Science Communication and Outreach (B-KUL-G0R44A)
The course wants to stimulate reflection on the social meaning of science and the role of communication, information and popularization. In addition the course offers an
introduction to the scientific literature and empirical studies on science communication. Finally the concrete process of science communication (communication media,
typology of communication, communication sociology) is investigated.
Previous knowledge
The course does not presuppose specific foreknowledge.
Identical courses
This course is identical to the following courses:
G0R76A : Wetenschapscommunicatie en outreach (No longer offered this academic year)
Is included in these courses of study
- Master of Biophysics, Biochemistry and Biotechnology (Leuven) (Specialisation: Biochemistry and Biotechnology) 120 ects.
- Master of Biophysics, Biochemistry and Biotechnology (Leuven) (Specialisation: Biophysics) 120 ects.
- Master in de statistiek (Leuven) 120 ects.
- Master in de communicatiewetenschappen (Leuven) (Afstudeerrichting media, cultuur en beleid) 60 ects.
- Master in de communicatiewetenschappen (Leuven) (Afstudeerrichting mediapsychologie) 60 ects.
- Master in de communicatiewetenschappen (Leuven) (Afstudeerrichting strategie en organisatie) 60 ects.
- Master in de biochemie en de biotechnologie (Leuven) 120 ects.
- Master in de sterrenkunde (Leuven) 120 ects.
- Master in de ingenieurswetenschappen: energie (Leuven) 120 ects.
- Master of Statistics and Data Science (on campus) (Leuven) 120 ects.
- Master of Astronomy and Astrophysics (Leuven) 120 ects.
- Master in de ingenieurswetenschappen: computerwetenschappen (Leuven) 120 ects.
- Courses for Exchange Students Faculty of Science (Leuven)
- Master of Nanoscience, Nanotechnology and Nanoengineering (Leuven) 120 ects.
- Master of Mathematics (Leuven) 120 ects.
- Master in de geologie (Leuven) 120 ects.
- Master of Geology (Programme for students started before 2023-2024) (Leuven et al) 120 ects.
- Doctoral Programme in Science (Leuven)
- Master of Physics (Leuven) 120 ects.
- Master in de biologie (Leuven) 120 ects.
- Master of Biology (Leuven) 120 ects.
- Master of Chemistry (Leuven) 120 ects.
- Educatieve master in de economie (Leuven) 90 ects.
- Educatieve master in de maatschappijwetenschappen (Leuven) 90 ects.
- Educatieve master in de cultuurwetenschappen (Leuven) (Track leraarschap voor studenten die al 15 sp. leraarschap voorafnamen) 120 ects.
- Educatieve master in de cultuurwetenschappen (Leuven) (Track leraarschap voor studenten die geen 15 sp. leraarschap voorafnamen) 120 ects.
- Educatieve master in de talen (Leuven) (Track leraarschap voor studenten die 15 sp. leraarschap voorafnamen in de bachelor in de taal- en letterkunde (39 sp.)) 120 ects.
- Educatieve master in de talen (Leuven) (Track leraarschap voor studenten die geen 15 sp. leraarschap voorafnamen in de bachelor in de taal- en letterkunde (54 sp.)) 120 ects.
- Educatieve master in de economie (verkort programma) (Leuven) 60 ects.
- Educatieve master in de maatschappijwetenschappen (verkort programma) (Leuven) 60 ects.
- Educatieve master in de cultuurwetenschappen (verkort programma) (Leuven) 60 ects.
- Educatieve master in de talen (verkort programma) (Leuven) 60 ects.
- Educatieve master in de gedragswetenschappen (verkort programma) (Leuven) 60 ects.
- Educatieve master in de wetenschappen en technologie (verkort programma) (Leuven) 60 ects.
- Educatieve master in de ontwerpwetenschappen (verkort programma) (Leuven) 60 ects.
- Voorbereidingsprogramma: Educatieve master in de maatschappijwetenschappen (Leuven) 15 ects.
- Educatieve master in de gezondheidswetenschappen (Leuven) 120 ects.
- Educatieve master in de gezondheidswetenschappen (verkort programma) (Leuven) 60 ects.
- Bachelor in de politieke wetenschappen en de sociologie (programma voor studenten gestart in 2022-2023 of later) (Leuven) (Minor sociale innovatie) 180 ects.
- Master of Geology (Programme for students started in 2023-2024 or later) (Leuven et al) 120 ects.
6 ects. Science Communication and Outreach (B-KUL-G0R44a)
Science communication aims at making science more accessible to the general public, a.o. by increasing scientific literarcy of citizens. Of crucial importance is the
creation of a relation of trust among scientists and the public. This requires a clear understanding of the aims of science communication, as well as its channels and
The course focuses on the gap between science an the public, in particular in relation to the place of science in public media. Different forms of science communication
are related to different intended target audiences.
The topics to be treated can be arranged our four general themes.
1. Science in Public
This model introduces basic concepts in the understanding of the process of science communication: theories about of definitions and models of science communication,
the role of the expert, scientific literacy, the image of science in society.
2. Science and the media
Media play an important part in science communication, but, as they are working withintheir proper cultural value system and with speficif formats, they may also be seen
as a potential threat to the reliability and accuracy of scientific messages and of the representation of science. Attention is given to the differences and tensions between
the cultures of science and journalism. Students will also prepare written expositions on scientific themes.
3. Controversial science and risk communication
A special challenge to science communicators is to speak out on themes where no scientific certainty is avalaible, or when the topics are framed in a larger (political)
debate. To represent scientific views often merges with a taking of sides, which then may threaten the neutrality of science. This form of communication is often preferred
by audiovisual media. Also science blogs tend in this direction.
4. Interactive and participative communication
Science in the public sphere has to be viewed as an interactive process, in which the dominating role of the expert cannot be taken for granted. In this form of
communication the public takes a central role. This theme focuses on science centres, science cafés, citizen science,... and the approach to disseminate scientific
information through informal learning, based on psychological models of leanring. The course analyses the use of interactive and participative communication in different settings.
Course material
Slides and literature are made available by the lecturer.
Language of instruction: more information
Dit opo wordt aangeboden in de doctoraatsopleiding. Een groot deel van de doctoraatsstudenten zijn niet-Nederlandstalig.
Evaluation: Science Communication and Outreach (B-KUL-G2R44a)
The grading scale of this course unit is pass/fail.
Information about retaking exams
No 2nd examination opportunity.