochemistry, Part 1 (B-KUL-G0H94a)
- Atomic species
- Atomic mass
- Stability of nuclides
- Mass defect and binding energy
Radioactive decay
- Properties of radioactive decay
- Decay reaction notation
- Conservation laws
- Decay types
- Decay schemes and isotope charts
- Kinetics of radioactive decay
- Mixed decay
- Branching decay
- Successive radioactive decay
- Radioisotope generators
Nuclear reactions & production of radionuclides
- Basics of nuclear reactions
- Particle accelerators
- Neutron generators
- Production of radionuclides
- Labelled compounds
Detection & measurement techniques
- Cloud and bubble chambers
- Solid state nuclear track detectors
- Gas counters
- Semiconductor detectors
- Scintillation detectors
- Sample preparation
Interaction of radiation with matter
- Energy transfer
- Interaction of alpha particles with matter
- Interaction of beta particles with matter
- Interaction of gamma radiation with matter
- Interaction of neutron radiation with matter
Radiation protection & dosimetry
- Dose quantities
- Dose limits
- Dose measurements
- Biological effects of ionising radiation
- Radiation protection in practice
Isotope effects
- Mechanical isotope effects
- Isotope effects in spectroscopy
- Isotope effects on chemical equilibria
- Isotope effects on phase equilibria
- Kinetic isotope effects
- Mass-independent isotope effects
Origin of the chemical elements
- Standard model of particle physics
- Nucleosynthesis
Course material
G.R. Choppin, J. Rydberg, J.-O. Liljenzin, C. Ekberg
“Radiochemistry and Nuclear Chemistry” Fourth Edition
© Elsevier, 2013
A. Vértes, S. Nagy, Z. Klencsár, R.G. Lovas, F. Rösch
“Handbook of Nuclear Chemistry” Second Edition
© Springer, 2011
3 ects. Nuclear and Radiochemistry, Part 2 (B-KUL-G0H95a)
Nuclear fission
- Mass defect and binding energy
- Liquid drop model
- Fissile versus fertile nuclei
- Fission probability
- Fission products
- Prompt and delayed neutrons
- Fission chain reaction
- Energy release in fission
Nuclear fuel cycle
- Uranium ores
- Mining of uranium
- Conversion to UF6
- Uranium enrichment
- Nuclear fuel fabrication
- Irradiation of nuclear fuel
- Temporary storage of spent fuel
- Reprocessing of spent fuel
- Mixed oxide (MOX) fuel
- Processing of radioactive waste
Disposal of radioactive waste
- Responsible authorities in Belgium
- Radioactive waste management in Belgium
- Origin and classification of radioactive waste
- Final disposal of radioactive waste
Nuclear reactors
- Natural nuclear reactors in Oklo
- Components of a nuclear reactor
- Chicago Pile-1
- Nuclear power plant
- Nuclear reactor generations
- Nuclear reactor types
- Gen IV reactors
- Nuclear energy in Belgium
- Nuclear energy worldwide
Radionuclides in nature
- Cosmogenic radionuclides
- Primordial radionuclides
- Natural decay series
- Anthropogenic radionuclides
- Age determination from radioactive decay
Actinide and transactinide elements
- Early-actinides
- Production of late-actinides
- Properties of actinides
- Applications of actinides
- Production of transactinides
- Properties of transactinides
Absorption of nuclear radiation
- Nuclear radiation absorption processes
- Technical applications of radiation sources
Radiation effects on matter
- Radiation tracks
- Radiation dose and radiation yield
- Radiation effect on metals
- Radiation effect on inorganic compounds
- Radiation effect on water and aqueous solutions
- Radiation effect on organic compounds and organic solutions
- Non-biological applications
Radioactive tracers
- Principles of using radioactive tracers
- Chemistry of trace concentrations
- Applications of radioactive tracers in general chemistry
- Radiopharmaceuticals
Nuclear analytical applications
- Activation analysis
- Mössbauer spectroscopy
- Isotope dilution analysis
Course material
G.R. Choppin, J. Rydberg, J.-O. Liljenzin, C. Ekberg
“Radiochemistry and Nuclear Chemistry” Fourth Edition
© Elsevier, 2013
A. Vértes, S. Nagy, Z. Klencsár, R.G. Lovas, F. Rösch
“Handbook of Nuclear Chemistry” Second Edition
© Springer, 2011
Is also included in other courses
Evaluation: Nuclear and Radiochemistry (B-KUL-G2H93a)
Written examination.