Security Through the Software Lifecycle (B-KUL-H0Q31A)

4 ECTSEnglish24 First term
POC Cybersecurity

The students understand the possibilities for dealing with security and privacy at the various stages of the software lifecycle. The students can describe a number of relevant design patterns and blueprints for security & privacy by design. The students can drive threat analysis in a systematic, process-driven way. The students can have a broad overview of techniques that can enhance the quality of code from a security perspective, through programming techniques and guidelines, through testing and with the help of contemporary tool support. The students understand the challenges of preserving security during the deployment of production software, both from an organizational and from a practical perspective.

Cybersecurity Basics, familiarity with at least one programming language and a basic understanding of software engineering.


4 ects. Security Through the Software Lifecycle: Lecture (B-KUL-H0Q31a)

4 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture24 First term
POC Cybersecurity

1.      Overview: Security through the life cycle of software


2.      Security patterns and architectural cornerstones for security & Privacy

  • a.      Security and Privacy by design
  • b.      Catalogues and best practices
  • c.       Related concerns and qualities: availability, resilience etc.
  • d.      Specific models for security and privacy


3.      Threat elicitation at early stages, at the level of analysis

  • a.      Prioritization and decision frameworks
  • b.      Relationship to risk management


4.      Quality Control

  • a.      Coding rules and guidelines
  • b.      Security analysis of third-party components
  • c.      Relationship between security specific concerns and software development at large


5.      Security Testing

  • a.      Systematic Testing for Security
  • b.      Static code analysis: tools and practices
  • c.      Penetration testing
  • d.      Fuzzing and Bug hunting


6.      Security during operations (SecDevOps)

  • a.      Roles and responsibilities
  • b.      Patch and version management – software updates
  • c.      Configuration management
  • d.      Introduction to Security Operations 

Course material will be provided on Toledo

12 lectures, including demonstrations of practical tools.


Evaluation: Security Through the Software Lifecycle (B-KUL-H2Q31a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Paper/Project

Students deliver a small experience report based on one specific activity of choice (e.g. pen- testing, threat elicitation, etc.) within the context of a case study that is presented as part of the course.

Students that score less than a 10-in the-first-examination period are asked to, when they did not pass the first part (1), prepare an assignment, which is an extension or improvement of the term report done during the semester. Students that fail on the second part (2) are asked to perform the exam part of the evaluation again.