System Identification and Modeling (B-KUL-H03E1B)

4 ECTSEnglish39 First termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
De Moor Bart (coordinator) |  De Moor Bart |  N.
POC Wiskundige ingenieurstechnieken

Estimating mathematical models, starting from measured data, is an important step in many engineering methods. This course contains a number of important methods and foundations for linear system identification and modeling. We discuss topics such as choosing a good model structure, appropriate parametrizations, criteria for model selection and statistical properties of the obtained estimates. The course deals with least squares estimation, prediction error techniques, state space models and realization theory. The emphasis is on methods that offer a good generalization. The methods are illustrated with many practical examples and applications.

Skills: the student should be able to analyze, synthesize and interpret


  • Necessary: calculus, applied linear algebra, probability theory and statistics, system theory
  • Useful, but not necessary: control theory


Detailed list of prerequisites:

1. Calculus: Analyse 1 (H01A0B), Analyse 2 (H01A2B)

  • Logic reasoning and mathematical proofs
  • Functions of real numbers, e.g., trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic
  • Functions of vectors
  • Differentiation and integration of univariate and multivariate functions
  • Partial derivatives
  • Complex numbers: addition, multiplication, powers of complex numbers
  • Vector spaces, gradient
  • Analytic geometry: Cartesian coordinates and polar coordinates
  • Differential equations: set up and solve linear differential equations and sets of differential equations
  • Taylor series
  • Optimization problems: formulate, solve and interpret, with equality and inequality constraints, method of Lagrange
  • Difference equations: solve linear difference equations and sets of difference equations


2. Applied linear algebra: Toegepaste Algebra (H01A4B); David Lay, “Linear Algebra and its Applications"

  • Familiarity with concepts from linear algebra in higher dimensions: vector spaces, linear dependence, orthogonality
  • Matrix computations: addition, multiplication with scalar, product of matrices, inverse of a matrix
  • Determinant
  • Partitioned matrices
  • Vector spaces: subspaces, linear transformations, basis, dimension, orthogonal complement of subspaces, orthogonal projection
  • Rank, column space, row space, null space of a matrix
  • Eigenvalue decomposition: characteristic polynomial, Cayley-Hamilton theorem, similar matrices
  • Singular value decomposition, QR factorization
  • Recognize and solve least squares problems
  • Pseudo-inverse of a matrix and relation to least squares
  • Algebraic models for engineering problems: Setting up a set of linear equations, processing of experimental results, analyzing autonomous systems and vibrations as an eigenvalue problem, computing the response of linear time-invariant discrete-time systems, dimensional reduction by means of the singular value decomposition
  • Use MATLAB to do matrix computations


3. Probability Theory and Statistics: Kansrekenen en statistiek (H01A6A)

  • Basic principles of probability theory: random variables, probability distributions
  • Variance, standard deviation, covariance, correlation
  • Estimation of parameters
  • Confidence intervals
  • Regression analysis


4. System Theory: Systeemtheorie en regeltechniek (H01M8A)

  • Basics about modeling mechanical, electrical, thermal and hydraulic systems
  • Block diagrams
  • Convolution, Laplace transform and Z transform (and their inverse)
  • Fourier series
  • Linear time invariant systems
  • Impulse response and transfer function
  • Poles and zeros of a system
  • Stability
  • State-space representation
  • Analysis of continuous-time and discrete-time systems in the time domain and in the frequency domain
  • Modeling and linearization
  • Discretization of continuous-time systems

This course unit is a prerequisite for taking the following course units:
H03F4B : Meten en modelleren (No longer offered this academic year)

This course is identical to the following courses:
H0S14A : Systeemidentificatie en modellering


2 ects. System Identification and Modeling : Lecture (B-KUL-H03E1a)

2 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture26 First term
De Moor Bart |  N.
POC Wiskundige ingenieurstechnieken

1. Introduction to System Identification and Modeling

  • data science, tsunami of data
  • dynamical models
  • machine learning vs system identification
  • mathematical modeling cycle = system identification loop
  • cases
  • more examples
  • interesting books

2. Linear Algebra for System Identification and Modeling

  • vectors and matrices
  • the singular value decomposition
  • eigenvalue problems

3. Optimization and Least Squares

  • optimization: unconstrained and constrained
  • ordinary least squares
  • weighted least squares
  • total least squares
  • recursive least squares

4. Models for Dynamical Systems

  • dynamical systems
  • system identification
  • misfit vs latency
  • commonly used models
  • state space models

5. System Identification by Least Squares

  • identification of an AR model
  • identification of an ARX model
  • other cases that reduce to ARX identification
  • recursive least squares in system identification

6. Prediction Error Methods

  • identification problem
  • prediction error
  • cost function
  • parameterizations
  • persistency of excitation
  • statistical properties
  • properties of identified transfer functions
  • system not in model set
  • model structure validation
  • frequency domain interpretation
  • preprocessing of data
  • user choices
  • validation

7. Realization Theory

  • realization of input-output state space model from impulse response
  • realization of autonomous system from output 
  • application: direction of arrival

8. Balanced Model Order Reduction

  • controllability and observability
  • energy interpretation of controllability and observability
  • controllability and observability Gramians
  • balanced realization
  • balanced model order reduction
  • application

The digital version of the course slides is provided in Toledo.

1 ects. System Identification and Modeling : Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (B-KUL-H03E2a)

1 ECTSEnglishFormat: Practical13 First term
De Moor Bart |  N.
POC Wiskundige ingenieurstechnieken

The assignments and instructions are provided in Toledo.

1 ects. System Identification and Modeling : Project (B-KUL-H09N1a)

1 ECTSEnglishFormat: AssignmentFirst term
De Moor Bart |  N.
POC Wiskundige ingenieurstechnieken


    Evaluation: System Identification and Modeling (B-KUL-H23E1b)

    Type : Exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Oral
    Learning material : Course material