Master of Physics (Leuven) (120 ECTS) Master of Science
Students with a degree obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community
On the basis of the following degrees, or similar degrees, obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community:
- Bachelor in de fysica (Kortrijk, Leuven)
- Bachelor in de wiskunde (Kortrijk, Leuven) (Minor fysica en sterrenkunde, Optie wiskunde + Minor fysica)
Direct access (missing knowledge from bachelor curriculum of up to 18 ECTS in master curriculum):
Bachelor in de wiskunde, met traject naar Twin Bachelor Fysica en Wiskunde (KULAK)
Bachelor in de wiskunde, minor fysica en sterrenkunde
After a preparatory programme
After a preparatory programme (max 45 ECTS): Bachelor in de wiskunde
After an abridged programme
After an abridged bachelor programme (27-40 ECTS):
Bachelor in de wiskunde, met traject naar Twin Bachelor Fysica en Wiskunde (KULAK)
Bachelor in de wiskunde, minor fysica en sterrenkunde
After an abridged bachelor programme (54-66 ECTS):
Bachelor in de ingenieurswetenschappen
Bachelor in de wiskunde
Bachelor in de wijsbegeerte, optie fysica
After an abridged bachelor programme (max 81 ECTS):
Bachelor in de chemie
After an abridged bachelor programme (max 120 ECTS):
Academische Bachelor of Master in de industriële wetenschappen (120 stp)
Additional information
Other diploma's or preparatory programmes:
after consulting with the programme director, a programme will be proposed on the basis of the followed curriculum.
Students with a degree not obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community
Students who did not obtain their previous degree(s) at an institution of the Flemish Community should submit an application via the Admissions Office:
You can find a list of core documents, which should be submitted with every application, here:
Diploma requirements
Bachelor of Physics, bachelor degrees with a minor Physics, Astronomy, obtained outside the Flemish Community or other degrees will be admitted on individual basis.Language requirements
All applicants must prove their proficiency in English. The accepted English proficiency tests are:- TOEFL iBT: minimum overall score of 94, with minimum subscores of 19 for Reading, 18 for Listening, 19 for Speaking and 21 for Writing
- IELTS Academic test: minimum overall score of 7.0, with minimum subscores of 6.5 for Reading, 6.0 for Listening, 6.0 for Speaking and 6.0 for Writing
- Advanced or Proficiency Cambridge Certificates: minimum score of 185, with at least 176 for reading and 169 for listening, speaking and writing.
The following applicants are exempted from submitting an English proficiency certificate:
- Applicants who have obtained a previous university degree taught in English in Australia, English-speaking Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. Their entire programme should have been completed in English.
- Applicants who have obtained a Belgian diploma.
Absolutely no other diplomas will be accepted as evidence even if the applicant has followed an exclusively English-taught programme.
Additional requirements
· An English version (or translation) of the course description for the courses that you deem most relevant as a preparation for the master. For each relevant course, you should provide a brief description of the course objectives, the main topics treated, the workload per course unit and the course materials used. If your university provides these descriptions online or via a syllabus, you can copy-paste these descriptions.· If the description of the grading system of your home university is not included in the PDF scan of your transcripts of academic records, please provide the grading table, or a document explaining the grading system of your home university.
The following applicants are exempted from submitting the course and grading descriptions:
· Applicants from universities that have an exchange agreement with the Faculty of Science of KU Leuven.
Applicants who have obtained a degree from a university listed in the global top 200 in the most recent edition of THE or QS World University Rankings.
Additional information
The Admissions Board evaluates all applications and has the final say on the admissibility of the student, taking into account the relevant information.
Students with a degree obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community
On the basis of the following degrees, or similar degrees, obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community:
- Bachelor in de fysica (Kortrijk, Leuven)
- Bachelor in de wiskunde (Kortrijk, Leuven) (Minor fysica en sterrenkunde, Optie wiskunde + Minor fysica)
Direct access (missing knowledge from bachelor curriculum of up to 18 ECTS in master curriculum):
Bachelor in de wiskunde, met traject naar Twin Bachelor Fysica en Wiskunde (KULAK)
Bachelor in de wiskunde, minor fysica en sterrenkunde
After a preparatory programme
After a preparatory programme (max 45 ECTS): Bachelor in de wiskunde
After an abridged programme
After an abridged bachelor programme (27-40 ECTS):
Bachelor in de wiskunde, met traject naar Twin Bachelor Fysica en Wiskunde (KULAK)
Bachelor in de wiskunde, minor fysica en sterrenkunde
After an abridged bachelor programme (54-66 ECTS):
Bachelor in de ingenieurswetenschappen
Bachelor in de wiskunde
Bachelor in de wijsbegeerte, optie fysica
After an abridged bachelor programme (max 81 ECTS):
Bachelor in de chemie
After an abridged bachelor programme (max 120 ECTS):
Academische Bachelor of Master in de industriële wetenschappen (120 stp)
Additional information
Other diploma's or preparatory programmes:
after consulting with the programme director, a programme will be proposed on the basis of the followed curriculum.
Students with a degree not obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community
Students who did not obtain their previous degree(s) at an institution of the Flemish Community should submit an application via the Admissions Office:
You can find a list of core documents, which should be submitted with every application, here:
Diploma requirements
Bachelor of Physics, bachelor degrees with a minor Physics, Astronomy, obtained outside the Flemish Community or other degrees will be admitted on individual basis.Language requirements
All applicants must prove their proficiency in English. The accepted English proficiency tests are:- TOEFL iBT: minimum overall score of 94, with minimum subscores of 19 for Reading, 18 for Listening, 19 for Speaking and 21 for Writing
- IELTS Academic test: minimum overall score of 7.0, with minimum subscores of 6.5 for Reading, 6.0 for Listening, 6.0 for Speaking and 6.0 for Writing
- Advanced or Proficiency Cambridge Certificates: minimum score of 185, with at least 176 for reading and 169 for listening, speaking and writing.
The following applicants are exempted from submitting an English proficiency certificate:
- Applicants who have obtained a previous university degree taught in English in Australia, English-speaking Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. Their entire programme should have been completed in English.
- Applicants who have obtained a Belgian diploma.
Absolutely no other diplomas will be accepted as evidence even if the applicant has followed an exclusively English-taught programme.
Additional requirements
· An English version (or translation) of the course description for the courses that you deem most relevant as a preparation for the master. For each relevant course, you should provide a brief description of the course objectives, the main topics treated, the workload per course unit and the course materials used. If your university provides these descriptions online or via a syllabus, you can copy-paste these descriptions.· If the description of the grading system of your home university is not included in the PDF scan of your transcripts of academic records, please provide the grading table, or a document explaining the grading system of your home university.
The following applicants are exempted from submitting the course and grading descriptions:
· Applicants from universities that have an exchange agreement with the Faculty of Science of KU Leuven.
Applicants who have obtained a degree from a university listed in the global top 200 in the most recent edition of THE or QS World University Rankings.
Additional information
The Admissions Board evaluates all applications and has the final say on the admissibility of the student, taking into account the relevant information.
Students scan spend a part of their programme abroad, with permission of the programme director. The Master of Physics offers various international exchange possibilities with or without pre-defined selection of courses. More information can be found here.
Advanced Physics Courses
Advanced Physics Courses: Compulsory Courses
6 ECTS Advanced Quantum Mechanics G0S83A staff staff
Advanced Quantum Mechanics (6 ECTS) G0S83a staff staff
3 ECTS Historical and Social Aspects of Physics G0U12B staff staff
Historical and Social Aspects of Physics (3 ECTS) G0U12a staff staff
3 ECTS Experiments in Modern Physics G0S85A staff staff
Visits to Research Laboratories in Belgium (2 ECTS) G0S86a staff Visit of ESRF/ILL (1 ECTS) G0T90a staff
Advanced Physics Courses: Elective Courses
Choose at least three courses from this list. As several of the Advanced Elective courses are a prerequisite to take up specialization courses in a specific profile (as major or minor) during semester 2, it is highly recommended to take up at least 2 and preferably 3 of these courses during the first semester of your master studies. Taking up 3 of those courses during semester 1 also gives you maximum flexibility in case you want to redefine your study program for the second semester, after you have seen the possible master thesis research topics (which are communicated each year early February onwards).
6 ECTS Relativity G0I36A staff staff
Relativity (6 ECTS) G0I36a staff staff
6 ECTS Advanced Solid State Physics G0S90A staff Advanced Solid State Physics (6 ECTS) G0S90a staff 6 ECTS Advanced Nuclear Physics G0S91A staff staff
- T.Cocolios (coordinator)
- G.Neyens
- R.Raabe
- N.Severijns
Advanced Nuclear Physics (6 ECTS) G0S91a staff 6 ECTS Advanced Soft and Biomatter Physics G0S92A staff staff
- C.Bartic (coordinator)
- M.Lettinga
- C.Maes
Advanced Soft and Biomatter Physics (6 ECTS) G0S92a staff 6 ECTS Quantum Field Theory G0R14A staff- N.
- N.
Quantum Field Theory (6 ECTS) G0R14a staff- N.
- N.
Master's Thesis
The Master's Thesis is compulsory.
30 ECTS Master's Thesis G0R26A staff- G.Neyens (coordinator)
- N.
- G.Neyens (coordinator)
- N.
Master's Thesis (30 ECTS) G0R26a staff- N.
- N.
Profile Courses
The student chooses one of the profiles below as a ‘major’ research profile. A major contains at least 18 credits and up to about 30 credits. This profile will usually be linked to the master’s thesis research. The study-advisor of your major profile is your main contact for help and for approval of your study programme.
Condensed Matter Physics
Your study advisor is Joris Van de Vondel.
'Advanced Solid State Physics’ or ‘Advanced Soft- and Biomatter Physics’ from the list “Advanced Physics Courses: Elective Courses” has to be followed (in parallel or before) when taking any of the courses below. The student takes 18 compulsory credits. Extra credits in the profile can be chosen from the list of elective courses.-
Compulsory Courses
Elective Courses
6 ECTS Physical Chemistry and Properties of Polymers G0I22A staff Physical Chemistry and Properties of Polymers (6 ECTS) G0I22a staff 3 ECTS Optical Properties of Solids H0G02A staff staff
Optical Properties of Solids (3 ECTS) H0G02a staff staff
3 ECTS Electronic Transport in Solids and Nanostructures H0G03A staff staff
Electronic Transport in Solids and Nanostructures (3 ECTS) H0G03a staff staff
3 ECTS Computational Methods in Solid State Physics H06A8A staff staff
Computational Methods in Solid State Physics (2 ECTS) H06A8a staff staff
Computational Methods in Solid State Physics: Exercises and Labs (1 ECTS) H06A9a staff staff
6 ECTS Advanced Fluorescence and Fluorescence Microscopy. From Single Molecules to Biological Systems G0G59A staff staff
- J.Hofkens (coordinator)
- M.Roeffaers
- N.
- E.Debroye (substitute)
Advanced Fluorescence and Fluorescence Microscopy. From Single Molecules to Biological Systems (4.4 ECTS) G0G59a staff staff
- J.Hofkens
- M.Roeffaers
- N.
- E.Debroye (substitute)
Advanced Fluorescence and Fluorescence Microscopy. From Single Molecules to Biological Systems: Practical Course (1.6 ECTS) G0G60a staff staff
- J.Hofkens
- M.Roeffaers
- N.
- E.Debroye (substitute)
3 ECTS Lasers and Laser Spectroscopy G0J23A staff staff
Lasers and Laser Spectroscopy (3 ECTS) G0J23a staff staff
6 ECTS Physics of Beam-Solid Interactions H0G10C staff staff
Physics of Beam-Solid Interactions (6 ECTS) H0G10a staff staff
3 ECTS Molecular Photonics G9X25A staff staff
Photonics (3 ECTS) G0I15a staff staff
3 ECTS Applied Rheology H09F5B staff staff
Applied Rheology (3 ECTS) H09F6a staff staff
3 ECTS Scanning Probe Microscopy H06E8A staff- N.
- J.Van de Vondel (substitute)
- N.
- J.Van de Vondel (substitute)
Scanning Probe Microscopy (2 ECTS) H06E8a staff- N.
- J.Van de Vondel (substitute)
- N.
- J.Van de Vondel (substitute)
Scanning Probe Microscopy: Exercises and Labs (1 ECTS) H06E9a staff- N.
- J.Van de Vondel (substitute)
- N.
- J.Van de Vondel (substitute)
3 ECTS Biosensors and Bioelectronics H06F4A staff staff
Biosensors and Bioelectronics: Exercises (1 ECTS) H06F5a staff staff
Biosensor Technology and Bio-electronics, Part I: Lectures (2 ECTS) I0P09a staff staff
6 ECTS Quantum many-body theory of the solid state G0J17A staff- N.
- N.
Quantum many-body theory of the solid state (6 ECTS) G0J17a staff- N.
- N.
3 ECTS Hyperfine Interactions G0J15A staff staff
- L.da Costa Pereira (coordinator)
- S.Cottenier
- L.da Costa Pereira
Hyperfine Interactions (3 ECTS) G0J15a staff 6 ECTS Polymer Physics G0S82A staff staff
Polymer Physics (6 ECTS) G0S82a staff staff
Nuclear Physics
Your study advisor is Riccardo Raabe.
"Advanced Nuclear Physics" has to be followed (in parallel or before) when taking any of the courses below. The student takes 18 compulsory credits. Extra credits in the profile can be chosen from the list of elective courses.-
Compulsory Courses
6 ECTS Exotic Nuclei: Properties and Interactions G0S95A staff staff
- R.Raabe (coordinator)
- G.Neyens
- R.Raabe
- N.Severijns
- Groote
- N.
- R.Ferrer Garcia (substitute)
Exotic Nuclei: Properties and Interactions (6 ECTS) G0S95a staff staff
- G.Neyens
- R.Raabe
- N.Severijns
- Groote
- N.
- R.Ferrer Garcia (substitute)
6 ECTS Theoretical Nuclear Physics G0J68A staff Effective Interactions and Mean Field Methods in Nuclear Physics (3 ECTS) G0J69a staff- N.
- W.Ryssens (substitute)
- N.
- W.Ryssens (substitute)
Shell Model and Geometrical Models (3 ECTS) G0J70a staff staff
6 ECTS Ionizing Radiation Detection and Nuclear Instrumentation G0Z55A staff staff
- E.Cortina Gil (coordinator)
- T.Cocolios
- E.Cortina Gil
- N.Severijns
Ionizing Radiation Detection and Nuclear Instrumentation: Theory (3 ECTS) G0Z55a staff Ionizing Radiation Detection and Nuclear Instrumentation: Laboratory work and Exercises (3 ECTS) G0Z56a staff
Elective Courses
3 ECTS Computational Physics: Advanced Monte Carlo Methods G0U08A staff staff
Computational Physics: Advanced Monte Carlo Methods (3 ECTS) G0U08a staff staff
3 ECTS Computational Physics: Molecular Dynamics Simulations G0U09A staff staff
Computational Physics: Molecular Dynamics Simulations (3 ECTS) G0U09a staff staff
3 ECTS Hyperfine Interactions G0J15A staff staff
- L.da Costa Pereira (coordinator)
- S.Cottenier
- L.da Costa Pereira
Hyperfine Interactions (3 ECTS) G0J15a staff 3 ECTS Theory of Nucleosynthesis G0I38B staff- N.
- N.
Theory of Nucleosynthesis I (3 ECTS) G0J71a staff- N.
- N.
4 ECTS Radiation Protection G0C97B staff staff
- N.Bergans (coordinator)
- N.
- F.Vanhavere (substitute)
Radiation Protection: General Aspects (2 ECTS) G0S44a staff staff
- N.Bergans
- N.
- F.Vanhavere (substitute)
Radiation Protection: Organization, Legislation and Risk Communication (2 ECTS) G0S45a staff staff
3 ECTS Lasers and Laser Spectroscopy G0J23A staff staff
Lasers and Laser Spectroscopy (3 ECTS) G0J23a staff staff
6 ECTS Physics of Beam-Solid Interactions H0G10C staff staff
Physics of Beam-Solid Interactions (6 ECTS) H0G10a staff staff
Theoretical Physics
Your study advisor is Thomas Van Riet.
Choose at least 18 credits of courses in theoretical physics from the list below. Extra credits in the profile can be chosen from the list of elective courses.
Student that failed G0S97A Analytical Mechanics in 2023-2024 can either retake the course as a self-study course in 2024-2025, or take another course, or retake the course in 2025-2026.3 ECTS Computational Physics: Advanced Monte Carlo Methods G0U08A staff staff
Computational Physics: Advanced Monte Carlo Methods (3 ECTS) G0U08a staff staff
3 ECTS Computational Physics: Molecular Dynamics Simulations G0U09A staff staff
Computational Physics: Molecular Dynamics Simulations (3 ECTS) G0U09a staff staff
6 ECTS Groups and Symmetries G0S96A staff staff
Groups and Symmetries (6 ECTS) G0S96a staff staff
6 ECTS Analytical Mechanics G0S97A staff staff
Analytical Mechanics (6 ECTS) G0S97a staff staff
6 ECTS Physical Modelling of Complex Systems G0J08A staff staff
Physical Modelling of Complex Systems (6 ECTS) G0J08a staff staff
6 ECTS Advanced Statistical Mechanics G0S98A staff staff
Advanced Statistical Mechanics: Lectures (3 ECTS) G0S98a staff staff
Advanced Statistical Mechanics: Exercises (3 ECTS) G0S99a staff staff
6 ECTS Capita Selecta in Theoretical Physics G0R01A staff staff
Capita Selecta in Theoretical Physics (6 ECTS) G0R01a staff staff
6 ECTS Mathematical Physics G0R02A staff staff
Mathematical Physics (6 ECTS) G0R02a staff staff
6 ECTS Electroweak and Strong Interactions G0R20A staff- N.
- N.
Electroweak and Strong Interactions (6 ECTS) G0R20a staff- N.
- N.
6 ECTS Advanced Quantum Field Theory G0R22A staff staff
Advanced Quantum Field Theory (6 ECTS) G0R22a staff staff
6 ECTS Early Universe Cosmology G0R42A staff Early Universe Cosmology (6 ECTS) G0R42a staff 6 ECTS Polymer Physics G0S82A staff staff
Polymer Physics (6 ECTS) G0S82a staff staff
6 ECTS Gravitational Waves G00J3A staff staff
Gravitational Waves (6 ECTS) G00J3a staff staff
6 ECTS Condensed matter theory G0Z97A staff staff
Condensed Matter Theory (6 ECTS) G0Z97a staff staff
6 ECTS Advanced Field Theory G0R21A staff staff
Advanced Field Theory (6 ECTS) G0R21a staff staff
Research Option
In this option you prepare for a career in research, in academia or industry. You broaden your research skills by choosing a 'minor' research domain, different from that of the 'major' profile that you selected for your master's thesis. Take at least 12 credits from the list of courses from that domain, or select a 'Research Internship' outside the topic of your master thesis. Complement this with courses up to about 30 credits from the master curriculum or, in agreement with the programme director or study advisor, from another master programme at our university.
Research Internship
Research Internships are possible in the department of physics and astronomy, but also in other departments, as well as abroad or in the R&D division of a company. Contact the programme director in case you propose an external research internship subject and supervisor.
18 ECTS Research Internship G0R39A staff staff
- G.Neyens (coordinator)
- C.Bartic
- T.Hertog
- G.Neyens
- N.
- J.Van de Vondel (substitute)
Research Internship (18 ECTS) G0R39a staff staff
- C.Bartic
- T.Hertog
- G.Neyens
- N.
- J.Van de Vondel (substitute)
Research Domains
Minor in Condensed Matter Physics
Take at least 12 credits from the Profile courses list of Condensed Matter Physics. If you combine this with a condensed matter related research internship, contact your internship supervisor for advice on these courses.
Minor in Nuclear Physics
Take at least 12 credits from the Profile courses list of Nuclear Physics. If you combine this with a nuclear physics related research internship, contact your internship supervisor for advice on these courses.
Minor in Theoretical Physics
Take at least 12 credits from the Profile courses list of Theoretical Physics. If you combine this with a theoretical physics related research internship, contact your internship supervisor for advice on these courses.
Minor in another Research Domain
If you want to specialize with a research minor in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Mathematics, Biophysics, Physics Education, or Quantum Materials, Engineering and Technology, take at least 12 credits within this minor domain from a list of elective courses available on the Master Physics Toledo (Ultra) webpage. If you want to specialize with a research minor in another field outside the Master of Physics, contact the programme director or study advisor for approval of your proposed research minor programme.
Option: Physics for Society
In this option you get the opportunity to prepare for a career as a physicist outside academia, through courses preparing you for entrepreneurship or via an internship in a company.
30 ECTS Internship G0R47A staff staff
Internship (30 ECTS) G0R47a staff staff
Choose at least 15 credits from this list or from the list of courses from the KICK Academy (see: and complete up to 30 credits by selecting from any list in the master curriculum or from another curriculum at the KU Leuven. To obtain an 'Entrepreneurship' certificate from the KICK Academy, see details on their website.
3 ECTS Organising for Entrepreneurship D0O45A staff staff
Organising for Entrepreneurship (3 ECTS) D0O45a staff staff
3 ECTS Strategic IP Management D0O43A staff staff
Strategic IP Management (3 ECTS) D0O43a staff staff
3 ECTS Intrapreneurship D0O44A staff staff
Intrapreneurship (3 ECTS) D0O44a staff staff
3 ECTS Project Management H04X2A staff Project Management (3 ECTS) H04X2a staff 6 ECTS Engineering & Entrepreneurship H09P4A staff Business Simulations (1.5 ECTS) H09P5a staff Strategic Management (1.5 ECTS) H09P8a staff staff
Creativity and Decision Making for Product Development (2 ECTS) H0T37a staff staff
Technology & Entrepreneurship: Case Studies (1 ECTS) H0T38a staff staff
6 ECTS Technology Trends and Opportunities D0S17A staff staff
Technology Trends and Opportunities (6 ECTS) D0S17a staff staff
6 ECTS Technology Entrepreneurship and New Business Development D0S18A staff staff
Entrepreneurship: Models and Ingredients (2 ECTS) D0O39a staff staff
Entrepreneurship: Development of a Business Plan for High Tech Industries (4 ECTS) D0S18a staff staff
Medical Physics
6 ECTS Medical Imaging and Analysis H03H5A staff staff
Medical Imaging and Analysis: Lecture (4.83 ECTS) H03H5a staff staff
Medical Imaging and Analysis: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (1.17 ECTS) H03H6a staff staff
5 ECTS Human System Physiology H03I4B staff- G.Bultynck (coordinator)
- R.Vennekens
- G.Bultynck (coordinator)
- R.Vennekens
Physiology of the Heart (0.15 ECTS) H00T8a staff staff
Human System Physiology (4.85 ECTS) H03I4a staff staff
3 ECTS Fundamentals of Dosimetry G0Z60A staff staff
Fundamentals of Dosimetry (3 ECTS) G0Z60a staff staff
3 ECTS Technology and Techniques in Radiology G0Z62A staff Technology and Techniques in Radiology (3 ECTS) G0Z62a staff 3 ECTS Technology, Dosimetry and Treatment Planning in Radiotherapy G0Z63A staff Technology, Dosimetry and Treatment Planning in Radiotherapy (3 ECTS) G0Z63a staff 3 ECTS Technology and Techniques in Nuclear Medicine G0Z64A staff Technology and Techniques in Nuclear Medicine (3 ECTS) G0Z64a staff 3 ECTS Human Anatomy and Histology G0F70A staff- N.
- X.Sagaert (substitute)
- N.
- X.Sagaert (substitute)
Human Anatomy and Histology (3 ECTS) G0F70a staff- N.
- X.Sagaert (substitute)
- N.
- X.Sagaert (substitute)
4 ECTS Radiation Protection G0C97B staff staff
- N.Bergans (coordinator)
- N.
- F.Vanhavere (substitute)
Radiation Protection: General Aspects (2 ECTS) G0S44a staff staff
- N.Bergans
- N.
- F.Vanhavere (substitute)
Radiation Protection: Organization, Legislation and Risk Communication (2 ECTS) G0S45a staff staff
Optional Courses
You can take at most 18 credits in this group (by taking less than 30 credits as profile courses or in the options group). In agreement with the programme director, you can take courses to fill some specific gaps in your previous knowledge, e.g. courses from the bachelor programme.
Participation in a project of AFC of AFD can be valorized for 3 credits in the study programme. Students have to ask for approval of the programme director.-
Science, Education and Society
Students cannot take both G0R50A and G0R94A or G0R92A.
6 ECTS Science and Sustainability: a Socio-Ecological Approach G0R50A staff staff
- G.Ceulemans (coordinator)
- K.Biedenkopf
- G.Ceulemans
- M.Craps
- N.Severijns
- M.Smet
- N.
Science and Sustainability: a Socio-Ecological Approach – Concepts (2 ECTS) G0R88a staff Science and Sustainability: a Socio-Ecological Approach – Assignment (1 ECTS) G0R89a staff Science and Sustainability: a Socio-Ecological Approach – Project (3 ECTS) G0R90a staff 3 ECTS Science and Sustainability: a Socio-Ecological Approach – Theory G0R94A staff staff
- G.Ceulemans (coordinator)
- K.Biedenkopf
- G.Ceulemans
- M.Craps
- N.Severijns
Science and Sustainability: a Socio-Ecological Approach – Concepts (2 ECTS) G0R88a staff Science and Sustainability: a Socio-Ecological Approach – Assignment (1 ECTS) G0R89a staff 4 ECTS Science and Sustainability: a Socio-Ecological approach - Project Work G0R92A staff staff
- G.Ceulemans (coordinator)
- K.Biedenkopf
- G.Ceulemans
- M.Craps
- N.Severijns
- M.Smet
- N.
Science and Sustainability: a Socio-Ecological Approach – Workplan (1 ECTS) G0R92a staff Science and Sustainability: a Socio-Ecological Approach – Project (3 ECTS) G0R90a staff 6 ECTS Science Communication and Outreach G0R44A staff staff
Science Communication and Outreach (6 ECTS) G0R44a staff staff
6 ECTS Philosophy of Science / Natural Philosophy: Advanced Course W0Q19A staff staff
- S.Wenmackers (coordinator)
- C.Maes
- S.Wenmackers
Philosophy of Science / Natural Philosophy: Advanced Course (6 ECTS) W0Q19a staff staff
3 ECTS Wetenschappen voor een inclusieve samenleving G00A3A staff staff
- P.Muchez (coordinator)
- G.Ceulemans
- P.Muchez
- N.
Wetenschappen voor een inclusieve samenleving (3 ECTS) G00A3a staff staff