Biomolecular Modelling (B-KUL-G0G79A)

6 ECTSEnglish52 First term
POC Biochemie en biotechnologie

Students should familiarize with several topics in the field of biomolecular modelling. The lectures are supplemented with hands-on sessions, which introduce the students to the solutions to modelling problems.

A compulsary part with evaluation via reports consists of the modelling and use of databases for the design of inhibitors to proteins making use of the commercial modelling package MOE.

After succesful completion of this course, the student:

  • is able to creatively use simple unix-commands;
  • has knowledge on bio-molecular dynamics;
  • has sufficient capabilities of using any bio-molecular modelling program (graphic as well as command-line driven);
  • has a basic knowledge of databases for biomolecular modelling and pharmacophore modelling.

This course is centered on several topics. The course is organized in such a way that some of the blocks may be used in other courses. Students that already followed a modelling course during the bachelor years may skip some of the study blocks and replace them by more in depth exercises.


4.4 ects. Biomolecular Modelling (B-KUL-G0G79a)

4.4 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture26 First term
POC Biochemie en biotechnologie

- Introduction to Molecular dynamics
- Introduction to Unix
- Introduction to programming in a modelling package
- Introduction to the modelling of biomolecular interactions; virtual recognition of small molecules in the context of macromolecules, like proteins (previously part of G0G77A Biomolecular Recognition)

1. The Brugel modelling package; Swiss-PDB-viewer; Pymol.
2. Carl-Ivar Branden & John Tooze: Introduction to protein structure, second edition. Publisher: Garland Publishing, 1999. ISBN 0-8153-2305-0
3. Tamar Schlick. Molecular modeling and simulation. Publisher: Springer ISBN: 0-387-95404-X.

Presentation based on recent modelling articles. Some demos are organized (molecular dynamics). Students also have to give a presentation on biomolecular recognition based on a recent modelling article.

1.6 ects. Biomolecular Modelling: Practical Course (B-KUL-G0G80a)

1.6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Practical26 First term
POC Biochemie en biotechnologie

See content of the lectures

Lecture handouts
Excercises on topics seen during colleges
A selection of recent papers

  • Some demos are organized (molecular dynamics).
  • Students learn to use tools on how to select and exploit the properties of interacting molecules during hands-on excercises.
  • Students give a presentation on biomolecular recognition based on a recent modelling article.


Evaluation: Biomolecular Modelling (B-KUL-G2G79a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Presentation, Oral
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : None

The final exam is composed of:

  • One question about Unix
  • Theory questions
  • One question concerning the student's presentation

The result of the examination is a weighed score of the assignments (presentation, 30%; detailed report, 40%) and the final exam (30%).

Failure for the report on CADD will result in a global failure (maximal score of 9/20).

Active participation during the presentations (asking questions) is a prerequisite to obtain a high grade.




Oral examination with written preparation. Only the theory can be retaken as exam. Report and presentation cannot be retaken. In calculation of the final grade, the scores for report and presentation are taken from the first examination period.