Nanostructured Bio-Macromolecules (B-KUL-H06D3A)

6 ECTSEnglish68 First term
POC Nanowetenschappen en nanotechnologie

To understand, on the basis of physico-chemical principles, the structure, stability, folding and conformational dynamics of biomolecules and their application in biological and/or artificial devices. The student is able to interpret results obtained from experimental methods and from computer simulations.
Biomimetic analogues and examples of molecular devices from nature are analysed.

The student is able to recognize structural models of biomolecules, knows the principles of folding and self-assembly, as well as the intrinsic limitations of the use of biological materials in (nano)technological

The student understands the design of new materials using biological components or biomimetics. He/she knows the principles of the action mechanism of some molecular motors and the role of nucleotide hydrolysis in dynamic systems. 


Necessary basis to disciplines as offered in the introductory courses H06F6A Structure synthesis and cellular function of macromolecules; H09M2A  Atomtheory, chemical periodicity and chemical bond.

Basic knowledge of physics, mathematics, chemistry and biochemistry, molecular architecture, thermodynamic principles (state functions and  phase-transitions). Knowledge of protein chemistry as e.g. described in the textbook: "Introduction to protein structure" written by Carl-Ivar Branden & John Tooze, 2nd edition, Garland publishing (1999) ISBN 0-8153-2305-0. 

Basic first and second bachelor mathematics for life sciences.

This course unit is a prerequisite for taking the following course units:
H06N2A : Lectures on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
H06L6B : Project Work Nanoscience (No longer offered this academic year)
H0P61A : P&O Nanoscience, Nanotechnology and Nanoengineering
H0P62A : Projectwerk nanowetenschappen, nanotechnologie en nanoengineering

This course is identical to the following courses:
H05L2A : Nanogestructureerde bio-macromoleculen


4.5 ects. Nanostructured Bio-Macromolecules: Lecture (B-KUL-H06D3a)

4.5 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture32 First term
POC Nanowetenschappen en nanotechnologie

A : Biological self-assembly and biomaterials (S. Rocha)

1. ‘What is self-assembly?’ The assemblies from single chains (classical protein folding) to large multi-chain assemblies consisting of proteins and nucleic acids. Importance of non-covalent interactions and the role of water in biology. DNA nanotechnology.

2. Creation of artificial bio-nanomachines based on proteins, DNA or both.

3. The potential of biomaterials is illustrated with various examples of biological self-assemblies that can either (i) be directly exploited, (ii)
further functionalized or (iii) serve as an inspiration for the design of new synthetic materials (iv) form hybrid materials with organic, plasmonic and nanotechnology structures.


B: Dynamics and function of macromolecules in intact cells (H. Mizuno)

1. Function, structure, and dynamic regulation of cytoskeleton.

2. Motor proteins for vesicle transport and muscle contraction in cells.

3. How fluorescent proteins emit fluorescence, and how can we use them.


Notes and pdf files of papers on Toledo.

1.5 ects. Nanostructured Bio-Macromolecules: Exercises and Presentation (B-KUL-H06D4a)

1.5 ECTSEnglishFormat: Assignment36 First term
POC Nanowetenschappen en nanotechnologie

A : Biological self-assembly and biomaterials (S. Rocha)

1. ‘What is self-assembly?’ The assemblies from single chains (classical protein folding) to large multi-chain assemblies consisting of proteins and nucleic acids. Importance of non-covalent interactions and the role of water in biology. DNA nanotechnology.

2. Creation of artificial bio-nanomachines based on proteins, DNA or both.

3. The potential of biomaterials is illustrated with various examples of biological self-assemblies that can either (i) be directly exploited, (ii)
further functionalized or (iii) serve as an inspiration for the design of new synthetic materials (iv) form hybrid materials with organic, plasmonic and nanotechnology structures.


B: Dynamics and function of macromolecules in intact cells (H. Mizuno)

1. Function, structure, and dynamic regulation of cytoskeleton.

2. Motor proteins for vesicle transport and muscle contraction in cells.

3. How fluorescent proteins emit fluorescence, and how can we use them.


See main course

The students study a topic of their own interest, related to the theme of the course, from the recent literature. They make a synthesis of the contents of about 4 related papers and present this synthesis as a power point presentation to the lecturers and the peers. They contribute to the discussion of the presentations of their peers.


Evaluation: Nanostructured Bio-Macromolecules (B-KUL-H26D3a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Presentation
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Calculator

Written examination. The student is asked to explain some of the principles studied in the course and apply them to data presented, either from the course or from new papers.
The participation in the presentation is a obligatory to the participation in the examination.

You don't need to repeat the presentation when you passed the part of the presentation.