Physical Chemistry of Polymers (B-KUL-G9X47A)

3 ECTSEnglish19 First term
N. |  Ianiro Alessandro (substitute)
POC Chemie

(Activity Introduction and Physical chemistry of polymers)

  • The student has a detailed knowledge of and insight in the chemical, physicochemical and physical aspects that are dealt with in the course (more details in the respective OLA’s).
  • The student has knowledge of and insight in the importance of the “Chain of knowledge” (more details in the respective OLA’s).
  • The student can give the definitions and the descriptions as well as explain the meaning of physicochemical and physical theoretical concepts and results dealt with in the course and clarify their importance and their interplay in the “Chain of knowledge”;
  • The student can give correct derivations, point out the used approximations and discuss and analyse the consequences and limitations of the approximations for the theoretical concepts and results given in the list “Theoretical concepts and results” available on Toledo;
  • The student can clarify and show the importance of the “Chain of knowledge” and of the theoretical concepts and results for polymer materials which are dealt with in the course and for new examples of polymer materials provided by the lecturer;
  • The student can define and then find with the available information search methods relevant (scientific factual) information that is required to bring the exercises and assignments to a successful end;
  • The student can apply the theoretical concepts and results in simple exercises and come up with concrete results and answers and place them in the context of the theoretical concepts;
  • The student can apply the theoretical concepts in integrating assignments (3 or 4, depending on the extend of the assignments) and come to concrete results and answers and place them in the context of the theoretical concepts;
  • The student can present the results of the assignments in a written report in the English language according to the guidelines “Reporting assignments” available on Toledo;
  • The student can use present-day ICT tools in the making and the reporting of the assignments;
  • The student can make a detailed time planning for an assignment, communicate and justify the time planning to the lecturer and, if needed,  adapt and evaluate the time planning.

  • The student has at least knowledge of the following mathematical and physical concepts and notions: vectors, functions, integrals, differentials, Fourier transfoms, complex numbers, series, energy, forces, viscosity, elasticity, electromagnetic radiation (visible light, IR, X-ray), index of refraction;
  • The bachelor has basic knowledge of atoms, molecules, bonds, molecular interactions, thermodynamic state functions (internal energy, enthalpy, entropy, Gibbs energy, Helmholtz energy) and derived properties (volume, pressure and temperature) or can acquire this basic knowledge autonomously.
  • (Nanoscience: Necessary basis to disciplines as offered in the introductory courses H06F6A Structure synthesis and cellular function of macromolecules; H06O1A Atoomtheorie, chemische periodiciteit en chemische binding )


3 ects. Polymer Sciences: Physical Chemistry of Polymers (B-KUL-G0T88a)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture19 First term
N. |  Ianiro Alessandro (substitute)
POC Chemie

Module Introduction:

  • Positioning of the course
  • Polymers and the chain of knowledge in polymer science

Module Physical Chemistry of Polymers

  • Single-chain description of polymers, ideal and real chains
  • The glassy state and the glass transition
  • Polymers solutions and blends
  • Rubber elasticity, polymer networks and polymer gels
  • Block copolymers in the bulk and solution, aspects of demixing

Course materials (lecture notes and powerpoint presentations ) are available on Toledo

Module Polymer Science: Introduction and Physical chemistry of polymers

  • Interactive lectures with demonstrations


Evaluation: Physical Chemistry of Polymers (B-KUL-G2X47a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Calculator

Details on the exam are available on Toledo.