Omics Techniques and Data Analysis (B-KUL-I0U28B)

To extend knowledge on Gene Technology towards a genome scale, aimed at the experimental analysis and generation of genetic information at different molecular-biological levels.
The student gains insight into the current technologies available to study the different molecular-biological levels (Genome/transcriptome/proteome/metabolome). The student can reproduce these, evaluate their applications and critically evaluatie them for specific applications. This is achieved by specific examples, as provided by the instructors.
Based on the complexity of the different levels (DNA/RNA/protein/metabolites), the student knows and understands high-throughput techniques. The student knows and understands the current identification approaches (sequence analysis/microarray, mass spectrometry) and can analyse and interpret the obtained biological information, based on bioinformatic and experimental approaches.
Previous knowledge
Knowledge of statistics, a mathematical basis of matrix calculus, basic knowledge on bioinformatics (DNA databases and their use), knowledge on microbiology, biochemistry and gene technology.
Order of Enrolment
This course unit is a prerequisite for taking the following course units:
I0U20A : Integrated Bioinformatics Project
Identical courses
This course is identical to the following courses:
I0P49A : Bioinformatics and Genome Technology
I0U28A : Omics Techniques and Data Analysis (No longer offered this academic year)
Is included in these courses of study
- Master of Bioinformatics (Leuven) 120 ects.
- Master in de bio-informatica (Leuven) 120 ects.
- Courses for Exchange Students Faculty of Bioscience Engineering (Leuven)
- Master of Biomedical Engineering (Programme for students started before 2021-2022) (Leuven) 120 ects.
- Master of Biomedical Engineering (Programme for students started in 2021-2022 or later) (Leuven) 120 ects.
2 ects. Genome Analysis (B-KUL-I0V62a)
- Overview of genome complexity and genome mapping approaches
- High throughput sequencing analysis techniques
- Genome scale chemical synthesis approaches for nucleic acids
- Bioinformatic analysis of genomes
- Genome annotation
- Comparative and metagenome analysis
Course material
Handouts and notes
Is also included in other courses
1 ects. Transcriptome Analysis (B-KUL-I0V63a)
- Techniques in transcriptome analysis
- Bioinformatic analysis of transcriptome data
- Related biostatistics
Course material
Course text / slides
Handouts and notes
Is also included in other courses
2 ects. Proteome and Metabolome Analysis (B-KUL-I0V64a)
- Protein expression and analysis
- Proteome analysis approaches
- Principles of mass spectrometry
- Peptidomics
- Metabolomics
- Bioinformatical analysis of proteome data
- Examples and applications
Course material
Course notes / slides
Handouts and notes
Is also included in other courses
Evaluation: Omics Techniques and Data Analysis (B-KUL-I2U28b)
- Open domain questions which assess knowledge, understanding, analysis and synthesis of the course material
- Technique questions: define and illustrate specific techniques (knowledge, understanding and analysis)
- Definition questions which require synthesis skills
- Exercises during the exam will assess the critical evaluation and choice of specific techniques for defined application