Master of Bioinformatics (Leuven) (120 ECTS) Master of Science
Students with a degree obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community
On the basis of the following degrees, or similar degrees, obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community:
- Bachelor in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen (Leuven)
- Bachelor in de biochemie en de biotechnologie (Leuven)
- Bachelor in de biologie (Kortrijk, Leuven)
- Bachelor in de biomedische wetenschappen (Kortrijk, Leuven)
- Bachelor in de biowetenschappen (Geel)
- Bachelor in de chemie (Kortrijk, Leuven)
- Bachelor in de farmaceutische wetenschappen (Leuven)
- Bachelor in de fysica (Kortrijk, Leuven)
- Bachelor in de geneeskunde (Kortrijk, Leuven)
- Bachelor in de geografie (Leuven)
- Bachelor in de geologie (Leuven)
- Bachelor in de geowetenschappen (Leuven)
- Bachelor in de industriële wetenschappen (Brugge, Geel, Gent, Leuven, Sint-Katelijne-Waver)
- Bachelor in de industriële wetenschappen (Diepenbeek)
- Bachelor in de informatica (Kortrijk)
- Bachelor in de informatica (Kortrijk, Leuven)
- Bachelor in de ingenieurswetenschappen (Leuven)
- Bachelor in de wiskunde (Kortrijk, Leuven)
- Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Leuven)
- Master in de industriële wetenschappen: biochemie (Gent, Leuven)
- Master in de industriële wetenschappen: bouwkunde (Brugge, Gent, Sint-Katelijne-Waver)
- Master in de industriële wetenschappen: bouwkunde (Diepenbeek)
- Master in de industriële wetenschappen: chemie (Gent, Leuven, Sint-Katelijne-Waver)
- Master in de industriële wetenschappen: chemie (Diepenbeek)
- Master in de industriële wetenschappen: elektromechanica (Brugge, Geel, Gent, Leuven, Sint-Katelijne-Waver)
- Master in de industriële wetenschappen: elektromechanica (Diepenbeek)
- Master in de industriële wetenschappen: elektronica-ICT (Brugge, Geel, Gent, Leuven, Sint-Katelijne-Waver)
- Master in de industriële wetenschappen: elektronica-ICT (Diepenbeek)
- Master in de industriële wetenschappen: energie (Brugge, Geel, Gent)
- Master in de industriële wetenschappen: energie (Diepenbeek)
- Master in de industriële wetenschappen: kunststofverwerking (Brugge)
- Master in de industriële wetenschappen: nucleaire technologie (Diepenbeek)
- Master of Biochemical Engineering Technology (Leuven)
- Master of Chemical Engineering Technology (Leuven)
- Master of Civil Engineering Technology (Gent)
- Master of Electromechanical Engineering Technology (Leuven)
- Master of Electronics and ICT Engineering Technology (Leuven)
- Master of Energy Engineering Technology (Diepenbeek)
After admission procedure
For all other degrees obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community, admission is decided by the programme director upon the evaluation of a complete application file. Applicants can contact the study career counsellor for more information.
An aptitude for mathematics is required. In your previous higher education, a good grade should have been obtained for a course in Statistics AND Calculus or Linear Algebra.
After an abridged programme
On the basis of the following degrees, or similar degrees, obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community:
- After successfully completing the abridged programme: Bachelor in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen (
Leuven, 60 sp. )
, the following degrees are accepted:
- Bachelor in de fysica (Leuven) (Minor bio-chemische wetenschappen)
- Bachelor in de industriële wetenschappen (Gent, Leuven, Sint-Katelijne-Waver) (Afstudeerrichting chemie)
- Bachelor in de industriële wetenschappen (Diepenbeek) (Afstudeerrichting chemie)
- Bachelor in de ingenieurswetenschappen: architectuur (Leuven)
- Bachelor in de lichamelijke opvoeding en de bewegingswetenschappen (Leuven)
- Bachelor in de revalidatiewetenschappen en de kinesitherapie (Brugge, Leuven)
- Bachelor in de wiskunde (Leuven) (Minor fysica en sterrenkunde)
Students with a degree not obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community
Students who did not obtain their previous degree(s) at an institution of the Flemish Community should submit an application via the Admissions Office:
You can find a list of core documents, which should be submitted with every application, here:
Language requirements
All applicants who have not obtained a previous diploma in a programme taught in English in Australia, English-speaking Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States of America must submit a certificate proving their proficiency in English.All applicants need to meet the following language requirements:
· IELTS Academic: minimum score of 7, with no subscores lower than 6.5
· TOEFL iBT: minimum score of 94, with no subscores lower than 22
· CAE/CPE: minimum score of 185, with no subscores lower than 176
More information about English proficiency tests can be found on .
Applicants who have obtained a diploma of secondary education in the Flemish Community, are exempted from an English proficiency test.
Additional requirements
An aptitude for mathematics is required. In your previous higher education, a good grade should have been obtained for a course in Statistics AND Calculus or Linear Algebra.Students with a degree obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community
On the basis of the following degrees, or similar degrees, obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community:
- Bachelor in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen (Leuven)
- Bachelor in de biochemie en de biotechnologie (Leuven)
- Bachelor in de biologie (Kortrijk, Leuven)
- Bachelor in de biomedische wetenschappen (Kortrijk, Leuven)
- Bachelor in de biowetenschappen (Geel)
- Bachelor in de chemie (Kortrijk, Leuven)
- Bachelor in de farmaceutische wetenschappen (Leuven)
- Bachelor in de fysica (Kortrijk, Leuven)
- Bachelor in de geneeskunde (Kortrijk, Leuven)
- Bachelor in de geografie (Leuven)
- Bachelor in de geologie (Leuven)
- Bachelor in de geowetenschappen (Leuven)
- Bachelor in de industriële wetenschappen (Brugge, Geel, Gent, Leuven, Sint-Katelijne-Waver)
- Bachelor in de industriële wetenschappen (Diepenbeek)
- Bachelor in de informatica (Kortrijk, Leuven)
- Bachelor in de ingenieurswetenschappen (Leuven)
- Bachelor in de wiskunde (Kortrijk, Leuven)
- Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Leuven)
- Master in de industriële wetenschappen: biochemie (Gent, Leuven)
- Master in de industriële wetenschappen: bouwkunde (Brugge, Gent, Sint-Katelijne-Waver)
- Master in de industriële wetenschappen: bouwkunde (Diepenbeek)
- Master in de industriële wetenschappen: chemie (Gent, Leuven, Sint-Katelijne-Waver)
- Master in de industriële wetenschappen: chemie (Diepenbeek)
- Master in de industriële wetenschappen: elektromechanica (Brugge, Geel, Gent, Leuven, Sint-Katelijne-Waver)
- Master in de industriële wetenschappen: elektromechanica (Diepenbeek)
- Master in de industriële wetenschappen: elektronica-ICT (Brugge, Geel, Gent, Leuven, Sint-Katelijne-Waver)
- Master in de industriële wetenschappen: elektronica-ICT (Diepenbeek)
- Master in de industriële wetenschappen: energie (Brugge, Geel, Gent)
- Master in de industriële wetenschappen: energie (Diepenbeek)
- Master in de industriële wetenschappen: kunststofverwerking (Brugge)
- Master in de industriële wetenschappen: nucleaire technologie (Diepenbeek)
- Master of Biochemical Engineering Technology (Leuven)
- Master of Chemical Engineering Technology (Leuven)
- Master of Civil Engineering Technology (Gent)
- Master of Electromechanical Engineering Technology (Leuven)
- Master of Electronics and ICT Engineering Technology (Leuven)
- Master of Energy Engineering Technology (Diepenbeek)
After admission procedure
For all other degrees obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community, admission is decided by the programme director upon the evaluation of a complete application file. Applicants can contact the study career counsellor for more information.
An aptitude for mathematics is required. In your previous higher education, a good grade should have been obtained for a course in Statistics AND Calculus or Linear Algebra.
After an abridged programme
On the basis of the following degrees, or similar degrees, obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community:
- After successfully completing the abridged programme: Bachelor in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen (
Leuven, 60 sp. )
, the following degrees are accepted:
- Bachelor in de fysica (Leuven) (Minor bio-chemische wetenschappen)
- Bachelor in de industriële wetenschappen (Gent, Leuven, Sint-Katelijne-Waver) (Afstudeerrichting chemie)
- Bachelor in de industriële wetenschappen (Diepenbeek) (Afstudeerrichting chemie)
- Bachelor in de ingenieurswetenschappen: architectuur (Leuven)
- Bachelor in de lichamelijke opvoeding en de bewegingswetenschappen (Leuven)
- Bachelor in de revalidatiewetenschappen en de kinesitherapie (Brugge, Leuven)
- Bachelor in de wiskunde (Leuven) (Minor fysica en sterrenkunde)
Students with a degree not obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community
Students who did not obtain their previous degree(s) at an institution of the Flemish Community should submit an application via the Admissions Office:
You can find a list of core documents, which should be submitted with every application, here:
Language requirements
All applicants who have not obtained a previous diploma in a programme taught in English in Australia, English-speaking Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States of America must submit a certificate proving their proficiency in English.All applicants need to meet the following language requirements:
· IELTS Academic: minimum score of 7, with no subscores lower than 6.5
· TOEFL iBT: minimum score of 94, with no subscores lower than 22
· CAE/CPE: minimum score of 185, with no subscores lower than 176
More information about English proficiency tests can be found on .
Applicants who have obtained a diploma of secondary education in the Flemish Community, are exempted from an English proficiency test.
Additional requirements
An aptitude for mathematics is required. In your previous higher education, a good grade should have been obtained for a course in Statistics AND Calculus or Linear Algebra.-
All subgroups are compulsory: the Reorientation Package, the Common Package and the Major.
Reorientation Package
The student takes maximum 26 ECTS from this group.
The Reorientation gives students the additional basis in disciplines in which they had no training during their Bachelor's programme. The complete basis is essential to follow further courses in this master. The Permanent Education Committee (POC) determines a specific programme for every student, based on their previous education. Following approval, these courses are mandatory for the student to finish the master.
Students in the track Engineering only choose courses from the Reorientation Package Biology.
Students in the track Bioscience Engineering choose only courses from the Reorientation Packages Information Technology and Biology.
Students in the track Science may choose courses from all Reorientation Packages up to 26 ECTS. If the student needs less than 26 ECTS, remaining credits can be chosen from a list of optional courses.-
Reorientation Package Biology
The POC advises each student a specific package of courses from one or more subgroups of the reorientation package. If the student is considered to have insufficient biological background knowledge, the POC will advise one or more courses from the group 'Reorientation Package Biology'. Having taken on this package, the student fulfills the admission requirements of all further courses of the study program.
3 ECTS Structure, Synthesis and Cellular Function of Macromolecules H06F6A staff staff
- P.Proost (coordinator)
- H.Steenackers
- L.Temmerman
- J.Vanden Broeck
Structure, Synthesis and Cellular Function of Macromolecules: Lecture (3 ECTS) H06F6a staff 4 ECTS Basics of Biological Chemistry I0D33A staff staff
- H.Steenackers (coordinator)
- D.De Vos
- I.Beckers (substitute)
- H.Steenackers
Basics of Biological Chemistry (4 ECTS) I0D33a staff staff
- D.De Vos
- I.Beckers (substitute)
- H.Steenackers
5 ECTS Basic Concepts of Cell Biology I0D34A staff staff
- J.Winderickx (coordinator)
- V.Baekelandt
- H.Steenackers
- J.Winderickx
Basic Concepts of Cell Biology (5 ECTS) I0D34a staff 5 ECTS Introduction to Genetics I0D35A staff staff
- S.Vonesch (coordinator)
- P.Maes
- T.Dierckx (substitute)
- S.Van Belleghem
- S.Vonesch
Introduction to Genetics (5 ECTS) I0D35a staff staff
- P.Maes
- T.Dierckx (substitute)
- S.Van Belleghem
- S.Vonesch
4 ECTS Gene Technology I0D36B staff staff
Gene Technology (4 ECTS) I0D36a staff staff
Reorientation Package Statistics
The POC advises each student a specific package of courses from one or more subgroups of the Reorientation Package. If the student is considered to have insufficient statistical background knowledge, the POC will advise the student to take on this subgroup.
5 ECTS Univariate Data and Modelling I0U35A staff staff
Univariate Data and Modelling (3 ECTS) I0S08a staff staff
Exercises in Univariate Data and Modelling (2 ECTS) I0S11a staff staff
Reorientation Package Mathematics
The POC advises the student a specific package of courses from one or more subgroups from the Reorientation Package. If the student is considered to have insufficient mathematical background knowledge, the POC will advise the student one or more courses from this subgroup.
Students have the option to start with the Linear Algebra course before they start the Master’s programme. For this option, students follow the EdX KU Leuven MOOC Mathematical Techniques for Problem Solving in Engineering and Science. The MOOC needs to be finalized before the start of the academic year. The MOOC is complemented with Linear Algebra Exercises. Students who lack Linear Algebra in their previous education and did not finish the MOOC before the start of the academic year, follow Linear Algebra (I0D38B) on campus.7 ECTS Linear Algebra I0D38B staff staff
Linear Algebra (6 ECTS) I0D38a staff staff
Exercises in Linear Algebra (1 ECTS) I0D91a staff staff
5 ECTS Calculus I0D39C staff staff
Calculus (5 ECTS) I0D39a staff staff
5 ECTS Linear Algebra: MOOC and Blended Course I0J92A staff staff
- A.Konar (coordinator)
- R.Cools
- D.Huybrechs
- A.Konar
- S.Poedts
- R.Vandebril
Mathematical Techniques for Problem Solving in Engineering and Science (4 ECTS) H0O29a staff Exercises in Linear Algebra (1 ECTS) I0D91a staff staff
Reorientation Package Information Technology
The POC advises each student a specific course package from one or more subgroups of the Reorientation Package. If the student is considered to have insufficient background knowledge of IT, the POC will advise the student to take on one or more courses from this subgroup.
4 ECTS Introduction to Programming I0D41A staff staff
- V.van Noort (coordinator)
- G.Baele
- A.Carbonez
- J.Demeulemeester
- V.van Noort
- N.
- P.Lutsik (substitute)
Introduction to Object Oriented Programming: Lectures (2 ECTS) I0S71a staff staff
Introduction to Object Oriented Programming: Exercises (1 ECTS) I0S72a staff staff
- G.Baele
- J.Demeulemeester
- V.van Noort
- N.
- P.Lutsik (substitute)
R: Lectures (1 ECTS) I0S74a staff staff
6 ECTS Principles of Database Management D0I62A staff staff
- W.Lemahieu (coordinator)
- B.Baesens
- N.
Principles of Database Management (6 ECTS) D0I62a staff staff
4 ECTS Object Oriented Programming H02C5A staff staff
- B.Jacobs (coordinator)
- D.Devriese
- B.Jacobs
Object Oriented Programming: Project (2 ECTS) H00H8a staff staff
Object Oriented Programming: Lecture (2 ECTS) H02C5a staff staff
Reorientation Package: Optional Courses
Students supplement their reorientation package up to 26 credits with courses from this group. The suggested package is presented to the POC.
Students in the tracks Engineering and Bioscience Engineering enroll in the course mandatory for their specific major.
Common Package
The entire package is followed by all students.
Biology Module
The entire module is followed by all students.
4 ECTS Molecular Interactions: Theories and Methods I0D43A staff Biomolecular Interactions: Lectures 1 (3 ECTS) G0G77a staff Biomolecular Interactions: Assignment 1 (1 ECTS) G0G78a staff 5 ECTS Structural Bioinformatics I0D44A staff staff
Structural Bioinformatics (5 ECTS) I0D44a staff staff
4 ECTS Model Organisms I0D45C staff staff
- L.Temmerman (coordinator)
- G.Moons
- F.Rolland
- L.Temmerman
- J.Winderickx
Model Organisms (3 ECTS) I0D45a staff Ethics Related to Targeted Mutagenesis in Biological Research (and beyond) (1 ECTS) I0W17a staff staff
Statistics Module
The entire module is followed by all students.
4 ECTS Dynamical Systems I0D48A staff staff
Dynamical Systems (4 ECTS) I0D48a staff staff
5 ECTS Statistical Methods for Bioinformatics I0U31A staff staff
- R.Jelier (coordinator)
- A.Alonso Abad
- R.Jelier
Statistical Methods for Bioinformatics (5 ECTS) I0U31a staff 5 ECTS Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis I0P16B staff Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis (4 ECTS) I0P16a staff Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis: Practical Exercises (1 ECTS) I0P17a staff 4 ECTS Machine Learning and Inductive Inference H02C1A staff staff
Machine Learning and Inductive Inference: Lecture (3 ECTS) H02C1a staff staff
Machine Learning and Inductive Inference: Exercises (1 ECTS) H00G6a staff staff
Students choose one of the two courses.
4 ECTS Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning H02C4A staff staff
Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning: Lecture (3 ECTS) H02C4a staff staff
Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning: Exercises (1 ECTS) H00G8a staff staff
4 ECTS Support Vector Machines: Methods and Applications H02D3A staff staff
Support Vector Machines: Methods and Applications: Lecture (3 ECTS) H02D3a staff staff
Support Vector Machines: Methods and Applications: Exercises (1 ECTS) H00H3a staff staff
Bioinformatics Module
The entire module is followed by all students.
Fundamentals of Bioinformatics (I0J52A) replaces Practical Computing for Bioinformatics (I0U30A).4 ECTS Fundamentals of Bioinformatics I0J52A staff staff
Practical Computing for Bioinformatics (3 ECTS) I0U30a staff staff
Seminars in Bioinformatics (1 ECTS) I0J52a staff staff
5 ECTS Omics Techniques and Data Analysis I0U28B staff staff
Genome Analysis (2 ECTS) I0V62a staff Transcriptome Analysis (1 ECTS) I0V63a staff Proteome and Metabolome Analysis (2 ECTS) I0V64a staff 4 ECTS Management of Large-Scale Omics Data I0U19A staff Management of Large-Scale Omics Data (2 ECTS) I0U19a staff- N.
- M.Fiers (substitute)
- N.
- M.Fiers (substitute)
Management of Large-Scale Omics Data: Exercises (1 ECTS) I0V12a staff- N.
- M.Fiers (substitute)
- N.
- M.Fiers (substitute)
Ethics of Big Data (1 ECTS) I0W18a staff staff
4 ECTS Bayesian Modelling for Biological Data Analysis I0D50A staff staff
Bayesian Modelling for Biological Data Analysis (4 ECTS) I0D50a staff staff
4 ECTS Evolutionary and Quantitative Genetics I0D53A staff staff
- P.Lemey (coordinator)
- I.Cleynen
- P.Lemey
- S.Van Belleghem
Evolutionary and Quantitative Genetics (4 ECTS) I0D53a staff 4 ECTS Comparative and Regulatory Genomics I0U29A staff- S.Aerts (coordinator)
- V.van Noort
- S.Aerts (coordinator)
- V.van Noort
Comparative and Regulatory Genomics (4 ECTS) I0U29a staff staff
4 ECTS Integrated Bioinformatics Project I0U20A staff staff
- V.van Noort (coordinator)
- J.Schymkowitz
- A.Sifrim
- V.van Noort
- N.
- M.Fiers (substitute)
Integrated Bioinformatics Project (4 ECTS) I0U20a staff staff
- J.Schymkowitz
- A.Sifrim
- V.van Noort
- N.
- M.Fiers (substitute)
Students enter one of three different Majors according to their study track.
Master's Thesis Science
The Master's thesis is compulsory.
30 ECTS Master's Thesis Science I0D55A staff- R.Jelier (coordinator)
- N.
- R.Jelier (coordinator)
- N.
Master's Thesis Science (30 ECTS) I0D55a staff- N.
- N.
Bioscience Engineering
Compulsory Course Bioscience Engineering
Students enroll in Biofluidics (I0P05C).
3 ECTS Biofluidics I0P05C staff staff
Biofluidics: Theory (2 ECTS) I0D83a staff staff
Biofluidics: Exercises (1 ECTS) I0P06a staff staff
Students can supplement their package with relevant courses from KU Leuven, selected from the list below. Their choice needs to be presented to the POC for approval.
6 ECTS Longitudinal Data Analysis G0A35A staff staff
- G.Verbeke (coordinator)
- G.Molenberghs
- G.Verbeke
Longitudinal Data Analysis (6 ECTS) G0A35a staff 6 ECTS Comparative Programming Languages H0S01A staff staff
Comparative Programming Languages: Lecture (3.5 ECTS) H0S01a staff staff
Comparative Programming Languages: Exercises (1 ECTS) H0S02a staff staff
Comparative Programming Languages: Assignment (1.5 ECTS) H0S03a staff staff
5 ECTS Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence H02A0A staff staff
Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence: Lecture (3 ECTS) H02A0a staff staff
Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence: Exercises (1 ECTS) H02K1a staff staff
Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence: Project (1 ECTS) H0O43a staff staff
4 ECTS Neural Computing H02B3A staff staff
Neural Computing: Lecture (3.5 ECTS) H02B3a staff staff
Neural Computing: Laboratory Sessions (0.5 ECTS) H00G2a staff staff
4 ECTS Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computing H02D1A staff staff
Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computing: Lecture (1.8 ECTS) H02D1a staff staff
Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computing: Exercises (0.6 ECTS) H00H1a staff staff
Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computing: Project (1.6 ECTS) H08M3a staff staff
6 ECTS Optimization H03E3A staff staff
Optimization: Lecture (4 ECTS) H03E3a staff staff
Optimization: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (2 ECTS) H03E4a staff staff
4 ECTS System Identification and Modeling H03E1B staff System Identification and Modeling : Lecture (2 ECTS) H03E1a staff System Identification and Modeling : Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (1 ECTS) H03E2a staff System Identification and Modeling : Project (1 ECTS) H09N1a staff 6 ECTS Innovation Management and Strategy D0H36A staff staff
Innovation Management and Strategy (6 ECTS) D0H36a staff staff
6 ECTS Advanced Time Series Analysis D0M63B staff staff
Advanced Time Series Analysis (6 ECTS) D0M63a staff staff
4 ECTS Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence H02D2A staff staff
- L.De Raedt (coordinator)
- T.De Laet
- L.De Raedt
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Lecture (3 ECTS) H02D2a staff staff
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Exercises (0.5 ECTS) H00H2a staff staff
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Project (0.5 ECTS) H08M4a staff staff
4 ECTS Privacy and Big Data H00Y2A staff- N.
- R.Gálvez Vizcaíno (substitute)
- N.
- R.Gálvez Vizcaíno (substitute)
Privacy and Big Data: Lecture (3 ECTS) H00Y2a staff- N.
- R.Gálvez Vizcaíno (substitute)
- N.
- R.Gálvez Vizcaíno (substitute)
Privacy and Big Data: Practical Sessions (1 ECTS) H00Y3a staff- N.
- R.Gálvez Vizcaíno (substitute)
- N.
- R.Gálvez Vizcaíno (substitute)
4 ECTS Declarative Problem Solving Paradigms in AI H02A3A staff staff
Declarative Problem Solving Paradigms in AI: Lecture (3 ECTS) H02A3a staff staff
Declarative Problem Solving Paradigms in AI: Exercises (1 ECTS) H02K4a staff staff
6 ECTS Biomedical Data Processing H03I2A staff staff
- M.De Vos (coordinator)
- A.Bertrand
- M.De Vos
Biomedical Data Processing: Lecture (3 ECTS) H03I2a staff staff
Biomedical Data Processing: Exercises (3 ECTS) H03I3a staff staff
3 ECTS Bayesian Data Analysis II G0A62B staff- N.
- N.
Bayesian Data Analysis II (3 ECTS) G0A62a staff- N.
- N.
4 ECTS Statistical Analysis of Reliability and Survival Data G0B67A staff staff
Statistical Analysis of Reliability and Survival Data (4 ECTS) G0B67a staff staff
4 ECTS Experimental Design G0B68A staff- P.Goos
- A.Strouwen (substitute)
- P.Goos
- A.Strouwen (substitute)
Experimental Design (4 ECTS) G0B68a staff- P.Goos
- A.Strouwen (substitute)
- P.Goos
- A.Strouwen (substitute)
4 ECTS Meta Analysis G0B75A staff staff
Systematic Reviews (1 ECTS) G0S74a staff staff
Meta Analysis (3 ECTS) G0B75a staff staff
6 ECTS Medical Imaging and Analysis H03H5A staff staff
Medical Imaging and Analysis: Lecture (4.83 ECTS) H03H5a staff staff
Medical Imaging and Analysis: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (1.17 ECTS) H03H6a staff staff
4 ECTS Brain Computer Interfaces H08M0A staff staff
Brain Computer Interfaces: Lectures (3.5 ECTS) H08M0a staff staff
Brain Computer Interfaces: Exercises (0.5 ECTS) H08M1a staff staff
4 ECTS Data Mining H02C6A staff staff
Data Mining: Lecture (3.2 ECTS) H02C6a staff staff
Data Mining: Practical Sessions (0.8 ECTS) H00I0a staff staff
4 ECTS Information Retrieval and Search Engines H02C8A staff- Lhoneux
- M.Trusca (substitute)
- Lhoneux
- M.Trusca (substitute)
Information Retrieval and Search Engines: Lecture (3 ECTS) H02C8a staff- Lhoneux
- M.Trusca (substitute)
- Lhoneux
- M.Trusca (substitute)
Information Retrieval and Search Engines: Exercises (1 ECTS) H00G9a staff- Lhoneux
- M.Trusca (substitute)
- Lhoneux
- M.Trusca (substitute)
6 ECTS Robust Statistics G0B16A staff- M.Hubert (coordinator)
- S.Van Aelst
- M.Hubert (coordinator)
- S.Van Aelst
Robust Statistics (4 ECTS) G0B16a staff staff
Robust Statistics: Exercises (1 ECTS) G0B17a staff staff
Robust Statistics: Project (1 ECTS) G0B18a staff staff
3 ECTS Plichtenleer van de ingenieur H04E0A staff- N.
- N.
Plichtenleer van de ingenieur (3 ECTS) H04E0a staff- N.
- N.
3 ECTS Biosensors and Bioelectronics H06F4A staff staff
Biosensors and Bioelectronics: Exercises (1 ECTS) H06F5a staff staff
Biosensor Technology and Bio-electronics, Part I: Lectures (2 ECTS) I0P09a staff staff
3 ECTS Nanobiology I0P50C staff staff
Nanobiology: Lectures (3 ECTS) I0P50a staff
Master's Thesis Bioscience Engineering
The Master's thesis is compulsory.
30 ECTS Master's Thesis Bioscience Engineering I0Q79A staff- R.Jelier (coordinator)
- N.
- R.Jelier (coordinator)
- N.
Master's Thesis Bioscience Engineering (30 ECTS) I0Q79a staff- N.
- N.
Compulsory Course Engineering
Students enroll in Design of Software Systems (H0N00A).
6 ECTS Design of Software Systems H0N00A staff staff
Design of Software Systems: Lecture (1.7 ECTS) H0N00a staff staff
Design of Software Systems: Exercises (0.3 ECTS) H0N01a staff staff
Design of Software Systems: Laboratory Session (4 ECTS) H0N02a staff staff
Students can supplement their package with relevant courses from KU Leuven, selected from the list below. Their choice needs to be presented to the POC for approval.
6 ECTS Longitudinal Data Analysis G0A35A staff staff
- G.Verbeke (coordinator)
- G.Molenberghs
- G.Verbeke
Longitudinal Data Analysis (6 ECTS) G0A35a staff 6 ECTS Comparative Programming Languages H0S01A staff staff
Comparative Programming Languages: Lecture (3.5 ECTS) H0S01a staff staff
Comparative Programming Languages: Exercises (1 ECTS) H0S02a staff staff
Comparative Programming Languages: Assignment (1.5 ECTS) H0S03a staff staff
6 ECTS Biomedical Data Processing H03I2A staff staff
- M.De Vos (coordinator)
- A.Bertrand
- M.De Vos
Biomedical Data Processing: Lecture (3 ECTS) H03I2a staff staff
Biomedical Data Processing: Exercises (3 ECTS) H03I3a staff staff
6 ECTS Selected Topics in Biomedical Signal Processing H06W1A staff staff
- A.Bertrand (coordinator)
- L.De Lathauwer
- M.De Vos
Selected Topics in Biomedical Signal Processing: Lectures (4.83 ECTS) H06W1a staff Selected Topics in Biomedical Signal Processing: Exercises (1.17 ECTS) H06W2a staff 5 ECTS Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence H02A0A staff staff
Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence: Lecture (3 ECTS) H02A0a staff staff
Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence: Exercises (1 ECTS) H02K1a staff staff
Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence: Project (1 ECTS) H0O43a staff staff
4 ECTS Neural Computing H02B3A staff staff
Neural Computing: Lecture (3.5 ECTS) H02B3a staff staff
Neural Computing: Laboratory Sessions (0.5 ECTS) H00G2a staff staff
4 ECTS Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computing H02D1A staff staff
Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computing: Lecture (1.8 ECTS) H02D1a staff staff
Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computing: Exercises (0.6 ECTS) H00H1a staff staff
Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computing: Project (1.6 ECTS) H08M3a staff staff
6 ECTS Optimization H03E3A staff staff
Optimization: Lecture (4 ECTS) H03E3a staff staff
Optimization: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (2 ECTS) H03E4a staff staff
4 ECTS System Identification and Modeling H03E1B staff System Identification and Modeling : Lecture (2 ECTS) H03E1a staff System Identification and Modeling : Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (1 ECTS) H03E2a staff System Identification and Modeling : Project (1 ECTS) H09N1a staff 6 ECTS Innovation Management and Strategy D0H36A staff staff
Innovation Management and Strategy (6 ECTS) D0H36a staff staff
6 ECTS Advanced Time Series Analysis D0M63B staff staff
Advanced Time Series Analysis (6 ECTS) D0M63a staff staff
4 ECTS Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence H02D2A staff staff
- L.De Raedt (coordinator)
- T.De Laet
- L.De Raedt
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Lecture (3 ECTS) H02D2a staff staff
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Exercises (0.5 ECTS) H00H2a staff staff
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Project (0.5 ECTS) H08M4a staff staff
4 ECTS Privacy and Big Data H00Y2A staff- N.
- R.Gálvez Vizcaíno (substitute)
- N.
- R.Gálvez Vizcaíno (substitute)
Privacy and Big Data: Lecture (3 ECTS) H00Y2a staff- N.
- R.Gálvez Vizcaíno (substitute)
- N.
- R.Gálvez Vizcaíno (substitute)
Privacy and Big Data: Practical Sessions (1 ECTS) H00Y3a staff- N.
- R.Gálvez Vizcaíno (substitute)
- N.
- R.Gálvez Vizcaíno (substitute)
4 ECTS Declarative Problem Solving Paradigms in AI H02A3A staff staff
Declarative Problem Solving Paradigms in AI: Lecture (3 ECTS) H02A3a staff staff
Declarative Problem Solving Paradigms in AI: Exercises (1 ECTS) H02K4a staff staff
3 ECTS Bayesian Data Analysis II G0A62B staff- N.
- N.
Bayesian Data Analysis II (3 ECTS) G0A62a staff- N.
- N.
3 ECTS Nanobiology I0P50C staff staff
Nanobiology: Lectures (3 ECTS) I0P50a staff 4 ECTS Statistical Analysis of Reliability and Survival Data G0B67A staff staff
Statistical Analysis of Reliability and Survival Data (4 ECTS) G0B67a staff staff
4 ECTS Experimental Design G0B68A staff- P.Goos
- A.Strouwen (substitute)
- P.Goos
- A.Strouwen (substitute)
Experimental Design (4 ECTS) G0B68a staff- P.Goos
- A.Strouwen (substitute)
- P.Goos
- A.Strouwen (substitute)
4 ECTS Meta Analysis G0B75A staff staff
Systematic Reviews (1 ECTS) G0S74a staff staff
Meta Analysis (3 ECTS) G0B75a staff staff
6 ECTS Medical Imaging and Analysis H03H5A staff staff
Medical Imaging and Analysis: Lecture (4.83 ECTS) H03H5a staff staff
Medical Imaging and Analysis: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (1.17 ECTS) H03H6a staff staff
4 ECTS Brain Computer Interfaces H08M0A staff staff
Brain Computer Interfaces: Lectures (3.5 ECTS) H08M0a staff staff
Brain Computer Interfaces: Exercises (0.5 ECTS) H08M1a staff staff
4 ECTS Data Mining H02C6A staff staff
Data Mining: Lecture (3.2 ECTS) H02C6a staff staff
Data Mining: Practical Sessions (0.8 ECTS) H00I0a staff staff
4 ECTS Information Retrieval and Search Engines H02C8A staff- Lhoneux
- M.Trusca (substitute)
- Lhoneux
- M.Trusca (substitute)
Information Retrieval and Search Engines: Lecture (3 ECTS) H02C8a staff- Lhoneux
- M.Trusca (substitute)
- Lhoneux
- M.Trusca (substitute)
Information Retrieval and Search Engines: Exercises (1 ECTS) H00G9a staff- Lhoneux
- M.Trusca (substitute)
- Lhoneux
- M.Trusca (substitute)
6 ECTS Robust Statistics G0B16A staff- M.Hubert (coordinator)
- S.Van Aelst
- M.Hubert (coordinator)
- S.Van Aelst
Robust Statistics (4 ECTS) G0B16a staff staff
Robust Statistics: Exercises (1 ECTS) G0B17a staff staff
Robust Statistics: Project (1 ECTS) G0B18a staff staff
3 ECTS Plichtenleer van de ingenieur H04E0A staff- N.
- N.
Plichtenleer van de ingenieur (3 ECTS) H04E0a staff- N.
- N.
3 ECTS Biosensors and Bioelectronics H06F4A staff staff
Biosensors and Bioelectronics: Exercises (1 ECTS) H06F5a staff staff
Biosensor Technology and Bio-electronics, Part I: Lectures (2 ECTS) I0P09a staff staff
Master's Thesis Engineering
The Master's thesis is compulsory.
30 ECTS Master's Thesis Engineering I0Q80A staff- R.Jelier (coordinator)
- N.
- R.Jelier (coordinator)
- N.
Master's Thesis Engineering (30 ECTS) I0Q80a staff- N.
- N.