CyberSecurity Management and Governance: Risk and Business (B-KUL-H0Q27A)

3 ECTSEnglish20 First term
Singelée Dave (coordinator) |  Preneel Bart |  N. |  Petkova-Nikova Svetla (substitute) |  Singelée Dave (substitute)
POC Cybersecurity

The course will cover the basics in determining cybersecurity risk and the management of such risks. This will then be augmented by invited talks from industry.

CyberSecurity Basics (H0Q24A) or equivalent knowledge


3 ects. CyberSecurity Management and Governance: Risk and Business: Lecture (B-KUL-H0Q27a)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture20 First term
Preneel Bart |  N. |  Petkova-Nikova Svetla (substitute) |  Singelée Dave (substitute)
POC Cybersecurity

The lecture components will cover the following four topics:

  • Risk management. What is risk? How is it determined? The difference between quantitative and qualitative methodologies. What frameworks can be used to determine and manage CyberSecurity risks in an organization (e.g. the NIST framework).
  • ISO 27000. An introduction to the ISO 2700X series of standards in CyberSecurity.
  • Product certification. A historical perspective; ITSEC, TCSEC (Orange Book). Modern certification of products (Common Criteria, FIPS-140 etc). Formal definitions of security (Bell-LaPadula).
  • Security Economics and Game theory. The role economics plays in CyberSecurity. Issues related to market failures in creating incentives to invest in CyberSecurity. Modeling CyberSecurity via Game Theory; both economically and technically (FlipIt).

Course material will be provided on Toledo


Evaluation: CyberSecurity Management and Governance: Risk and Business (B-KUL-H2Q27a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : None

The exam during the examination period is a written exam. It is a closed book exam; no additional material or texts may be consulted.