Legal Aspects of Cyber Security (B-KUL-H0Q25A)

3 ECTSEnglish26 Second term
POC Cybersecurity

Students have insight in the legal and regulatory aspects of cybersecurity. They understand how and why cybersecurity is regulated by rules at different levels (international, European and national). They have a good knowledge of these rules and a good insight in how they interact with each other and with rules from nearby domains, such as data protection and privacy, law enforcement and intelligence, intellectual property ... They understand the role that is played by the different actors (government, legislators, regulators, courts, EU-institutions like ENISA) in this sector. Students can apply these rules and principles to different sectorial cases, such as telecommunication and health care.

CyberSecurity Basics


3 ects. Legal Aspects of Cyber Security: Lecture (B-KUL-H0Q25a)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture26 Second term
POC Cybersecurity

This course will introduce students to the basic concepts of law and regulations. Next, it presents an overview of the most relevant cybersecurity and privacy legislation at EU level that includes the NIS Directive, the Cybersecurity Act, GDPR and the ePrivacy legislation. Subsequently cybercrime legislation will be treated followed by a discussion of intellectual property rights. A high-level introduction will be offered to standardization in regulating cybersecurity.

This course entails 26 contact hours, consisting of 5 theoretical modules and 4 cases. The topics of the theoretical modules are:

  • Introduction to law;
  • Cybersecurity;
  • Privacy and data protection;
  • Cybercrime, law enforcement and intelligence;
  • Intellectual property rights.

The case studies will focus on selected issues of these 5 modules and give students an opportunity to learn about law in practice.

The course consists of a combination of classic lectures including guest lectures and class discussions. For the case studies, students will be asked to work in groups and submit a written solution.

The course material will consist of a reader with relevant legislation available as a print-out or as an electronic version, and further course material consisting of slides and additional literature (legislation, case law and articles) that will be made available via the digital learning platform Toledo.


Evaluation: Legal Aspects of Cyber Security (B-KUL-H2Q25a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written

Written exam, partly open book, during exam period, containing both multiple choice and open questions or cases. The written exam will test whether the student understands the basic theoretical concepts and can implement these in a practical case.


Participation in the case studies is considered positively for the exam. Concretely, if students complete and hand in the assigned case study in time,  their exam result will automatically increase by 1 point. This bonus point once obtained remains also for August (there will be no opportunity to retake the bonus point).

In case students have a valid excuse (sickness or other reason of force majeure for their absence) for having missed the classes with the case studies, the student can choose one case study to solve at home and send in for evaluation.

Written exam, partly open book, during exam period, containing both multiple choice and open questions or cases. The written exam will test whether the student understands the basic theoretical concepts and can implement these in a practical case.