Seminar in CyberSecurity (B-KUL-H0Q23A)

4 ECTSEnglish30 Both terms
Devriese Dominique (coordinator) |  Devriese Dominique |  N. |  Petkova-Nikova Svetla (substitute) |  Gierlichs Benedikt (substitute)
POC Cybersecurity

To acquaint the student with emerging topics in CyberSecurity and expose students to the latest research in the area. The student will attend the CyberSecurity seminars organized in ESAT, CS and other departments in KU Leuven. Students are expected to attend at least 90% of the seminars and are expected to write up a reflective report on the seminars; focusing specifically on four of the seminars (which should be chosen to have a related or common theme).

CyberSecurity Basics and software, hardware and mathematics basics.


4 ects. Seminar in CyberSecurity: Lecture (B-KUL-H0Q23a)

4 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture30 Both terms
Devriese Dominique |  N. |  Petkova-Nikova Svetla (substitute) |  Gierlichs Benedikt (substitute)
POC Cybersecurity

The student will attend the CyberSecurity seminars organized in ESAT, CS and other departments in KU Leuven.

List of planned seminar sessions with abstracts.


Evaluation: Seminar in CyberSecurity (B-KUL-H2Q23a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project

A reflective summary to be produced by the end of the course. The exact date will be communicated in the first lecture.

Students who did not pass the course in the first exam period can retake the reflective summary with a deadline before the September exam period. The exact date will be communicated to students who inform the lecturers about their intention to retake.