Longitudinal Data Analysis (B-KUL-G0A35A)

6 ECTSEnglish26 First termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
POC Master in statistiek

The student has a broad understanding of concepts and methodology of longitudinal data (continuous and non-continuous) and incomplete data, and is able to apply it to real problems. 

The student has a fundamental knowledge of statistical inference and statistical modelling.
- Basic concepts of statistical modelling
- Linear models
- Generalised linear models
- Mixed and multilevel models

This course is identical to the following courses:
G0Y57A : Longitudinale data analyse


6 ects. Longitudinal Data Analysis (B-KUL-G0A35a)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture26 First term
POC Master in statistiek

This course studies advanced modern methods for the analysis of repeated measures and longitudinal data. Emphasis is on linear mixed models, generalised linear mixed models, generalised estimating equations and missing data. The course covers not only model building and fitting, but also exploratory data analysis, graphical methods. 

The student will attend the theoretical classes and will apply the methodology in a number of homeworks where real data will be analysed with various methods and statistical models. A report will be prepared and orally defended.


Evaluation: Longitudinal Data Analysis (B-KUL-G2A35a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period

There are three homework assignments. Working groups of four students will be formed that
stay the same for all assignments.

The deadlines will be the first presentation session for the first
assignment, the second presentation session for the second assignment, and the exam date for
the third assignment. At the first two presentation sessions, each student will present part of the
results of the assignments (two students during the first session, two other students during the
second session). The third assignment will be presented individually by each student at the exam.
This way, each student will present twice, for no longer than 5 minutes each time. Once at
one of the presentation sessions, once at the exam. At both occasions, the presentations will be
followed by some questions from the instructors.

One report per assignment has to be handed in per group.

The assignment will be graded (presentation and report). The results will be taken into account
for the final grade.

In the final score, an equal weight is given to the reports and presentations on one hand, and the questions on the other hand.

Submission of all reports in time is a necessary condition to take part in the exam. In case any of the deadlines is not met, the score for this course will be NA.