Industrial Chemistry (B-KUL-G0G90A)

6 ECTSEnglish38 First term
POC Chemie

The live lectures cover the added value of the global chemical industry. The preconditions of a sustainable enterprise are explained with several practical and actual examples: process and occupational safety, health and wellbeing, environmental and climate protection, sustainability, energy managment, production processes, economical rentability, innovation, talent managment, circular economy. In order to develop insights in the economics of the chemical industry, the students will make a "business plan" in small groups. The operational dynamics of a production plant are shown by means of a virtual company visit.

General knowledge of chemistry.


5 ects. Industrial Chemistry: Lectures (B-KUL-G0G90a)

5 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture30 First term
POC Chemie

Live lectures, covering the following topics:

  • the global importance of the chemical industry
  • the necessity of a clear and sustainable vision and strategy
  • economical preconditions and rentability analysis
  • industrial production processes and the importance of catalysis
  • safety, health, quality assurance, energy management
  • sustainability and circular economy
  • the importance of continuous innovation and technology
  • the power of talents and development of employees

In order to develop insights in the economics of the chemical industry, the students will make a "business plan" in small groups. The topics in focus here are creativity, enterpreneurship, investment models and clear management reporting.

Course slides

Group assignment

Students will make a "business plan" in small groups. The basics of a business plan and rentability analysis are used to build a small chemical production plant. Creative, but realistic enterpreneurship and clear reporting is needed to convince potential investors for a capital injection.

1 ects. Industrial Chemistry: Company Visit (B-KUL-G0G91a)

1 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture8 First term
POC Chemie

During this virtual company visit, a chemical plant is observed in action and diverse aspects that have been discussed during the lectures are being demonstrated by means of (interactive) video material.

Didactic collection


Evaluation: Industrial Chemistry (B-KUL-G2G90a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Paper/Project
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : List of formulas, Calculator

Written examination during the examination period (70 %)

Group work with paper that has to be handed in before the first examination period (30 %)

During examination of the second evaluation period, the student will only have a new written examination, while the points of the original group work (paper), obtained during the first examination period, are transferred.