Physical Chemistry and Properties of Polymers (B-KUL-G0I22A)

6 ECTSEnglish39 First term
Goderis Bart (coordinator) |  Goderis Bart |  N. |  Shi Xin (substitute)
POC Chemie

• The student will acquire advanced knowledge and insight in:
- Conformations & Thermodynamics of polymer solutions
- Dynamics of unentangled polymers
- Dynamics of entangled polymers
- Thermal Properties of polymers
- Mechanical Properties of polymers

• The student is introduced and familiarized to use modern Polymer Science concepts.
• The aim is also to increase level of self-study, to deal with time management/ meeting deadlines, working in small groups and master new topic (as it is expected from scientists active  in academic or industrial research environments).
• The knowledge on and insight in the Chain of Knowledge for Polymer Materials is further extended in comparison to the knowledge provided in bachelor and first year master courses such as thought in B-KUL-G0O42A Polymer Materials and  B-KUL-G0G96A Polymer Science: From Synthesis to Polymer Material  at the KU Leuven.

The student has knowledge about mathematics, general physics and thermodynamics as it is taught in e.g. B-KUL-G0N02A Mathematics I &II, B-KUL-G0N03A General Physics I & II and B-KUL-G0O31A Chemical Thermodynamics at the KU Leuven

The student has a good background in standard and advanced polymer science concepts as they are taught at the KU Leuven in e.g. B-KUL-G0O48B Polymer Materials and B-KUL-G0G96A Polymer Science: From Synthesis to Polymer Material:

 In particular the student has thorough theoretical understanding of:

- Chain conformational properties (ideal chain models, worm like chains, excluded volume interactions, excluded volume chains, the equivalent Kuhn chain);
- Miscibility behaviour of polymer solutions and blends (the Flory Huggins theory, thermodynamic and molecular origins of UCST and LCST, thermodynamic aspects of phase separation mechanisms and resulting morphologies)
- Glass transition and glassy state (standard models of the glass transition temperature, thermodynamic classification of phase transitions);
- Melting and crystallization of polymers (thermodynamic and kinetic aspects, influence of chain conformational properties on melting and crystallization, Avrami, Lauritzen-Hoffman theory)
- Viscoelasticity, viscosity and elasticity of polymers (viscoelastic, viscous and elastic responses of polymers in transient and oscillatory modes, general 1D-continuum mechanics description, entanglements,  ideal rubber elasticity theory; deviations between ideal and real rubbers such as thermoelastic inversion, affine and non-affine deformations, entanglements, fluctuations of X-links)

When in doubt about the level of required knowledge the student should consult the coordinator of the course.


6 ects. Physical Chemistry and Properties of Polymers (B-KUL-G0I22a)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture39 First term
Goderis Bart |  N. |  Shi Xin (substitute)
POC Chemie

• Conformations & Thermodynamics of polymers solutions
• Dynamics of unentangled polymers
• Dynamics of entangled polymers
• Thermal Properties of polymers
• Mechanical Properties of polymers and polymer materials

On Toledo are provided:
ƒ- Lecture Notes & Presentations
ƒ- Assignment Notes & Presentations
ƒ- Literature materials

- In a set of short introductory lectures the lecturer provides lecture notes and assignment notes that introduce the topic(s) that you must present/report in subsequent lectures organized by the students. In addition the lecturer provides study material to facilitate your study of the topic (no extra reference material needed, unless you like to check a reference in the references)

- The student studies the provided materials to get understanding, explain and answer the questions posed in the assignment, creates presentation/report on the knowledge required to explain and understand the assignment (theory, experiments, examples, exercises,…) .

- The student provides presentations in electronic form and presents (part of) the presentation during presentation sessions. The presentations are discussed with all students following the course. Hence, presence is required during the presentation sessions.


Evaluation: Physical Chemistry and Properties of Polymers (B-KUL-G2I22a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Report, Take-Home
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : List of formulas, Calculator, Computer, Course material

See Toledo for details on the evaluation.

see course page on Toledo