Advanced Computational Chemistry (B-KUL-G0I23A)

3 ECTSEnglish20 Second term
POC Chemie

The student acquires a profound insight into important aspects of currently available electronic structure methods: their mathematical foundations, their applicability to molecular systems of different sizes, their expected accuracy, and their computational cost. The students also learn from hearing about and carrying out some illustrative applications. At the end of this course, the student is able to assess critically quantum chemical calculations reported in the literature. This means that they can identify the methods used, and understand the theoretical background to these methods, but also that they have the ability to judge the likely quality of the results obtained using these methods. Finally, the students have developed the ability to perform, with some independence, his/her own calculations in a judicious manner.

A basic knowledge in quantum and computational chemistry, (such  as provided by the course G0O40A: Computational Chemistry), is required. A deeper knowledge of quantum chemistry (such as provided by the course G0G98A: Quantum Chemistry) is strongly recommended, but not strictly required.


3 ects. Advanced Computational Chemistry (B-KUL-G0I23a)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture20 Second term
POC Chemie

Computational methods that are treated in depth during this course are:

  • the Hartree-Fock SCF method
  • configuration-interaction
  • multiconfigurational SCF
  • perturbation theory: the MPn series
  • coupled-cluster theory
  • hybrid QM/MM and other multi-scale methods

Density functional theory is the subject of a separate course, and is therefore only shortly discussed here. The different methods are compared, and their advantages/drawbacks in terms of computational cost/accuracy is discussed. A thorough analysis is presented of the prediction of the H2 dissociation curve by means of different methods. This allows for the discussion of a number of important fundamental aspects of ab initio correlated methods, such as:

  • localized (valence bond) versus delocalized (molecular orbital) descriptions
  • distinction between dynamic and static correlation
  • unrestricted methods and the problem of spin contamination

Important chapters out of the following books:

  • "Quantum Chemistry"  I. Levine, Prentice Hall
  • "Introduction to computational chemistry" F. Jensen, Wiley
  • "Essentials of computational chemistry" C. Cramer, Wiley

A number of interesting articles (varying from year to year, depending on students' interest)

This college is organized  as an interactive discussion. The students prepare the course by reading a chapter or paper and noting any questions/critical comments they might have, and by making the exercises proposed in the chapter. These questions/comments/exercises are treated during the course, in actice communication with other students and the docent.


Evaluation: Advanced Computational Chemistry (B-KUL-G2I23a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material, List of formulas, Calculator

As this course is designed as an active discussion, the final evaluation will also depend on the extent of active participation of the student in the discussion.