Advanced NMR Spectroscopy (B-KUL-G0I19A)

6 ECTSEnglish38 First termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
De Borggraeve Wim (coordinator) |  De Borggraeve Wim |  Vogt Tatjana |  N. |  Steurs Gert (substitute)
POC Chemie

The student is able to understand and explain basic and more advanced 1D and 2D NMR experiments using the vector model and the product operator formalism
The student is able to analyze pulse sequences, is able to recognize the building blocks in these sequences and is able to explain their effect
The student is able to explain the importance of relaxation effects in NMR
The student has a basic understanding of how an NMR spectrometer works and what its components are
The student is able to assess the quality of NMR datasets and is able to process the data in view of generating publication quality figures and reports
The student is able to use (1D/2D)-NMR data to perform structure elucidation/assignment
The student is able to understand scientific papers dealing with NMR related topics and is able to discuss them with scientists working in the field of NMR spectroscopy


The student is supposed to have a working knowledge of basic NMR spectroscopy (knows about chemical shifts, coupling constants) and is able to routinely use 1D 1H and 13C experiments for structure assignment/elucidation of simple compounds. The student followed introductory courses on physics, quantum and/or computational chemistry.


4 ects. Advanced NMR Spectroscopy (B-KUL-G0I19a)

4 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture19 First term
POC Chemie

Part 1

Energy levels and NMR spectroscopy

  • The Hamiltonian and spectrum for one spin
  • Hamiltonians, energy levels and spectra for two or more coupled spins

The vector model

  • Bulk magnetization
  • Larmor precession
  • Detection
  • Pulses (on resonance pulse, pulse phase, off resonance effects and soft pulses)
  • Detection in the rotating frame
  • The pulse acquire experiment
  • Pulse calibration
  • The spin echo

Fourier transformation and data processing

  • How the FT works
  • Representing the FID
  • Lineshapes and phase
  • Manipulating the FID and the spectrum
  • Zero filling
  • Truncation

Product operators

  • Operators for one spin
  • Analysis of pulse sequences for one spin
  • Operators for two spins
  • In-phase and anti-phase terms
  • Hamiltonians for two spins
  • Heteronuclear spin systems
  • Spin echoes and J-modulation
  • Coherence transfer
  • The INEPT experiment
  • The COSY experiment
  • Coherence order and multiple-quantum coherences

Two dimensional NMR

  • The general scheme for a 2D experiment
  • Modulation and lineshapes
  • COSY
  • Double-Quantum spectroscopy
  • Heteronuclear correlation spectra
  • HSQC
  • HMQC
  • Long-range correlation HMBC

Relaxation and the NOE

  • The origin of relaxation
  • Relaxation mechanims
  • Describing random motion - the correlation function
  • Populations
  • Longitudinal relaxation behavior of isolated spins
  • Longitudinal dipolar relaxation of two spins
  • The NOE
  • transient NOE
  • steady state NOE
  • Two-dimensional NOESY
  • Transverse relaxation
  • Homogeneous and inhomogeneous line broadening
  • Relaxation due to chemical shift anisotropy

Equivalent spins and spin system analysis

  • Notation for spin systems
  • Equivalent spins: chemical and magnetic equivalence
  • Strong coupling in a two spin system
  • The AB spectrum, evolution to an AX and A2 spectrum
  • Spin systems with more than two spins, conceptual approach
  • The ABX system
  • Virtual coupling
  • The AA’XX’ system

How the spectrometer works

  • The components of the spectrometer


Part 2

In the lectures the focus is on advanced applications of NMR spectroscopy such as solving the structure of proteins by 2D/3D NMR methods. Also the application of NMR in drug design and in the study of exchange phenomena and receptor/ligand binding will be discussed.  This part will also cover NMR of some metal nuclei and of paramagnetic complexes. Eventually the students have to independently read and understand an NMR related paper provided by the didactical team.
The following topics will be discussed in more detail:

  • Introduction to solving structure of proteins by NMR  (J-modulated spectroscopy, HETCOR, HSQC, HMQC, COSY, NOESY, TOCSY). Introduction to 3D NMR methods used in protein NMR. 
  • 2D methods to study exchange phenomena and receptor/ligand binding studied by NMR. 
  • Use of NMR techniques in drug design
  • Review of heteronuclei giving NMR signals (nuclei with spin ½ and quadrupole nuclei)
  • General trends in the chemical shift of heteronuclei (geometry/coordination number/oxidation state/electronegativity/ ...)
  • NMR spectra of paramagnetic transition metal complexes
  • Diffusion ordered NMR spectroscopy (DOSY) 
  • Introduction to solid-state NMR (MAS and CP)

  • Handouts distributed via TOLEDO.
  • Screencasts/video material distributed via TOLEDO.
  • Paper for reading assignment distributed via TOLEDO.
  • Handbook: James Keeler, Understanding NMR spectroscopy. Second Edition; Wiley & Sons:  2010 ISBN 978-0-470-74608-0

Deze onderwijsleeractiviteit wordt gevolgd door zowel de master of chemistry als de master in de chemie

2 ects. Advanced NMR Spectroscopy: Exercises (B-KUL-G0I20a)

2 ECTSEnglishFormat: Practical19 First term
N. |  Steurs Gert (substitute)
POC Chemie

During the exercises, concepts introduced in the theory sessions are brought into practice and are illustrated using pre-acquired datasets (pulse calibration, relaxation time measurements, spectral processing, effect of weighting functions, phase corrections, ...).

In the exercises, the student learns to work with real NMR datasets at the computer using NMR processing software.

The student has to be able to extract basic information from a dataset concerning:

  • type of experiment
  • pulse program used
  • acquisition parameters
  • processing parameters 

This will allow the student to critically evaluate

  • the quality of data
  • the reliability of the experiment (e.g.were optimal parameters used)
  • the need for running extra experiments

After this initial evaluation of the dataset, the student is able to

  • select the most appropriate processing parameters for the dataset
  • use the data alone or in combination with other info to perform structure assignment tasks or spectral assignment tasks
  • process the data and produce high quality figures for inclusion in a thesis, in papers or reports


  • Handouts distributed via TOLEDO
  • NMR datasets (1D and 2D)
  • Software: Bruker Topspin 4.x or newer (info on TOLEDO)


The exercise sessions are organized in a PC class.


Evaluation: Advanced NMR Spectroscopy (B-KUL-G2I19a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Closed questions, Open questions
Learning material : Course material, Calculator, Reference work

The exam consists of 2 parts

  • an integrated part consisting of theory questions in combination with practical exercises at the computer using real datasets. (80% of the exam score)
  • questions related to the theory of part 2 including questions related to a scientific paper reading assignment on an NMR topic. (20% of the exam score)

The final mark is the weighed average of both parts according to the ratio given above (80:20).

The students are allowed to use their handbook and a calculator during the exam. Data processing and interpretation will be done at the computer in the PC room (no own computer nor online connection allowed).