Synthesis of Macromolecular Structures (B-KUL-G0H99B)

6 ECTSEnglish36 First term
Smet Mario (coordinator) |  Koeckelberghs Guy |  Smet Mario
POC Chemie

The student can read and understand the current literature in modern polymer chemistry.
The student has a profound knowledge on a variety of polymerization techniques such as polycondensation, ionic polymerization, a variety of controlled radical polymerization techniques, methathesis and insertion polymerization. The student can explain the principles of these techniques and comment on the connections between them.
The student can propose a synthetic strategy for the preparation of a
given macromolecular structure such as a linear polymer, random or
gradient copolymer, block copolymer, star polymer, hyperbranched
polymer using the techniques mentioned above specifying reagents and conditions.
The student is aware of the complexity of the determination of molar masses in the context of different macromolecular structures.
The student is able to read and understand a high level scientific paper on polymer chemistry, to search information on its context in the literature and to comment on its applications. He is able to write a report and to give an oral presentation on this topic for pears .
The student realises the need for controlled polymerization techniques to obtain advanced polymer materials.


Cfr. General aims.

This course is based on the concepts that have been introduced in the course Polymer science: from synthesis to polymer material. Profound knowledge of free radical polymerization such as kinetic analysis, relative reactivity ratios of different monomers, copolymerization and heterogeneous polymerization is necessary. Besides, thorough understanding of living anionic polymerization is required as well as basic knowledge of controlled radical polymerization.


6 ects. Synthesis of Macromolecular Structures (B-KUL-G0H99a)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture36 First term
POC Chemie

This course consists of 3 parts:
A) A general part aiming at providing the missing pieces of knowledge necessary to understand the current literature on polymer chemistry.
I Polycondensations
II Metallocene polymerizations
III Controlled radical polymerizations: nitroxide mediated polymerization (NMP), atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) and derived techniques, reversible addition fragmentation transfer (RAFT), degenerative transfer versus reversible termination
B) Capita selecta in which a selection of modern topics in polymer chemistry is presented.
IV Dendritic polymers                
V Applications of controlled polymerization techniques for the synthesis of advanced macromolecular structures
VI Helical polymers                                                  
VII Conjugated polymers                                                      
-        Determination of molar mass
-        Overview
-        Supramolecular structure
-        Polymerisation mechanisms
C) The student is given a recent article on polymer chemistry which he has to read and understand. He looks up the necessary literature to situate this article in current research and communicates on this via a written paper and an oral presentation for pears.

course text and slides

course text is available via Scientica


Evaluation: Synthesis of Macromolecular Structures (B-KUL-G2H99b)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral, Written
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : None

In addition to the examination, the students have to write and defend a paper as described under content. In case the paper is not handed in on time or the oral presentation has not been done, the total score for the entire course will be 'niet-afgelegd' (NA, exam not taken). The total mark will be the sum of the marks for the two parts of the oral examination (corresponding to the two teachers respectively) and the mark for the paper, the three of them equally weighed.

If the mark for the paper was ≥ 10/20, no new paper should be handed in. In case the result was < 10/20, the student is allowed to hand in a new paper on the date of  the oral examination at the latest.