Nanostructure Determination via Electromagnetic Radiation (B-KUL-G0G99A)

6 ECTSEnglish60 Both terms
POC Chemie

  • You can describe how the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter (atoms, molecules, gasses, glasses, solutions, suspensions, liquid crystals, crystals) can be exploited to elucidate its nanostructure (molecular structure, supramolecular organization) and nanostructure based properties (thermo-mechanical, chemical, electrical, magnetic, optical, biological).  This knowledge will allow you to understand contemporary, related literature and will enable you to design electromagnetic radiation based experiments in collaboration with experts in the field.
  • You understand and can explain the different steps (e.g. the experimental part in a publication) of a crystal structure determination of both small compounds and larger biomolecules.
  • You will experience large, international facilities and how big science is used to probe nano-features. You will be able to extract essential information from a talk or a guided tour, given by international top experts.

Basic knowledge is required on atomic and molecular structures and orbitals, characteristics of electromagnetic waves, mathematical concepts including the description of waves, integrations, Fourier Transformations. Being familiar with X-ray crystallography is advantageous but not mandatory.


3 ects. Nanostructure Determination via Electromagnetic Radiation (B-KUL-G0G99a)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture36 First term
POC Chemie

Module 1: Interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter  
Topics covered: (synchrotron) X-ray sources, overview of interactions, X-ray spectroscopy, X-ray imaging, X-ray computer tomography

Module 2: Scattering and Diffraction as Fourier Transform 
Topics covered: waves and Fourier transforms, properties of Fourier Transforms, principles of structure determination via scattering and diffraction, resolution  
Module 3: Scattering by atoms, molecules, ideal gases and dilute solutions 
Topics covered: atoms, molecules, (chemical reactions in) gases, electron scattering, small angle scattering of (bio)macromolecular solutions, scattering by neutrons, contrast variation  
Module 4: Scattering by liquids and amorphous solids 
Topics covered: liquids and amorphous solids, form- and structure factors, colloidal and surfactant solutions
Module 5: One-dimensional crystals 
Topics covered: layered structures, stacking (dis)order, small angle scattering of semicrystalline (bio)polymers and liquid crystals  
Module 6: Powder Diffraction 
Topics covered: instrumentation, data acquisition, powder peak shapes, qualitative and quantitative data analysis, indexing, structure solution, fiber diffraction  

Module 7: Synchrotron radiation (only for students following G0G99A, not for students following G0G99B)
Topics covered in Visit of ESRF/ILL, B-KUL-G0T9T0a

Module 8: Neutrons for structural characterization (only for students following G0G99A, not for students following G0G99B)
Topics covered in Visit of ESRF/ILL, B-KUL-G0T9T0a

All Study material can be found on Toledo

  • copies of power point presentations
  • animations and movies
  • .pdf files of relevant scientific papers and books
  • Excel files with model calculations

2 ects. Advanced Single Crystal Crystallography (B-KUL-G0T89a)

2 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture8 First term
POC Chemie

Module 9: Crystallization Procedures 
Topics covered: general overview of crystallization methods for small and big molecules
Module 10: Crystallography of small molecules 
Topics covered: data collection and reduction, direct methods, absolute configuration, structure refinement
Module 11: Crystallography of (bio)macromolecules 
Topics covered: molecular replacement, anomalous scattering, solvent flattening, non-crystallographic symmetry, structure refinement
Module 12: Structural Databases
Topics covered: Cambridge Structural Database, ConQuest software, structure validation

All Study material can be found on Toledo

• copies of power point presentations
• animations
• .pdf files of relevant scientific papers and books
• Excel files with model calculations

1 ects. Visit of ESRF/ILL (B-KUL-G0T90a)

1 ECTSEnglishFormat: Field trip16 Second term
POC Fysica en sterrenkunde

The student group makes a field trip in which three large international research facilities are visited, i.e. the center for nuclear research CERN in Geneva, the synchrotron facility ESRF in Grenoble and the neutron source ILL in Grenoble.  About half a day is spent in each of the facilities.  Every visit starts with a general introduction and a presentation of the facility by a local guide.  After the general presentation the group is split up and representative setups and beamlines are visited in more detail, guided by local scientists.

Traveling is done with a coach and overnight stays are in local hotels near the highways.  According to the faculty rules a financial contribution is requested from the students.

After the visit the students will search for additional material and will write a synthesis report about the visit.  The students will also give an oral presentation about these laboratory visits (not for students of G0G99A).  A first version of the report and the presentation is reviewed by the professor in charge of that visit (not for students of G0G99A).  This feedback is then taken into account by the students in order to finalize their report (not for students of G0G99A).

Slides of the relevant colleges.

Research papers

This trip typically takes four days (including two traveling days).  Visits to the three institutes typically take half a day each.


Evaluation: Nanostructure Determination via Electromagnetic Radiation (B-KUL-G2G99a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material

The evaluation of G0G99a and G0T89a will take place at the end of the first semester in the examination period via an oral 'open book' examination with written preparation.  If, for reasons of force majeure, the faculty decides that a written exam and an oral defence cannot be combined, the oral defence will be waived and the evaluation will be written.

The examination of G0T90a is a report on the ESRF/ILL visit.